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The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7126841

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://mega.nz/folder/YQYAGJTR#1PAs3gRYTMoerPapIZTXGg
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

Source of OP image is Dorohedoro volume 1.
Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

Iconic Comics (https://www.iconiccomics.com/)
>A bit like Oni Press and Antarctic Press
>A small publisher with a focus on indie works with manga inspiration
Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/
Current Contests:

Zenon Magazine:

Magic international manga contest: https://www.shibuya-productions.com/en/magic/magic-international-manga-contest.html,73

4-koma Contest:

Silent Manga Audition: https://www.manga-audition.com/

/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.
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its my first time posting on 4chan!!

anyways, i've always found something lacking in my manga art, it doesn't seem to look like all the manga I've read lol. I think my line is too rough/my poses are stiff and stuff, but is there anything else?

also, while i do love making manga, thinking up of stories is so hard. i can only think of some sappy romance stuff, but i really want to venture out and make something unique but idk...
Welcome newfag. Your art seems fine.
Only nitpick in the faces in panel 2 (or is it 4?) are a little rough. The angles/perspective aren't anything fancy, but they don't always need to be.
Also, I like time travel and romance, (I've read The Time Travelers Wife more than once)
But jesus,
Knock that off, you can resize.
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Also one last thing, it hard to tell wtf is happening with his and and can. From the dialogue I can figure it out, but it really doesn't look like it's vanishing. Maybe it's because you're using the same screen tones, I dunno I'm no artist, but here's my dogwater edit. I would emphasize what you're conveying a little more, but obviously do it better than me.
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I had to run myself ragged yesterday to be able to post this today
Lights and Any More Chapter 3
I'm just happy to be done with this so I can do something better

Is a brush used to create this kino inking?
most likely
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shamelessly copying the raygun
Probably a mix of tools. A brush was likely employed for the areas of fill, but apart from that, I doubt it.
I hope I explain this well, but do you have any manga that you feel do emotional beats well? I often feel some manga try to get too contemplative, or attempt to pull your heartstrings before it really feels earned. Like the author had some sort of philosophy they wanted to share, or at least wanted the characters to share. But without proper buildup, I often consider it to fall flat. It doesn't help when it's something like a romcom, which ends up making it feel as if the manga is trying to be more mature than it is.

It's possible that I'm just personally being testy about this, but I'm wondering if you all get what I mean, and know of manga that really do it well.
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Otomo does this really well in the AKIRA manga, all the big emotional beats feel earned and are a genuine gut-punch (Tetsuo kills Yamagata, Kaori's death, Kaneda's revelation at the end, etc.)
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I'm gonna set up a Ko-Fi account, for one-time donations. Anyone have experience with it? I see that Buy Me a Coffee is similar but it has a 5% fee. I also think that Ko-Fi only accepts Paypal and Stripe, which might have fees of their own.

My productivity isn't at a level where I feel comfortable for Patreon's recurring payments; I also don't have extra art lying around for Patreon bonuses. I'd rather people give me a buck when they feel like it.
There's brush involved for the large black areas, but the small, scratchy, sketchy lines are definitely some kind of mechanical pen
>Ko-Fi account, for one-time donations. Anyone have experience with it?
I've never heard about it. it looks kind of like Patreon.
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>i've always found something lacking in my manga art, it doesn't seem to look like all the manga I've read lol
The first thing I noticed was that you used Western comic-style speech bubbles. They're wide like in comics instead of long like in manga. I get it's to better accommodate the English language and long speech bubbles can be a hassle for formatting but they add to the 'manga aesthetic'. Your artstyle looks cute and kino. It gives me the vibe of manga that explores some deep and depressing life shit. I'd cry to it.

> Thinking up of stories is so hard
Watching TV, movies, and music helps me with coming up with material. But what helped me the most was watching TikTok videos. On TikTok I get all kinds of different types of videos to draw inspiration from. From comedy skits to edgy propaganda to sad and depressing Kafka quotes to thought-provoking and inspiring hopecore videos. It's the perfect app to get ideas from, at least for me. I have a 4 GB folder of almost 1k TikTok saved on my PC. Each one produced a certain emotion and idea in me. Every time I need inspiration, I go through the folder and get inspired.
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It has an option for both one-time donations and membership. Patreon doesn't allow one-time donations iirc.
TikTok is evil and bad for your soul, get off that shit.
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Another Basketball Bears manga. Using the 4koma format to learn the art of the gag. I hope it can make someone laugh or at least crack a smile
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For an action manga where flow is important, where should you host it?? Medibang? Webtoon seems a bit slow for this
Looking at the last pannel and trying to figure how kek
she uses a combination of fine liners and brush markers, and mildly erased pencils under it.
There was an exibition about a year ago featuring her work and materials.
Nta, but I agree 100%. Social media in general as well.
But tiktok/YT shorts/Reels actually makes sense for coming up with ideas, at least for one shots. They are small self contained retarded stories that would 100% help people who might be burned out or hit a wall for ideas.
>But what helped me the most was watching TikTok videos
>On TikTok I get all kinds of different types of videos to draw inspiration from... It's the perfect app to get ideas from
Are you joking or is this for real? Tiktok (and social media in general) is genuinely the lowest form of content garbage there is and I could not imagine ever taking creative inspiration from it for something you actually feel passionate about.
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fuck yeah anon!
get that draft done

I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do now...
no more cars for a moment
Semi related to the tiktok shit but are you guys worried about the coming generations of artists. Cause I know kids irl who zonk out to family guy tiktoks all day and their expressions are horrifying. Do they even watch movies or play games any more? I imagine a lot of people here spent their childhoods watching anime and reading manga which influenced them to draw. But what could tiktok possibly influence these kids to do later down the line? I know people like to pull the "every generation says this about the next" card but what in history can even be compared to this. Then again maybe it's a hard times create hard men situation where the gen alpha normies are doomed but the few survivors will go on to create Kino. Like with pokemon, some people go on to create amazing romhacks, some people goon to eevee 8 hours a day.
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I'm getting it done but oh god is it slow, I envy your speed
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well? where is it?
I just finished this manga. It's short (15 pages) but its a manga
p38 and not even halfway
also started with 30 pages already "done"
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some design work for the protagonist of my next one shot, for SMA
I'm calling him Gao
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Nearly done sketching the next chunk of pages, up to the half-way point in the chapter.
Is he wearing a Kojima shirt?
It says "Hide!"
Just the first random phrase that came to mind, honestly.
Anyone knows how to make simple but good looking backgrounds for manga?

I dont wanna make masterpieces, but my characters cant just live on a white void forever
Just draw
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Truly and sincerely: by drawing them. That's it. If you want simple and good looking then you draw them yourself. If you know what you're doing it's quick and easy. For example in the background to this panel it's really nothing crazy. Just some simple line drawing, bullshitted perspective and with some hatching thrown in for shading.
Now a panel/panel where the environment is more the focus you might want to put in more effort, but just for some backgrounds? Quick and simple does the trick.
> Are you joking or is this for real?
Yes, there's degenerate brain rot content on there but the algorithm shows you only the stuff you like. No app gives you this much of a range of short-form content to draw inspiration from. The "short-form content" is the most crucial part because instead of watching a 90-minute movie and getting 1-3 similar ideas from it, you can get 10-20 unique ideas from TikTok within the same time. And the best part is that you can easily save these clips for future re-inspiration. As I said, I have over 1k TikToks saved, ranging from sad to funny to depressing to encouraging, or even just a reference for a certain vibe, scene, or dialogue I wanna go for.

