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Post your work and I a /beg/ will give you as much constructive criticism as I can
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plz send help
Not op but relax on the shadows
You put a good amount of hours into this, reminds me of these 90 era prerendered videogame cutscenes
The hand is a bit weird looking like the skin melts from the palm into the arm
I think you use too much light or shadows and it really contrasts on this guy's skin and his eyes are really glowing
Unfortunately I have not much to add beyond that since I'm still in my sketching phase
But it's good that you try and push your skill as a painter
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Thanks for this. I try to push as much as I can with each piece. I see now I've overcooked the shadows and highlights. I'm going to do some master studies before my next pic I go all out on.
honestly, this is fresh. love him
Wondering if this is good in any way or whether I should be embarrassed of it and not promote it (for example, saw people on Twatter saying "repost your lions!" and I wondered if I should repost one of the figures from here or no).
Neat little animation. I only find the shape of the ears a bit weird

Very interesting. Good job on these and also nice job on the colors as well
i think those are eyelashes, not ears
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a work in progress
But they don't connect to the eyes at all

You have some very good painting skills. Looks already pretty creepy
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Ai Aight
Not OP but is she supposed to be amputated?

I also dislike show the feet don't change at all. The weight should shift from the balls the the heels of the feet.
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Working on construction and maintaining proportions.
I think the swords looks a bit flat and the road in the background seems to be a biz big given that it's all elevated
The guy on left looks decently cool and the woman shows your understanding of anatomy really well. But I think the pose can still need more work

Good that you reconstruct the guy but I think you should put more work into it to see all the steps to completion
Yea. Pose was a rush job.
It was a venting piece. After failing at an extreme pose. I can do 2/3 of it but never 100% be it head to butt.
Or butt to shoulders but i can never incorporate everything. Too much complexity.

Too much complexity for me
It's fine. As long as you keep returning and failing until you succeed you are bound to get better at it.
Let your mind rest at it draw something else and than try again.
I also have poses I struggle with (so so many of them) but I'm always trying again. So don't lose hope
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Latest piece i finished
Any feedback?
Just to see my main flaw in my drawings to note
This is so disturbing yet soo cool
ignore the coloring, mostly just focus on construction and shape of it
You don't have particular strong linework, it's basically a sketch that you painted under. Also you aren't really careful with the boarders you can see random paint smears all over the edges
But I give you props with you trying to understand shading and anatomy though both have lots left to desire
For example the green guys left hand is really l
Wonky and doesn't look thought out and the loofy looking guy has a very wonky right leg

I'm not entirely sure about the construction since zigzagoons fur naturally obscured his body but the head and paws need some work, their shape is not as much defined
Also you could go over the edges and color all the white spots accordingly it only takes an extra minute
>Sketch painted under
Yes that's basically it
I was gonna do final lineart but i fucked it up so bad i called it quits and gave up and threw shit together just for sake of finishing
I have problem of starting x thing then taking days to do it only to get bored and rush it
Didn't even realize the right leg was fucked i was staring so many times in the arms checking if they are the issue or not. Hand was like that because i couldn't honestly decide what the fuck was it supposted to look like but still i ain't realized issue with leg so thanks
Not an like excuse just elaboratin
That's quite the bad habit. I think you should not rush it when you realize it's bad but either start over or see it through since finishing a piece is also a skill. Kinda like in chess where you can fuck up even if you are winning
Its also important that you take a moment every once in a while to examine the drawing.
Your welcome btw
this is sick, reminds me a lot of interplay's fallout games
It's perfect.
denton is that you
I enjoy this Rumia, she looks like she bites for fun.
early 2000s kino
Joe Rogan feelings
Listen, stop please, just learn about shapes. The positive and negative space.
Let me know your thoughts
When you work on a piece there is always a sort of rule that should stick at the back of our minds. What do we highlight and what do we not?
The setting of your painting, a cold winter night is a perfect setting to work that out
You highlighted everything within the reach of the of lantern such as snow, the girls eyes and her breath as well as the surrounding forest
This gives the piece a cold vibe, really lovely work you have done.
Rightfully the objects that should not be our interest are just vague shapes like the backpack or the girls hands that have totally fingers haha
I really like this piece. Also she has a very bright earring
Though there is one thing that confuses me.
If you inspect her hair you see something like a strand going down next to her ear and it perfectly aligns with the rim of her coat almost as of the hair was part of the coat or maybe you were thinking about drawing a hood and just forgot?
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4/10 shape language
10/10 background, social media top tier bg
I wonder how many anons are playing along compared ones who just don't know.
Very nice. You have studied poses and it pays off evident by this piece. Also you are not afraid of drawing hands and they look very decent
A small issue I have though is with her right breast, the line is very thick on that and it makes it appear a little flatter than it actually is
Also underneath that on the hip is a line outlining the bone also very thick. I disagree with that line and would say the piece would look better if it was not so prominent
Good job anon
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Does this look good
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delivery for /tg/
Decent work so far. You should clean up the linework around the jaw line and the neck. Also make sure that the clothing around that part sits on the body
Shoes have not much detail but I hope you change that since it's still a wip and you should definitely check out how to draw folds on clothing

