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Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Medium (12-16"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S8/S9 Ultra, used iPad Pro 12.9"
Large (22"+): Cintiq 22HD, Cintiq Pro 27 - Make sure they have VESA standard mounting holes.


>XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand making Wacom imitations
Poor build quality, pens with wavy lines, wobbly nibs, broken tilt, issues registering light pressure, terrible customer support, uncalibrated. All Chinese brands have the same problems. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Do not be fooled by myths like "Chink companies are just as good as Wacom now" - they've been saying this for over 8 years, nothing has changed. Consider reading the amazon reviews, particularly the negative spectrum and you will find some very common themes.
Chinese companies have also been proven to shill on 4chan. You will see dozens upon dozens of posts in this thread by a chinese schizo shill, who will either be bitching about the OP, gaslighting as a Wacom fan, making pointless spam posts or giving terrible advice (like recommending Huion). Just ignore and report him.

>Microsoft Surface Pro
More optimized for palm rejection than good quality drawing. Wobbly lines when drawing slow and straight.

>Cintiq 13-16"
Completely outclassed by the Galaxy Tab Ultra & iPad

>Cintiq Pro 16, 24, 32
Overpriced, QC issues, loud fans, proprietary mount interface

Worse than Samsung in every way.

Previous: >>7121775
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>Check out the webm to understand how bad they are
You don't draw and never will.
I'm kinda tempted to make a webm of my chink junk and see what you guys think
Should I fall flr the screen less meme
whats wrong with it?
>pressed down on my Intuos eraser at max pressure
>the pen literally exploded
>now the pen tip doesnt work even when I put it back together
what the fuck
Gorillas aren't made to draw
I wish I had a drawing tablet. Drawing on paper is fun and all, but I can't do anything fun with it. Being a 3rd worlder is not fun, don't do it
The line wobble at the end is so fucking stupid you can literally see the end of the pen moving up and down with his fingers. What kind of a retard pretends that something doesn't work?
Who is this guy? He's pissing me off
>you can literally see the end of the pen moving up and down with his fingers
That shouldn't create side to side wobble you idiot. This guy has done the exact same benchmarks on other tablets and there is no wobble.

You are a butthurt shill. Cry more you worthless little moron.
Shut up you stupid nigger if you don't know how to draw straight lines just say that
Newfag here, is Clip Studio Paint the software I want to get for digital art?
Anon if you have a PC, why not practice with a mouse in something free like Paint.net?
Who asked the loser who doesn't draw?
How about it faggot OP:
We all know you don't draw and are on an autistic quest against chink tablets.
While claiming decade old shortcomings exist, other ones are relevant.
So instead making the same claims over and over again update them so people actually know what the tradeoffs are.
I know you don't draw and don't have any of these tablets, but could you at least pay attention to what people post in these threads?
1024 is not enough, the pressure you have to put for initial response is very bad compared to 2048.
Talking right out of your arse there, retard.
reminder to never listen to the screenless schizo and always go for a screen if possible.
What do you think about using your drawing tablet in "touchpad-mode" i.e. the tablet is not the equialent of the screen, like a touchscreen, but it is relative movement, like a touchpad.

I just tried it out and I really seem to prefer it. Also, when I added mouse acceleration, it was totally good to use as a mouse, though I know people wont use it for drawing.
this is what you get for buying Chinese crap
You can do what he does with a normal pencil but I guess you don't know because you don't draw
Post of a photo of the pen tip then, probably the solder joints got broken with the pressure. I have 3x Grip Pens here and 2x Pro Pens1, they all work.
I'll ever listen to any of OP advice if he posts his work with a timestamp + his Intuos 3.
Until then, he is a no draw faggot not worthy of your time and attention.
I’m a spic and I use PC programs so chink tablets are my only option

XPPen Artist12 Pro or Huion Kamvas Pro 13? Which one is the lesser evil?
Both are good, ignore OP since he doesn't draw and that webm is, like, +6 years old.
i present to you sunk-cost fallacy of one who spent too much on his screen tablet
you’re blind or stupid?
Drawing with a mouse hurts my wrist. I used to draw with vectors in ms paint but that hurts my wrist too. After I resorted to drawing on paper I gained a lot, but I also couldn't go back to drawing with vectors because it was too slow now. And yet I feel compelled to draw digital art. When I make enough money I'll buy wacom, I don't even care if it breaks after one hour of usage. I need to feel it under my hand before I die at least once. I need to know what it feels like to make those smooth lines and brilliant colors
Blind, since I'm not seeing any of your works.
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I use the Kamvas Pro 16 and haven't had any issues with it besides the cable they give you being short as fuck. So I'd vouch for the Kamvas Pro 13 as I imagine it's the same tablet just smaller.

