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General dedicated to posting and discussing art of either:
1. Manmade objects, vehicles, tool, weapons etc. (of any kind and any historical era, as long as they fall in the ballpark of "technology") and fictional derivatives of such
2. Objects,vehicles, creatures etc. that aesthetically fall into the visual space of mecha/robot/artificial/cybernetics etc. regardless of level of realism.
Helpful to mention the level of realism, if any, you are taking into account in the art.
Old general resoruces (hopefully these ones aren't empty):

>Scott Robertson's How to Draw

>Scott Robertson's How to Render: the fundamentals of light, shadow and reflectivity

>Cache of /m/ artbooks (Patlabor, Gunbuster, Muv-Luv, etc.)

Previous Thread: >>6790069
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My humble offering
Sick TTGL lens flare
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I want my tablet black, trad is such a pain
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redid the face of this guy, old art I don't like looking at
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Thanks for making the new thread
Neat, good stuff.
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Forgot to say, thanks. And thanks to whoever made the new thread in my absence.
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very nice
halo wip
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i can tell you're going for that imaishi gurren lagann illustration feel but your drawing is kind of hard to read and it's not really clear what's going on. as crazy and busy as imaishi's illustrations can look there's a level of clarity to them that ties them together. pic related is low-resolution but you can still parse the image quite easily due to good composition and shape design and color usage and etc.
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rules, like the brush u used in the 2nd one
thanks for the heads up anon, at least it reads as imaishi. I'll, sit down and look at his stuff better for a bit, cause there's, a lot, lot of shapes to soak in, when i made that i just looked at the general style and color and that was it
What happened to your discord dude haven't seen you since Young Hecklians, would like to get back in contact.
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wassup man, I think the server got deleted by otto, my discord got hacked as well at the start of February, I'm in a ton of other ic discords now. Add me: manbillion on discord
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old space marine armor art
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Not going for the super realistic look, but I don't know what could I add to make it look more like a spaceship
maybe scrap the fish face?
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But its intentional for the joke. From there a laser beam shoots.
I meant more around the sides like shark fins or something or even a name to put on the side even thought I don't know where exactly
Reminds me a bit of signalis
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here you are anon, skin version
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SMs look cool in ur style, u make the symple blocks of armor look good
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Where do you find good mechanical reference
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Comeback to the drawpile and Ill finish this. Feels off though, I think I just didnt like my line work? idk.
Do sometimes drawings feel like they just feel off no matter how many times you try to fix it?
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But sometimes I do like how they turn out. Like sometimes it does look decent? Not exactly mecha but its machinery.
so good :)
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Your art makes me want to draw more.
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These look nice anon. The 2nd one has a nice finish. I guess yeah, sometimes you can't think of the right things to finish the image.
Neat. Do draw more, this is pretty cool
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Trust the plan
Also damn doing animations now?
Also a interesting idea i though of doing with this piece was doing a cut away, Ever done one of those?

But yeah, my main gripe is that it takes forever to go though "pixel by pixel", maybe I should sketch more. Also noticed that the SV-001 cant turn the turrent! How can it be a tank like this... oh no no no.
old thread got archived and I can't remember which robos I posted already
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>Also damn doing animations now?
Kinda, just tried it out.
Neat finish, did do some cutaway in some cars, they're really fun to do, would recomand. Man i remember liking metal slug, should draw that thing too. Didn't its turret turn around on the vertical, since the game is 2d n all?
don't think anyone minds
how did you get so good at perspective?
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Those might have been enemies.
I guess Ill try it then!
Remember to join the drawpile!

I spent way to long on this....
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Am not good, i just wing it. I just draw, and read the usuals.
very pretty picture, gj anon. I'll try to join the dp soon enough, couldn't do it. Gl with the cutout
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Ill probably do it later.
Im actually surprised I didnt do this one with the annoying box method. I still used a ref but maybe I am observing better? Cause once you get the main body and tires in position, the rest is just details.

