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Fantasy artwork was best when being made by coomers like Royo or Caldwell.

Now what fantasy art are you making anon?
seems more like a fantasycoom general
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this image reads very well even as a thumbnail, how do I learn about value distribution etc so I can do this too ?
Funny thing is im pretty sure this was done on canvas over 20 years ago so the artist wasn't really making it with digital display in mind.
I guess once you have a good grasp of perspective, shadows and lighting as well as proper contrast and exposition it all sort off works well by itself even if scaled down.
I mean traditional artists do the same thing with the eye squinting, that's essentially same as zooming out for the big value shapes. but what I want to learn is how to make those value decisions in the first place.
it's all in the contrast
>Funny thing is im pretty sure this was done on canvas over 20 years ago so the artist wasn't really making it with digital display in mind.
lol, picrel. artists have been doing 2x2 inches thumbnails for centuries.

read gurney's Imaginative Realism(easy read) book and or Don Grahams "Composing pictures"(hard read).
>lol, picrel. artists have been doing 2x2 inches thumbnails for centuries.
Yeah but with digital images you have to work with pixels. Digital image not only gets smaller but also blurred as different pixels overlap.
digital isn't art. why bother
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have this comm im working on
your lighting/materials is so strong anon. the one thing I'd say is your anatomy seems a bit weak (by comparison), also composition feels needlessly squished on the y axis
I hate internet buzzwords
some great artist draw sexy women from time to time, what's the big deal
can you go on any website without trying to actively make it worse with pointlessly seeking arguments?

are you completely unable to just be part of a community without trying to ruin it?

don't respond, just fucking think about it
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You got skill . No doubt about it.

These are just my observations,
Her right hand looks ok ish, maybe maybe a tad short but no biggie.
Its seems like her right forearm is bent unnaturally. Like its pointing backwards while the humerous is pointing ahead of her.
Mostly due to the vambrace (curve of the vambrace) near the hand making it look like that.
It is probably a "barely" broken pose or an illusion due to her garments. It could be forearm positioning or an unnaturally bent wrist

Her left hand is too short. I know its fore shortening but that is a tad much

Her linea alba (midline of the abs) is not curved from the xyphoid(bottom middle ribcage) to point torwards her crotch (an1m3 P0055y). At least it seems that way to me. No biggie

Leg positioning could use some loving but is not that necesery. A bit more accuracy when finding poses ecc.
Tis good.
>May I save this? For... further study...
Have you tried a box construction in perspective.
Might help with proportions and foreshortening
Forgot to mention the horns dont seem aligned and the nose seems to be bointing to her left
Hmm I can def try fixing the horns, not sure how that would look at this angle though. I usually use boxes but in my experience doesn’t really help too much for figures in perspective. Not sure about the redlines on the arms though, they look a bit long to me like that. Still a wip so I can change some stuff
Try and strike something similar to that pose. Might help.
Or prove me wrong
Either way
Im sure the commisoner would be happy with the way it is
Problem is the camera/lens I chose is somewhat exaggerated so my feeble human eyes probably wont match the same type proportion change I need. That said though I still tried it, and I'm thinking of changing some of the orientation of the stuff you mentioned (lowering one horn slightly, lengthening and turning the arm) adjusting the mid section etc...)
So far the commissioner has had literally zero problems for the stuff im doing for his game, but I don't care because I want myself to be satisfied as well. Thanks for the feedback, I'll try my best to do better
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Whoops. Forgot file.
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I think i got it.
You do not have a foreshittening issue
Your lady has a shoulder problem

HER Shoulders seem like they come out of the ribcage
they should hang off of the scapula. Humerous ataches to The glenoid fossa (one part of the shoulder blade
That is on the surface facing the ribs facing the ribs.)

For a quick mental note that is kinda aplucable in drawing
I would recomend looking up ans seeing the biceps attachement points to get an idea of how and why an arm should look the way they do (the part going to the scapula being molto importante

Also rember. (Just in case)
The deltoids ends 1/3 of the way down the humerous.
Triceps and biceps around it make it seem shorter and you can not always see the end of the delts

Mayhaps consider unrotating her hips.
Not a necesety mind you
Or not. Actually. Now that i can compare 2 side by side it , unrotating her hips wouldnt probably NOT work well for anything but a foot fetish piece
i want to post here but im not sure if i should, its dark alright, but more goth and cartoony and not very fantasy

but i like the vibes of this thread
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ah fuck it, does this fit here?
I like it anon
thanks anon
So basically just the deltoids being too short, which will be covered by the shoulder plating armor anyways. I couldn't decipher anything else in your drawing or explanation so I'll adjust the cloth/plating to follow my adjusted sketch, everything else looks fine to me
don't listen to him, I'll give you a quick redline when I'm free in ~40 min
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I made this album concept art
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Hmm allright. I gave it another go and I think this looks better. Could be wrong but, idk if the guy will care that much more to be honest
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here's my redline. i'll also post the flipped original image. although it seems like you've fixed a few of the problems already. the main thing was the hips were weird, and the torso/hips were off-center to one another, or maybe their perspective was different. and her arms felt short compared to the length of her torso, especially her left arm (compare it to the size of her face right next to it). a harder to notice problem, and probably less important, was that the right horn is lower on the head than the left, they aren't tilting with her face. her right horn might be further forward too. breasts had a slight difference. her right thigh felt 'flat' though that might be because it was still wip. her right hand also feels off, smaller than left but also the shape is a bit weird idk.
looking at my figure I drew, I sort of accidentally ignored the perspective you were going for, but it addresses some of the problems I saw, if you want me try one with perspective I could later. for lineart you just posted now, her left arm looks much better but her right forearm is short. her legs/hips look much much better. her head might be a bit off center from her neck, and her left breast looks closer to center than her right.
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and here's the original image flipped
For some reason flipped works better imo.
I think it makes her bent arm and buttcheek problem more obvious.
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In the nicest way possible, you have no business doing redlines for people yet.