Good delivery. Though her right breast is bigger than her left. It's a bit obscured so you probably didnt notice
Also I think the right elbow (her right) should be set a little lower since the way it's positioned would move the arm as well further upwards.
And I think the earpiece could use a different position, it's a little too inwards I would say
But all in all pretty good
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Thank you, this is true I should have added a bit of lighting to the hair to make it more clear/readable. Tried to add that in quickly
Perfect, good that I catched that haha. Now on second viewing the outline of the hair at the back of hair head is still visible making her hair look a little larger than it is
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I've drawn this in under a minute during a boring computer science lesson
Also here's my silent one-shot comic
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hi /beg/fren. help me decide which direction i should take my art. out of those two which would you say is more appealing?
thank you! That was actually very useful, I just learned about the importance of line weight and I never know where the lines should be thin or fat
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Left has a better head while rights head makes her body in general look very thin since the neck is already long and slender
Also the eyelashes on right server the design better since they don't lap over with her hair too much
But I have to say right has a cuter vibe with the bow and the more relaxed clothing

I like your spirit but you have to work out where in 3 dimensional space is who and how do the different body parts change according to it.
I know there is a name for what I try to describe but not only am I /beg/ but also low iq
Anyway, this makes your piece very confusing because im not sure if the guy is either sitting or walking or of lum is flying or not. The background doesn't hell much clearing that up
Then there is also your work with the light. Let's take the guys jeans for example. They are light in front and go dark towards the back but his shirt is dark in front and light in the back. So that begs thr question where the light is coming from
But all in all decent work
Sorry I get to later once I have some more time to read your full oneshot
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Sure, give it your best shot.
Don't know what?
Sorry for taking so long to get too you
I will be gathering my thoughts giving critic to your comic so I excuse the multiple posts already
It's a cute story.
But your flow needs work. At times I'm not sure what's going from panel to panel. For example you have the protagonist walking through the city and then a 3rd person shot of birds flying and then cutting to the character watching them
I think you should have made an extra panel viewing the birds first from the point of view that your character watches them for easier readability.
Remember you work with on a comic so making it easy to read anf follow for the reader is key. It is easy to forget that since your so set in your idea that you easily forget what the reading experience is like for someone who doesn't know what will happen on any given page
Some gripes I have about your first two pages
The first page is very important in any comic. It's the introduction and needs meaning and clear readability
Your introduction has all the meaning (post apocalypse)
But the readability is bad desu
You have three panels showing the character but in a (I feel) disjointed order
Yours goes: character, character observer's surroundings, character proper, character behind.
But I think the panel where hr views the surroundings should go second to last and maybe even a extra panel thrown in somewhere with the last two panels
My reasoning is that you miss use the big portrait that every mangaka does with a character introduction. I think you showed too much face within two panels before giving us this big panel which takes away from it
Also the second panel (looking at buildings) is an action he, they(?) perform , something I feel like should be either at the end of the page when the rough setting/surroundings are established or at page two
On page two the readability is also suffering. You have the character holding his shovel than picking up a grenade in the next panel
The problem is that you hint at the action of digging without showing it and then there is a panel showing that he is in a concrete building? You dont dig concrete if it is in massive chunks, you use your hands to get the rubble out of the way.
