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Thread to study the male body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute boys and handsome men.

Some resources:
>English Youtube channel with tutorials about ikemen/anime boys:

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different male body types, ikemen/twink/bara. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No shota. Go to /lsg/ or /ssg/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Females are welcome so long as the image remains male focused.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.

Previous thread: >>7088251
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Thread prompt: create a piece in the style of or inspired by the work of Hirohiko Araki
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Op is cute
Glasses man is cute
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tfw no tall bottom bf
nice van anon, looks comfy in there
my eyes are glued to those cakes
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Messing around with flats
Might change it later
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why brush engine in procreate feels rougher than csp brush engine?
I feel like brushes in procreate have more variety when it comes to things like weight and rotation making them more natural-looking than in CSP.
Very pretty coloring btw, me likey
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this nerd again
I get some dork vibes from this guy, what a cutie
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i like the composition (overall) anon. like i feel the doodles complete it
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My submission for the Host Club event!!

I can't imagine my OCs taking a fancy setting too seriously so I let them run the local tiki bar instead lol

I've watched this several times already, and I cannot stop bopping along with the characters >:{}
I can tell you poured your heart into this, and it shows!!!

Extremely good work!!!
Great work anon this is sick.
Doodled John’s lizard form :)
Lizardmen are allowed here, right?
Abandoned the van pic for a moment. I HATE trad
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Drew Conduit in various states of dismay and loneliness

Trad is hard :C
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Cutie kino
So freaking good
Looking good anon, always a pleasure to see yout stuff
Love your art, man. Glad to see it again :)
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We posting our OC ships here now? Dont mind if I do :)
found a good tumblr account with tons of pictures like this if anyone needs it
who is he trying to kid with that bulge lmao
good link though ty
The only thing that would make this better is bleeding cuts on the bottom
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comm wip
Messed up the neck on lower and didn’t catch it in time. Still fun to draw.
damn, the cross over episode
Hot. Draw more of this.
He's still more man than lizard! Unless he starts crawling on all fours lol. Does he do that or is he in control?
Trad is pain but you're doing great
I want to pat his head
I like the elf guy, treat him nicely! lol
That's just a WIP? Damn, looking great
Mermen supremacy
The feet and hands look very very nice, they're insanely hard to draw
I'm still here with this guy... just don't approach him from the left, he will not see you!!
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old work, but I'm proud of it
Please post more
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I'm shy (I will lmao)
those nips look so suckable no homo
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really nice tojis, gjgj
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toji time
Fuck that body of yours is absurd
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nice i redrew some of the face etc just to show u what it may look like in another style
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a happy boy is the best boy
Study time
Loving the colors here :)
You are going to be so good
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computer fixed! I will be spamming many invisible trad draws
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Muscle study... trying to draw more muscle men to manifest it into my own lifts >:{}

>lizard form
Well, he has shaky control over his powers from the start, being very new to them. If he's in his lizard form, you're pretty much f u c k e d.

Also loving the drapery here... seeing some serious gains here, fren!!!
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literally my type, thanks for the good food.
you're getting better anon, nice stuff
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Aight, the guy liked it so imma roll with this
Face needs work but the colors are MMMM MM, nice work anon
Where is the discord server invite
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k, ill draw a more epic boy face just 4 u anon
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I should be working
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i love getting back pain
Face looks fine what are you on about? Me likey
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Losing to my demons in-between working on a pet project at the moment.
nice, although I think the muscles might be a bit too defined.
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Practicing city buildings to prepare for a larger piece
Love him
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Created this set of emo nanamis while bored. Trad sure is fun
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My Boyos are giving me the nastiest brainworms. Crits welcome :)
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Tried to paint a Pickle. I know he looks feminine but I still couldn't make him as beautiful as he really is lol
Truly, anon is mastering the coomis
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I messed this up playing around with effects and shit then deleted all the layers somehow so I'm giving up
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redrew a drawing I did last year, it's good when you can actually see an improvement.
never give up hope anons
Something about this looks Family Guyish
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>drooling uke
Pretty damn hot ngl
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a stupid guy
a cute guy
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I always imagined that Liu Bei had the appearance of someone who could also play Tripitaka/Hsuan Tsang from Journey to the West so I kinda drew it out.
Like, in the story it doesn't make sense he'd look like this (IMO his Ravages of Time design is the most fitting) especially since he gets pretty old as it goes on but this beautiful monk image was always the one thats in my mind when I imagine Liu Bei for some reason.

idk who these characters are but this is super cute
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>history posting
so based, very cute work too!
you already know I would
>all that art
I kneel
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give it to me str8, are these two hansom, mid, or abomination
I like the one on the right
Actually forget I asked, /beg/ tier question. Ill figure it out myself.
Mid, as in there is nothing about their looks that makes them stand out either direction. They are just regular dudes.
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What makes a MAN attractive? All I can draw is pretty boys. Maybe I should try drawing RL actors.
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It really depends on what your taste is, universally people tend to agree that model types the most attractive. Good genes, a fit body, masculine but with hint of androgynous features in the face. Etc. Drawing real people should get towards your goals.
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owee hee hee
Delicious textures and lovely purples.
What brushes? Asking for a friend :)
clip studio paint
all free assets btw
Leave it to uploading a sketch to immediately notice it’s anatomy mistakes. Gonna tough up.
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Made a mini-animation thingy. Would post a webm but even that's too big orz
Has music anyways lol:


>idk who these characters are but this is super cute
lol thank you, they're a ship between a friend and I!
Very pretty work btw, Idk much about history but my interest is piqued.