Posting recent artwork done on my tablet to spite the OP and summon his ass to make some dumbass reply.
>and I use PC programs
So get a Galaxy Tablet with SuperDisplay. Easily outclasses chinese crap.
Called it >>7148359
Works posted: 0
where's the non schizo thread
What screenless is good with a modest budget?
Why do anon fall for the screen meme?
Why do anon fall for screenless meme?
Why you faggots never post your works?
I will after I figure out what tablet I’ll buy anon
I just got a kamvas pro and it really has no parallax or wobble. I’m impressed.

I’d go for in iPad or a galaxy tablet. Fitting a UI inside a 13 inch monitor is not realistic. If the iPad is good for studio trigger it’s good for everyone
just because you can hammer a nail with a shoe, doesn't mean there isn't a better tool for the task

sure, ipad is good for drawing lines, but it sucks at coloring or painting, because the pen doesn't have buttons and procreate doesn't let you keep layer window open, so you're tapping way more than you should
What are the best art programs for the Galaxy S6? I currently use ibisPaint, but it feels to simple and the Clip Studio UI is has too much and feels too cluttered. It also frequently crashes on it in my experience and is slow.
Infinite Painter
Clip Studio with Simple Mode
I didn't even know this was a thing. How do I turn it on?
nvm. This is so much better, wish I knew about this much sooner. I use CSP on PC too and its my preferred program.
You know for most of us a drawing tablet with a screen isn't a life ruining purchase right?
there's a better way
Yo you do understand IPads have more drawing programs available than just Procreate, right?
You can't blame him when procreate is like the only thing iPads have over the competition and even that's severely overhyped
At that point any other tablet is better and cheaper
Pretty much new to digital, trying to pick between the Intuos and One from Wacom, which one would be the better choice?
Huion Inspiroy 2 L vs XP-Pen Deco Pro M. Which one out of the two should I buy? And why?
i have a screen tablet but only one hdmi port on my pc and want to use my normal monitor alongside my tablet at the same time. would an HDMI splitter work or would a display port be better? i'm not entirely familiar with the two and their uses.
> screen tablet
You got meme’d bro
does wacom shit ever go on sale?
10% sale at best
chinese samefag
I’m trying to save you money bro. Why spend hundreds when you can do the same work for less.
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People know they can buy things to put their tablets at an angle right?
Is there a difference between One by Wacom and the intuo?
XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 is a solid beginner option, isn't it? Or would you say a medium One by Wacom is better?
Is there a way to adjust pressure sensitivity per brush instead of globally in artstudio pro?
butthurt chud
I use the 01V2 and it works fine, my work is >>7148292
its pressure sensitivity kinda sucks tho, so if you can afford it, the deco pro gen2 LW should be better
so why should I use that piece of shit over my cintiq pro 24" ?
because there's just simply no way to use the cintiq without turning into a shrimp, the technology to hold it higher up at an angle instead of flat on a desk just hasn't been invented yet
I'm using the official arm and it can go high, the problem is I don't like having my drawing hand that high all the time.
Any here draw on their phone?
Is there a sort of universal protective film for screenless tablets? I can't find one for a specific device, preferably a matte one.
The citiq 24 pro (with ergo stand or arm) is an amazing sceen tablet. Even better now that there are newer cintiqs, that way it is easier to find a good deal on these secondhand. I spend 1200 usd total for the tablet with the ergo stand for reference.
Never had a screen tablet before, used an intuos 3 for like 12 years. I was worried screens were overhyped, but now I can say it makes a huge difference. Even drawing simple lines is easier, looks better and is more enjoyable
bro spent over 1k on second hand shit
you spent money, that's why you're biased. give it time, your neck will break
>brought screenless
> it works really good.
Can’t believe you guys tried to convince me to get a screen tablet
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where can I buy this fake Wacom pen? Google is not giving me any results and mine original Wacom pen broke last week
I've went from a screenless Intuos XL that I've used for years to a screen Huion Kamvas Pro 16 that I've also used for a few years and I have to sort of just agree that there's not really one that has advantage over the other and it's basically just whichever one you feel the most comfortable with.

