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>Mediocre artist
>Has made millions
How did he do it?
by creating something which their is an audience for.
With scott pilgrim the average redditor can now project himself into the world of scott pilgrim.
To live out his fantasy of beating up hordes of other simps to get noticed by his E-thot and become her BF.
>by creating something which there is an audience for.
man fuck auto spelling
It was the coming of age of 00's culture at the same time it created another subculture. It was simply the product of it's time and it's special to everyone who grew with it. Btw the art and the story reminds those cringe relationship drawings people used to post on orkut and facebook and I remember the 00's being about dating and eternal teen love.
maybe it had something to do with Adult Swim, that's the first time i saw the animated short
How so?
>dont listen to /ic/ ngmis that never create shit
>make it
Damn that's crazy.
I haven't googled it but I felt this dudes books have been around since I was a kid...
>August 2004

Yeah, that's a long time.
So basically the secret is keep drawing your project for 20 years.
Literally just by creating an actual product. Illustrations are by comparison worthless.
if current me went to 2004 I could become a famous artist in no time.
Mediocre artist? Maybe, but he's a comic artist, and that depends on more than just drawing talent.
>Scott Pilgrim vs the Roast
He’s a terrible writer, too
He might not be a technically skilled artist but making 200+ page graphic novels across 6 volumes is pretty impressive in and of itself.
Most anons here probably couldn't even produce a 100 page gn
Really? Where's your still beloved multimedia franchise anon? This isn't like Twilight where everyone collectively looks back and agrees it was shit, Scott Pilgrim holds up, because it's good.
Seriously though
Imagine Ramona's flaps
Wallace was right about women
Sucked dick
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Imagine if they were beetles. They would look like this probably.
>How did he do it?
By drawing that one face really well.
>the average redditor
you don't understand Scott pilgrim do you?
>Bandage on leg/thighs
I love this trope.
I loved that short
What's his net worth any way?
You don't need to be the best artist, you just need to be a good enough artist with an attractive enough style, with characters and stories that resonate with an audience.
The Japanese manga landscape is littered with artists that are 1000 times better in character design, backgrounds, and overall artistry that fell by the wayside because their stories and characters weren't up to snuff.

Bryan lee o'malley is a faggot but I don't hate on him because he found success.
this he tapped into a zeitgeist with the work and was somewhat ahead of the curve on some trends - manic pixie, nerd culture becoming mainstream
>I remember the 00's being about dating and eternal teen love.
Pandering to millennials
He had comics before this that were complete flops, comics after were also not as good. He just happened to make a hit at a time when the comic industry was both bored of the cape shit but also not yet pozzed
SP was a bit of a flop at first too. O'Malley said that he was still having to work at restaurants until vol 4 and the intial movie deal
How was he able to get the movie deal if the comic wasn’t selling a lot?
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By telling a story visually instead of drawing pretty pictures like most render monkeys. Nimona is the same thing.
Sales picked up, then movie deal. He was in contact with Edgar Wright as well
Unpopular opinion but michael cera was the perfect cast. Mary Elizabeth having wider shoulders than him it's the cherry on the top.
I agree
Had Scott been played by some standard pretty boy it would be hard to really tolerate him.
Cera can do dickish things but still somehow come off as likable.
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>by creating an actual product
>Illustrations are by comparison worthless
I know what you mean by this but there's exceptions like picrel.
>You don't need to be the best artist, you just need to be a good enough artist with an attractive enough style, with characters and stories that resonate with an audience.
Basically "Appeal"
>The Japanese manga landscape is littered with artists that are 1000 times better in character design, backgrounds, and overall artistry that fell by the wayside because their stories and characters weren't up to snuff.
There's plenty of God tier manga artists that are far less successful than Shonen Jump artists so this makes sense.
>Mediocre artist
Plenty of western comics, graphic novels, webcomics and even manga (OPM webmanga) have bad art but are popular anyway.
I know artists don't like to hear this but maybe learn to tell a story instead of grinding fundies.
Good writing + appealing characters is all you need. Hell, you don't even need good writing, you need appealing writing.
It's all appeal, son. If you don't understand it you will never make it. You could be an expert artist and novelist but if your art and writing don't have appeal, nobody will give a shit. The audience can excuse mediocre art and writing, as long as there is...
Honestly, I would have liked to see them stay closer to the original's art, if that picrel is actually the same character.
I don't think I've seen a 'dot-eyed' animated film character since that blue-sky peanuts film.
Mossad marketing
Why is this board so jealous?
When good artist succeeds, then it's excuse to make up how they aren't as good and are bland because popular= bad and when mid one does same it's also problem from social media and normies
If a mediocre artist makes it out why don't you try too? I though people would be more so happy and willing more to try if they can too make it with not much of an art skill but 100% of your best put into it
Isn't that what you guys wanted? To get rewarded for your hard work that twitter and other sites won't appreciate
Most of the people in this thread seem to agree that OP is being a sourpuss, or just joking around.
However, regarding your main point of people being upset at others success, it's a common phenomenon; It's Tall Poppy Syndrome.
haven't bother reading it. sounds kinda cringe from the summary of the story
>simp falls in love with e-thot
>simp must defeat her exes(simps) to become her BF
sounds like the dream of your average redditor.
That's hardly a summary, that's just the opening pitch, a back of the book blurb.
>if that picrel is actually the same character.
It's the same character.
>You could be an expert artist and novelist but if your art and writing don't have appeal, nobody will give a shit.
I didn't believe in appeal till I saw Dave Rapoza fanart of Super Meat Boy, that shit is ugly.
The original is simple, geometric and appealing.
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>The audience can excuse mediocre art and writing, as long as there is...
>A P P E A L
Undertale pixel art is terrible, but the characters appeal to autistic children so it's popular.
Even Loomis talk about appeal in his books.
>Why is this board so jealous?
Most comments here are defending the mediocre artist success.
Crab people
Crab people
Walk like crab
Talk like people
>I know artists don't like to hear this but maybe learn to tell a story instead of grinding fundies.
visual medium
Sorry to burst your bubble but good writing will always trump great art quality. People are fine with shit visuals as long as the writing is entertaining.
That's why the One Punch Man webcomic and the Mob Psycho 100 manga are so beloved, despite the bad drawings.
If you put all your apples into art and refuse to get good at writing, you get something like TheGoldenSmurf's Ramia-Yana. Shit writing but great visuals, which I guess can work if you draw borderline-fetish content.

