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Post boggu links. X/Twitter, Instagram, Patreon.
What's the best website to get popular real quick? i ant fucking around anymore.

there's people who don't even draw have more numbers than all of us combined, like wtf.
>What's the best website to get popular real quick?
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Damn I'm firstttt.
Working on my comic, even did some promo here some months ago for the demo version of it, I decided to re-draw it and it's coming on the 1st of june!



All city will be an ambitious piece of mine and I hope some people will enjoy it!
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I swear I will post some non-cat drawings later this week. Probably.
This has Chris Chan tier of soul
>implying that's even possible anymore
Unironically buy bots, pay some blue checkmark to promote your shit or be lucky and get in some art discord where you can commence the public circlejerking.

That's what the accounts you think of, all do.
The age of organic growth is over.
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Art, gamedev. Still /beg/ but invest now so your stocks go up as I improve.
I really just forgot the link.

unironically twitter, if you don't post animations. if you make animations, it's youtube unless coom.
Animations, memes, and more.
https://www.patreon.com/BBCchan (You can support me here)
https://twitter.com/BBCChanArt (Art Blog)
http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/BBC-Chan/profile (A more curated gallery)
https://picarto.tv/BBCchan (Livestreams)

http://bbc-chan.tumblr.com/ (Curated gallery without explicit content)
https://www.youtube.com/@bbcchanart (SFW Timelapse Videos)
Would you guys be kind to me if I post my socials here? Please don't troll me.
Everyone who ever posts his socials here will get his account hacked and his house raided.
Cat anon, you're back!!
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Account has been growing quite significantly as of late. Not that it really matters, Im still pretty small, but I like seeing it so lively.
I mainly draw THICC League of Legends Mommies but sometimes other waifus too!

>Daily posts/NSFW (Twitter/X):

>Daily/Semi-Daily/SFW (IG):

>For all my Hentai/NSFW (Patreon):
No, I'm not.
Oh, it's just been a while since I saw any of your works, so... Hope you are well.
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I draw things, and occasionally stuff.

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Almost all I post is naked green girls.

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NSFW stuff
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What's a good website to promote my nsfw art?

You'd be surprised but my twitter followers ignore my nsfw art and don't share it...
>why do the bots following my account not engage?
i am not surprised
Social media is dead, give it up
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my tablet broke so I'm drawing with my mouse
sorry if it's bad
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Twitter / X @TopherSoc
Discord tophertalk
A quick Google search for nsfw art communities should point you in the right direction, thou some seas are rougher than others, so choose wisely, you can also explore hydro to flip some bucks on your content.
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i draw cocks. i like them. i think they're very cute. I also wanna draw more coomer art of futalabrys fucking megaman zero and like, samus should be in there somewhere.
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Rookie artist here.
I draw cartoon art more than anything. Lately I've been joining the Ongezellig fandom.
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I draw whatever I get commissioned and in my spare time I have my own personal projects like comics that I post in here.
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Drawing vtubers because I unironically like them.

Looking for moots into anime/vtuber!
why do any of you continue to post to social media in this climate
If you tag your stuff properly and you draw niche/characters with passionate following, DA and Pixiv are best because people beowsibg those sites want to see art they looking for in chronological order. Other sites like Twitter and Instagram rely on algorithm so you need first get the system to push you and even with that having base in DA and Pixiv helps because people who found you in DA and Pixiv will follow you in Twitter and will make the algorithm pick up what kind of people are into your art and will recommend you to similar users
Free promotion.
Seems like ghost working on comics isn't a sustainable way to pay my bills, so I'm forced to go back wageslaving my lily ass
Should I delete my socials or leave them there as a constant reminder of my hubris?
You wage slave full time and work on your art full time until/if people fuck with your shit. If you can't make both work you can't work in the industry anyway. Working on ghost comics is dumb as shit because you aren't making money or building up your name.
I need the money dude
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Tweet: @curxvoid
Insta: @curxvoid
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I post once in a while
I'll be your art moot. Somehow we already follow each other. But I'm shy.
I've stopped, but I still shit post and people like it.
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Mass extinction events allow the little artists to prosper.
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacobpaintsthings/

i do some digital painting
I also livestream myself drawing over at Kick, ain't exactly exciting but whatever.