But overall I am pleased with this one.
it's a pretty neat study, good to hear you got it down without needing to construct from scratch.
Cause yeah, once you get the main body, or even just 1 or 2 planes drawn, the rest is drawing details and geometry, the perspective is settled allready.
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some prebeg tier minute-long sketches. Does anyone have advice on legs? They seem to be the most problematic area of mine
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Playing around with high and low detail areas since I usually have an equal distribution of detail, here I tried to only focus on one leg out of two, as an experiment.
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Hello, /mg/. Gun is fucked, I know.
Cool cool, the pelvis, dick part is kinda is kinda funky. Blog?
The White makes it look kinda bad anon, makes it look rushed
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nemojona on X.
If this is TRAD then how did you scan it? My scanner fucks up everything.
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Neat, welcome back. I like the head.
How autistic do you guys get about joints and plausible mechanics when drawing mecha? I've been dabbling a bit with robots but I find I get really nerdy about articulation and ranges of motion and making sure all the joints make mechanical and structural sense. It's fun but I also wonder if I'm overthinking it too much.
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I like to do that. It's some of the funnest parts imo, thinking of the how the parts move, not only RoM on the joint but also how the plates or such over it slide/twist to accomodate the rotation. (pic unrelated)
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have some inspo from the master Kawamori himself as a bump
Are there any resources on designing mechanical forms? I don't even know what to look for
there's probably textbooks and other educational material for industrial design and vehicle design, likely good place to start
polite bump
have another one
Love Halo designs that embrace camo and other realistic kit on spartan armor. Looks great anon.
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Thanks for all the bumps anon. Sorry for being gone for 'bout two weeks. Owe you one.
Pretty. Thanks for this
Neat, like it
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Neat. Kawamori is the goat

Cool head design.

sick perspective work as always.
row row fight the powah
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This one has a really nice gradient on the colors, adds a lot. wp
gorgeous, the final layer of linework shows a lot of skill
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Car sketches
any books on designing vehicles? planes specifically.
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Can't help, but have a plane
neat, well done
its been a while since I posted a mech
desperately need to see more of ur work..
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Most or the drawing is a motorcycle so tecnically is ok to post here.
Tips on how to make it look more like a giant robot?
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give it more panel lines. Kinda like pic related
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howd i do?
I like it.
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girl is the weak part of the picture. you propably had a reference for the motorcycle but none for the figure. perspectife is off. thighs seem to have different length. quads have no volume.

nice quadruplets btw.
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kek, neat
cute drone
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Are missiles Mech?
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Almas-1 (Did it before I did the one above)
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yeap, they are. Neat pics, and thanks for naming the missles itself. Think I'll give it a shot too.
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Look forward to seeing it when I get back! Gonna go on a trip to the mountains so ill bump one last time with a mil helmet
Didnt get to finish it (full kit) but I am currently liking trad a lot! Its pretty fun lol
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I have very little interest in mecha but for some reason I want to draw one
How do I draw a good mech?

