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Previous thread >>7075266

If you're looking for a place to practice and post all sexual works, from pinups with exaggerated proportions to pornography, then this is the right general for you. Both Eastern and Western styles can coexist here.

>Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of cartooning styles are welcome; submit and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 before posting.
3) Share your knowledge, any tips are certainly welcome for all beginners.
4) Do to not be afraid of asking for critique, please be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY pornography, FURRY and BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

>NSFW image resources

>Timed drawing gallery
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Finally wrapped this.
Overcooked and hard to read but still fun to do
Plz share us your socials! I wanna see moar
economy of detail man. this is an entire mess
I won’t contribute to this thread.
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I agree. This one definitely got overdone.
Trying to be less precious about my work though and moving on. Currently finishing this one.

Thanks for checking me out. I post NSFW at the following:

NSFW Twitter: @SlutPlanet
NSFW NG: slutplanet
FA: slutplanet
Ok? What was the point of posting this?
This faggot do the same thing on the other generals, ignore him
>This one definitely got overdone.
The one you just posted has the same issue.
Tone down the autistic over-rendering. You overdo the lineart and then you overdo the coloring and shading on top of it.
You told me I was NGMI.
You two, too.
You care too much about people’s opinions, don’t base your life on the ephemeral.
Ironically were you to take my advice seriously you won’t give my words any thought
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can anyone redline this pwetty pwease? it's due tomorrow
nothing to redline bro, enjoy your A+
fanks broski
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but you vill post your wörk
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Ok this one got a chuckle out of me.
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Some w/e sketching. just trying to fill the pages and keep myself drawing.
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I love drawing
posted a diff one past last bump limit- enjoy working in this style but i realize its pretty niche. trying to loosen up so it’s more appealing for coom
Anon I remember seeing this months ago.
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does anyone know any anime tutorials or books that focus on Venus specifically
How do I come up with poses that doesn't look like it's obviously from a body image set? How do japanese artists do it?
The Morpho Fat and Skin folds would be a good study
Perfect looks good thanks
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For all my homies who like foxes
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you are looking for Funbags with a Pencil, which was dictated to me in a dream
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I'm trying to find a good color for the highlights on the skin but I'm drawing nothing but blanks because I'm not used to drawing brown skin
Any pointers?
Also, check anatomy for sculptors out
It have chapter on body fat
Try more yellowish or blueish colors
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Is this a good approach to drawing huge breasts? It’s getting harder to find good references without running into hambeasts and landwhales, fuck the body positivity movement of 2014-present
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Adding them to the fat study
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Would you consider this chicken scratching? I made the lines long and flowy rather than short and scratchy, does it still count at chicken scratch?
That looks extremely uncomfortable for everybody involved. There is no shortage of references you could be using.
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I feel like this started out a bit more promising, but I lost a bit of motivation to finish it towards the end.
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Why is everybody obsessed with futa, are you all trans or something?
Girls have hot bodies
The penis is a hot organ

Bing bang boom.
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Ok what happened here? Why is this thread so slow?
think the hatch style works much better here but probably going to lean into color
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I'm gonna force myself to finish this
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Very nice
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Started this sketch but gave up halfway through. If anyone wants to use it, go ahead
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something feels off
She needs to turn that frown upside down
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Finally decided to work on my drawing from that other thread, going to still change some things but this is my current progress.
the arms are a little stiff but otherwise I really like this
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Thanks, I'm basically working off this, a one off character that only appeared in about a few panels of a Toriyama short story. So there are things I'm trying to work out on how to make it look appealing and effective.
Hell no, I hate that dude
He is very skilled but I find the stuff he draws extremely disgusting
What's that card on the right for?
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Can I get critique or redline please?
It looks off but I can't pinpoint why exactly, the chest area feels weird.
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How not to fall in love with your art?
>How not to fall in love with your art?
Don't be a dunning kruger or develop a critical eye for artwork. Your critical eye is inferior to your artistic skills. Until then you are going to think what you draw is good, when in reality is low tier beginner work.
porn-sickness brought out the faggotry. If you stare at dicks all day, you're bound to get attached
Very scientific. You probably also think people can become homosexual or trans on a whim, right?