I draw Touhou related content. If I were you, I would disable reposts on my profile since I tend to repost art, and I know that annoys some people.
My account has been doing wonderfully since last month, simply put.
what does this mean, what events?
I'm experiencing negative growth
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I've been trying to get back into the habit but it's hard bros
Any critiques and tips on growth would be much appreciated :)
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Sally forth to Valor Preclusion!

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Been stuck on 500 for several months now. I suck at playing this game.
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I draw my intrusive thoughts.
I love my work and I have no shame.


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Hi, I'm Enrique

I make art and comics inspired by my life and interests. Currently working on a 3 issue series that's set to debut on Halloween 2024
follow me on YouTube, reddit, Twitter and Instagram @officialnopales
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Didn’t know they had their own gallery site until now
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I draw porno manga for Comic Mugen Tensei
When's the best time to post on twitter? Is it different for fanart or oc content?
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Aspiring concept artist that also does obtuse conic strips.
Hey, I'm this guy >>7164577, and I just opened an alt for the lewd stuff.

Feel free to follow me. I'm /beg/ though

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Does chuds who share there social media link here an active poster or simply just slide in here for a free promotion?
I'm >>7168744 and I actively post on /ic/, yes.
hi I’m a tattoo artist and illustrator and i hate social media it gives me so much anxiety!!
i’m scared i’ll have to get a real job someday!!!!

it's a goldmine for flipping dank content.
easy to use, just make sure your shit's really hot
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I am a NSFW artist, since people kept asking - I made an account! Yay!
>explore hydro
...you mean the aluminium guys?
Isn't working as a licensed tattoo artist a real job already?
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I've spent about a month now trying to create an instagram account but the website won't fucking cooperate
Do you have a facebook account? Are you using the same email that you use for facebook to sign up for instagram?
I (think I) deleted the facebook account connected to my email years ago but I still get occasional FB spam so maybe not
I tried making a throwaway email to sign up but it cucks me saying some shit about suspicious activity
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down for artmoots
Finally some good fucking art
my country doesn’t require license but yeah it’s a very low income job since I’m not famous and just started a few months ago, might try doing commissions or selling merch to have enough money to live on my own :/

thank you sm!! I thought I’d get ignored for not making big tiddy waifu porn lmao
yikes anon
I don't really post online much or update it or whatever but I just added an instagram widget to my neocities page so I may as well post it. It's got links to my social media stuff there. Don't expect much.

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I make big titty waifu porn and I'm still ignored.

don't stress too much about it, I'm not posted in this thread.
my art page got to 2k followers on tiktok in a couple months. It's not making me famous or anything but I can get around 500-2k views on a regular piece 10-15k if I follow a trend. A few pieces I've made that were controversial have gotten 50k-100k views. And I made one that went viral and got 800k.

Compared to ig, I get 200-600 views and have like 250 followers
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My name's Windingus on instagrem
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wrong file, whoops
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Post every once in a while.
Open for commissions for anyone interested.
your stuff is great my dude


Just getting into digital pls follow me
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anyone got a link to that twitter post the explained how twitter handles post?
Dude thinks he's wayne barlow
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plz bros...
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Recently Left Discord and started a twitter after a 3 or so year hiatus. Planning to post art after getting through this depressive episode.

Real website not a virus.
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im not very good but im trying to get better https://x.com/ModorenaiMe
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I post emo/goth/dark art and fan art

post on your xitter more faggot i followed for a reason jeez
gotta post more art b
too much power level revealing bro
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I understand how this post will be seen because I know this board's culture but this is an emergency so I'll do it anyway.

I've been an /ic/ regular for going on 14 years now and have contributed under many names. I know it's retarded to ask for commissions on an art board, but I've really tried my best to make this a fun place and tried to help the /beg/s as much as possible. Recently I posted a couple redlines under the name "OtakuMindy" that were received well. I've made free custom brushes for the CSP threads, I've scanned my own art books for the MEGA threads.

Long story short - I'm fucked. I fell ill and had to go to the hospital. I lost my job and have been struggling to find work. Today I received a medical bill that will absolutely ruin me, if you or anyone you know needs artwork PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I have 29 days to raise $1,650.

