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Whew boy, is this guy the most overrated painter of all time or what?
what is this? Did you intend for this to be a Bob Ross hate thread? Go fuck yourself faggot
the original slop purveyor and a massive shill. i wouldn't even classify him as an artist, he's a business man that saw early on there is a massive market of morons that think the key to art are the right brushes then exploited the shit out of that.
Is he even recognised as a great artist? He's a beloved television presenter.
But regardless, art is subjective, so it's reasonable for people to like Bob's work;
meanwhile your retardation is objective fact, and nobody can reasonably argue otherwise.
>Started late in life
>Made it
he's the ultimate crab killer
Is he even rated highly as a painter? People watch and like him for his calming voice and beautiful commentary
Bob Ross brought the possibility of learning to paint to the everyday people. His methodology for creating effects was simple,and most of his finished work could easily be for the fantasy market,just insert a dragon and or castle somewhere. I respect his attempt to make people try.
He never taught painting, that's not what he even set out to do, his show was about a paint-by-numbers-like approach to replicating whatever painting he did in that episode as a therapeutic activity, which is what painting was to him. It was never about art, it was about making yourself feel good, every painting composed of a tiny handful of elements that were easy to reproduce so as not to stress you out.
He gave you a handful of "techniques" that would produce certain effects with no consideration to anything and that's it. Like the way he told you to paint rocks was to put light paint on one side of the brush and dark on the other, then just dab to produce vaguely rock-looking stains with no regard to light in the scene. The trees are always lit from above, the mountain from the side, rocks are fucking random, etc.
I hate to say it, but there's a lot of parallels to AI with what he did and what people find appealing about the approach.
The weird thing is that I don't even think he dumbed down the process for the show since I can't find a single non-show painting that doesn't fit the pattern.
He's nominally an artist, but he's a step above people making you do macaroni paintings in the looney bin if we're being completely honest.
holy shit that's so much text for whatever the dumb point is ou're trying to convey lmao
>average slop enjoyer
>he doesn't feel good while doing his art
>not only that, he also thinks that's wrong
Absolute NGMI behavior here, lmao
Where did I say any of that?
You're a faggot OP and I don't care if you like pussy you're still a huge faggot.
He was significant because he developed a technique that turned painting into a craft. Easily replicated, aesthetically pleasing for the most part, a relaxing process. There's nothing objectively wrong with that. He never reached the upper tiers of creative expression but at least the dude seemed chill and happy, unlike most tryhard artists who seem to be in a state of perpetual torment
>chill dude who had fun, smiled and tried to show others how to do the same
get therapy
he was a based guy who is probably better praised for making people engage with art as a timesink rather than anything he made in particular -- not that he is bad.
No, his goal was to teach the joy and simplicity of painting to the general public and he achieved that.
Dude was fucking broke when he died. They didn't start exploiting his name until he was cold and in the ground. Still, it's funny that this is the one place where someone is trying to shit. He tried to show people that at can be relaxing and therapeutic when most people here use art as a form of self-flagellation
>the original slop purveyor
No, that would be Andy Warhol.
>Most overrated of all time
That would be Picasso

are you actually retarded?
he lived from selling his (low quality) art supply line
I'm not agreeing with the other guy, but selling bad supplies to hobbyists is how he earned his money while alive
You are such a dumb nigger. So dumb it is hard to grasp.
God damn you are retarded.
Holy fuck...
he used his "low quality" art supply line. there's no scam.
why the quotes, are you seriously implying it's not low quality?
>there's no scam
okay? did I call it a scam? he lived from selling supplies with his name on it, not painting, that's the definition of a businessman
My god, some episodes of ERB are ten years old... argh...
He's not an exceptional painter, but he proves you don't have to be exceptional to make it. I do like his works, for whatever it matters.
Bob Ross is my favorite artist. The most important lessons I've learned about art I've learned from Bob Ross.
I know OP is bait, but Bob Ross is the literal example of someone learning how to create art and then tried to share that with the world.

He was trying to show that art isn't some magical bullshit only a few people can do. No, if you just get off your ass and stop making idiotic threads like this you too can learn how to paint.
did he, though? where are the artists he taught?
he's the boomer asmr thot
He's more of a TV personality than an actual painter, but I do agree.
fuck you Bob, the draftsmanship pill is that everything you do is probably a mistake
He gives off really creepy vibes. His whole "le heckin wholesome" persona is so fake and comes of as a guy trying really hard to compensate for whatever fucked up skeletons he has in the closet. Probably a pedo.
worse, he was a zogbot
You think a story would have come out of he was a sex pest. I don't have a good reason to doubt the story that he'd gotten sick of yelling at people as a drill agent and wanted to go the extreme opposite direction. I agree it was an affectation, but I don't think there was anything evil behind it.
>He gives off really creepy vibes. His whole "le heckin wholesome" persona is so fake and comes of as a guy trying really hard to compensate for whatever fucked up skeletons he has in the closet. Probably a pedo.
That's enough projection for today.
He never said he was an artist.
You should see the documentary on him. His viewers who don't paint saw him as a proto-ASMR.
You have to be at the bottom of the /beg/ barrel to even think of crabbing this man. Sometimes I feel bad trolling and shitposting in this board, but this type of threads remind me why you deserve it.
> came back with nothing but a dumbass reply
u mad
Categorizing Bob Ross' work as ""slop"" doesn't make you hip or cool or unique. You're just another retard in 4chan who won't make it, and you will die alone like everyone else.
OP is a bitter, lonely faggot and so is the niggers agreeing with him. Also, bait used to be less obvious...
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I'm a professional artist, I'm already further along than he ever got, and I didn't have to lower myself to a sideshow to do it.
>I'm a professional artist
>I'm already further along than he ever got
Indeed, you're already further along than he ever got with whatever fucked up skeletons he has in his closet. Probably a bigger pedo than he was am I right?
>bob Ross overrated
Bob Ross is the greatest artist of the last 100 years you fucking pleb.
>chill dude
It's unlikely Bob Ross was a chill dude. That was his brand, but I'm sure the man was a huge asshole and probably crabbed others out of the game in whatever internet equivalent they had back in the 1940s or whenever the fuck it was he was active. He made some comments on the show that suggested he struggled with anger, rage, resentment and a general hatred of the world.
Watch an episode. Now imagine he's talking about sex acts instead of drawing and his huge fan base of lonely women will suddenly make sense. Mhmm. That's it. Yeah. Right there.
yet, you need a working match of material and technique to get somewhere. you can't do Schmid with old holland, no medium and absorbent surfaces
If he was from Austria, he might have been more talented
Can you stupid fucking faggots stop bumping this worthless bait thread
He was Air Force and hated being the guy who had to yell at people.
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For me, it's Bill Alexander.
Do people really think his art is good? Genuinely curious to know.
no, he's a lifestyle brand
It's not "deep", or anything, and the techniques he uses on camera are simple, but the paintings are nice to look at and have some very cool impressionistic effects. You'd have to be a paint-huffing, beret-ed snob smoking ten packs a day to have any problem with the guy.
If you're a complete beginner (or haven't even started), then his paintings look nice. But even then, I have never encountered anyone who said that his paintings were of particular skill. As many anons have said, Bob Ross was liked because he made painting a relaxing thing where you don't have to stress over the end result, and he showed how anyone could do that. He never held himself out as some kind of artistic savant. He just wanted people to paint and chill out.
>Hating on Bob Ross
Still better than 99% off this board.
He's no Shishkin but I wouldn't call his art bad, just not great.
there's literally nothing impressionistic about them
I just find him soothing to listen to, man...

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