How can you be such an ignoramus?
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It's definitely a sexuality developed through the consumption of images. Now, images, being representations, don't actually "exist," but they might as well be real for the mind, which can be trained to respond to sexual imagery more vividly than physical sexual contact in which one is a participant because in both cases there is information present and information is information. (And from a more wholesome context this is the same faculty responsible for people generally preferring sex with an intimate partner versus a stranger, because they have an "image" of the person they are mating with, that they are actualizing as a sexual union, which goes beyond a mere voyeurism). Excluding exceedingly rare genetic defects who our subject has no sexual interest in, there really are no futanari, if we mean persons with both a vagina and penis. It was through consumption of endless catalogs of hentai images that this niche was discovered and found to produce a response as if it were real. Of course, it's possible he always found both the male and female to be erotic, as a true bisexual, but no such "futa" was a possible object of desire until the erotic artist produced it. He would have had to satiate himself with less abstract—and less stimulating, for him—forms of sexual content, or sleep with some messy combination of male and female partners, which he may not even want to do given his satisfaction through pure image at this point. And even if he took a trip to Thailand, it wouldn't be "the real thing." This is a sexuality of becoming, of "nurture," not a sexuality of "nature."
I wasn't the biggest fan of this movie but this made me laugh
The sadpanda is the retina of the mind's eye
But seriously, that movie is way ahead of its time. Everyone from parents to academics says young people today have "brain damage" or "mental illness" from too much internet or screentime, the only "people" who disagree are incorporated in Delaware. The movie is a bit goofy in saying the signal from the video causes a tumor in the brain, but it's the same idea.
If anything, consuming too much of something can desensitize you, not make you crave it even more.
No, you won't turn gay just by looking or drawing a lot of dicks. If you think otherwise, you are a complete moron.
Looking at dicks doesn't "make" you gay, but certainly wanting to see them mounted on women's bodies is far from a naturally occurring sexuality; it therefore requires images and image-making. The futanari enjoyer has seen his desired images transform from a representation of reality ("regular" hentai or ecchi, or surely before that 3dpd content) to a representation of non-reality. In other words, he is sexually aroused by that which does not even exist—which again is a faculty we all have, imagination. The futanari are part of his sensory environment all the more so because they do not require a physical presence. But in his case it makes no sense to speak of being straight or gay in an actualized sense because there is no copulation or lifestyle associated with this attraction; we cannot even say for sure whether he "wants to have sex" with a futanari because it is a fetish without referent. Were he into fishnets or bondage or feet we might have something to work with, but the realm of futanari is as much a body horror and product of image-derived sexuality as vore or monster-girls or tentacles.
>but no such "futa" was a possible object of desire until the erotic artist produced it.
Groovy. So where did the impulse to create futa come from in the original erotic artist that implanted the seed? Some bizarre cosmic fluke that fucked up their sexual instincts, perpetuating itself now through larger and larger swathes of the human race memetically as a result of their acting on said instincts? Is it an independent mental illness brought about by chance that has metasized like some sort of cancer growth into the collective unconscious via images and direct insemination of other minds through the optic nerve?
When is the cut off point? Can a man be infected in his later years, or does one have to be a teenager at the cusp of pubescent susceptibility?