For example, a TikTok that inspired me had the question "What would you do if you met your younger self?". The cool thing about TikTok is that there are trends. This question became a trend for like a week, which means I have several other videos saved that "meme" about this question of meeting your younger self with interesting and emotionally fitting captions, audio, and songs. Some are more melancholic, some comedic, some sad, and others have anger and regret. It's truly amazing how many emotions this simple question can generate. And all these emotions feed my creativity.

Zoomers are creating memes, jokes, and vent art by using scenes from games, TV, movies, vlogs, and interviews and combining them with captions, audio, and songs, amplifying and personalizing the original media's emotional impact and therefore creating even more inspiration.

Here are some examples of what I mean:

Maybe it's just me but I get a lot of ideas for themes, dialogue, character-arcs, scenes, moments, and more out of these TikToks. That's why I have like 1k saved in a folder lol.
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What's the secret sauce behind Yoshikazu's inking being so appealing? It's just really pleasing to look at.

I remember a comic inker telling me that good inks are 90% the drawing itself.
Like if you drew badly there's no saving it with the inks, meanwhile if the drawing is good even bad/flat inks will look decent.
How true do you find that?
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There's any way to export the 3d preview of the comic on csp?
I used for curiosity and realized that since i did the name on traditional it reads a bit better reading it like a physical book
O doubt the patterns are inking, they must be screentones (just look at the right arm the pattern doesn't fold with thr clothes)
The next thing must be the weight of the lines, is very consistent
Not a single one of the ideas you get from tiktok are good. You said it yourself, you have millions of kids all remixing the exact same ideas in the exact same style. What on earth makes you think the shit you make will stand out? You're supposed to invest yourself in the art you consume, actually take your time and ponder the ideas presented or appreciate the nuances and over time you develop a vibe on the art you like which translates to personal style which makes your art wholly unique and special. You're never going to achieve that by trolling through digital junk made by 10 year olds.
Forget what i say, my glasses are dirty and i didn't look close enough to see the actual drawind in the pattern...
idk, i get pretty inspired when i see "404 not found". reminds me of all the blank pages in my manga
this is just evil fujofied kaiji
do you keep the first thing you draw? I don't know how to explain it, if I have to draw a face for a panel I end up taking a solid hour redrawing it dozens of times until it passes quality check.
Has anyone here pitched something to a comic publisher? A series or graphic novel or even a one-shot counts.

I was watching youtube and a Mark Crilley video randomly popped up in my feed, and apparently the dude has dozens of graphic novels published by major publishers, including Dark Horse, each with hundreds of pages, all in a manga style. Makes me feel hopeful that a true "manga" career (art + writing) is possible even in America.
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I mean, he is meant to look sorta evil
fujofied? I guess his hands are sorta big, but I just want him to look imposing
>The "short-form content" is the most crucial part because instead of watching a 90-minute movie and getting 1-3 similar ideas from it, you can get 10-20 unique ideas from TikTok within the same time. And the best part is that you can easily save these clips for future re-inspiration. As I said, I have over 1k TikToks saved
You are better off with a movie, with a few good ideas, than with a thousand remixes of the same few ideas. Tiktok is incentivizing you to play sorceror's apprentice instead of actually developing ideas and the ability to express them. It just keeps bringing you buckets of water. Think about what really goes into execution of a good idea for a comic. Fist of the North Star for example, the creators were inspired by acupuncture, martial arts, and Mad Max. That's it, just a few "ideas" and then you develop from that. You don't need to hoard a billion micro-inspirations and then sift through them. Find actual works you like, not samples of them, strip them, and then reassemble them. This guy does great panels? I need to study these panels. This one does really intense expressions? Spend a few weeks grinding those out. This movie has such great cinematography? Why? Which shots did you like, how did the director arrange them in such a good sequence? This novel/history book/gas furnance manual was really interesting and parts of it stuck with me? Which parts and why? Much better way to get to the finish line than consooming distilled clickbait. Don't train yourself to be stupid.
I'm familiar with him, but I've never read any of his works. I've seen a couple of his videos here and there, but the dude seems to be fairly well known, but he also did a lot of other non-manga inspired stuff early in his career.

That being said, there's still plenty of other manga/anime-inspired stuff like Empowered and Scott Pilgrim that got big.
>I know people like to pull the "every generation says this about the next" card but what in history can even be compared to this
millenials/zoomers and YouTube? gen x/millenials and TV? boomers/gen x and comics? even aside from those the internet has completely overtaken the lives of all generations, and has also been full of people who stare at their screens all the time doing nothing of worth for the past two decades.

yes they watch tv and play games, why wouldn't they? most of the memes that spawn from there are about movies or games. tik tok isn't nearly addictive enough for someone to stay on all day every day unless they have a serious problem, in which case tik tok would just be replaced with some other mindless activity from a previous generation. the influential anime/manga you look back on fondly now was referred to with the same words in the 80s/90s (and even still nowadays, but to a lesser extent), but even then most kids don't spend all their time doing anything productive or inspiring at all and they never have because they're just dumb kids.

shit like skibidi toilet or other tik tok-adjacent gen alpha shit is as weird to you as the sfm parodies and rage faces were to your parents back in the day.
I said I agree tiktoks might be good for people who need some inspo, or hit a creative wall.
But I personally think spending more than few minutes on there a day will only have negative connotations.
Also, just do the YT shorts or instagram reels.
It's all the same recycled crap, and you dont have the chinks spying on you, just the American Jews instead.
Am I the only one who doesn't see skibidi as being some late zoomer/alpha weird stuff? I don't see how it's any different than all the original SFM youtube poop-esque animations. A while back I actually sat down and watched the series to completion (at the time, since they're constantly making more obviously), and it frankly doesn't seem to be any worse than all the other stuff I've watched in years prior.
pretty true. There are also a couple of other things that make an ink drawing good other than the lines- a balance of heavy detail and simplicity, and composition. I'm a big believer in structure matters more than line quality, because your brain will naturally filter out the fuzz to see the real image underneath. It's like shaky cam on paper.