From my experience:

Screenless has more of a learning curve to it, but your neck and posture will love you for it. They're generally more affordable and more portable friendly compared to a screen tablet (unless we're talking about an Ipad.)

The only drawbacks I can really think of is that if you're someone who jumps between digital and traditional, your mind is definitely going to feel a bit of a disconnect. I often had to warmup in a physical sketchbook to calibrate my screenless tablet brain. This wasn't a huge problem, but it's definitely something.

Screen tablets on the other hand feel a bit more natural and the disconnect is much smaller. I think that's the best advantage of a screen tablet overall is that it does feel closer to traditional sketching/painting.

The downsides are obviously that screen tablets tend to be more expensive for smaller real estate. I loved the XL size of my intuos and while I've gotten used to the Kamvas' 16's screen, I do miss being able to do sweeping gestures against the tablet.

Likewise, there are ways to circumvent looking down at the screen tablet and fucking your neck/posture. And if you're like me you can have your setup mirror having a screenless tablet by projecting your workspace onto another monitor.

But yeah, when it comes down to it either one works. The disconnect I mention about a screenless tablet isn't huge or jarring, it's just something that's there if you sketch a ton in a physical sketchbook. If you don't, then just buy a goddamn screenless tablet.
Displayport is fine, I use those for my cintiq. Supports 4K res and sound output if you get the right DP2 cable, the Amazon Basics one I bought is fine.

>use flex arm on side of desk close to the front
>pull into lap
>lean back into chair
I'm new to drawing but I have an Intuos Medium on the way, is this okay for a screenless?
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is anyone drawing on a smaller ipad? how is it?
I have a 12" pro and I'm considering the new one being the smaller pro, but I'm not sure. aside from drawing, the 12" feels like a bit much, but I'm worried about the drawing part. Then I saw pic related with the small ipad I'm wondering if I'm being a dk
>buy screen less
> don’t want to draw
>Buy screen tablet
>Still don’t want to draw
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just got the xppen android tablet
it's nice, I like the textured mat finish
don't see any major issues with it (after adjusting the offset 5 pixels)
webm related is infinite painter
That's normal, anon, I like buying new things way more than I like drawing too.
>xppen android tablet
Why did they have to bastardize the pen? Only one button no eraser.
how can I get used to a screen-less tablet faster? It's almost as if there was no connection between my hands and what I see the cursor doing.Any tips?
>Any tips?
Learn to FEEL it bro
I took it out to coffee shops with my laptop to practice gesture drawing. Got over the disconnect pretty quick. Pro tip: make sure the tablet stays oriented flush to the same angle of the laptop or monitor, otherwise your angles will be off.
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do this every day for a month
I never use the buttons on pens, but I do find it a bit too thin
I guess it's part of the idea of it being portable
>matt finish
i already see an issue
it reduces image quality and dulls the colors
gets dirty over time with your body oils and cheetos
it creates static electricity with every stroke
nice, make sure to give us an update down the line if you can
why'd you get it? portability, ease of use, comfort? do you plan to mount it on an arm or just lay it on an angled surface?
still on the fence whether i should pick one up or just go for a new laptop at the same price range: i don't play much vidya, but i am interested in doing more 3d modeling
What's the best current multi purpose tablet for drawing. I.e pad vs Samsung with s pen and that apple pen respectively
the colors look fine, I'll post an update in a month on how it holds up against dirt
portability, got one of those tablet stands to hold it vertically (you can see the grey supports on the video)
if you're interested in 3d I'd just get a laptop and a screenless tablet
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fair enough
i use drawpile and blender to make most of my stuff (art, animation, 3d maquettes, etc.), so i don't really need anything beefier than an N100
been doing my research on the pad and it seemed like switching over would be relatively painless if i did follow through with it, though
S9 ultra is the king
The fuck do I do with that thing, other than not drawing?
it's big enough to keep refs open while still having enough space to draw
big enough to use desktop UI
big enough to use as a regular display tablet with your desktop
For how long? 5~10 minutes, 30 minutes?
Why are drawing tablet manufacturers so allergic to making their tablets have an active area in a 16:9 ratio? Old Wacom shit does metric paper which makes a bit of sense at least, but chinkshitters like doing 11x6 or 11x7 which means I have to cut off some active area on the product I paid hard-earned money for in order to have a proper 1:1 translation. Can someone explain to me what the thought process there is?
Get a 16:10 monitor, Wacom will map 1:1.
Got m'self a one by wacom. Now I can nodraw in paper and digitally.
i remember an interview with one of the persona artists who said he used a drawing tablet with no display until they forced him to use a newer one for persona 5.