I'll draw NSFW, your OC, give lessons, whatever you want.
I just noticed that I linked my likes lol.
>too much power level revealing bro
Yeah, I'll probably have to get twitter premium and hide my likes in the future.
are you struggling to find your line of work or just any work?
Your art is good. I hope you sort things out. Good luck anon.
any work whatsoever. I only have about 50 followers and nobody has bought commissions in 2 years now. I just really need anything big or small
isn't there like a government office that assigns you work or some shit?
Yes, I am going to a temp agency this week. Hopefully I can get hired and make enough money as a janitor or something to help with this, I've been trying to get a normal job for a while now but people wont hire me.
hope you get this sorted out seems like a doozie
Have you tried getting an itemized bill to lower that cost?
I can relate, here are some tips that helped me.
1. Just don't pay the medical bill.
2. Try to get a loan payment plan.
3. If they have your personal information already. Let them know you are "poor as fuck" and ask if you can work at the hospital to pay off the debt.

I don't know the full situation but all of these methods have worked for me in different times of my life. 1k isn't that much for most people so you won't have bad credit if you don't pay it off immediately.
dont post my wife monad like that bitch
Adding to my part 1.
Why would they send you a bill to your email? Any money should come out of your insurance first. Call the hospital. Also it's their job to care for you first. That 29 days shit is fake bullshit.
Don't pay that.
I will do what I want. She is my spirit animal. Kek.
it was through the app not my email, I have medicare so the insurance only covered 118. Can you really work for the hospital and pay it off that way legally?? Ive heard of like washing dishes for a meal but a hospital is a lot more official
Yes, I did it back when I was in high-school when I owed 600$ for vet bills. It depends if you talk with the right person I guess. I can't say for sure.
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damn, theres a lot of actually really good artists in here! might as well throw min into the pot!

NSFW, mostly furry
>that level of art
>only 50 followers
Geez dude, you must have fucked up somewhere along the way with your art account.
If his twitter page is his only blog then it doesn't look like he's uploaded enough art. If I were him I'd focus on quantity over quality.
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Every one of those images is a different style, meanwhile your post here >>7170359 shows a significantly weaker art style. They're good enough to earn money but that's not what you're doing, you're going for fraud by misrepresenting your art... If it's even your art. You haven't established yourself well enough to be trusted. Not surprised whose likes are filled with alt right conspiracy bullshit is trying to scam.
$1600 ain't even all that much. Get on my level.
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Hey I'm kos. Mostly have been doing digital, but have been very focused on trad painting in 2024.

This is the main problem I seem to be having. My art style is so flexible that I don't really have a "house style" so people assume that I'm either using AI or stealing art or something because everything is so varied.

I've had this problem for years and I don't know what to do about it but create different accounts for different styles because I literally can't stop drawing like that. I'm not scamming anyone. Literally punished for being creative :/
You also aren't at something that could be called pro level. I checked your twitter and most of your stuff has at least a few glaring issues that makes it feel amateurish.
You are good at painting and rendering, but your other fundamentals are lagging behind. Especially perspective.

tl;dr What you pointed out (non recognizable style) and what I just wrote makes it so that you aren't marketable.
I posted your twitter thread where you ask fro emergency commissions in some discord servers. I hope it helps. I know for certain some people there that usually try to help.
Yes, I need to study more. Thank you
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Here's my twitter and Youtube.



I post mostly the same stuff on 4chan onto my socials. Pic related is my most recent original work, but lately I've been posting fundies practice.
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i've just created this account, if anyone wants to follow me i'll follow back.
i agree but im kinda a slow drawer anget distracted easily im doing a practice challenge atm to draw the same character repeatedly in under 25 minutes to try and speed up
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>you can also explore hydro to flip some bucks on your content.
what's hydro?
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https://x.com/martinmp77 < active now, trying to post regularly
martinmp.tumblr.com < older stuff

I make like these "animated" poetry video things idk.
Been a while uh
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General art: https://twitter.com/willemon215290
Distilled evil: https://twitter.com/apc_lc35792
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Do you draw just girls on one account and draw just boys on the other account?
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I made this account very recently but I plan to make crossover art of anime and film.
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Took a long hiatus from social media posting, but came back

I take long spells without posting any thing, and I draw weird NSFW
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Struggling against the algo, can't break that barrier. I really enjoy just doing art and seeing it but getting recognition on twitter may be a fun side game, so sooner or later I'd have to post here.
I usually post doodles and shit from drawpile with friends. Mostly a hobby artist.
>it's an emergency, so i'll make a post e-begging on a dead board
Sell your shit, get a job, sell ass.
1.6k is fucking nothing unless you're a child.
Also you should be able to pay in installments so there is no need to rush to get that much money.