This is my philosophy in approach to lines, and it has helped to not fear failing to ink things correctly. As a result my confidence has increased, my hair grew back and I last longer in bed (jk)
>feel like i'm overworking myself with drawing
>stop for a couple days even though i still have a lot i want to draw
>get back into it refreshed and loving art again
sometimes it's literally as shrimple as that.
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I sometimes do feel like that, but since i'm lazy as fuck, sometimes i can't get my ass drawing until i finally draw and i end up overworking myself again

But it happen a lot less since i take breaks, like after a panel or a page i do something to take a break, like walk 3000 steps, make lunch, eat dinner, ect
That's the way to do it. The last thing I want is to get burnt out on my own artwork.
I wouldn't use that shit myself but if anon gets creative inspiration from it (and isn't simply using mental gymnastics to justify his addiction) then I don't see the problem. What he's saying makes complete sense. What you're looking for with inspiration is really just anything that gets YOU thinking. Doesn't matter if it's a complete thought or even a coherent one, the point is that it's something that causes YOU to catch an idea to develop on your own. A shotgun blast of short-form video seems like a damn good way to find something that gets your brain juicing, far more than any other form of stimulus I can think of. I've stayed away from it myself because I don't need to cook my brain in dopamine and I've never been hurting for ideas anyway, but I can definitely see it being very useful in short bursts.
Though recommending it here is a bit like recommending meth to a bunch of heroine junkies.
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I know that i asked this (like 6 months ago) already, but i still have undecided about which version looks better between this
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And this, and in last time anons decided for this one, but still doesn't convice me that much, also if there's any suggestion for a new 3rd option, i would like to see that too since i'm about to ink these pages
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On one hand, giving everything the same cyan tint gives a sort of atmospheric feeling to it. On the other, it feels like all my panels are mashing together into an incoherent, shiny, blueish mess. Is there an easy way to figure this out? Is it just a contrast issue? Should I just make characters way darker than the background, or viceversa? Or this this all in my le head? Am I going insane? What is life?
My main issue Daera anon is that I can't quite tell what's going on action-wise in the bottom three panels. She's lassoing the enemy and then doing a flip, or....?
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Yep, that anon is right, i don't know what's happening in those last panels, because the paneling is messy, i don't know how to read it, even thought i don't know which way you are working, but in both ways is messy

Have you thought deleting a few panels? That would help you
>make bigger panels to tell whats happening
>play with the balance of the page
It's red. I don't think the direction should be an issue if you already are following the comic to be honest, but resizing panels might be a good idea.

In order
1. Enemy charging through kid laser attacks
2. Close up, tanks the attacks
3. Kid despairing
4. Girl grabs his arm
5. Girl tells him to calm down and moves his hand to charge power on his cape


6. Girl launches flail at enemy
7. Using flail she pulls herself and the kid towards the enemy charging at them
8. Sidesteps to keep him guessing
9. Both slide on the floor coming closer
10. Both pass from under the enemy legs dodging his hit, she retracts the chain then
11. She turns around with the kid, his cape is all charged up by his power.
>8. Sidesteps to keep him guessing
>9. Both slide on the floor coming closer
>10. Both pass from under the enemy legs dodging his hit, she retracts the chain then
These 3 can go in one panel
I mean, you just show the side step and going under the enemy, the slide can be shown by speedlines
I humbly admit I would have not an idea of how to convey all that in one single panel. I think the sidestepping though is kinda pointless, I added it because its cool and easy to do.
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Would this be any clearer? A quick experiment. Removed the pointless sidestepping and made panels a bit bigger.
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I'm sorry but i like to phoneposting so this is the best i could do right now, and also i couldn't draw in the last panel but you could leave the last panel unchanged, or do it with the akira slide as reference
Fuck i forgot to explain, in 6 it would be her arm throwing the flail and in 7 would be her arm to pull the flail
>A shotgun blast of short-form video seems like a damn good way to find something that gets your brain juicing, far more than any other form of stimulus
That's the exact problem, there's no buildup or context, just the payload, and then you scroll to the next one, he admits himself he has saved thousands of them. Maybe if you want to do a 4koma that's the sort of endless short-form content mine you would find useful, or if you are just going to illustrate literal memes like khyle or baalbuddy, but if you want to do a traditional long-form manga with characters, a setting, plot, etc. tiktok is not good material to train on, all the greats trained on less gameified forms of inspiration
Anon, the depth of the video or inspiration is pretty much irrelevant.
The whole point is just to get a spark from somewhere to get the kindling smoking, it's up to you to grow that smoking kindling into a fully fledged fire. The spark doesn't need to be a full fire itself, you don't need (or maybe even want) a fully-formed idea to be the direct inspiration. You're not trying to just rip full ideas straight from tiktok or movies or whatever, you're just trying to find a spark for a thought that can grow into a proper idea.
But you don't have to. He's just saying what works for him. I could see it working for me too. It might even work for others. It doesn't need to work for you.
this 1
Let me give an example. I don't use TikTok but I am subject to the format via YouTube's "Shorts" format. Apparently Kingdom of Heaven is trending, in particular any scenes with Edward Norton's character, king something or other, who has all the best lines in the film and wears a badass iron mask because he has leprosy and is terminally ill and faces everything he has to do in with a resolve made for another era. So yeah the lines are cool, and the sets and costumes are great, but as someone who has seen the whole three-hour plus movie, it is really funny to read all the comments that come from a place of zero context and are celebrating the Crusades or something like that, because the exact and very heavy-handed message of the film is denouncing religious fanaticism, regardless of my or your opinion or our like or dislike of the film's hollywood-medieval aesthetics. Now, I don't expect any of these people are going to write and illustrate the next Beserk because they watched 30 seconds of a movie. If anything, the only proper use these gameified clickbait shorts should have is to advertise the bigger picture. You shouldn't be archiving TikToks, you should be treating it like a bibliography and going back to the sources. A lot of people who like the Kingdom of Heaven shorts specifically because they haven't seen the whole movie would not actually like the whole movie. But as a visual artist or a writer, if you like a preview of something, why not go for the actual thing instead of the highlights? You are hobbling yourself for no reason. You have more to learn from an entire completed film than from eighty clips of eighty films, unless you're an algorithm
Your counterargument is just "but you might misunderstand a clip out of context"? I don't see how that gets in the way at all. Sure you might understand some specific movie clip or something, but you still got some kind of idea from it. I don't know why you're assuming the intent here is to treat it as educational or anything. You can walk down the street and see some guy sprinting away from somebody swearing up a storm at them and come up with all sorts of ideas from that. What does it matter if it inspired you to come up with the idea for a petty thief when in reality the guy was just in a hurry and brushing past people? It doesn't really matter at all is the answer, because the thing you saw was just a spark for an idea, not the idea itself.
>I don't know why you're assuming the intent here is to treat it as educational or anything
What do you think inspiration is? Isn't it supposed to lead you somewhere or teach you something? But TikTok format just leads to the next short-form looping video tailor-made to maximize engagement. It creates a permanent state of indigestion. When something inspires you, you return to it. You don't sit there and loop it until you become fatigued of it and itch for the next stimulation. Not only are you deprived of a context need to appreciate what it is you are consuming, but the very medium itself invites you to forget it by looping it to the point of boredom, it becomes as unnoticeable as a homeless person across a train platform.
>What do you think inspiration is? Isn't it supposed to lead you somewhere or teach you something?
Uh... no?
>just anything that gets YOU thinking. Doesn't matter if it's a complete thought or even a coherent one, the point is that it's something that causes YOU to catch an idea to develop on your own.
This is what I define as "inspiration". I can't help it if you define it differently.
>anything that gets YOU thinking
And does TikTok do that or does it train you to chase the next looping clip until you are bored of it? You ever see those one page threads on /a/ where someone posts a single manga page? If you like a page, would you just save the page with a thousand other unrelated pages from the one page thread, or do you research what it is from and whether you'd like to see more of it? If it's the former, hardly counts as "inspiration."
Chainsawman pt1 did this perfectly imo
They will have AI they can put in prompts of whatever they feel like watching or reading and it will give them a 50 episode series or 20 volume fully completed manga. Everyone will get custom personalized AI entertainment.
Okay, so do that. What's the problem here exactly?
Nah, they don't have the attention span for 50 episodes or even a full volume. The most popular prompt will be the 15 second long, barely animated series of stitched together images that just gives them the highlights. Easy to streamline and mass produce, and it'll dominate on tiktok and youtube shorts.
Long form content is dead in every medium, there's no reason to think AI will suddenly improve attention spans. It's perfectly suited for quick and easily digested conveyor belt slop.
I wonder if the TikTok anons are the same anons who complain about having no motivation and being unable to focus on drawing.
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starting into this one with the main spread I wanted for it, Gao roaring down a tiger, pages 8 and 9
What about JJK? Zoomzooms love that shit and Frieren
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10 fucking pages and i'm done with the character lineart
One fucking week before the end of month
And drawing the background may be easier since i have many first plane shots which i can fill in with screentones

