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See what you can do in a set limit of time. Pic related don in about an hour and a half.
What can you do in between 1 and 2 hours? Post results here!
Get to drawin!
This one was done in one hour. I hope to improve in being able to get concepts down without over thinking it too much.
Cool and film-noir pilled. I salute you artist anon.
Thank you friend. I was loosely inspired by bruce timm's work from BTAS. I like his harsh shadows and how the clothes fold. I hope to post 1 picture almost every weekday, and I hope you give it a try too. We can only go up from practice!!
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Back at it with a penxil drawing cause i was out to lunch. Not the best but digital is way easier to do than traditional. Took about 45 minutes.
Forgive the shameless bumping btw, i believe an exercise for art is much better than the endless threads of squawking, envy, ai, "how do i...", and get rich quick schemes.
Sorry, forgot to rotate it.
Back again with an hour long drawing. I always loved the jungle dinosaur and cave man pulp ideas. I also am not a fan of the current obsession with feathers on every dinosaur. I much prefer the more reptilian form for large dinosaurs. I even enjoy drawing many theropods having crocodilian lile scutes on their necks as a way to protect themselves from other theropods and aggressive mates.
One thing i forgot to mention and would like to improve is the texture of my drawings i do not like how muddy my shading is, but im not sure i completely a fan of cell shading and similar styles either. I like how manga ink work looks but that is just a genteral statement as i dont have an exact style in mind. Not to mention that there are plenty of incredible greyscale inked western works. I suppose we shall see.
This was a very quick 30 minute sketch. It is not great in its executions, as i dont know how to draw cute girls. But i do like the composition and the lighting well enough. Another hope of mine is to draw the female form with ease and without a need for ecxessive adjustments in order for the form to be usable
Id also would like to add that the idea of this is Anon's girl is waiting for his call. Hes busy making it, but his girl is all alone missing him.
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45 min
Nice job friend, i hope to be able to find such clean linework in such a short time. Your shading is fairly smooth too!
Back again and this one took 2 hours. 1hour for the line work and the other for shading. I an really happy how this turned out, but i would like to be able to half the time it takes to produce a piece like this in due time. I used a wide variety of tools on this piece, not something i usually do. I have a stigma on using a wide variety of tools for some reason and i dont know exactly why. I guess it is because i feel that it is too complicated, just as i dont like to useing a bunch of layers.
I like those dramatic old movies if you couldnt tell, but i suppose i like the story that singular frames and movie posters can tell. S o much drama and passion in a single moment. Sometimes i feel more for that single second than an entire film!
That's freaking amazing work anon! Done in only 2 hours on top of that? Dude you're cruising on the GMI highway at full throttle.
Keep it up man! but don't burn out.
You really did this? This is top-tier work anon... Absolutely beautiful.
Youre too kind, friend. I appreciate it! I'll do my best not to burn out. Right now, for several years really, ive been suffering the opposite of burn out. Like I want to draw, but i just cant get the lead out and just do it. So these have felt so relieving! But thanks for the warning, I'll keep on top of it!
Back again, friends. And might I say, i have not had this much fun drawing in YEARS! How long I have wasted by simply NOT drawing?! I feel like a bit of my old self again! Back when I loved art and drawing.
Anyway, this one, if i may be honest, i did not keep track of the time. I would say maybe an hour and a half. But i had so much fun feeling the form, and hatching in the textures and everything! It is not finished, but I am so glad i started!
And yes this is the coomer meme. I always wanted to make a short comic with him, virgin, and chad duking it out in the most action packed way possible. I feel like that may be sooner that just a dream now. Good night /ic/!
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Little over 1.5 hours.
Thanks, but no, that's me in the past. Drawing that way always fills me with the dread of it being a fluke afterwards.
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Hey guys, just so you know - Windows has this nice little built in timer that you can find by just typing "timer" into the Start menu. It hovers on top of windows as well
Back again with another sketch. My quickest yet, at only 20 minutes. I unfortunately i didnt make much time, but i didnt want to leave the day without having drawn at all.
Thank you friend, wonderfuly work yourself. I see that you like drawing that elven child, is she part of a project you are working on?