This just screams scam.
Thats literally 2 weeks of full time work, get a job and suck it up
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i le draw gals and shit that are popular or i like

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If you are looking for an opportunity, DM me.
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Last update from me for a while now that Pixiv has changed its policies

So what's with this mass exodus from Instagram to Cara
People is going to get fucked also there anyway, right?
I dm'd this guy on Instagram because I had 100 bucks bonus from my last job, and i was willing to give them out if he could provide actual proof, but he never replied so I guess he's not that hungry
>changed its policies
What happened now
Holy shit the war to internet artist is all out uh
it's like living in soviet union, only moral lgbtq socialist art is allowed
>how do I even grow my instagram following?
>every website and influencer: "Just do reels!"
>do reels
>post still image of that same drawing on X

lol, lmao even. Fuck jews. They are only pushing thots with huge tits so I coom to that.
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Lost my old accounts so making a new one. I'll start by sharing art that goes back to 2021 and go up from there, it may be interesting for people who care about seeing how artists evolve and all that stuff. I'll post daily.

>follow/throw likes/ reply to some meme to random person of any nationality
>get at least some likes back. At least!
>follow and hard like everything and have multiple lenghty talks with artists of my same country
>get literally nothing back
>reply to their boring and inane shit with jokes
>complete silence, they seem terrorized
What the fuck i don't understand my own people
For users in the United States, searches are restricted and uploads cannot be "lewd" among other things.
id give the nose on the right pic another shot, one nostril is higher than the other
oh, I remember that time, dunning-kruger delusions... makes me sad.
do you still in contact with camsel? it seems he stopped uploading
Huh, they're probably building a fence around non asians to avoid shitshows with american lgbt corpos
>>reply to their boring and inane shit with jokes
>>complete silence, they seem terrorized
You're supposed to comment crying laugh emojis and give them likes and clout, not actually join the fun and risk making a better joke and threatening to get more clout than them ON THEIR OWN POSTS

wtf man you fucking narcissist

Now can you tell if am being sarcastic or serious, when now it's very hard to tell since the internet is full of straight up unironical retards and clout chasers?
Consider that now I upload more to the main
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twitter: SkinQw
ig: skin_qw2
cara: skin_qw
i wish people would joke on my posts since I'm bored.
i don't have this problem, just change your location to japan
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quality varies and i upload sporadically
forgot to paste link lole
>i wish people would joke on my posts since I'm bored
Most of the time you just get autists or coomers
the first group writing retarded fanfiction
the latter writing about how horny they are
both think they're being funny

it's just tiring
>just change your location to japan
There's an American flag bikini on my front page. It would be disingenuous to violate a policy while hosting a gallery.
Pixiv themselves recommended affected users to change to japan.
Is it worth it to post trad art on social media or will I get drowned out in the sea of digital bros?
That's actually interesting. It's literally a retard filter
I sincerely dunno man
I steered off socials all my life, now that I'm there I'm asking myself why these tardos spend all this time here if they're conversationally stunted just about the same they are irl
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How have you not improved in literal years?
Staying in your comfort zone and anime art is harder to improve a upon, since it reaches its peak very early/fast.
it's not that, more like using the same brush or pen without changing things very often.
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been doing some dunmeshi fanart

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You're expecting a dog to not eat the food in front of it.
These are people who don't think and never held any conversations irl that wasn't about themselves or for their own gain, plus pandemic apparently fucked a lot of people in the head even more than they already were.
Then of course you've got the autistics, porn addicts and clout chasers who are responsible for 99% of internet cancer, due to either mental illness, low iq or being 14.

Lastly; anyone inbetween who is actually normal and avoids interacting with anyone to not have to fly over eggshells all the time, because god forbid you say the wrong word some illiterate kid takes as an insult and starts an e-crusade with all their other mentally ill creatures, or some clout chasers twists to farm clout.
And if they don't get their way; you're going to get doxxed or have irl visits.