All that it's left it's find some good and fitting fonts

Also i asked this before, but which time of the month would be more fitting to upload so i can have a change in the mpc awards? I might finish this in the 15th of may, but i would like to have a chance so should i wait for june 2nd or nah?
It took me the whole last year to re write my final draft, you are gonna make it anon
How do you grab your pencil?
I do the 2nd row in the middle when i do digital, and i think that i do the middle 3rd row in trad... the thing is that i always end up more tired when i do digital
Do that has something to do with it?
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with my pinky splayed out across the tablet because after my motorcycle crash I cant freaking bend it. But I've become accustom to it, it feels like it stabilizes a litter better, except it blocks my view sometimes

When I have no other lights on, it looks like I'm trying to make retarded shadow puppets on the screen.
Where do I start? I had this simple but vague desire to create a Don Quixotesque adventure in the comic medium but no idea how to start. I have 0 experience.

Do I write the outline first in Word or it's more effective to start drawing right away? I just know I crave an imaginary long adventure, that's all.
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Bold of you to assume I use my hand to hold my pencil.
>Baby Anon discovers Devilman
I knew about devilman
that's why I referenced it, it was the best thing I could think of to fit the vibe of the scene
Start wherever you want. Obviously the more planning the better but everyone's exact process is going to be different.

I've lost so many nibs doing that lol.
I want to see the results of your hailstorm of "inspiration".
Is it really inspiration, or just a chain of rapid-fire distractions that have resulted in nothing produced?
if it makes you feel any better, i was one of the first wave full brainmelt ipad babies that did infact do stuff like multi day gooning seshes and family guy clip marathons, and now im trying my hardest to make kino rn, relatively ok adjusted i think. i think theyll be fine
>named gao
>goes gao
the natural conclusion I came to when his name was never gonna be said anyway
just call him the thing he does
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well first page almost done for SMA contest, 15 more to go...don't know why I choose to draw the hair like that it will be a pain in the ass

Honestly, just upload it on every platform you can. Would you like your manga to be read by as many people as possible, right?
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I am working on a fan oneshot of jojo together with a friend.
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shits tough, gonna take me a year+ too, I feel silly thinking I could do the whole storyboard in one night
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Inking again.
nice, that's gonna make me ink too if you know what i mean
Do you still have to censor the cock if it's uncircumcised?
Yeah, of course lol. I don't think I've ever seen a circumcised penis in eromanga, japanese don't practice that.
Also hilariously using the word for it makes 4chan think the post is spam. God bless /pol/.
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Don't know if I should be posting this here since it's not really a manga but I'd still love some critique. It's just a short little comic I made as practice. I think the action doesn't translate very well from the 3rd to 4th panel but I can't figure out how to fix it.
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And the second page. I like this panel quite a bit but it's still a little too messy. Debris/destruction is hard to do without adding too much or too little.
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You could try having him lean into his attack more like this. Otherwise funny comic.

What if it's a titanium, 2000 horsepower robo-cock with detachable nutsack.
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>going back to fix a page where a character makes a dramatic entrance
>had to resize the character to make it more consistent with others
>wait, why is the "impact" of the page different? it was fine before
>try tweaking line weight
>try tweaking the composition
>nothing works
>do this for a literal week, go crazy
>SIKE when you resized the character you also adjusted the background value, drawing attention away from the character!!!



Oh well, at least it's done now
how to rage and then teach zen right after like this
I find that when a page runs into problems like this, 99% of the time, it has something to do with the basic drawing / composition. It's almost never line weights or little tweaks

Goes to show that thumbnailing and pencilling are incredibly important to nail right
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What are your opinions on manga and comic art that skips the inking part and fully focuses on the pencil drawings instead, like 'Onani Master Kurosawa' or Adam Warren's 'Empowered' for example? Do you think the average reader cares if the manga they're reading is pencil- or inked art? My inking looks leagues worse compared to my pencil drawings, so I feel like taking the easy way out and just going with pencil drawings with some adjustments here and there to not end up with a completely grey mess.
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Example from Empowered
I think the average reader doesn't give a shit, so long as you can manage to scan it readably. The inking is for reproduction, it's for you and the printer. If you'd rather work just in pencils and just deal with the problems that arise from that, go hog wild my man.
I think it's fine. Blade of the Immortal is done this way. And it's top tier.
I want to do this but I'm too much of a perfectionist to allow messy lines to remain. I'm way too stiff to leave raw pencil sketches as finished drawings
Chapter 4 lineart for Aecast. Working on this while my editor looks at my storyboard and script.
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Can someone help me with fonts?
I mean i don't know so much about them and even though we talked about them a few threads ago, i still wanna know which one i could use without getting into trouble
I like the ones in that typesetting guide, but they are too blurry to read their name and i don't know which one are safe or not
https://mangafonts.carrd.co for a wide variety of fonts (most are paid though but there are several free ones that can be used commercially)

Blambot.com has a lot of free and paid fonts that can be used commercially by indie artists.

If you look up a font and it has something like 'open font license' written somewhere, you can use it commercially with no problem. Always make sure to check what kind of license fonts have before using them.
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who wants to write some romcom slop to take gold on mpc for some pocket change
Harem manga where everyone here designs a different girl.
I'll make the logo
I'll design the best girl
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Anyone working on the silent manga audition? what are the proper file dimensions for the submissions for the csp i tried to be the B4 setup but page size keeps coming out incorrectly. please help.
SOME pages are done like this and only in the first arc, the rest of the manga is normal.
how do you effectively "blindly" read your comic and be an editor for it? I remember every like and word I wrote so I can't really see the story anymore.
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Making a one-shot and all the pages are done to about this quality. should I go back and really finish everything 100% or stick with this..