I've gone gay as hell in my late 30s, up until then I had no reaction to gay shit and only drew bitches, thought about bitches, fantasized about bitches. Now I find myself projecting into drawings of bitches as the bitch, I started putting chiseled men with huge cocks into my drawings fucking those bitches and now I just draw chiseled men with huge cocks minus the bitches. Explain.
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Do you like my Christmas Bridget?
Where can i improve? (ill start lineart and coloring tomorrow, just dropping in for feedback)
>where did the impulse to create futa come from in the original erotic artist that implanted the seed
I don't think it's a real disorder in most cases but simply a development of a capacity most of us have toward something not particularly generative. First you become attracted to images, which again, is not innately bad, we all form images of what we desire. But if you start getting off to images that's where I think the rewiring starts to happen, especially if you do not participate in sex acts and rely exclusively on the images, because at that point you aren't responding to a real partner or using the erotic material as stimulation in preparation for a real partner or basing your fantasy on a real partner, you are purely attracted to an image and desiring of the image, there's no copulation just a kind of coomer visualization practice. And that is a major threshold because now it is the imagination that provides stimulation, not something "out there", and with imagination anything is possible, you can imagine something with no counterpart in reality, something which is not even a representation. Wouldn't it be hot if...
On a side note, there were depictions of hermaphrodites and unusual sex acts in classical culture, but these were often wrapped up in mythology or symbolism, which in turn was, and is always, mined for comedic purpose as well. Surviving examples of unequivocal pornography, let alone hentai-esque pornography, are rare and probably were rare—no culture has ever consumed the quantity and variety of porn as the modern has.
>And that is a major threshold because now it is the imagination that provides stimulation, not something "out there", and with imagination anything is possible, you can imagine something with no counterpart in reality, something which is not even a representation. Wouldn't it be hot if...

Interesting. That's kind of the whole modus operandi of art, though yeah? The creation, sustaining and self-immersion into "artifice" or representations that are purely imagery, or fleeting (almost hallucinatory) phenomena. One might imagine a non-dualistic "God" or "cosmic consciousness" experiencing time and space as a kind of transient representation of infinite potentials, matter and energy as art, with which it is temporarily entangled with. Counterparts of reality exist within the artifice acting as familiar anchoring points, but are refashioned or retooled to provoke certain effects the observer desires (and what they desire is in turn often informed by mere exposure.)
What interests me is how the "artifice" enters into a feedback loop with reality. I.E, there is no functional futa analog, but since mankind is constantly attempting (either for good or evil) to manifest its infinite imagination into reality, I wonder if future generations (perhaps sooner than we think) will strive to turn their most bizarre sexual imaginings into workable possibilities in the waking world. I would imagine that if such a thing becomes possible however, it would quickly become mundane, simply for having become a tangible truth. It's like everything man manifests is destined to become worthless and boring, the principle of futility being as fundamental and part and parcel with the experiential consciousness as it is.
Anyway, back to drawing cock.
You write like you have autism.
don't forget
you're here forever
Can't speak for the other anons, but I have aspergers, and am more or less incapable of acting in accordance with normal syntactical conventions either online or off. Furthermore, I am incapable of caring about my inability to do so, as my linguistic IQ was measured at over 156, and the mere act of writing words provokes in me a kind of ecstatic, orgiastic pleasure to which I am hopelessly addicted.
You cannot even begin to imagine how good it felt to type that. This power will never belong to you.
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I thought that was the case. It's very obvious.
What a long winded way of calling yourself faggots. lol
>What a long winded way of calling yourself faggots. lol
Imagine using homphobic slurs and thinking people with a brain are gonna be offended by them kek.
I’m still not drawing.
i see dicks all day yet I'm not attracted I see the dick like my friend