Furthermore you have panel showing your character putting the Grenade in his backpack. But unless you view the page closely the backpack looks like a random box. You need to draw this more clearly that this is the backpack on the floor that he put in his loot.
Than you have panel of your character seemingly standing there and finding a can in the next panel. I fell that you should either put the panel of him finding the can next to the panel of him bagging the grenade or the panel of him scavenging for stuff needs too look more exaggerated, more lively. Not just him standing there but a little hunched more looking amd stuff. Remember this is a comic and you need to convey information more clearly to the viewer, especially if you don't use text
Page 4 panel 4. The characters feet are in a unnatural position.
His feet point out that he came from the perimeter stones but you drew the stairs in a different angle. You need to draw the feet coming from the stairs more naturally because the way you drew it in that panel gives the impression he didn't walk on the road to begin with
My other gripes with page 4 are that in the panel where the stairs are visible first they are gigantic next to the characters head
Don't be afraid to draw them smaller and in more numbers.
The vulture's in the panel after fell disjointed. They are nowhere to be seen in the rest of your comic. I think you should be drawing them on the building or trees so that it feels more coherent
Page 5 he window need more rimming.
It looks unnatural being so fused to the wall
Next page the guy has PTSD episode but I'm not sure why I suppose because he doesn't know her, but that might be a weakness of not using text so this is less of a critic
The garden scene has all kinds of wacky stuff going on
First of all you depict the main character on the first page stretching as if tired, than 3 pages later he is done with his work. I fell like that panel belongs at the end of his gardening work to really hit home that this was a ton of work.
Than we get the second PTSD scene.
I'm not a fan of having tow scene's like this in succession and I'm much less of a fan of not having consequences of ptsd two times in a row thus quickly.
But that's is personal taste
My real gripe with the second ptsd scene is the woodpecker hammering at a helmet? Why is there a helmet at the first place? Woodpeckers already sound like machine guns picking at wood. The helmet is unleaded
My third gripe is with the woman (?) Not leaving the house over the course of a month
Page 9 and 10 don't fell like page 9 and 10
It's like an entire page is missing. The character just gets over his ptsd and works. It makes the woodpecker scene feel cheap an meaningless therefore.
If you write war or post war you need to write people being hurt and in need of healing and really hit it home to viewers. We can't look into your head, you have to bring your thoughts to paper for us
Now the final pages.
First I fell that you need a address page. The woman is in a wheelchair and your protagonist should push her out to show her the garden before putting the flowers on her head
She has more of a reaction to the main character as to the garden though the garden is the most important part of the story.
This moment alone needs one or two more pages I fell for being a emotional component of the story.

My final big gripe is. The characters suffer from horrible main face syndrome. You need to draw more different heads and hair cuts.
I couldn't tell the woman apart from the protagonist and the Theo children and the woman on the Polaroid
You need need need to differentiate your characters more.

Outside from the comic you should practice more proportions, environmental art, and buildings. Also I recommend you to read more manga and comic.
Your story nice and even if my critic feels callous I still liked it. The message of people in pain needing healing is very nice.
And again im sorry for giving you critic so late
Very nice art. I have zero gripes at it honestly. It's just good
But don't let it go to your head
You might be good at profils like this but your weakness might lie elsewhere
You draw your characters very round and many people might dislike it especially if you attempt a bigger piece separate form a existing IP
What I want to tell you is. You have appeal but only likely through existing stuff
Improvement comes through many ways and black and white cartoons don't make it apparent
Keep working and keep delivering results
Foreshortening is the word you're looking for I think

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