I can show what a truly complete page looks like.
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This is what a "complete" page looks like. Full greyscale, camera blur and cleaner lines.
Up to you, man. But that's a lot of redrawing.
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i don't mind my line quality and stuff (i know i'll get better with mindfulness and time) but i wish i knew how to "stretch" an idea further than a page or two. sticking with things is a skill, does anyone have any tips on training it other than "just fucking draw"?
>i wish i knew how to "stretch" an idea further than a page or two. sticking with things is a skill
What keeps you from wanting to continuing with something? You have too many ideas in your head?
that, and i have shit-ass executive dysfunction. i'm genuinely ashamed at times over how long i've forgotten to eat or take care of myself because i get too sucked into drawing or reading or (god fucking forbid) gaming.
but more on the first point, i've got like seven or eight big ideas for 'things' i want to make but when i go to really give any one idea a try, my brain instantly starts pining for the next idea in rotation, so i'm never quite in the zone for what i'm executing on.
Same here, I end up trying to smash all the ideas together so I don't have to choose one but that only delays me further because on many levels they fundamentally can't work together
I had a similar problem where I get frustrated drawing the same backgrounds repeatedly. So I decided to write an adventure series where the characters are always moving and no two chapters take place in the same location. You just have to take a step back, look at your situation in third person and figure out a plan to turn it into a functioning operation rather than forcing yourself into ideas you know will never pan out.
reminder to write your ideas down THE SECOND you have them or you will forget and contemplate suicide as a result
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>Get the perfect things to say while thinking
>forget to write them down
>spend 2 to 4 hours trying to get them right
>you end up giving up after 2 days and use something between what you had and what you are doing now

Is like when you get all the good comebacks after a fight, but then forget to say them and then the next fight you end up stuttering like a retard
By coming back and reading it years later.
Truth is, you can't really get fresh eyes while you're making it, all you can do is *try* to. If it was practical to do this there'd be no need for editors in the first place, so all the uncertainty that comes from not having somebody professional to look it over isn't going to go away unless you do find somebody whose opinion you trust to look it over.

It's really up to you. I mean, it's your name on it, right? What do you want people to associate your name with?
For what it's worth, that action page looks fine with that level of polish, I wouldn't say it needs anything more. I don't know if I could say the same if that environment shot was "unfinished".
Arigatou David Lynch-san
Read it faster, try to get caught in the flow, just try to get inmersed in your own story and try to avoid the pauses for thinking "i could change that"
>how do you effectively "blindly" read your comic and be an editor for it?
I take a break, usually get some sleep, then look at it later. But yeah, if I am working intently on a page for awhile I get tunnel vision.
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Imagine being a depressed salary man and seeing uncensored eupho midriff every morning commute
so my life currently but with midriff? I'd take it
Cant wait to see more.
When do you line shade a shadow instead of just a simple shade?
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>shirt says hide
>hiding his cock in the gyarus
more excellent character design, bravo

please tell me she's going to ss him
Our nerd's expression reminds me of that one meme hentai panel where another guy with glasses is looking at his pants (and hidden erection) and saying something like "Good fucking lord!!!"
Thanks, anon. This chapter is way more ambitious than anything I've done prior, so I'll try to post more updates (assuming said panel doesn't contain one of several major potential spoilers).
>please tell me she's going to ss him
sorry anon i'm just a nerd who watched an old sgdq run https://youtu.be/2x_pqyrf9lA?t=24m05s
but i've thought about making a lot of freaky shit before...
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>5 pages left for lineart
>fuck up my arm again
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Welps, i think that i will rest for some days, but before that, i wanna ask if the anatomy on this page is on point? I ask because so far i think this one is the hardest page i did for the poses on it, so i don't really know if it looks alright or not
It's not. I see you copying certain lines and details from other manga such as the curve on the calf and the indentations of the knee, but it's plain you don't understand the 3D form you're drawing. As long as you're drawing something you've memorized the lines of from someone else's depiction you're fine, but as soon as you try to draw something from imagination your structure falls apart.
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I got it

But just to be sure, could you go on more detail with what you mean
This page makes no physical sense. What the fuck is even happening
>Someone... gets her arm chickenwinged> Off panel?
>Someone else (?) is jumping/falling from above?
>Then Zelda rolls on the ground? Or is that the first girl? Now I'm questioning if this is reading right to left or left to right
>closeups of faces that convey...?
>One chick is now running at/under the other
>The other is STILL somehow falling? Gonna do a long-windup karate chop? But she's looking straight ahead now, even though it seems her opponent is still below her?
>Head shapes change drastically between panels
>Hair stays glued to the falling chick's forehead somehow
>Eyes don't stay on each other, no sense of direction or space for the reader to latch onto
>poor framing, everything is off center
>weak posing, no sense of movement or momentum
>Hard to tell the two apart
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I ended up making the decision to do all the inking for Gao with this same brush pen
I will definitely not be getting points on art this time around, I'm no Inoue
You need some refining, definitely, but I like what you're doing. Your shapes are pretty solid, good sense of space. I would suggest either using screen tones to separate background from foreground, or using different pens for people and background.
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Well, what actually happens is
>girl gets surprised
>gets kicked by the side
>reveals who kick her
>she gets thrown off by the kick and then regain her composture
>they look each other
>she race torwards
>the other girl tries to grab something(a lot of things are still to be drawn in that last panel)

But i get that you are right about the eyes
normally I would be using different pens between people and background, I'm just doing this for this one work
this is also just the lineart, i just like, half forgot the hatching and half thought I was done
like one eye is looking at it like "yeah this is it right?" and the other is "oh right I still have to do finishing touches"
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storyboard at around 70 pages, 10 more pages of dialogue written, almost at the halfway point
do I kill myself now or wait for the exhaustion death from the amount of work this will take

brush pens rock but they're pretty fucking tough

something about your pages makes them look better at the fit-width resolution than fit-height, I think it's the aliasing on the thinner lines
I don't know how to fix it I just thought I'd point it out
great facial expressions btw
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now just add some ballpoint
Looks good, weird seeing people outside a car \
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I'm trying so hard to get back into drawing, but I quit drinking, which might have been part of my muse I hate to admit.
I'll give it to the end of May, and if I cant get back into the groove, I'll pick the bottle back up.
no more cars for a bit, I refuse
Cute girl, hope she kills everyone.
What do you mean get back into drawing? You literally made a comic, it's just that webtoons and the like censored you, no?
Yeah, but I haven't moved past the storyboard on my next chapter.
I haven't drawn in like 3 weeks now. That's a long time imo to stop drawing. But then again I haven't been on /ic/ either, maybe seeing some people crab in /beg/ will get me motivated
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probably not
someone else will though don't worry
does anyone remember an artist who posts exclusively on tumblr who hatched in a really unique style? I remember them being posted on here a while ago, and i cant find them. they drew in black and white manga style, and would draw long hatch lines along the form which looked really unique
Not that I'm anywhere close to getting something printed but where do Doujin/Doujinshi artists go to print their work? The page sizes are A4 (technically A3 if we're being specific) and range from brochure-esque print folds to semi-softcover prints, even to a couple with extra plastic coverings. Normally I'd just take "they go to a publisher lol" as an answer but some of the ones I saw in Mandarake were fucking shit, like begbegbeg-tier or had pretty graphic stuff (I'm looking at you Nanashi), so I'm assuming they print directly through some kind of printing company, right? If so, which one?
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I've started making multiple one shots some weeks ago, many of which I've scrapped due to the overall low quality of what I was producing alongside switching focus to improve my core illustration skills and fundies alongside starting studying actual storytelling.

Honest question, is there anything wrong with going into comic making later after properly getting decent at drawing if you have high standards for what you want your work to look like but lack the skill to pull it off? It doesn't even have to be full blown pro tier, just definitely not beginner level or even just amateurish.