also I drew futa because I hate drawing male yet rough sex is nice
how to do the opposite i'think i over critical of my work and one of the reason I don't post
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I’m not overly proud of my work either, anon, but I post it up nonetheless since people here have some really good advice to give.
This is mine, and maybe some skilled anon would be gracious enough to point out where my illustration is done poorly.
Being overly critical of your work is a sign of progress, which is not a bad thing.
But you still have to man up and post your stuff around. It can bring you good critique and or engagement, which can be motivating. Just don't let yourself get demotivated by negative stuff.
Me likey
So if you go the gym regularly and see men shower you become gay? That's quite the logic you got there.
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a nsfw fantasy art book thats a side project to side project, evetually gonna be about 30 ish lewd dnd images but here is one of them!
holy kino, i love your style
do you have a blog?
>maledom smell fetish
holy BASED
Your stylization is very very bad. You should use references and try to draw more realistically instead of doing it the other way around.
He won't listen to you, at this point I consider him a board schizo
@littleApple598 on twitter
Instant follow
Supremely tasteful
wow i cant believe you're followed by 2 of my fav twitter artists lol. i followed back
I'm honored !
This screams appeal and subtlety. Followed too. I hope you keep this up for as long as possible.
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When I draw nudes or porn, I usually rub my dick and smell my hand to excite and motivate myself to draw
thank you very much
That's a nice story, man. That's a nice story.
How do you guys handle getting really aroused while drawing? I suffer from post-nut clarity so I'm afraid I'll lose motivation if I bust, but I'm also very distracted by my arousal and often end up looking at other erotic content, pulling me away from drawing. Trying to be more productive.
drawing nsfw doesn't get me aroused
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I wish I could do that, fap to my own drawings
My drawings arouse me but I can't actually masturbate to them, idk why, I guess I just get distracted by thoughts about what I should improve next.
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into tummies lately
she has pretty eyes, anon
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I’m not participating in this thread.
Is this the work of a retarded AI or something?
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Messy sukubi sketch
You're regressing pops and also work on your damn line confidence already it's been years and you still draw like you have advanced parkinsons
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I actually came here to ask a Q along these lines. I'm rescaling a 3D ball jointed doll, attempting to make it look more voluptuous. I've done this rescaling before for height (going from 8-->7 heads tall) but wanted to do some research prior to getting started with the new model.
Pic related is typically what I find, and the current model is 8 heads tall. I'll reduce it to 7 heads, and will be broadening hips (and perhaps thighs) as part of work.
Looking for same proportions sketch, but with a larger bust. Everything I've found is idealized / atheletic proportions.
That's pretty gud
The proportions here, even if they are "average" or "realistic," are not really a good template for hentai-style erotic art. For starters this figure has gorilla arms. her hands come down too low, and her shoulders are either too wide or her hips too narrow (hips should always be wider). Her lower legs are also too short and could be at least half a head longer. Also worth noting, anime style characters can still be measured in human heads, it's just that the anime head is larger... so if you go down to seven human heads and then put an anime head it might be too big for the body... depends on style of course. Also for 3d software, again assuming you are going for an anime style, the heads do not exactly track in 3d. That is to say, when you actually draw it you will need to adjust nose and eye placement or you will end up with something a bit off. A good way to picture this is if you own an anime figurine, its face will look "better" from certain angles than others, because the conversion from 2d to 3d has certain limitations.
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>inb4 this shit is gay