You could say that these things are the prerequisites to justify internet IDs, but now lots of retards will start calling you a government plant, a freedom hater and all the other insults; exactly because those retards are the first people to not be allowed on the internet anymore i.e. it's about themselves.
He just doesnt owe it to you
Have you?
He doesn't draw
It's kind of interesting that this whole thought process, that weirdly as a huge fan of thinking too much about useless shit I find really damn heavy and boring, is far light years from the sad excuses for brains the people you're talking about have between their ears, and never, absolutely never anything that vaguely glances in the general direction of what you just said will ever even barely graze the gravitational field of the black hole they have for an existence
I know I know, it's so trite and overdone. And it's pretty arrogant from me considering I'm a complete dumbfuck and a failure as human, but damn. I will never be able to understand how can people that don't ask themselves questions exist. What does their brain even feel like, like a fish? A slug, an ant?
What the actual squared fuck man.
Anon, most people are unironical animals with the ability to mimic speaking noises.
All they think about is basic shit
>do i need to eat?
>does this thing i consume make me feel good? then it's good
>does it make me feel bad? then its bad
>sex is always good
>everything that i don't like or makes me feel bad is a threat to me as a person and must be dealt with
There is no other explanation for the absolute state of the world and social media in general.

Thinking about stuff make u sad and not make u consume product so just dont think and consume next product lol lmao
t. Jeph Jacques
The kind of people who come here are content with mediocrity and stagnation, just look the replies to your post.
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I think I don't practice at all or try new things
I kind of just do commission and convention work then call it a day

I should do something about it all honesty
but I feel content with what I get social and monetary wise,
which isn't good but isn't inherently bad

If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it
You don't need to change because people tell you so, you need to try new stuff because you're at risk of getting bored and imploding if drawing becomes just like any day job. Just start with small stuff, like a drawing that's more realistic or trying to copy the style of something
Fuck him. Don't even respond to trolls. Your attention is all they want. Just keep drawing the way you do.
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my new webcomic, hope you like it!
Actually pretty good. I'll keep an eye on it.
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Hi, I’m FlashFirePrime. I like to draw about my original characters and their stories. This is my latest full piece. Rn I’m doodling my OCs in other OCs outfits.
Twitter: @FlashFirePrime
Pixiv: FlashFirePrime
DeviantArt: HallowedMarmalade
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Made a new account recently since I retweet too much and I dont think twitter likes that if you wanna see the older stuff you can check newgrounds or here https://x.com/kdsart3
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Just started socials this month, will start nsfw once I draw a few more sfw to get my feet wet in my main IPs
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I like to drawing weird things and monsters
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Yeah I would bump that alright
question to people who use tiktok, do you find any worth reach in that app? i know that now you can post multiple images in a post like instagram because i saw some people post manga chapters that way, but for drawings... with worth reach i mean if posting there brought you some commissioners for example.
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I draw NSFW and trying to post more consistently when I can.

Take your pick



lol this obvious scam is fucking hilarious.
I think he's just fucking retarded and lazy
Like i posted before, i dm'd him on Instagram because I was willing to give him 100 bucks with convincing proof, but he didn't even look at the messages
So there's a good chance that even if someone was feeling altruistic enough to cover all that for him, he would had just end up fucked anyway because he's too fucking stupid to check the contacts he gave out.
To think months ago I felt bad for this dumbass having so little following with such good art, holy fuck sometimes really people is the maker of their own misfortune
Thanks for your services kind soul
Yeah that's a flaw i should really correct, i have a soft spot for artists bawwing
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mostly graffiti style
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Finally posting drawings instead of crying all day
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The fuck you mean by that? Anon, I've been posting drawings and also bitching around consistently for two month straight, what are you talking about?
more crying than drawing nigger
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Could be worse, I could be wasting my time by projecting my insecurities on unsuspecting anons in a board supposedly for drawing while conveniently not posting my work.
I might be bitching cause I dont have shame to say life sucks, but Im still drawing, quite more than I used to, so I dont see how that's a problem.

I do appreciate the critique though, gotta draw more and bitch less.
OnlyFans is great for content creators, it allows them to earn a lot if they're good. Hydro is also good for making money from videos, focusing on viewer engagement without annoying ads.
>I might be bitching cause I dont have shame to say life sucks,
get your shit together you beautiful bastard
>but Im still drawing, quite more than I used to, so I dont see how that's a problem.
i have yet to see that