Let's take the work of someone else who I consider on a superior level that has recently started making short comics again (he has been drawing for around 5 years more than me and more consistently if that helps).
Despite this page in particular being simple, the art itself shows enough fundies to tell you it has been made by someone who has a good amount of experience (and he has btw, if you look at his finished drawings he's significantly skilled even by intermediate artists standards). It wouldn't look out of place at all in modern WSJ and if I tried producing something similar it would obviously look worse.

What would change if I first just grinded my ass off to improve my art both technically and stylistically, and then started making one shots again a few years from now? Would I miss something compared to a /beg/ who does comics right from the start even if his art sucks?
You get the same answer every time you've asked this question, Gabe. Comicmaking is a skill on its own, being a good illustrator, good at drawing, is totally separate from being a good comicmaker. If you want to get good at making comics, you have to actually make comics. To completion.
If you had been making comics for as long as you've been asking this question you would be decent by now. Get to work already, or quit asking the same shit over and over.
>It wouldn't look out of place at all in modern WSJ
It would stick out like a sore thumb. It's nowhere near the level of even the weakest artist in Jump currently. Go make another thread wanking over 80s/90s/2000s Jump manga, you know you want to.
try tapas
How many books do you guys read a month? Is anyone else here aiming to finish Boichi's LHP 600 within 4 years?
LHP 600?
Someone talk me out of handwriting my dialogue, please.
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Finished a page!

I think you draw eyes too big, but everything else anatomy-wise is fine. Another thing I would do is take another crack at the upper half of the page. The order of panels are kinda confusing.
Why would you even consider wasting your time like that? Don't you have enough on your plate already?
No don't listen to other anon. Don't compromise artistic integrity just to save time. Making manga is already a waste of time. Everything is a waste of time. What's the point of anything? AHHHHHHHHHHHH
Because it'll look cool.
I've tried hand lettering. It's absolutely not worth the time it takes. Not only does it take a shitload of time to handwrite the dialogue for a whole chapter, but you're fucked if you want to do something as simple as rephrase a line of dialogue.

But also be harder to read and suck up a lot of time that could be better spent in other areas. Believe me, hand lettering should not be anybody here's priority when it comes to making a comic. You simpler have much, much bigger things to worry about. No reader will ever read something and think "Damn, I wish this was hand-lettered".
Alright, I'm convinced. TY.
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I can hand letter because my writing is good and I do trad, but I would rather add it in digitally later. Hand-drawing sound effects is a must, though.
Would it be worth the time and effort to grind the fuck out of Japanese (current level - listening: high int, everything else low int) just to be able to make stuff that wouldn't be palatable to a Western audience or should I just focus on getting good at art and storytelling (which is already a big enough challenge) and deal with the limitations of having a Western audience. Well, I guess there's also the option to Leroy Jenkins it and hope for the best. If I were younger, I'd just go for it but I'm already in my mid-30s.
>Would it be worth the time and effort to grind the fuck out of Japanese (current level - listening: high int, everything else low int) just to be able to make stuff that wouldn't be palatable to a Western audience
what? why would you assume making it full japanese would make it less palatable to a western audience? or do you mean making it japanese would make it more accessible to japanese people?
i'm not sure if i'm misunderstanding this but regardless if you're making art your main focus should be on the quality of it and not the audience. the art and storytelling of a comic is by far the most important part of it and not the language, humor, or even scripting, so focus primarily on that, and if you want just have some japanese words or phrases included as easter eggs or something like that.
Sorry for being unclear. I meant learning Japanese as close to native-level fluency as possible and making manga in Japanese to a Japanese audience.
Holy shit why don't you learn fundamentals before even attempting to draw a comic?
You're only going to kill your interest and passion this way, not even turd polishing is this sad.
Who are you sperging at
ah right, well in any case i still think my point stands. if you're looking to make a comic, then the most important thing by far should be the actual art and storytelling. focus on that more than anything else, and then you can worry about the audience you'd like to market it towards.

and i'm assuming by the way you phrased the first question that you're new to art in general and struggling to improve, and in that case i think you really shouldn't focus on anything else BUT your art, and then try and learn storytelling, and then possible audiences for the comic.
I think he's yelling at the dumbass wanting to be fluent in Japanese before he learns how to draw or make manga. And for I have to I agree with him.
Just focus on making good comics. I'm already working in a japanese magazine and my japanese skill is nowhere near intermediate level. If you're good at what you do, you don't need to be highly skilled with the language.

You can learn fundamentals BY drawing comics.
"If you want to become a professional writer by the time you graduate college, you must read 600 books on literature, history, and philosophy in those 4 years of college."

Korean film school advice for screenwriters.
Koreans suck
I am not clearing that anytime soon
the only books of such things I've bought in recent years I haven't even read
it's like 3 books
A lot of genius writers coming out of korea, yeah?
another day, another indecipherable scrawl I find in my notebook that could have been a million dollar idea but is now completely meaningless because I couldn't be fucked to write more than 3 words to explain my elaborate mental state at 3am last sunday
You've identified a problem in your process. What are you going to do to fix it?
You could type your ideas into your phone instead of a notebook.
thats why you write short code words during your schizo drawings so you understand them later.
I want to take voice memos like a PI, that would be really cool, but also very embarrassing to do in public
>short code words
that's the problem
I need to elaborate more when the idea is fresh
days go by and the shorthand loses its meaning
You sound lazy and shit, your ideas are probably lazy and shit. Your ideas are all worth 0$ until you man up and actually create something. Also maybe you wouldn't be so lazy if you didn't stay up until 3am. Get some sleep and exercise.
fuck you buddy, I'm on page 80 of this fucking storyboard, I lift for an hour a day and get 8 hours of sleep usually
Then what's your issue? Quit whining and get back to drawing, scrub.
how about you let me blogpost in peace you deleterious faggot
you two kiss now
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Go on... kiss me
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thought you'll never ask...
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Cover page done for chapter 4. Planning to start drawing the manga itself now unless for some reason I feel the need to tinker slightly more.
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>fuck up a line
>try to ctrl+z
>it doesn't work
>realize i was drawing in trad

Welp is going to be fun writting this with early dementia
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So i tried to fix it a little, so i wonder if it's better or just fine now
(Ignore the leg on the 2nd panel, arm give up so i didn't forced in something i may or may not draw)
Still drawing pages for ch 1 of my alien romcom. Here's a new Penny Perez. The interiors and backgrounds are taking me forever. I really have to get CSP and learn how to make 3D asset and photo based backgrounds. I'm probably improving my perspective skills by drawing all the backgrounds by hand but imo 3D asset backgrounds and filtered photos would both look better and improve my production time tenfold. I know this board is mostly against photo trace backgrounds, but the majority of top pros do it and I don't have any qualms against it myself. I draw comics because I want to tell stories, I don't have the talent or skill to be a technical art master.
This looks great, beautiful colors and nice composition. I really like the byzantine aesthetic your comic has.
It looks a little bit hom
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Maho shojo Dana for the road.
>little bit hom
I'm too boomer to know what that means anon.
It's not something new to be f
>think up a page
>"this shouldnt take me more than an hour"
>3 hours later, still working on it
It feels like if i drew something easily, it cant be good so i need to invest time even if i dont improve anything about it
My boomer brain is guessing it means high only memory or hand over mouth
he’s a spammer currently spamming incomplete sentences on the board right now, ignore him.
It's good anon, I like you illu
I'm not a spa
Hey omeow, thanks mate. I try really hard to have everything be a vague Byzantine/Mughal/Dravidian combo culturally so I'm glad somebody recognizes it.