So in conclusion: If you can't write for shit, you'll have to sell your soul to gooners and coomers.
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Yes and O'Malley's art gets the job done instead of trying so hard to be technically perfect.
For most audiences, high /beg/ to mid /int/ is unironically good enough
Dave rapoza annoys me. You can tell he's technically proficient but... it's too fucking much. My eyes feel assaulted by all the small details. It's like looking directly at the sun. You can't stare at it for too long or you'll hate it, yet there's so much you feel you need to look at because of all the detail
Nice cope but comics just like animation and video games still need a story to be good.
>You can tell he's technically proficient but... it's too fucking much.
>My eyes feel assaulted by all the small details
I feel the same way.
tell that to coombait gacha games that make more than triple A games and movies.
What in God's name?
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World ruined a whole generation of women
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Alot of other anons have explained this already but Brian's art is actually quite good. It's charming and it effectively conveys the tone and atmosphere of the story. Don't confuse simplicity with a lack of technique.

Secondly, comics are a visual medium, but the visuals aren't the end of it. Scott Pilgrim, as a story, is good even in a vaccum. It's well-told coming of age romantic story dressed up with styles of 8 and 16-bit video games, and a lot of anime influences. It's characters are well-rounded, charming, and likeable for their flaws and their growth. It's obviously not without its problems - In particular, the story loses a lot of steam in Volume 5.

What really made it resonate, though, was how Brian managed to perfectly capture the zeitgeist of the times with his story. It was released around the time when kids who grew up playing 8 and 16-bit video games were in Scott's position - early twenties and just finding their way in the world, still having a lot of growing up to do - and it paints a very captivating picture of "what it was like." It's a bit like American Graffiti for Canada in the Early 2000's.

TL:DR A story well-told at the right time, in the right place. Do what >>7147082 said and read up on writing.
>Mediocre artist


also, he just drew
Comics are a medium where the writing is told mostly (sometimes just entirely) through the visuals. This is a hard concept to explain but it is what sets the truly great comics from the good ones.
If writing is the 'only thing' that matters than make a book.
>Has made millions
Think he was able to buy a house with the money form the film though
He definitely got paid well from the Netflix show
He was the first nigga that wasn't japanese to understand that people like cute romances when the people in it actually look fucking cute and aren't horrific DC/Marvel hairless monkeys.
He was likely paid straight up for the film, rather than paid in royalties, so yeah he probably could.

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