Aaaaa muscles!!! Very nice work!!
ooo thank you anon
cute reminds me of slayers tri a bit
i prefer this style
you made pickle so handsome i didnt recognize him at first
i guess im just used to him biting people
(this one is my fav out of your bunch)
did you have fun drawing these anon? (i hope you did!)
these doodles look like you had a lot of fun making them (fun is important)
ye i do enjoy it. its not a struggle anymore
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more uder night for you anon :)
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Updating ref...

Snoop dog is such a classic. 10/10 would weed again.
I'm new to digital and trying to make the transition from traditional. Although I've drawn all sorts of things for all sorts of people in my heart at the end of the day I like guys best and drawing them (my bando most of all of course)

Since men and the male form are the thing I find most beautiful and attractive I've decided to use them for studies etc. as I get used to digital.

In the OP in the bottom right, the gentleman looking down with soft back lighting is something I'd like to shoot for.

I know this is a very general question but what tips might you guys give on people trying to get used to digital? If it helps I was mostly colour pencil, watercolour and then inks artist.
So I've been looking to find brushes and things that remind me of that/look similar to that when drawing.
Forgive the odd formatting, I had the window too small.
>the gentleman looking down with soft back lighting
do you mean the green boy in the suit or the spiky haired muscle man?
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Finished my WIP... feelsgood :)
The muscular man with spiky hair!
Looks lovely. I like the shading on his outfit in the centre.
Do you have these in color?
This style appeals to tumblr people
Everything looks great but there pencil dicks. Don't cheap on the girth!
cawks are a lil thin, heads are a lil pointy but everything else looks great!
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Made a little character trailer for Ayumu: the Asylum Ghost!


John sisters we rise
I am fucking spooked
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Beautiful, lovely. Looks like its a good time to cross post my lewd of Ayumu. Built for MKUltra experiments against his will :D :D :D
so cool, spooky and neat retro style at parts
very pretty hand
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nope! i rarely color but im interested in getting into it
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hey dudes it's me from like 9 months ago
no i still cant draw clothes
Based schizo enjoyer >:{}
Video goes hard...

These characters... I like them...
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Practicing men. Anons how do you train your eyes to perceive angles better? Also do they look alright I really struggle with the roundness of the eyeballs and shading in general
so cute and handsome
Cool stuff guys.
>no i still cant draw clothes
have you tried the morpho drapery book?
looks good to me but trying drawing boxing at unique angles then put the head in the box, shading is improved but using an array of pencils/ pens with different hardness (H-H9) and softness( B-B9)
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Trying to study other's art as I make my character art again.
cute art
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I really love these textures. Beautiful work!
Your designs are simple but really good! John love!
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>have you tried the morpho drapery book?
i'll give this a look, thanks
Happy to see your demon boy again!
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More beachposting

Thank you <3

I love the warm, earthy tones in this image btw. Makes it very calming to look at >:{}
has a grill in it but I would be denying my roots not to post my Akios here

Aye caramba it's lore-accurate cooma
Thanks, anons! I really appreciate the kind words <33
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i'm super busy lately after almost dying of the plague but I figured I should post my event contribution
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Haven't drawn Matt in a while... he is underrated but always fun to draw...

Anon!!! Your animations are getting way better!!! This was so cute >:{}
(I totally ship them now.)
>five characters
IMMENSELY BASED... I like all of their designs
Nice doodle
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Reworked this a bit with some crit from some frens :)
thx doods, i need to do more studies :(
I've been meaning to draw my bando is his style anyway. This is a good prompt.
i just tried to ctrl +z irl while trying to do gestures traditionally...
Kek that happened me more me than once in the past
it's crazy i was trying to sketch and doodle while hanging out with a friend and did it MULTIPLE times kek
i suppose it's sort of a good thing too though means i'm getting used to digital
Are there actual women posting here or is it all gays?
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very nice summer vibes
is there a story to the roster (?) floatie?
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from today
what a cutie. very pretty lines and neck especially
veryyy late night sketches of an oc while i've been sick lol
he looks crazy good/cute. love the colouring too
hope u get to feeling better anon :(
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some stuff from artfight
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I struggled with this one, but I forced myself through it. I think it was the realistic face + armor that did me in.
proportions holy shit, don't polish a turd
Yes I noticed the hand after I submitted it. I haven’t painted in a while so the rust kind of got to my head and made me forget to check it over :/

You win some, you lose some, anon…
the rendering and colours are really pretty anon but i'd def grind some anatomy when you get time.
looks super good, nice to see it finished!
Thanks for the kind words, anon!!!
I tried fixing it some. It's not perfect, but I did my best. So I will just try and pay better attention to my refs and also study more anatomy >:{}

This is so damn pog. Look at that sick perspective!!!
you will get better as time goes! i can only wish to be as good at rendering as you.
remember too if you want help or advice in WIP stages we can help too x)
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Still has a baby arm, intentionally disabled?
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Doodle of my villains taking a beach day.

Thanks, anon!!!
One thing I've done to learn how to render is simply look at artists I like, analyze their work, and try to copy what they do. I might not be the best, but trying is always the best way to learn.

There's never a better time to start learning than the present, so, if you want to learn to render, go for it!!!

I will concede that the painting was not my best work by any means and I still have a lot to learn, but pyw.
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little practice from today
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The brainworm is back so I drew my OC Salem having sex with himself :)
very nostalgic style
i've always loved lining all black with white, looks so nice
pretty style as well!
>analyze their work, and try to copy what they do
this sadly is out of my wheelhouse for now but in the future i'm sure!
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regressed 20 years to draw trash giginka
very cute. love your colour palette and how you approached it

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