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A thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets. Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.

>CSP assets store wishlist

>"What brush does this artist use?"/"What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or "assets.clip-studio.com (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

>"Where are the other brush sets other than the CSP ones?"
Check the archive. We don't put them in the rentry on purpose because those get targeted in particular for takedowns.

Previous: >>7096705

(Brush in the OP is in the rentry.)
Non-asset store brush sets:


Remember that brushes can only take you so far. Don't forget to practice and study as well!
Any good charcoal brushes for PS?
Lane's are quite good, they are in the "Non-asset store brush sets" link above.
How the hell do you get to the archive?
Lurk moar
>As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.
Why would you make a csp account if you have a cracked copy? It's like asking to get caught.
Anyone happen to know which brush is being used throughout this?
Looks like a typical "SD brush/pen"
You can find a lot of them on the CSP asset store
First, thanks a ton for the link
But how am I supposed to organize all these brushes? I only loaded mixer and smudge ones and I can't fathom how it will look once I load drawing and charcoal ones. I'm scared.
Thank you kindly. The Rattling SD Pen on the asset store was it.
Be fucking useful for once and your life and tell me retard
Ok ill tell you
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I'm here to request this brush set again. It costs around $3.50 if you buy it with CSP gold.
Circling back to the chinese csp/udongman assets; does anyone by chance have access to their asset library? I tried to find a solution to share and the only somewhat plausible way I found of even purchasing the brushes would be through taobao, but even then I've heard it's not straightforward for a non-chinese resident to purchase from there

Unless someone has access to a friend/relative in china or a workaround, I'd like to request a dupe/reccomendation of a brush like this one here; https://www.udongman.cn/resource/details/material/47738?from=25#desc

I'm a big fan of the way it blends, watery/butter-smooth without overlaying/deepening the colours per stroke - if anyone can point me to a similar brush in the csp asset store/etc. It'd be much appreciated! Thanks!
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Requesting these brushes
Nta but thanks.
They were posted in previous thread.
allegedly sometimes they take actual free assets from the real store so maybe reverse image search?
thanks anon
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Thanks so much bro!
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Does anyone have this person brushes for ps?
Anyone got some good Krita or CSP bruhses for good shape language?
practice with the lasso tool

Does anyone have this?

this looks good
I sent a request, I'll upload if she gets back to me.
Bros, have a question
Is Clip studio good If in only drawing? No animations ir anything, can I buy only the pro version or do i need the deluxe ex version? Again, no animations, only drawing stuff.
Pro is more than enough if you're just drawing illustrations.
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hi, i'd like to know what type of brushes were used in this? also when i zoom in idk if its just white lineart, but the fourth one has some kind of effect
NTA but wauw thank you
Does anyone have any guides for drawing stylized hair? I seem to remember something that sounds like an "overlay glow" to draw chunks of hair overlapping without manually putting outlines around them.
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Thank you!!!
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what are your favorite procreate brushes? never used it before
I haven't used em but maxpack brushes look top tier, been using his paper pack as canvas since i got it.
Wish the cunt would upload his brushes in abr format.
Jingsketch, Essential Maxpack, Mateusz Urbanowicz (free), that one chinese Haiguai brushset.
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What are your thoughts on the stabilizer function, especially in CSP? I draw with the stabilizer at 6-8 in my brush settings.
Is it fine to rely on the stabilizer for finer linework or am I screwing myself?
I dont use stabilizer so watching back all my timelapses, the first few frames look like absolute dogshit but eventually it molds into something nice, although it all depends on the style you're going for... i do a lot of chicken scratching
anyone have any tips on not having your ass go numb from sitting in the same position redrawing the same 5 lines over an over, i dont know how much more i can practice before i get a hunched ass
It doesn't matter, the stabilizer won't screw you in any way. Just do what looks and feels better for you.
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I use 12-20 in csp. Use a ruler and tune the stabilizer until the wobble disappears. For line art i always use 20. Shit sucks but pro tablets are expensive.

pic related it's 0 / 10 / 20
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does anyone have 【3D】Female Body Ver.2 (【3D】女性の体 Ver.2) ? (ID 2080359 ) or any other asset from ワンクリック背景
Backing this one up, please.
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IK another anon directed me to vk but I still wanted to see if anyones got the complete editions of these, or at least a link to all the individual sets.
>True Grit Texture Supply - Clips Studio Brush Bundle

>TGTS-Chromagraph-CSP-V1.0.zip (313 MB)

>TGTS-The-Rusty-Nib-Clip-Studio-V1.0.zip (575 MB)

>TGTS-KraftTone-ClipStudio-V1.0.zip (1.04 GB)

>TGTS+BeatTones+for+Clip+Studio+V4.0.zip (230 MB)

>TGTS-GrainShader-Clip-Studio-V1.0.zip (77 MB)

>TGTS-Stipple-Studio-Clip-Studio-V1.0.zip (350 MB)

>TGTS – KolorMarc Studio Markers.zip (150 MB)
Based, thank you
Is there anything like the maxpacks for ps?
is 3.0 cracked yet?
Can somebody please buy this brush for me since i press hard :( I can return the favor because i have 150 clippy.
sure here's the stuff i have from them!