love the linework
vewy hot
AI could not have that SOVL

it's not bad anon, but look into "accents".
Yeah but you idiots call everything schizo. It’s as meaningless as “autism” or “woke.”
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I may be in the wrong general. Pic related is what I’m rescaling.
The proportions of this bjd follow an idealized 8 head body very closely. What I’m trying to get my head around is the proportions of a broader, more voluptuous body type. This seems like something that should exist, but I’m not finding it.
Oh it's literal doll. I thought you were doing something in 3d posing software to reference for drawing.
> doing something in 3d posing software to reference for drawing
LOL no I'm doing exactly the opposite. I'm looking for drawing references to help guide alterations to solid models in CAD software.
I've found if you don't have a solid grasp of basic drawn proportions before you start, the 3D model will look really off.
Found this, which is funny but the opposite direction of where I'm trying to go.
I'll probably just end up playing with proportions based on real measurements and go from there.
huh well the best thing I can think of on that front would be the bodyslide mods for Skyrim, the skeleton has like 200 scaleable nodes or something crazy like that, everything from how thick the calves are to nipple length, even more advanced than Illusion character creator stuff
otherwise you could trawl /gif/ for references
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Started this sketch but gave up halfway through. If anyone wants to use it, go ahead
Neither autism or woke are meaningless words.
They mean exactly what they mean. Same as schizo.
This is the second time you post your crap and say people can use it.
Why would anyone want to use this kind of shitty art? Are you so detached from reality that you think your stuff is good?
Are you going to use it?
That's not a bad sketch at all though
It's generic as fuck. Why would anybody use that sketch instead of any random porn screenshot and have a better anatomical reference at their disposal?
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What are some backstories for this scene?
Why is he filming her? Is this porn OF porn? That's your fetish, that's what drives you to draw smut, that it is specifically the format of porn that is arousing and not the content?
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Based background drawer
Maybe something like this?
Kinda reminds me of this
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oh sweet! karen meme! I did this one a little while ago
>Why is he filming her
I was going to make him pull her hair, but i couldnt make it look right, so i said fuck it, and drew the hand holding something, a phone made more sense.
I like there to be a narrative to my smut but him filming himself pov having sex is pretty silly
>AI could not have that SOVL
You are too kind, great work btw
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Actually I was inspired from maneater centaur doujin
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The headless bull gets larger as it's exploiting the host virility and demigod power from inside
hot, inspos?
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gina from undead unluck giving a lucky anon a footjob with her stinky feet
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fixed her hair
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what was his plan?
goodnight everyone
you have something really good going on anon. please clean up those lines
I like the skin folds on the stomach and the expression on this piece.
This is nice Broh! Is there any project behind this?
In my opinion you are really good already. Look at those feet, great stuff man. Now, artists who dares to jump into erotic art or PORN, many times do that with out even thinking about the fact that producing an EROTIC image is not that easy or "a given" result. There are amazing artists that just can't do sexy shit. What I'm trying to say is that you're good enough already, but now you have to make your work incredibly erotic, and that's a whole new journey on itself.
That pic is good if it's part of a comic page or a series of pictures. By itself is not alluring enough, at least for me. The only thing that I like about goblins is that they are extremely cruel, she should be tied, in shackles or visibly forced into the action. Also more goblins hands holding her feet and hands could be a good idea to add.
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I fixed up an old sketch because the head was bugging me, I think it's more appealing now
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and a simple render
nice slampig
thank u
Glad you like it!
nice Yoruichi you should pair her up with a cute blonde shota
People that groom artists are fucking cancer, seriously.
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Pedofags deserve the rope
New commission part 1/3
Is there a nsfw art discord I can join somewhere?
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cleaned up the sketch
The only ones were run by a gay pedophile.
Which ones?
Fuck off, glowie.
>gay pedophile
imagine using both of these words as similar derogatory terms.
fucking sickening.
Well you’re a faggot nigger. How’s that?
Nigger, out the faggots so we know what we're dealing with. If not, then fuck off.
Fred and Green.
Just as retarded. It only shows how much of a keyboard warrior edgelord you are.
Cringe as fuck.
WTF are you on about, schizo?
Ngl I thought you were gonna say Delta and it would fit just as well
thanks man! nope just messing around
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About to render this. Got any tips on speeding up the rendering process cus I'm slow as hell
Not my best work, but I'm out of practice and it gets the job done.
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here's a super quick version of how I've been rendering things.
Damn hot skin render skillz right there anon
Outside of the armpit looking a little too flat/matte, this is really nicely done. It reminds me of iridescent glitter on spots where light reflects, accentuates curves well.
What fonts do you use for text in your porn? For sketch commissions I don't mind using hand written text, but what font can I use for text in more polished porn commissions and comics? I don't want to pay for a font but I will for a cheap one if it makes my commission porn look more polished and professional
paying for fonts to do beg-tier porn commissions? who's commissioning your work? playboy?
I don't think anyone cares about what resources you use in some obscure lame ass cartoon you do for a few bucks wich no one will ever see or care about.
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Any good resources/tutorials for rendering erotic skin?
hawt. Ty for coloring it. I'll use this as a guide for lighting to render.
Impact is the best font in all situations.
CC Wild Words. Its a very common font, and I'm pretty sure you can grab it for free.
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Can i get a last minute critique before moving on to color
>the inkling
whoever drew that has a very bright future in porn
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God /ic/ is toxic kek, did you go full tard rage the second you saw the word commission? I'm not doing beg-tier commissions, I'm just not going to post on twitter asking what font I should use. I'm not saying I'm a professional or super good or anything, but I have a consistently full queue and make a few hundred a month from commissions
Thanks that's exactly what I needed
Ok looks good ill definitely apply some of these, upper rights face was stylized to look vaguely like a hazbin character because i didnt know what i wanted the image to be at that point. also I tried playing around with lengthening the spine but it looks off still, idk ill sleep on it. Thanks for the help
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I applied the rim light like you did. I wanna try the iridescent glitter look like you did when I have time to practice.
second one is more appealing but also more generic (I feel like that's always the trade-off because whatever is appealing will become popular)
highlights, striking. the skin tones, golden soaked. tasteful, delicious
boring slop. flat despite the subject. my dick is soft now
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how do people find references for big breasted milf and young boy couples like those hentai artists? shits more rare than you think, especially if its safe for work.
I'm kind of doing that cel shaded/blended style so I don't have to render much and bang out at least 2 full color art in a week for Patreon and X. Used to render more but it didn't do so well, and took forever. People seems to prefer the cel shaded anime style more.
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quick pingas study
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Thanks a lot. Enjoy.
The font I payed for and use on my work is called Monologous from ComicCraft. I found it a really good fit for my work after about a year of research, but there were other fonts I played around with that were just as good, mainly CC Samaritan (which used to be called Astro City International) and Wild Words. Some other good fonts to use, if you're looking for an American comic book lettertype feel to your work, would be Blambot's free Smack Attack and his paid Silver Age font. Spinner Rack Pro is another good font to use from Blambot too and so is CC's Richard Starkings font. If you want a more indie comic feel to your work, try out CC's Ask For Mercy and Victory Speech.
Mind you, some of these fonts you do have to pay for, but if you look for each font individually on jewgle with the extra words VK after them, you'll probably find someone who posted that font for free on that website. Blambot's fonts are extremely common to find on VK, while ComicCraft fonts, are a little more difficult to find, especially the one you're looking for. But you can check, plus be ready to scroll your mouse wheel a bit. You gotta go digging for your fonts.
Or, if you want to go about it a little more legit, wait until the end of the year (starting December 31st) and check out ComicCraft's annual font sale. I bought mine for $20.23. I hope this helps, good luck finding the font you're looking for and really experiment to see which one's the right fit for your work. You'll feel it's the right one when you create your very first word bubble and your artwork talks to you for the first time. It's the best feeling in the world, fren. Happy hunting! <3
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Why is she naked?
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how to draw penis into vagonia
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posted this before on a /a/ drawthread what yall think?
it's atrocious
it's pernicious
It looks like you made it look bad on purpose.
tried to make it look good alright?
i pride myself in quality artwork
if i can ill redraw it ;)
>drawing has features that are clearly intentionally drawn badly on purpose
>i pride myself in quality artwork
this is obvious bait. you are not good enough to be able to completely dumb down your skills. look into dadaism and see how those guys do it.
fond of she
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I haven't looked at /ic/ in a while, Im surprised someone liked that sketch enough to put it in the OP
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I came across the best resource for learning how to draw pin-up drawings. This needs to be at the top of every other OP post, there's no other guides after this one. Delete your hoard of art tutorials, this is perfection. This is the final stop.

