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draw this in your style
more like how to get a commission for free
other anon made it work tho
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redpill me on Zynga
it's an on online mobile poker game and this is one of the avatars you can choose to roleplay playing as a highroller to pass the time
>the nose knows
>to pass the time
why would you do that? we only have a limited amount of time
it seems that I'm on the cycle where I'm enjoying playing games again rather than force myself to finish bert dodson's book
He reminds me of Peg Leg Pete!
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I gave it a try, and it kinda went out of hand. I ended up with a whole animation somehow, check it here >>>/f/3506970
checked it out and nice work anon
What if her name was Black Beaver?
I tried to think of a name for her, but I'm not a cultured man, lol
Do you have a cool tale for Black Beaver? At least we know how she ends now.
My god I can't stand coomers. Are they afraid to turn gay if they do one drawing without enormous titties ? Do they even like art ? The topic of the dtiys is a fucking bearded pirate captain. If you CHANGE the character it's not a dtiys anymore you retard.
melvin seething
it isn't pride month yet calm your faggotry
draw the pirate or gtfo
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You know I actually did her tits smaller at the beginning, I wasn't paying attention. Right before posting the flash animation, I said, wait... this is supposed to be a coom flash, why am I not taking full advantage of the tools at hand to make her tits as big as possible? So I resized all the assets and made her tits bigger =)
Coom is more than an art form, is an spiritual and magic ancient device. Do you ever wonder why simple cartoon art porn still exists and thrives while porn film and complex cgi animation already reached peak quality?
It's about the power of symbols and icons. The simplicity of them works like a whistle dog for humans. It's not about me "fearing turning gay" as you perhaps "project". I don't even think about "options", "diversity" or "why", I'm just thinking about TITS AND HOT WOMEN, as simple as that, it's not rocket science. I'm just being driven by pure primordial instincts when doing this shit, like running at full speed on a track field. I happen to be a simple heterosexual coom brain, and this is what we like. I'm not a criminal for that. No one else posted a "pirate", but a coom brain went out of his daily routine to do a full animation about a big titted hot pirate driven only by the unstoppable power of coom. Driven by pure love. Stop hating anon, love what you like and enjoy it to the max.
OP here, I like how you think. saved
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I don't care about coomers but your style is horrible.
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cute moai
Definitively not 'horrible', you just don't like coom on this board, or in certain threads like this one.
cool brush work. That shoulder needs a parrot
Yes that was I was saying. You don't like art. Drawing is just a way for you to get sexual pleasure since masturbation doesnt do anything anymore for your brain. Thanks for the confirmation
>masturbation doesnt do anything anymore for your brain...
uhhhhh... fortunately? lol. Thank god I'm not a teenager anymore mindlessly fapping 6 times a day and chasing girls in hope of "something" whatever that could be. I can turn sexual desire into something creative and productive not just for me but to be shared as well. I think that's amazing much better than fapping staring at the void. Don't you think?
I find quite amusing your denial about the sexual nature of life itself on this planet.
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holy shit guys just draw him stfu
Coomers in their 30s have such a gay writing style. Completely devoid of testosterone.
i'll post something soon
>All that nonsense about primordial instincts
>and then he writes this; "fapping 6 times a day and chasing girls in hope of "something" whatever that could be"
>admits to being a bitter coomer virgin that can't talk to girls.

Maybe that coomer mindset you've Stockholm'd yourself into admiring is doing more harm to you than you're willing to admit. There's more to intimate happiness than sex, it's the garnish to the meal of human pair-bond happiness. And if you whittle all of life down to immediate dopamine and oxytocin releases, you're going to hollow yourself out.
Also, girls can detect, and know to avoid coomers, just as they're wired to avoid any other type of creep that might threaten them or their future offspring, you'd know that if you ever got close enough to speak to one, so it's funny being lectured about the nature of nature, by someone that's being actively selected-out by nature in real time.
Also coomers tend to become trannies when the conventional dopamine starts to wear off. Not all coomers are trannies, but all trannies are coomers, at some point they convince themselves that it's the big-brain move to just become the "perfect sexy girlfriend" instead of chasing her.
>tldr; cope, sneed.
WOW! lmao, anon. I hate to say this, but I believe you keep projecting things, quite "weird things", I must say...
You over analyze too much. If I can give any advice about girls, just a smile can do miracles anon. Maybe I'm spoiled, I'm not Brad fucking Pitt, but, I never had to pull a fucking stand up routine out of my ass to get attention.
Don't think about what girls need, but what YOU need. Believe me you'll end up always in the same spot, starting again by yourself, you are your only true friend. Take care of you, no one else.
Stay healthy and your "T levels" will never run out, and you won't have to become a tranny LMAO. That shit was funny ngl anon.

>33 replies 3 actual drawings

for shame
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He's fallen on hard times
Might have strayed too far from the original but I had fun
That's really good anon, nice.
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Best one yet

This is nice.

Not bad, the mouth can be better.

Could be more edgy

Stopppppppppp ittttt

Very sketch, have you tried etching with a knife in real life?

Cute, could be better.

Hobo energy, I like it.

Don't do it.
>Stopppppppppp ittttt
HEEEY!!! I did that to keep the thread going. Otherwise it would be dead already... -shake muh head-...
I'll draw another quick big titted pirate when the thread gets to the bottom of the sea. She will have a wooden leg, I like that idea.
Kek I'm tempted to join you but I need to sleep and I got commissions to do. Keep the thread alive I'll join soon.

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