and here you go as well


if i may request something too.... please..... if anyone has it .. im begging U__U
is there any full body of this?
Based ponko
sorry I'm stupid, but base 64 is not working for me. any suggestions?
Keep decoding until you get a working link.
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requesting Fantasy Costume Brushes (ファンタジー衣装ブラシ)

thank you anon, that worked
The folder's a mess, but they should all be in there!
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Thanks! !
Incredible, thank you, any chance you've got lithograph from the set too?
No. I got those from cgpeers and it doesn't seem to be there.
The digital illustration pencil from this set is nice. Thanks.
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Anyone know of a brush like this (https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2003096) for Procreate? It's one of my favorites.
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I have been looking high and low for awhile now with little luck. Does anyone have the Texture blur brush Set (質感ぼかしブラシセット) [ ID: 1770104] or the Easy direction Hand Brush set ver. 2.0 (簡単演出 手ブラシセットver.2.0) [ ID: 2013640 ] ? Thank you for your time!
That looks great, would you be willing to share the csp version anon?
I’m pretty sure it’s in the rentry, try searching Juju/whatever name is on the actual page. I can’t check for myself right now, at work (but I can definitely upload them when I get home if they aren’t there)
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Does anyone know ANY brushes that can replicate marks and strokes like one of these?

I tried making my own and tweaking some I found on the CSP store but they all look like shit.
Authentic looking manga brushes are difficult to make.

Thanks anyway
just in case you were too lazy to check
pixeldrain com/u/EAdQXktL
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can anyone suggest me a inker brushes which looks and feels the same as these line-arts of Bill Sienkiewicz's comic works? I tried some of the kyle's charcoal brushes, they had the same feel but they are too charcoaly to work with.
Kyle's manga brushes won't get you the exact results but they are rough enough to get you there, or atleast editing them a little might work.
Anyone know a CSP brush with the same feel as the Procreate default 6B brush?
I found a 6B pencil for CSP I suppose? It's paywalled behind $5 though... Would like to request it, thank you.

Looking for the Procreate ver. of Lucas Peinador (LP) Painting Brushes, the Photoshop ver. was already shared but they don't work the same on Procreate
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Oh wow nevermind. Upon looking at the archive I found a download link for this brush that was dead. Then I looked in my PC to see if I had already gotten it back then and I did.
Try maxpacks for procreate
Which pack had a Sharpie brush again? I forgot which one it was before I deleted it and now trying to look for it.
Anyone have these hand models? There's a male and female one.
how do i export 3d models?
in general if you want to have analog feel to your lines you need to use a textured pen and most importantly not use stabilizer and have brush variation set to velocity and random and not just pen pressure
the mangaka who made tsugumomo had a video about this and he uses an old version of csp but i cannot find it anymore
maybe you need the clip studio modeler? i'm actually not sure
I think you make a new project, drag the 3d models that you want to share in the canvas and save file > share .clip file
Anyone has any of the torso, hands and feet 3D models from this user? https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/search?user=%E3%83%AF%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AA%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E8%83%8C%E6%99%AF&order=dl

someone posted the female one already above but wanted to see if anybody has more of him
anyone got this by chance?
from the archive:
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What would you recomend for painting like anime backgrounds? I'm looking for something like the first few seasons, those 90's shows were soulful. Thanks in advance anons.
>have brush variation set to velocity and random and not just pen pressure
NTA but how can I do this in CSP?

anyone got these brushes?
Search for "Ghibli Inspired Brushes VK" and you'll find what you're looking for.
>be me
>shitty fanart goes viral
>endless hordes of people ask for brushes
>not enough clout to ignore
>hoarded too many paid brushes from unpaid sources to keep track of
>distribute content thats not mine publicly or lie like a rat
>what to say
just say default g-pen or hard round brush and move on
give them to us instead
>>what to say
Default brushes
if you're paranoid just change the brushes' name and upload it, literally no one cares
How the people know that you steal something if you're not gonna say that you did?
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Anyone know any inking brushes like this for CSP? Artist said he's using Shiyoon Kim's brush but that's for PS and .abr brushes don't work well on CSP.
lol trust me anon, if you frequent the same 4chan threads as I do, we have the same brushes
also plausible but some artist way back got flack for supposedly selling/redistributing several other artist's assets/brushes on gumroad, i didn't think much of it until i downloaded a brush pack from telegram that was identical to one of her's except it was under some other artist's name
im trying to avoid the bitchin and whinin of the white knights in similar artist circles but i guess it's unavoidable... shrugs
what do people even get by by charging high clippy prices, this model is 20k
like can you even convert this to cash?
Does anyone know where I could find some decent halftone brushes for procreate?
That being said, does anyone happen to have shiyoon kim's brushes? Many thanks in advance.
i lost my c drive. thousands of brushes gone. now i'll never be good.
what happened...
old age. which means i lost my csp and blender settings/addons/etc. almost ended myself on the spot. does anyone have vergilhoos paint brush
my old computer knocked over one day for some reason (was prob mobo). i found it in storage many years later in parts and plugged the drive into my new pc, was able to recover everything… maybe you will have the same luck?
Any chance of someone sharing Lucas Peinador photoshop brushes? Love you <3
You can try and tweak CSP's oil brushes to have a grittier texture and taper like inks. Just compare settings and experiment. Don't forget to turn off mixing.
It's not about the software, it's how you use it, don't feel ashamed of it, you are just learning
Did anyone download this material? I didn't manage to get it when it was up.
It's 5 bucks
here you go
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Once again requesting lack's brush set please
Thank you anon!
Bro you gotta link the brush set you're talking about
No one?
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does anyone happen to know what brush hungryclicker uses? or something similar?
Ive had some pretty good results tweaking these ones

aj graphite from this set is really yummy and can get super thin straight hatch lines if your tablet has tilt sensitivity

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