Very nice
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Love a Hairy Pussy
Love an unshaved lady
simple as
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heres a chick rubbin one out in her backyard
uh oh she caught us!
she looks pissed af O_O
my oc laura nunes if your curious
Nice faces. Very cute.
Not one good artist in this thread.
used an old alla prima study to do some lighting experiments
What are some hentai artists that have a great style to emulate?
Hamanasu chaya
At least they aren't a shitty person.
>Hamanasu chaya
With tons of pro hentai artists (Yamatogawa, Yukimi, Inoue Kiyoshirou, etc.) you go and pick a fucking amateur. Get some fucking standards, seriously.
> about hentai artists
Consider the rope, Nigger
Rank us then I want to see what you consider the worst of the worst
And one more thing, when you purchase some of Comicraft's fonts, you may or may not have to fix them with a font program, so if you want a more stable dialogue font that's ready to use, you might want to consider using Blambot.
I had to fix my Monologous font myself because it was only reading Regular and Bold Italic when I opened it up in my version of Photoshop. I used a free version of FontLab's TransType 4 font program to fix my fonts so that they were all assigned correctly and ready for use—Plain Regular, Italic Regular, Bold Regular and Italic Bold. I forgot to mention that in my OP. Good luck.
If you can't recognize skill because you are blinded by your puritan beliefs, then you are a complete utter retard that doesn't know shit about art.
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commissions dried up. I think I'll have to get a day job now and take SFW trad art seriously. I don't even like NSFW.
Kinda sad, I just want to draw lol
Do you know any porn artists who use their real name?
Would you attribute that to people now playing more with AI solutions? Do you think they will come back to real artists eventually?
Stop being so paranoid lol.
The reason most likely is recession.
People in commission circles are into it also because of the interaction with the artists that draw for them, not just because they want to see a pretty picture.
Tthere's much more to commissions than just the final product.
Eight and a half.
Oh god now what?
Any creative ideas for a robot girl pussy? I feel like just drawing porn of a robot girl with an anatomically correct vagina would be boring. Need ur help bros
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Thank you for the musings. Food for thought and art
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Nice toes
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Decided to share with someone.
Freaking hot, thanks for sharing anon. Love her torso + butt/leg combo
kino tummy but head placement is borked
I like it, super appealing. Keep us updated
is that supposed to be sakura from naruto?
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Hey guys looking for some advice.
I want the focus to be on the girl in the foreground but also want the fat cunt in the back to be visible to make the scene readable, however i dont really want to put that much detail into the background.
Im going to have the window cast a back light so i can use it to hide a lot of it in shadow but i doint want to end up with just a silhoutte of the guy.
Is there a some reference images i can look up or a key word i can search to help me get an idea of what im trying to achieve.
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a blank template i drew
what do you think let me know
One option would be a strong rim-light around the old fat bastard, which would make his silhouette readable, but not much internally (although that may work for you compositionally, or you could cheat his local value to be a little lighter)