I feel like i should have known this already. Thank you for your recommendation, friend!
Back again, with another half baked sketch, and it took about an hour. I am a bit frustrated i didnt get the time i wanted to really hammer out a drawing, but at least i did something i suppose.
The intent behind it was what i imagine 621 from ac6 would look like. I am not familiar with the particular enhancement augmentations and what they look like in the series, but i imagine it to be plug ins that help connect the users nervous system to their mech, hence the need for wires, especially since 621 is a type 4, an older model.
I love the game and the bosses in it, even if they give me a spanking. Im not a hardcore fromsoft player, i only have beaten the first third of bloodeborne. But ac6 is the easiest game from them ive played and the most rewarding without ripping my dick off. I think that is in large part to the 3 dimentional movement, and the missions are short. I dont have to worry about losing all my progress and currency to a cheapshot at low health, i merely have to start the mission again, and i dont have to commit hard to a build that i dont know i will like or not. It is the most fun i had playing video games in literal years. A shame i wasnt able to express that feeling through my art today.
Back again with another sketch friends. This one took about 45 mins from rough concept to the shakey linework you see before you. While i am disappointed in my lack of completing projects, as I might have mentioned before, i am happy that i feel that my skills are still increasing with each project. Hopefully soon, i can grow even more confident in my lines and i can whip out drawings even faster.
This picture is based off the pixie armadillo. A short story i made along side her is that she is jealous of other fairies and pixies running around and having fun in the forrests. Her job is to be a guardian to the skiddish and stupid armadillos and other desert wildlife. In time, she gets over herself and learns to love herself and her job.
Back again with another one friends. This took me about an hour and a half to get where i am.
I am getting a bit sloppy with how i manage my time. Though if i am honest, i was much too over confident in my abilities with this piece. I was thinking about having a princess mononoke style background with tree and harsh lighting and shit, and i burned through my first hour wondering if i should draw in pencil or ink tool. I would lile to learn inking, because of its striking contrast, but i like the soft transition and texture of pencil. Regardless, i chose ink as you can see. I am quite happy with theresult, but my problem is i simply dont know how to sketch with it. So maybe i lay down a fat pencil base, and then try to steady my inking skill and speed. At least i hope that works?
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This is where I got in about 1:30hrs. I tend to put a lot of time into details too early which slows me down. Gotta work on getting the big picture done first.
Great job, friend! I know exactly what you mean, as the exact same happens to me. For me, it is the want for bringing all the details forward in order to bring clarity to my piece. Alas, we got to trust thr process dont we?
Definitely, atleast it helped me to sit 1:30hrs withouth pause. Actually went on a roll and been drawing for like 7-8hrs on several different projects today.
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Back again with another traditional sketch. It was quick at just 30 mins.
While working on this one of my problems ive had in myexperience occoured, i forgot how to draw. I dont know why, but on occasion my mind locks up and I will feel like a total beginner. So it turned into an exercise of "feeling the form." It was nice, at least i drew today.
Good on you friend, day like that are pure bliss!
you got a blog? your stuff is super clean
Back again friends with another sketch. This took about an hour and a half to get to this point.
I wanted to make a game that, I suppose was inspired by the game Dantes inferno, if only a bit. A knight would be in hell for his sins of vengeance and greed but willingly accepts his fate as he know he deserves his punishment. However, Satan attacks heaven and captures 2/3s of it including the archagels, the old testament heros and Jesus himself. Satan places a mind curse on them to serve the unholy host.
Meanwhile, the templar is free'd from his chains in hell by a little angel and they set off to free the heavens. Along the way, the meet a bishop who is also cursed to hell for commiting suicide, and accidentally murdering his unrequited love. He serve as a guide through hell and a resource manager in the knights backpack.
Just a dream game, but i love the idea of freeing your holy savior from the clutches of evil as the ultimate form of martyrdom and forgiviness.
So, that story will require to portray am evil and deranged possesed version of angels, holy sacred figures like saints and Jesus himself? That could be "controversial", I'm in.