Personally I think this already looks incredible, and I would argue that if the commissioner is already satisfied with it, then there's no reason to change anything, but ofc seeking out fixes for the sake of your personal development is always great.

I love her face and expression, but if I were to change anything about the perspective and anatomy, it would be like this. Other than that, pose, colour palette, rendering (as usual) is brilliant. Can't wait to see the finished product.
this is b8
where's the b8, m8.
gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8
Look at this Marc brunet ass nigga with his busted elbow and beef ribcage. God I hate you redliners you think you're so right.

You wanna know if your drawing is correct? Pose a 3d model and lower the transparency then place it on top of your sketch.
>eh it seems like
>I think
>maybe you could
If you're not sure then shut up before you lead him astray
>he studies from 3D models because he thinks they offer full anatomical accuracy with their joint hypermobility and static fat composition

Telling people to check their accuracy with a 3D model instead of recommending that they study from real life is the dumbest thing you could have posted to this thread. Pure ngmi lol
I was as sure as i could be.
And i liked the piece.
That is why i wrote what i did.
The drawing with the rendering is good.

The maybe, possibly, perhaps, mayhaps, i think ecc.
is both a way to respectfully suggest something (it is easy to be an anonymous couch quarterback, it is hard to bring a piece to a satisfactory finish)
and it is a way to signal to the artist that in the grand scheme of the piece, tis no big deal.
If it was not clear it should be clear now
Who the hell is Marc Brunet
Dregs-of-deviantart-tier. You have absolutely no taste.
why are people getting pressed over this redraw? >>7152269
is it just begs being begs?
Do goblins found as fantasy? Working on a piece of a Goblin from hearthstone
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Hm. Looks like this is as good as it'll get, I'll go elsewhere
Why do you losers always have to make everything about yourselves?

Post dark fantasy art and shut the fuck up.
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see picrel
that's a lot of effort for a shitpost anon, I applaud you.
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Would it be possible to make an art community of fantasy/sci-fi nerds? It could range from guys who copy Frank Frazetta to people who want to make their own biblical epic line drawings. I think something like that would be interesting.
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too bad that she barely had a presence in that forgettable ass game
Frank frazetta enjoyers and biblical epic chads in one place for the purpose of making the raddest of pieces exuding power , nobility and the greatness of the human spirit.
Would be ebin (and incredibly based).

More then likely, filled by a bunch of begs but given time there is a possibruity of creating a trully epic place
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My fave honestly. This would look so good with values added to the form. Love the way you pushed the perspective.
Only thing that I feel is off would be her lower torso; her ass-hip-oblique area is confusing me a bit, but that could just be me sucking at anatomy.
The original drawing is awesome as well
>can you go on any website without trying to actively make it worse with pointlessly seeking arguments?
>are you completely unable to just be part of a community >without trying to ruin it?
>don't respond, just fucking think about it

sorry nigger faggot but I happen to have a DIFFERENT OPINION than yours.
imagine thinking >>7153267 equals >>7153631
we are about 20 years into "digital art" being the industry standard and what do you have to show for it? lmao bitch it's total slop
kill yourself you retard
NTA but you're comparing a master of traditional to some mediocre underpaid half-assed art degree woke-hire digital. there's some good digital stuff out there too (harder to find), and some terrible traditional. Your picrel goes hard as fuck btw, anon. Really cool design.
Arthur Dixon
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your eyes are yet to open
I have been foolish... I should have known...
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i knew something was up
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This is a great piece. That being said I respectfully disagree with some of the other critiques.

Pic related is how I would take this piece, personally speaking.
Not sure if this would fit but I got into an art trade and drew this character
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Anime-style artists are the only ones innovating fantasy art. Modern fantasy artists from the west are still stuck on from imitating Frank Frazetta religiously, making nearly everything non-asian on Artstation/Deviantart look like it's from some 1980s DnD handbook.
not modern.

Dont worry, despite the typos que post clearly transmitted the relevant information to understand that you're retarded.
>he says while posting generic_bitch looking_out _window.jpg
so innovative
retarded fucking weeb you're precious asians are just sucking off tolkien and germanic/yuropoor folklore like every other fantasy artist out there
>innovating fantasy art
>tracing jpeg into moe shit

shit like this is actually worse than Ai because a (bug) person did it lmao
Damn, I really like this piece
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Keeping it alive!

"create same face animu over and over again with different hairstyle"

Looks so good anon
Why is slav folklore so much cooler than angloshit?
Suffering and darkness. Suffering and darkness makes everything better.
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Sorry for late response, ended up finishing this and just sending to client, as well as making some nude edits later. hope u enjoy, dunno how i'd draw the feet at this angle so I just left it at this crop
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It's kinda dark.
How often must you post your past stuff anon
Yo its Mr. Greenz

Scatman John?
the fuck even is this
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I like this a lot
Shit be bussin.
What helped you render like that
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Something from Second Life. I found an 8 frame animation and took 8 screenshots to make the gif. Speaking of Dark Fantasy, my first ballroom was a vampire themed romance nook. It had blood waterfalls,a lava hot tub,a skull fireplace with couches to hang out on,and picturesque dancing on rotating platforms with an evil temple background and a view of the gardens beyond through the windows. And in the ruins of anothet temple surrounded by fire,a rock club with its own music stream,not the New Age music in the gardens.
Looks dope, dig the coloring on the nails
good thumbnail. Do not stop painting.
How high do you need to be to draw 25 percent of a canvas like this?
>pre covid
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>inb4 warcraft
Yeah I know it'sa nonsensical shitshow but I like the atmosphere and lighting of this one
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