Another option would be to go with a 3-light setup, with a key, fill, and back light
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I ended up going with the rim light but ended up colouring in the guy and having him a little more visible but im happy with the result
That's really cool anon! That fat faggot in the background really takes all the attention in the image though. That goes against of what you wanted in the first place. I think the girl should be bigger taking perspective into account, that would help to make her the central piece. Re size her till she cover atleast 2/3 of the legs of the guy in the back, that will do the trick.
It is actually a Harry Potter character LOL
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I think the problem is the composition, the girl is too far left in the frame and the FUB is too close to the center. I did a crude crop so that they're on the 1/3 lines and I think it draws the eye better.
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oh and you could also push the blue/orange contrast and brighten up the foreground if you want
jesus man more subtly this is just blown out the ass
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it's just a demonstration of the concept, toning it down is as simple as lowering the opacity and OP can adjust to his liking
I remember your style
Do you have any socials ?
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Is there a better way of doing this?
Yes she could loose some we
Her weight is not negotiable.
What about her hairstyle?
Yes, but you need to stop pretending to be shit at drawing I guess.
Are there any books/is there any advice out there about how to trace well?
Lots of people obviously do it but because of the stigma they don't really want to talk about it.
First learn to draw well enough and then maybe try thinking about using shortcuts. If you suck at drawing no amount of tracing will help you make a decent artwork.
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I want to draw thick women like that
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Is the head too big? Or am I going crazy? What do you guys feel looks the most off in in this sketch?
also, i like your drawing :)
do you post them anywhere?
yeah, the head looks a little big, maybe make it smaller?
Could be a combination of things. Her head seems to be big, yeah, but her forearm and hand are also a little bit small for the rest of her arm and body. At the same time her head looks ok in proportion to that penis, but her whole body looks tiny compared with the huge body of that guy/monster....
So, you need to reduce a tiny bit of her head, and resize up her forearm plus hand. And go from there I guess...
that aspberges, does it come with fries?
how about a hole, like a gas pipe
nice work!
nice, very r.crumb
new bread >>7153485
Thank you!

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