>I do appreciate the critique though, gotta draw more and bitch less.
thats the spirit
All the artists dropping out because of ai leaves us some more niches to grow

traditional stuff, you know pens and brushes and stuff
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Another bump
How do you start a porn empire from nothing?
I'm on the verge of being homeless so I'm finally getting desperate enough, but I have no clue how to market or shill or get seen, especially on twitter
Do I just start spamming a ton of variant images of popular characters on rule34?
FOTM Characters, Popular rule34 characters, bumming around in multiple NSFW discords and if you're art is good enough people will see it. Latching and leeching off of other big creators in your given niche by drawing their oc's or their favorite characters (If any)
https://pixeljoint.com/p/2745.htm (pixelart)
https://x.com/desgardez (SFW)
https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1551752 (NSFW)

Will be updating the twitter with a lot today so stay tuned!
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Post to Pixiv and DeviantArt and tag your works correctly so that people into the same stuff can find you. Show passion and knowledge of your subject. I've been drawing for 3 years and for 2 years I've constantly had non-empty comm queue. People see I'm into the niche and can see big artists' influence in my work.

So understand your subject. Understand your audience. Understand how art sites work.
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new to pixel art :V
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Any lads have experience drawing professional logos ? A simple bunny vector in particular
Hired some pajeets on fiverr and they gave me some kindergarten cartoony dogshit
Will pay $30 for a bunch of sketches, alterations and a finalized line-art piece (colorless)
e-mail me if you're interested; wasdwasdwasdd@protonmail.com
Ok but what do these numbers mean?
Did you get anything from it? Not even asking specifically about money, even genuine interactions count.
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Here's some free comics made while I was in "exile". These are "non-canon" episodes, however, these episodes built the foundation for the projects I'm working on now.

I can't tell if people posting stuff like this is actually 10 years old or trolling
What the actual fuck is this shit jesus christ
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Sorry there tough guy. But at least I completed entire comics worth reading. But hey, it's all good. Did you even read my stories? I bet you didn't. That's too bad. This is just my base form. I bet you want to see me go Kaiƍken? I have improved some. and the circumstances in which these comic were made are true.
check your insta pls
you could literally replace the swooshing hair with any president since JFK. but I guess, you know, orange man bad. aimirite fellow?
what a cultured anon
Nta but sincerely the level of dumb politicization in socials is starting to annoy me. I thought only a few people in fucking 2024 was actually retarded enough to glomp down entire ideologies and use unironically stuff like male gaze and patriarchy, but god damn. A good majority of artist are self declared communists ready to tone down any of the infinity of atrocities committed by commie regimes because the right is always the bad guys (nb nazis came out of the german socialist party)
I believed naively that one and almost half century later artists, so self doubting, wouldn't had embraced this hard something so fucking stupid without any question or at least were wise enough to call themselves out of propaganda after seeing so clearly in any history info that every single fucker screaming slogans is either a manipulative psycho or a fucking retard, but christ how much I was wrong.
Jesus fuck the whole "most people in the world just mimicks sounds and expressions, their heads are fucking empty" was real. Most people really don't care, they just want to feel in the right, point at the bad guy and avoid any ambiguity.
do you have characters/biases? could I bribe retweets off you?
I'm getting kind of tired of how every social media is just people arguing now. I don't like posting on instagram nor tiktok for this reason. It feels like 6 out of 10 instagram reels I get is rage or engagement bait or a discourse invitation despite regularly tapping not interested every time I get a reel like that
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there are unironically plenty in the art community that have not accomplished anything and thus turn to art. there are the same people clinging to japanese culture because they despise their culture so much. those people only see the advertisement of communism and never read marx's books. they disavow all of the 20th century happenings brought along by "towards to victory." and somehow many of them are more prude then religious people. Anon, the one meme people really get triggered by more then being called a normie (which is usually older people anyway), is being called an 'NPC.' Why? Because it's true. More true than anything they try to cling to.
Dunno really didn't see anything lately except the Palestine thing

>Why? Because it's true. More true than anything they try to cling to
It's something I genuinely thought was a comical exaggeration, but yes apparently not only is true but also common. And I find it the single most horrifying thing of current day, more than immigrants manipulated into substituting all the blue collar occupation of a country, more than government controlling every instance of your transactions, more than fucking everything, because it means all this internet power and vocal mass is aimed at literally the wrong target and infinitely refraining ego chanbers make it impossible to move on any real target.
What the fuck man. This is literally highschool people joining a political ideology without being mature enough to understand all over again. Nothing fucking changes, history really fucking repeat itself- but it's just because people is fucking stupid, uncaring and lazy, what the fuck
K this topic is way too articulated, ranted enough for now

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