That was funny.
How bad is getting a screen protector? I'm not sure if I'm pressing too hard to damage it or not
and what did he think of it?
Ching Huang Mao
I have a 27" 16:9 monitor but my drawing tablet is a Wacom Intuos Draw (it's the same size as Intuos small), should I wait till I can buy a bigger tablet or can I use this one?
>Wacom Intuos Pro L
>311 x 216 mm active area


No it doesn't.
Drawing is better than not drawing, but once you can afford a bigger tablet, get one. Yours is microscopic, and the bigger the size difference to your monitor, the harder it is to use.
atm I'm drawing traditionally, I'm practicing fundies and doing loomis.
Should I keep drawing on paper until I can buy bigger tablet?
Just keep drawing on paper then. You're putting off the adjustment period of drawing on a tablet for later, but the exchange is worth it if you can draw more comfortably right now.
>the colors look fine
You are a total shill moron. A shill idiot like you is in no position to comment on what's "fine" for prospective customers.
Wacom One is not screenless.
this is my work >>7156118
can you post yours?
he won't, chud can't draw
>Verification not required.
No one said it was. One by Wacom is though.
To be fair Asian have shit naming sometimes
It does on my Intuos 4 tablets, I haven't used the latest Intuos Pro tablets.
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having used both in the past month, my verdict is thus:
regarding screenless, despite all of its pros like better posture and better display (monitor), buttons on the pen (vs apple pencil), i'm less inclined to draw on it. Lines don't come out good either, although it can be mitigated with stabilizer. It feels like a chore. I have IPP and it's fun to draw on it, but i also owned (and returned) XP Pen and it just took too much space on my desk and would constantly hijack my cursor because it acted as a second monitor. I really miss buttons on apple pencil and it's a deal breaker for coloring/painting, but that's where i would turn to my intuos 4 large. Also I miss full feature Photoshop on IPP.
TLDR (it wasn't well organized anyway):
screen- drawing
screenless- painting
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hey, can someone help me with a PS problem? i'm using a wacom: Intuos BT M (ctl-6100wl)

my brush is lagging when using photoshop, similar to when you have smoothing activated, but I double checked and i'm sure I disabled it. it's set to 0%
I switched to CSP trial to see if it was a hardware problem but CSP works perfectly, even when i move the pen really fast. I'm too used to PS to switch programs for this.

i already tried adjusting:
- PS performance settings
- intuos tablet settings
- nvida program settings
- even, rollback to PS 2023 (still happens).

i'ts not so horrible it's unusable but... is this happening to someone else? any solutions? it's driving me crazy
few quick tips:
> some people tape a sheet of paper over it so it feels more natural. you can also buy a custom tablet "sticker" with grip.
> you can get used to it faster if you use it as a mouse replacement for some time, it will become more intuitive in no time.
> configure the pressure settings properly so it feels confortable, similar pressure than a real pencil.
> tracing a few artworks can help you figure if pressure or brush settings are wrong.
> [ ! ] enable force proportions in settings, if you don't you draw a circle and it comes as an oval. (you can test it yourself, put a coin over the tablet and draw around it).
google how to disable windows ink and use wacom drivers in PS
i got rid of windows ink, but problem persists. thanks for the try tho.
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>buy small Cintiq13HD
>don't use it much
>buy fucking huge Cintiq22HD
>use it a bit but it takes a whole fucking niggerspace that I don't have
>really big mistake

>buy the One by Wacom bc why not lol (it's a small screenless tablet)
>literally 0 cable bulk, small, super comfy, I can use the keyboard, my brain/hand coordination is bad but that makes the lines more soul.
Damn I really did a fucking huge mistake with the Cintiq22hd. I'm trying to sell it now but it will most likely be very hard. Wish I would have invested the money in an Intous pro S, the only thing I hate about the One is the shit pen, the ones in the Cintiqs are a pleasure to hold. Screen tablets are a meme

This all thing sucks really bad because I barely draw btw, I don't even know why I bought all that, but at least I now know that buying shit doesn't amount to actually wanting to do something. It was a good learning.
You can play osu.
Install screen protector on ipad pro or not?
Yes. I use a matte Paperlike protector. I originally had a tempered glass protector, but there's like no resistance between the screen and the pen with one of those. Paperlike feels pretty good.

