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Do any of you use your art to further important political movements, like a free Palestine or democratic socialism? How do you draw inspiration for that work! How do you make sure it’s seen both by supporters and, more importantly, opponents? What makes for a compelling piece that influences others?
If I'm gonna whore myself I'd rather draw porn
>How do you make sure it’s seen both by supporters and, more importantly, opponents?
its simple
>open ms paint
>wrote "GAS ALL KIKES"
>draw some big nose caricature merchant
>save and spread to xitter
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>free palestine
>democratic socialism

FUCK OFF, commie!
Certified falseflagging kike post.
They should have given the girl black hair and made her bleed a little.
What equivalent amount do I have to buy to earn 6 free palestines?
>see artist retweeting politics or chanting the political fotm
>flags in bio
>talking about gendersexualityhomogays
>mute and block
Kek at writing the message in english in a fake arabic font
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please don't make fun of my people's suffering.
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I drew that, I think it s pretty
>nvm he draws my fetish
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I don't draw but I have some pretty nice artwork right here
I mainly draw jew baiting, antisemitic propaganda in my free time. I dont care if its politically relavent or not. I just want to be the Philipp Rupprecht of my time.
i used to love jews but i saw a drawing of Solid Snake waving a palestine flag with 20k retweets on twitter and now i hate israel
Free Palestine?
wow geat deal
i'll take two to go please
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AI art count?

Free her anon so when she grows up she can be forced to fully cover herself up and fulfill her only use of producing offspring with her 70IQ cousin.
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>you have now blocked 99% of artists
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>implying you want to interact wiht 99% of these autistic freaks
>important political movements, like a free Palestine
just delete yourself!
Fuck off commie trash, if you like palestina so much go live there, if you like socialism so much go live in venezuela, retard
>losing the bottom 99% of artists
>nothing of value is lost
lol, lmao
I tried makin a comic expressing my thoughts on this
I'm shit at comic though
I’ve stopped drawing and tweeted that I won’t draw again until there’s a ceasefire. So far, neither side has reached out to me.
Stay strong, brothers.
'ate sandniggers, kikes included (not racialist just dun loik 'em)
I’m on the shitter right now about to drop a bomb in there like how the jews are dropping bombs on the shitstelians. Aaaaaahhhhh ssshhhhhiiiiiiit I can tell this one’s going to put up a fight aaaaaaaaahhhhh fffuuuuuuuuuuck oooooohhhh shhiiiiit oohhhhh no no no no no get out of my colon you filthy turd aaaaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! FINAL PUSH!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa huff huff ah lard oh sweet baby jesus it’s out ahh ahhh fucking a’ pheeeeww… anyways, what were you sayin?
>Muh 6 million
>On 4chan

The state
Mixing politics with art is bad on the long run, even if you are a leftoid drone.
artists can be activists but generally it's because they have become ideologically possessed and aren't very good at creating, the art and skill/creativity falls by the wayside in service of the agenda

it's sad to see in most cases even if you agree with the message there's no soul in it, just talking points put to the page
genuine question, can you name one artist who is primarily creating for political reasons that is actually good?

I have never seen one, which is a bit sad
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The BLM blackout was one of the most powerful political images of the 21st century.
That was hilarious. Normies ruining their slop feeds in the name of solidarity.
Rage Against the Demiurge
>what are you doing?
Observe Israel act like a nigger
The only politically correct option is to draw porn.

Porn is for everybody. It doesn't care if you're a nigger, or a kike, or a spic, or a shitskin, or a gook, or a jap, or a tranny, or jordan peterson, or whatever you identify as.

To make porn during times of war is the ultimate virtue every artist should strive towards.

With porn, everyone comes together.
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unlike palestine, israel actually have a right to exist!
If I'm going to draw literal pozzed propaganda, I'm not doing it for free.
Pay me the big bucks and I'll pump out garbage like hecking cute art of Stalin and Mao waving a trans flag faster than shit coming out of a leftist's mouth at a free palestine rally at Harvard.
I'm a complete beg but will probably dip into it once I'm more confident. I do a lot of coverage of protests/movements with photography so it'd be naive of me to think that it won't filter a bit into making art.

I'd imagine making sure it's seen will follow a similar organic nature to my photography: follow the relevant accounts on social media and tag them in what's relevant to them, eventually more of them will follow you and you'll end up within the overall eco system.

It's crazy how quickly things went from being an unknown randomer taking photos of anything to photos being used in documentaries, print press and by major orgs like Amnesty Intl.
I don't get it; now supporting Palestine is woke?
Didn't the jews manufacture the libtard ideology?
Liberals like to raise up anyone they feel is oppressed (blacks, women, gays). Jews have been force feeding “muh holocaust” for a couple of generations now and believed themselves to be the ultimate oppressed. They were wrong, and neglected to consider this oppression-seeking tool would turn against them they moment they made an oppressed class of their own. That’s what this is all about; the npc’s are following their programming against their programmers.
>They were wrong, and neglected to consider this oppression-seeking tool would turn against them they moment they made an oppressed class of their own. That’s what this is all about; the npc’s are following their programming against their programmers.
>Yes I made a giant clay robot, but it's 100% loyal.
lmao! You're putting your skills to good use.
No. The masses have been brainwashed into protesting for whatever cause is popular at the moment. It keeps the attention off the home based problems. The campus protests are good example. Most of them will be lucky to find work at McDonalds once they leave. Instead of protesting about Biden economics, they protesting about a place they probably don't know where to find on the map.
>suspiciously large amount of israeli supporters on thread
this thread is incadescent with how much glowing is going on here
He says after cheering on Russian missiles landing in Ukraine.

Muslims have attacked the west over and over again, I do not care about the people that were in the streets dancing and cheering 9/11 as it happened. And I get nothing is ever their fault and they can do no wrong if you frame it as oppressor vs oppressed but what they did on 10/7 was monumentally retarded and they are being held accountable. Want to not get bombed by Jews don't do terrorist attacks in their country, the living standards in gaza prior to 10/7 was higher than Lebanon, gaza enjoyed BILLIONS in donations. Now they pissed it all away. There is nothing in this world I love more than people that try to spin the narrative being held accountable for their own bullshit. They shoved their cock in a hornets nest now they see the results of that action
JIDF hands wrote this post
Fuck the Middle East. Bunch of fuckin backwoods barbaric savages.
You know what I am "jdif" everything I said is still valid

Gaza got billions in donations
Gaza had a better quality of life then some Arab states
Gaza is directly responsible for ever bomb dropped on it since 10/7

Facts don't care about your feefees now go wear you picnic cloth on your head and cry dawa bitch boy
I'm an artist, I draw and people followed me for art and that's why I followed other people.

If I wanted to support a cause I would do things that actually mattered, posting pictures of Sonic with Palestinian flags isn't going to do anything other than making people roll their eyes and ignore or get me some selfish pity likes (out of guilt, not actual appreciation for the art, mind you)

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