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File: clock tower.png (3 MB, 2317x1165)
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what /ic/ thinks of the new art for the clock tower remaster?
Looks like a generic webtoon
I don't know why they went about changing the art style so radically, the realistic (perhaps live action?) art helped make the game so much more creepy. The cartoony anime style just lacks the oomph of the snes original.
Though I'm sure the re-release will have the original's graphics too, so the point is somewhat mute... Anyway... Why is the on /ic/? Isn't this more a /v/ thing or something?

As a side note, did anyone ever see the trailers for that fan remake of Clocktower? The game eventually became remothered, and those trailers were all seemingly taken down, but they were super creepy and a fantastic art style for a remake of the game - it's a shame he was (likely) sent a C&D.
Gets better, its not a real remake, its a shit emu wrap around a stolen ROM with a custom LE HECKIN RETROWARE CRT EFEECTS and with a new ACTUALIZED translation (and here is the translation, its gonna be a woke localization).

All here bought to you by a woke leftist company that supports pajeets and cancels people.
>Why is the on /ic/? Isn't this more a /v/ thing or something?
Because I am talking about the art not the game/gameplay.
>All here bought to you by a woke leftist company that supports pajeets and cancels people.
Isn't it Wayforward? I don't think they're particularly caring about what whiny twitter people say - all their games a cheesecake fests.
As for limitedrun games... Well I don't think they'd get too much of a say on it, though I may be wrong.
>All here bought to you by a woke leftist company that supports pajeets and cancels people.
Strange coming from a indie that made shantae. I wonder what happened to them, maybe tons of money?
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>As a side note, did anyone ever see the trailers for that fan remake of Clocktower?
I just thought I'd take a quick look and see if I could find anything - here's a lost media wiki post on it: https://lostmediawiki.com/Remothered_(lost_build_of_cancelled_remake_of_%22Clock_Tower%22_survival_horror_game;_2007-2012)
It really is a shame, it looks quite great.
>Isn't it Wayforward? I don't think they're particularly caring about what whiny twitter people say - all their games a cheesecake fests.
have you been living under a rock
>have you been living under a rock
Perhaps? I'm not reading videogame news articles, so what's up? Did they make a weepy statement about women in videogames or something?
LRG, Limited Run Games.
Good fan games like this go nowhere because requiere fucks to have no irl whatsoever.
SweetBaby, BlackRock, whatever chink ESG company infiltrates vidya and offers money in for commie dogma, you bet
So even the "indie" is not indie. Holy shit they play both sides...
I'm skeptical about this entire fucking conspiracy grifters have been selling that people don't seem to shut up about.

But if what you say is true and somehow they find some inexplicable way to insert "commie dogma" into a game where you run away from some asshole with scissors then sure, I'll start huffing the paint. Give me your pamphlets about the dangers of woke.
Nigga, are you just playing dumb?


The right wing more then grifters it mostly have coalposters, while grifters are usually from the left, but many pretend to be anti woke just for clout and money, but then they show their true power level.
Not even Persona 3 reload escaped the woke localization.
The whole "CARBON ENGINE" is nothing more then a emuapp corw wrap-!round over a CHD rom with fake simulated NEWMODES!!! that are just special save states with custom scripts to simulate certain stuff, nothing is done in the actual game engine or its source code, the CRT shader looks like ass, and its gonna be sold at full 70$ price.

>Amerilards haven't discovered emulation
>Probably riding Nintendo's cock in the Yuzu case
>Land of the freeĀ©
I'm not listening to a 21 minute video, wtf?

What I'm getting at is that I'm tired of all this "Sweet Baby Inc" bullshit popping up everywhere like any of it actually matters.

Like consider all the shit going on in the world and there's actual individuals who base their entire personality on being anti-woke. Like damn they censored a woman's ass in a video game, better call Goon Team Six.

Like who actually gives a shit?
>Like who actually gives a shit?
People have their hobbies and passions anon. If you suddenly noted that the writing in all the media you liked started nose diving, and that coincided with their collaborations with a 'narrative consultant company with a focus on dei', of course you'd blame them.
As for the Investment companies, they've gone on record as trying to 'force change' by dangling their investments over companies' heads.