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$850 AUD ($570 USD) for a used iPad Pro 12.9" 5th gen in "excellent condition".

Worth it? I have a 2nd Gen but it's pretty old now.
How bad is drawing on an Android tablet is you're used to keyboard shortcuts?
nothing stopping you from connecting a keyboard or shortcut controller
but you get used to the gestures pretty quickly
first time on a tablet, I'm wearing off my nibs and creating a sharp angle causing it to sometimes be weird with its lines. Am I holding the pen wrong? Should I hold it straight up instead of like how I hold actual pencils? this is a Wacom Intuos (ctl-6100)
it's just what wacoms do
>but you get used to the gestures pretty quickly
I don't even know where to check for these on my tablet
depends on the app but there's only really a handful of useful gesture controls
two-finger tap to undo, three-finger tap to redo, rest of it is just canvas navigation which is just regular touchscreen navigation
so... ease up on the pressure? or time to switch to the other nibs?
I still rock a wacom bamboo, but I now have money and should really switch I think.

iPad sounds good hardware wise, like I feel their pen will have little errors, wobbling and the like but its an overpriced product which vendor locks me into apps, I really dont like that. Also relatively pricey still.

Not as pricey as Wacom screens though, I still cant bring myself to invest that much money.

I dont really want chinese product, mainly bc of the bad industry ethics and practices.

what else is there?
S8/S9 Plus/Ultra
Magic Drawing Pad
Get some 3D printer filament for the nibs. One of the links in the sticky should have more details.
How do other aftermarket paperlike screen protectors compare to the actual paperlike official screen protector? Worth it?
>bad industry ethics and practices.
apple's tech is literally an order of magnitude more precise than wacom's emr, it's actually embarrassing
so what's a good budget option for a screen tablet then?
i don't want to fuck with huion anymore and i hate smartphone style bullshit , but i want something small and portable
>bad industry ethics and practices.
then dont ever think on touching an ipad lol, they only have the monopoly of tablets for a while because of their closed ecosystem that let them produce a decent drawing app at the time, but now i dont see any reason to not prefer a samsung galaxy tablet, for drawing, because you have clip studio, infinite painter, and others, and we are not in the old times when you couldn't use at 100% the apps because the old hardware dont let you work smooth in a big canvas or a couple of layers, now all the tablets work decent .
For drawing screen tablets, wacom is so overpriced that unless you have the money to waste, buying one is not worth, at all, for any person with a modest budget, not even for the "quality" aspect, because some wacom screenless tablets are so, so overpriced, in some countries, that you can actually get an mid-high tier screenless for another established brand, for half the price, and if they last less, let's say, half of lifetime, you can youse just another one, brandnew generation of their current time, and will still be more cheap than buying the wacom, yeah.
In my country i can get the intous M for like, 150usd, or just get the other brands medium, current generation that have zero tech differences, for half the price, and if you dont care of years, the old models that same as wacom have zero tech differences on several years, you can get them for 1/3 of the price in my country, yes, 1/3 of the price, same pressure leves, same or larger drawing area (generally larger), just more or less buttons.
I wanted to buy a wacom back in the day but for money was a no no, but i've been with this huion screen model for like 4 years non stop drawing and dont even has a scratch in the screen, and it's not even a premium model is a mid tier one.
If you have a modest budget just get any mid tier model from samsung, huion, or xp-pen, not from the other brands like ugee or parblo just because the lack of reviews here

Sorry which one is the one that's compatible with Samsung tablets?
What are the chances they fix the diagonal line wobble on the new ipad pro?
>iPad sounds good hardware wise, like I feel their pen will have little errors, wobbling and the like
I've never tried a Wacom screen but I can tell you the Apple Pencil is so far ahead of the chink tablets it gave me really bad buyer's remorse. The limited ecosystem is definitely a problem though.

If you can you should try the iPad (and the Samsung Tabs for good measure) at a store or something and see what apps you need vs. what's available, if you don't like it and you're actually happy with your Bamboo maybe just consider getting a better screenless tablet and monitor instead.
Not worth your time imo. I've posted about it in the previous thread >>7137959
You can get 50 or 100 of them from aliexpress and since quality is dogshit anyway it doesn't make any difference if you have genuine wacom nibs or not.
new oled ipad pro just unveiled, will you buy it?