As for converted photos as background lineart, I personally feel /mmg/ is only "against" it to the degree that it's always good to instead improve your perspective skills and to draw a multiplicity of things. The only time I've ever seen anons here go "maybe don't use it at all in this case" is when an anon's art seems to be overly reliant on it to carry a panel. You are not that, so I frankly wouldn't sweat it.

Glad to see your new stuff is coming along, though. I semi-regularly post in the webcomic general, keep it up.
Can you link your stuff? I might not like it but the cover is good enough to make me wanna check out which you should take as a victory.
Never mind i'm retarded, I can literally just google it

Thanks anon. Chapter 1 started out a bit rough because at the time I was making it as more of a "proof of concept" than an actual story that would go somewhere, but I tried to quickly improve pacing and drawing chapter 2 onwards. Just in case, you can find a general link here:


Other sites I've uploaded to (Webtoons, Tapas, etc.) all have required me to censor various panels, whereas GlobalComix has been fine with it thus far. Thanks again for checking it out.
Would look better if heads were smaller
I love your art, mainly when colored. Btw, is globalcomix better than tapas about views?
I personally suspect that GlobalComix is botting its views, or at least doing that thing where every single page view counts as a total view on the main count. I can't prove it, but it's my gut feeling.

I mainly just like GC over the other hosts because 1) they don't censor and advertise that fact and 2) I personally really enjoy the reader application they have built into the site. Smooth reading regardless of whether you're reading it on a computer, phone browser, or phone app.

I'm glad you like things when they're colored. I would do every page in full color if not for the fact it would greatly extend how long each page takes to make, lol. At some point I am planning on doing a chapter where the first five pages (or some other XYZ number) are in full color, kind of like how some mangas do once in a blue moon.
finished my draft, now all I gotta do is..... start drawing.... gonna take at least 50 hours..... I'll start any day now.....
I decided to publish my work there too. Their horizontal reading is way better than comicfury holy shit
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I've been slacking a bit the last couple days, despite only having a few pages left to do
so I think I just won't sleep till I'm done with this
>try drawing straight line on a plane wing 20 times in a row
>remember line tool exists
>literally just works
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finally done
my eyes are heavy, and my back and legs hurt
The sign of a hard days work. You earned your rest.
Get some r
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That's the point were i like to play stairway to heaven and keep goin until failure
clarity here's scuffed mang
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Be honest with me anons, so you see the possibility of me winning some mpc awards so i could have some pocket money?
Not impossible, not even overwhelmingly unlikely, but it's probably not going to happen, no. I'm genuinely not saying this to be mean, just talking average chance.
what's fucked is I had something else I coulda done that for
you have to be fucking insane to want to make comics.

why can't I just strive to be a step father or something easy like that.
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Well, i like to think that the quality of my work isn't under of those who have won already, but still, after i'm done with the lineart of the 2 last pages (12 panels in total) i would like to post the whole name(or draft) to see if i still have a solid chance for it...
Although i still feel i need to give the final polish to the dialogues
But do you have the X factor.
No. Why the fuck would you ever count on winning awards? And isn't this your first work? Be realistic for pete's sake. If you want to gamble on nothing but a prayer, buy a lottery ticket.
Have you considered getting a big boy job for some "pocket money"
No one is going to make it

Based bro, keep it up
Cowboy/porn anon literally made it, what are you talking about? He literally got published.

And if you're talking about anons who on a smaller scale have sold physical prints of their comics, omeow (Oi! anon) has done so at events before.
>Cowboy anon made it
did he really, nice
I need a sugar mummy to look after me while I pretend to be a famous mangaka.
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I don't really feel like I've made it until I know that my books will sell. But I'm close, this is basically the last hurdle. I've got the chance to succeed, all I have to do now is make the best stuff I can make and cross my fingers the book does well.
It's like those people that get turned on getting their balls stepped on or something weird like that. Most people see that and are glad they get off to normal missionary sex instead of that, but for that one specific guy, he's experiencing pleasure unknown to most of humanity and achieving nirvana. Making a good comic is like cumming after getting your balls stepped on for 4 hours.
wait post your cowboy stuff. I could be thinking of a different anon
true, the joy i feel just making the comic is the main thing pushing me. I dont even care if nobody reads it, but the despair of being stuck on something is worse.
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You are thinking of the right person.
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A little better, but I think the composition could be more better with another take while trying to maintain clarity and dynamism for that added spice.
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guys how the fuck do you plan a story and plan each chapter and plan the arcs and plan the characters, it's a massive workload and I don't know how to make the whole process into one workflow to methodically follow it... I'm kinda falling behind
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Technically is the second one, the first one was a little one shot for the sma round 17 in which i backpedal in my first idea so i had to do 9 new pages in 6 days

Crippling social anxiety and one fuck up arm doesn't let me

Not that anon, but geez, did you really got published? Congrats, is funny that all started why that thread about the one shots in 22 pages, now you are published and even thought i did make the oneshot then, i was too shy to publish it, and now evolve into a first chapter with 54 pages, i really wish you luck anon

Sorry anon, that looks like too much work and i'm tired, besides i'm kinda satisfied with that page now
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I like to walk 10000 everyday while i listen music, that were i space out and like to think about arcs, scenes and characters too, you may think that is a massive workload, but you actually wanna keep going until you reach that point, that chapter, that introduction, or that scene, that will scratch that part of your brain in the right way

Just look i know that i won't be able to draw her in page in almost a year if everything goes as planned, but when the times come, i will finally be able to draw one of my favorite characters that i have made in one of my pages
Figure out where you want the story to go, figure out where you want it to start and then just take it one chapter at a time.

>is funny that all started why that thread about the one shots in 22 pages
/mmg/ has been around since the Tezuka 100th anniversary contest around mid 2020, I've been posting here since the general started. I've been drawing comics since 2014.
Though yeah I did do that 22 page chapter in a week. Funny thread that one.

Anyway, you really really should not count on winning any awards. Contests are just for practice, never ever plan on winning. If you do win, that's a nice little boost, but you should be entering them just to have a theme and a deadline to shape your practice. Especially for your second work ever.
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I mean that it started for me, i never tried to draw manga seriously until then

And i know i can't count on winning, but mostly i say so see if i have a chance of pointing that high, i mean... ehhh, it's like one way to say if people will like it that much or something like that?
Having a strong core idea that you can build everything off of is a good start.
This is part of the reason why people say you should start small with one shots.

Trying to put together a massive story can seem daunting, and people get just little ways in and realize how much of a huge task it is.

Regardless, you shouldn't be thinking of the minute details initially. You should start with the broad strokes, and work your way down. First thing to think about is what is the story about? Like what is the story you want to tell?

Who is the main character, and what is the driving force to that gets them from point A (the beginning) to point Z (the end).