I personally don't think it's as bad as they make out, but there's defo truth to it. At the end of the day, it's arguments about video games, so no need to get too stressed about it, even if it's all true - just stop buying their shitty shit, and only buy the good stuff; the cream rises to the top, after all.
Wow, not only you are part of the problem, you seem to WANT THIS.
Don't worry, they'll come for you eventually, too.
Those who ignore the elephant in the room will eventually be buried in its shit.
>the cream rises to the top, after all.
If only it were that simple. It would be in a genuinely free system, but ours is warped so far out of alignment with its original ideals that one can no longer vote with their wallet, because a million other brainwashed idiots will just keep pumping money into it. We have already been divided and conquered, all that's left is to fight for scraps.
When the culture is under the thumb of a tyrant, the only cream that rises to the top is what the tyrant permits. This is how narratives get controlled, opposition stifled, and regimes instated, for decade after decade after decade. It doesn't matter how you vote with your wallet, cultural engineering can only be stopped by destroying the men at the top, and to do that, you have to destroy their cronies, and to do that, you have fight tooth and nail constantly with your ideologically compromised neighbors who are under their influence.
An actual reasonable talking point. I pretty much agree with everything you're saying. Maybe my impression is tainted by that one bald fuck who had a mental breakdown because Starfield asked what his pronouns were.

Starfield sucked independently of any of the "woke mind virus" shit people like him were complaining about.

It's a remaster no one asked for with webtoon art. No, I don't want this. The originals are right there with emulation.

Anon, you sound like fucking Rorschach. I can agree with your sentiments but I have trouble taking this whole culture war seriously when we're talking about videogames maybe including some characters obviously pandering to leftist ideals and some anime tiddies being censored. Like I don't know if that's worth getting a safety end times bunker prepared and disowning my neighbors.
>Like who actually gives a shit?
Average american retard
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Ayo wtf
WTF WHAT AN UGLY TR00N. Until now I always just found them weird but this time I almost threw up
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Hard to feel excited if it's just gonna be an emulated rom.
The Deluxe romhack by BobSchneeder45 already perfected Clock Tower.

I was kinda hoping they'd redo the game, pixelart or non pixelart.

Chris may have canceled the prototype, but he didn't give up and made Remothered.
He's also been directing a disney-styled 2D game in the same CT veener.

And then there's me. Taking forever to finish my CT-like. I completely missed the December deadline for the new demo.
Been sick, and swamped with work, but it's just delays. I'll get there bros.
still her body count surpasses three times every body count from each anon in this website a million times
>I bet they've slept around loads
And this is supposed to be a good thing? What next? You dunk on people because you can do more hard drugs than others? Fuck off, hedonistic loser.
You for real
Wasnt Remothered cancelled too?
It looks really cute, I love it
Shut up Bot
It is you sore incel nerd
Your mom is gay
>W-w-well you're a virgin, sleeping around is cool
What are you? A teenager? Well enjoy your stds and the constant hunt for your next dopamine fix, you debauched fuck.
Its a horror game...
>this is how yellow fever nogs cope
lol lmao
stop playing vidya and draw, loser
I do, faggot.
The Clocktower remake was, but the project eventually became it's own thing that's heavily inspired by the Clocktower series (still named remothered).
That said, the Remothered series may be cancelled (so you were kinda right), as the last game in the series was apparently a stinker.
she's brown albeit
Last time i heard about Remothered, i remember it look like this https://youtu.be/UMXAPppHS1c?feature=shared
Yeah, the project eventually became "Remothered: Tormented Fathers", which you can buy now. It really is a shame, the clock tower remake game looks so damn good, the art direction was perfect for the series.
Remothered: Tormented Fathers isn't anywhere nearly as stylish, as it's just a generic 3D look.
Kill yourself.

t. don't even play videogames.
>Imagine calling yourself an adult and never touched a pussy, whose only pseudo interactions with them is trough erotic chinese cartoons
Yes, definitely a sore loser
i want digital ball
>Imagine thinking someone's a virgin purely because they don't approve of being a hedonistic debauched slut.
Yes, definitely retarded. I'm even more against you having sex now. Don't have children, they don't deserve to be cursed with your genes.

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