I will
As a poorfag I'm gonna have to go with the Air
Is the new apple pencil pro any good?
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they both work, both use the same EMR tech
I would suggest the second link, it's the older (gen1) pen and has better pressure behavior than the newer pen (first link in your post)
not, if i remember correctly was worst, they remove pressure sensitivity so yeah, shitty overpriced gadget for the fans, for drawfags, you are good with the basic or the second gen, or any cheap alternative with pressure sensitivity.
gotcha, thanks bro, is there anything else I should buy right now for it?
I use the gen1 pen too and I ordered a bunch of picrel to ghetto rig the tablet to hold on to the pen, buy a cheapo TPU case too and just replace as necessary if the adhesive wears out (mine haven't worn out yet and I've been lugging it around daily for a few months)
Other than those, a tabletop laptop/tablet stand is nice to have and my favorite nibs are the official wacom elastomer ones
It's not out yet
i got ESR 2 Pack Paperfeel screen protector. it's thin but still feels like paper. one thing to note is that the material is polyethylene terephthalate, which is not compatible with pencil feel nibs (but does work well with the default and metal ones).

i just checked out Paperlike and it's the same material.

i like it. i've had a thicker one before (and it was replacable). didn't like it at all. best ones are thin and yet grainy.
except you don't need to charge a wacom pen
>favorite nibs are the official wacom elastomer ones
Which ones are those?
once you put a screen protector on it, any potential benefits of oled go out the window.
>They are not recommended for tablet surfaces
that's aes, it has nothing to do with precision or wobbling
for screenless tablets, yes because they wear out from the friction
>deliver enhanced grip while using your Wacom One display
no. all these extra features will get in the way of you drawing. they will activate on accident at random, which is why i disable double tap on mine and disable finger painting and gestures. it just breaks the flow and random crap happens and i need to undo or redo.
what the fuck are you talking about, retard?
I've been on ipad pro since 2017 and I never needed a screen protector.
She is retarded.
enjoy having you entire workspace burned into the screen
hasn't that been a meme for a decade now?
i wouldn't need it either if i didn't use it for drawing. the difference is night and day.
how so?
I don't need it for drawing, though
did you ever try drawing on a glass screen? it's hard to control the line when it's so slippery. that's the reason why all screen tablets have a matt screen.

why are you even in this thread, on this board?
does the extra friction really worth the messed up colors tho? i just bought a bunch of softer tips for the better grip
>I never needed a screen protector
>i wouldn't need IT either if i didn't use it for drawing
>I don't need IT for drawing, though
Why are you here if you don't speak English? I said I don't need a screen protector for drawing, not that I don't draw, retard. Have you ever held a brush irl?
>it's hard to control the line when it's so slippery.
I feel like this is way overblown, I've used screenless, display tablets and regular glass tablets and you get used to it after a few hours.
It absolutely is overblown, but most people seemingly have zero fine motor control and carve up their tablets by pressing like cavemen.
lmao and here I am wishing my samsung tablet and s pen could have less friction
i tried those silicon tips, they drag you down so you can't make a fast line

hurt your feelings?

yeah same here, but metal tip on a matt screen protector feels way different than plastic on glass. i have a light touch, so i can feel the difference.
Learn English, thirdie.
teach me, senpai.
If I'm just gonna draw on the ipad then is there any point in getting pro?
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Wait i just realized that he's still using his intuos 3, lmao what a god
depends on how much ram the air has
ram is the layer/size bottleneck
also depends on how long you plan on keeping it, pro is what devs build for, so the pro is going to be able to keep up longer than the air
just saw the specs

8-core CPU with four performance cores and four efficiency cores
10-core GPU
16-core Neural Engine

>Models with 256GB or 512GB storage:
9-core CPU with three performance cores and six efficiency cores
10-core GPU
Hardware-accelerated ray tracing
16-core Neural Engine
120GB/s memory bandwidth

>Models with 1TB or 2TB storage:
10-core CPU with four performance cores and six efficiency cores
10-core GPU
Hardware-accelerated ray tracing
16-core Neural Engine
120GB/s memory bandwidth

16gb is a massive pro if you're serious
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Are Magnetic Screen protectors worth it? I like the idea because I keep messing up the sticker style screen protectors.
i have it. it’s too thick, so not worth it
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>had a huion kamvas 13
>first one was working fine for years until its display decided to die when plugged into a shitty gaming laptop
>got a new one, worked for a day then it's display decided to have screen burn-in and constant flickering
>my old artisul d13 dust inside of the display still works fine after all these years, but its colors are so bad and don't even match my monitor
is are there any other artisuls that have better colors and is XP pen good?

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