What obstacles do they run into, to hinder them from easily getting to point Z, that will create conflict? What other characters will they come across in their journey? How will these characters help, hinder, or interact with them? What places will they visit, and why?

The little moment-to-moment things (like each page or panel) often shift or change, or get redrawn or repurposed, etc. So it is best to not get overly attached, as you may move, axe, or add things. Sometimes people add or subtract characters, or ideas even as they are already creating the story, and there is evidence of this all over in media.
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you're right, thanks for the tips, I should totally stop magnifying on every part and pay attention to the bigger picture at first
true, I'm not even sure what I want to do, shit
embrace the autism fren
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>embrace the autism fren
I will
>true, I'm not even sure what I want to do, shit
You start by finding what is the main issue you want your characters (I'm assuming it's the girls in your case, based on the pictures you've uploaded) to have. Is it something as simple as trying to survive school? Are they fighting magical forces that the public can't see? Maybe there's a costume event coming up and they want to have the best costume to impress their peers? Etc. etc. etc. This is the most important as everything stems from that. Even something as seemingly mundane as a slice of life show/manga will have a core concept everything revolves around. Let's take a random look at some of the comics drawn by anons on /mmg/:

Altarusia - Magical order of girls drawn from a specific group of people go around and exorcise paranormal monsters that plague the land.

Oi! Tales of Bardic Fury - A bard in training in 360 AD gets assigned to an Irish village, meets its people, and hilarious hijinks occur.

Quickdraw - A man with illegal goods is in turn robbed during a sale and is forced to work with a stranger to find the goods before the authorities find out and hang him.

Aecast - Medieval society discovers the power of magic during an invasion of demons from space. An all-girl squad is formed in secret with the hope of turning the tide.

So your first step is to come up with The Problem To Be Solved (TM). Once you have that, it's easier for things to flow from there.
Soulful. But run. And never come back before it’s too late.
Where else is he supposed to get advice from? We're all here on /ic/ (and specifically /mmg/) because for the most part there isn't anywhere better to go. Every other place is a giant hugbox where you can't get any actual critique (I'm not talking about crabs) and the art is even worse. Besides, /mmg/ is relatively speaking insanely chill compared to most other generals or threads.
An artist can see a spark of truth looking at a rusty light pole in the street.
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testing trad + digital.
I really enjoyed this
Thanks anon, I appreciate you taking the time to read it. You trying to draw in the vein of Blame! or something similar?
Yeah, i guess it's really obvious I was referencing Nihei
Nobody will give a duck about ai content, people want to watch stuff that other people are talking about. Even Skibidi niggery will always be preferrred over an ai made breaking bad tailored for you.
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>character lineart
Done, finally done
54 pages and 314 (344 in total, but only 314 have characters in them) in 55 days, now proud, but next time hopefully i won't have to take days and days of breaks 'cause my arm

Now if i'm allow to ask, do anybody knows the best export settings? I see a bunch of text and i don't know which ones are the best ones to export
>do anybody knows the best export settings
Depends on what you're trying to export to, and why. Does the place you're trying to upload your comic to have specific dimension requirements? Specific file type requirements? Export to those.
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>testing trad + digital
Looks good, what it's your process, i just trace a lot of pictures of my drawings, but yours looks scanned
>To be recommended image size(1,920×2,560px)or more

>All of the pages have the same image size
So i have to divide the spreads which seems kinda trick since i made everything in one layer

Also there's the cut line and the safety lines, i did it in the csp young jump dimensions for the page and when i try to look it in the 3d binding preview, the text and drawings get suck by the middle, but just a little (i know i won't publish physical, but still, i mostly did the name and draft in trad so i did it thinking with the 2 pages at one so it looks better that way)
>Quickdraw - A man with illegal goods is in turn robbed during a sale and is forced to work with a stranger to find the goods before the authorities find out and hang him.
This may sound weird but in the almost 3 years since I started Quickdraw this is pretty much the first time I've seen clear proof that what I was going for was actually understood. Dude you have no idea how much of a relief it is that that came through. While I was drawing it, because I was making it on the seat of my pants, I was constantly terrified that I wasn't making the hook clear enough. I knew I didn't want to have the characters outright state what was going on, so I was constantly sweating that I wasn't making it obvious enough what exactly was going on and why Gums was reacting the way he was to the situation.
Shit like this is why I'm finding working with an editor so, so much nicer. I no longer have to guess whether or not a reader will get what I'm going for. I'm no longer stuck in my own head over not just the details but even the core premise of the work, because the editor can tell me if something is clear or not.
Doubtful. Everyone will get addicted to custom AI porn. You sound like you're describing how you want things to be, not how they actually will be.
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For anybody who was interested in purchasing my work, it's up on DLsite from now until July.
Much appreciated, どうぞよろしくお願いします!
I just took a picture of the lineart with a smartphone. The ink was done on paper and the tone was added digitally
do you have a translator or just bilingual?
When writing the dialogue, I edit MTL to get the idea across and my editor rephrases it to sound better.
When talking to my editor I just type in english and he in japanese and we MTL it on our own ends. Works better than you'd think, there's been basically no significant communication SNAFUs so far around 8 months in.
I haven't actually studied so I don't know japanese very well, though I'm getting better over time just because I'm working in the language a lot right now.
>it's up on DLsite from now until July
First, congratulations again man. You really did it. But why is it time sensitive? Is it just the publisher trying to create some kind of FOMO? Seems like such an odd thing to limit since it's standard visual media you read as opposed to, say, a Fortnite/Call of Duty skin or the like.

Nah, don't worry about it, it was very clear from my end. And I understand where you're coming from with your editor. Making sure I'm not getting lost in the weeds and for somebody to kick my butt is why I sought out (and now listen to, I hope) my own private editor.
>First, congratulations again man. You really did it. But why is it time sensitive? Is it just the publisher trying to create some kind of FOMO? Seems like such an odd thing to limit since it's standard visual media you read as opposed to, say, a Fortnite/Call of Duty skin or the like.
I don't know, but if I had to guess it's because it stems from magazines being the FOMO early-bird version while the tankoubon are the permanent release for people can wait
Ok, that's a clearer picture I get it now.
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>haven't actually studied so I don't know japanese very well
Not that anon, but the other day i found out about lingodeer, and actually i found it very good for learning, because after some leasons they explain you about gramatics and different readings and that kind of stuff, so you should at least give it a try(and to be honest i'm using the premium mod apk since it looks costly as fuck, and the montly subscription is like one month of csp ex) so that can tell you that it's good
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Finally changed the first chapter to occidental way of reading, I just need to put the english text on it. That manga reading was getting on my nerves. Anyway, I took the chance to retouch some panels too.
Gonna have to purchase and jack off to it out of respect.
backgrounds still take me the longest to do. Having to figure out the perspective and then calculate it like its a physics exam every single time is draining my mental battery. Now I see why pros have assistants that do all the backgrounds.
Yeah another side is the subreddit manga making but that side is a desert.
They simply use the subreddit to upload their work in the hope of having followers and nothing more, no one cares about anyone else's work and there is no advice whatsoever.
It reminds me of the typical Twitter posts like ''drop your art'' posts, where people simply reply to the post by uploading their drawings but without any interest in engaging with other accounts, only with the interest of getting followers.

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