pic is not mine i just like this style
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This thread has a good type beat.
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best way to get wings right?
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really cool watching your progress! keep grinding!
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Original designs?
If you're having problems with wing placement then you probably have to draw out the guidelines in perspective to get them "right" but yours look good enough to pass the quick eye test.
The smaller one planes wings look fine, but the bigger one far side (hidden wing) does look like its in a different position if you ask me. But the far side wing is less noticeable, cause people are more likely to notice things on the wheels if you ask me. Yours look fine though, I like that baby plane a lot. Very chibi like.
>Original designs?
The wings look "right" because, even though i'm a turbobeg, i think i have a decent ability to perceive the position of objects in space, probably it's due to the fact that i studied (and still do) technical drawing.
As you said it's the imperfect perspective the one giving me problems.
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ModerndayJames has a good short series on perspective, but what would help you is doing some heavy construction lines. Or breakdown your drawings to see where you went wrong. Deconstructing your own drawings would be helpful too.
Also you're far from beg, your drawings are very clean and appealing.
I guess one think I am noticing is that your far side wings tend to be higher and further back than they should be. Happens in the tail fin, and in the main wing, on the other side. So really drawing out those construction lines would help you imo.
thanks, i'm going to watch all 4 videos.
I called myself a beg because I'm still halfway through keys to drawing.
NIGGA WAS COOKING ZAMN, volume/perspective is great, design is great, colours are great. this man is in the kitchen
more great work from the great school of mgop
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Friend drew it for me
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[: thanks
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Shapes into vehicles practice
Dude, you’re amazing.
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hey guys, Good thread! its me, ive finally Pushed myself to Draw some Mechanical stuff Again, here some Alternative History German Vehicles
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some Acrobatics Test Mechas for experiments and further Development
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first mass Produced Military type
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Genesic if he worked out
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Can someone rec me some artbooks? I know there's a Mega in the OP but I don't know where to start (also I hit my Mega limit lol so something on e-hentai would be great too)
thanks so much
I really like how clean your lines are. I noticed you do a lot of doubled lines to indicate extrusions like panels, is there a specific technique you use for that?
jej i asked that same question a few days ago
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I've been finding that working in my construction and perspective has been improving all other areas of my art, and lately have started taking an interest in mechs because it really helps solidify those fundies. I've been drawing traditional with pen to work on line confidence. I drew this leg from reference and have been dissecting it add the parts to my visual library. The thing is I wanted to know if when you draw mechs, do you visual basic shapes then refine them with what's part of your visual library or do you get to a level where you just slap it down? Also are there any books you recommend for learning how to construct these or is it just a matter of draw repeatedly until you can construct them intuitively?
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Airport planes
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some reference study. trying to get back into the habit of studying more
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Very nice man
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Its called a Kanada flare.
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man your all so good
Isn't it so inspiring? I always get so inspired when I see >>7231056
posts. We all gotta start somewhere!
yeah I hope I can get to that level one day
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bump, have a SPIKE
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(not quite on topic for a bump but it has guns)
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I drew your design
new boy on the block?
also why are you posting aislop
Tried making an oc from a calculator
"My calculations are precise, crumble under might of the calculatron!"
Hello guys, does anyone here have some good mechanical (vehicles, factory robots, items with mechanical parts, guns, whatever) reference pack downloads they could share?
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I used to post sketches, I'll try to stay motivated this time. Also, I admire the depth in your art
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good line work
This is super cool!
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I like robot girls
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Anons where should i start learning to draw mecha anime robots and cool concept art robots
I'm new to this so can anyone provide a general road map.
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Is mecha shit the actual secret to infinite wealth? I swear every single artist's comm sheet specifies no mecha, but rarely no furshit
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cool stuff, reminds me of the one assassin design from trigun
he does not stop grinding
perspective is super important, once you get good at drawing 3-dimensional shapes you're pretty much set besides looking at some industrial designs for reference. draw 3d shapes, draw cars, planes etc. and draw robot designs often.
Is there a book that will help me draw like Makoto Kobayashi?
Do studies of his drawings
Do studies on his rendering
Do studies on his line work
Do studies on every aspect of his work
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damn fine tank
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Just bumping so it dosent die
Rules so hard
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I like this one
I can barely tell what's going on in your art. But i know it's really cool
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Thanks for both of the compliments anon. I'll try to up the visual clarity.
Holy kino
Your drawn humans lack that something to make them appealing to my eyes, but all the objects/mechanical things you draw make my cock rock hard. Superb work!
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Been studying the OP, Scott Robertson specifically. I just want to draw robits.
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Forgot pic. >:(
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I think i am starting to get this robot/mecha shit
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Fixed his legs
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Thank you. I know, still trying to improve.
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he was cooking with this one
Just keep it as is, maybe you can add some venting that resembles fish gills or some rivet and weld marks across the body. Once it's flying around in space it's a spaceship anyways
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batmobile fusion drawing using three different batmobile influences.

anybody have good reference material for how vehicles/mechs work mechanically? i'd like to learn about the nitty gritty internal stuff going on with contraptions of all kinds.
Mecha kinda explicitly don't work. Your best bet is studying current exoskeleton projects and branching off that if you want to go into realism. Otherwise you can check out Mobile Suit Gundam Mechanics since this series of artbooks has more or less all of their designs.
For vehicles you would want to look at real world stuff. Thankfully there are a lot of photos and schematics you could easily find and study.
thanks for the tips anon. exoskeletons are cool but the pics im finding are mostly sleek, finished products with coverings hiding the mechanical bits. gonna see if i can't look up random schematics, see what i can find.

>check out Mobile Suit Gundam Mechanics since this series of artbooks has more or less all of their designs.

oh that sounds neat. thanks, i'll see if i cant find them.
>oh that sounds neat. thanks, i'll see if i cant find them.
Sadpanda has most of them. For all of their horny ways they also keep a lot of artbooks and tutorials.
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cant make out what this is. a more clearly defined silhouette would help.
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Fair remark, tho that was just an arm i was trying to figure out the design for (still scrapped it).
also, bump
I already know your tablet skills will end up being tenfold after the trad, it's basically the drawing equivalent of dbz weighted training. Also wow cool robot! Consider inking it!
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Never really done anything like this before and its beatin my ass. Fun to try and figure out though
yall niggas need jesus. mecha jesus when?
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Idk man >>7309878 this one is mine, you can check the previous threads, the ones with the same brush and pink or teal like these >>7274736 are me. I promptly gave up on trad the second I got my pc back lmao.
Kinda related, for some reason half of the images on the thread aren't loading for me, I even tried different browsers and my phone. So I forgot if I posted something else
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1.01 MB
1.01 MB PNG
File: b3.png (118 KB, 969x836)
118 KB
118 KB PNG
File: file.png (372 KB, 1232x898)
372 KB
372 KB PNG

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