Back again friends. This one tookabout an hour to complete. While i am not a fan of my skill, or lack there of, I am happy about the sort of flowthat i have developed for myself. Extra rough sketch to start, then semi clean sketch to feel out the form and such, inks as i want to learn inking despite my lack of skill for it, and finally shading.
I appreciate the enthusiasm, friend! I wouldnt be suprised if people would find the idea of slaying heros of the bible to be a bit off. I might as a believer, myself. That being said, the logic is since the soul is eternal, to kill heavenly figure who is cursed would be to free their soul from it and send them back to paradise. The knight would be disheartened for slaying of good people, but realizes that in order to be merciful, it must be done. I think it would be cool to pick up an artifact from each of these heroic boss fights too, such as getting samson's jawbone club and david's sling and use them to slay demons and sinners while freeing the heavenly host (with violence.) I would like to add that the jesus boss fight would be a fake out. Since Jesus is sinless, and the curse causes one to follow the whims of evil, it would cause jesus to stay in a frozen state, unable to anything. Satan would not have any problem in this, as it keeps his adversary out of his way. When you go to "fight" Jesus ,you would slay him in one hit. Kind of like when he was speared during his cruxafiction. This will bring forth a disgusted Satan, and the real final boss fight would begin!
Back again friends. This one took me an hour. However, I plan on working on it some more tomorrow. Hopefully i can fix his face. Most of my time was spent on it and i am still unsatisfied with it. I want to really hone in on a souless gaze, but i am not quite there. We shall see!
There's some talking about the fact that the "God of War" series of games may have that same issue. Kratos already went against the greek, roman, and nordic gods. Can they do the same with christian figures, or hindu, or islam?

About the issue, if the sacred figure of christ, or whatever angel or saint may be, is trapped and possessed inside a physical representation, that would be like idolatry, that blasphemous thing must be destroyed, and the enslaved spirit liberated. So you should be allowed to fight that idol representation and crush it to pieces with righteous violence. That could be a way out to solve the "political issue". I bet these are the kind of conversations that must be happening in the directive board of those companies making games, with a team of lawyers and theosophical experts LMAO.
Back again friends. This one took 35 minutes to make. I am very happy with how this came out.
Recently, i had seen one of you in a progress thread claiming to toss out a very well done 20 minute sketch. To say i was impressed was to say the least! It only showed how much more i need to grow as an artist. While i think i can draw some subjects reasonably well, i always take a devistating amount of time to get there. So much time wasted on the little details that only matter to me, the artist. I hope in doing this exercise everyday, i become more confident and accurate in my choices. So to make a reasonable with even a slight bavkground made me feel quite proud!
That is a good solution if it must come down to it. If i could, however, i would try to have it be that the player does "kill" them. (Once killed they will turn to ash and blow away back to their chosen destination. For the blessed that would be at heaven's gate, and the damned would emerge from the eternal lake of fire. I think this would allow for the player to feel righteous resentment especially if each holy boss gives an attaboy to the knight once they are killed. The game ultrakill allowed the player to feel a kind of kinship with the souls of hell, and i want something similar, and especially a parallel resentment to the archangel at the end, with satan!
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Hello again friends. In this challenge, I have learned to accept some things for the way they are. A confession i must make, is that I have been commissioned to create monsters (my favorite thing to draw) but my indecisiveness has led me to stall finishing these for months now. While at the moment the work i am doing is for free, i am disgusted by my lack of progess and, at times, skill. In pic rel, the left head has been bothering me FOREVER. I just couldnt properly attach it to the rest of the worm. However, i gave myself an hour to simply do the best i could with the placement and called it done when the hour was over. Now i have to clean up the piece and move on the next part. Perhaps the commissioner can find someone to perfect it? But thats okay, im still learning and will get better. No exercise today, just an hour on this.
BASED Krita chad
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Back again wit another sketch. 25 mins for this one. Pic inspiration: https://youtu.be/eAiVgLgSdu0?si=QJtt21vFuV888A7O
How odd that someone so against ai would be inspired by it. I must grapple with the feeling of it. Lol!
Thank you friend. I have never been called based nor a chad before! But yes bless the folks behind krita, as i would not recomment any other free art program so highly!

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