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Previous thread: >>7154362

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/
What happened?
reached bump horizon
sometimes i draw but what i draw is so shit i just let my streak end
Honestly just upload anyway. They're not going to be perfect and even on pieces that you do get it right, you shouldn't wait for anyone to care, because no one really comments. Just say "fuck it" and submit your work
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Good things come to those who wait....
two in one day... the end times really are upon us.. not an age of new /DAD/s but an age of darkness...
No fucking way
damm, F
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Sites been shitting itself. Last two days all my pieces were double/triple posting, and when I posted yesterday it didnt get sent through.
I sent my proof to Banana with discord screencaps so hopefully it can be restored
I'd bet money you'd be fine, they're pretty understanding. The point is that you draw every day, and so long as you're not repeatedly asking for restorations
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I spent all of yesterday and today basically polishing this. Big dumb comm

If anyone has colour or light advice to make this pop more thatd be cool. I want the lightsource to be from behind but I dont want such severe contrast cuz theyre outside. Maybe I need more reflections from the sky and possibly ground
loliposter and a furry down in one day, DAD is slowly healing
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how much are u making from this comm, you should probably reference overcast or backlight illustrations, many vidya illustration work is usually backlight, easier to produce, less time spent on lighting complex details


if you scroll halfway down you can see the female champions splash, most of their body and face are in shadow with a backlight source, and only either bounce light or 1 small light source hitting a portion of their face


kinda a meme for anime but theres still simplified planes where light hits
Sigh. i'm unfollowing DTierDaddy now. How could I possibly follow someone who is beneath me?
I'm page 4 trying to be page 1. I simply can't be looking behind me towards no streakers. I only look ahead.
What more proof do you need the site needs a get out of jail free card at least once a month. Imagine having a streak like that and losing it. Why start again? (eMm tHat woulD meAn yOu Do it For tHe streAk oNly) Yes that's one of the reasons some people draw and post on dad daily. Humans are known to be addictive personalities and rely on them to do pretty much anything. Sunk cost fallacy is a thing and seeing losing a huge investment guarantees that you will not do it again
This helps, thanks
its a 500 dollar comm. I didnt really wanna do it but the guy is a whale and has been asking me for months.
He wanted much more weirder shit like double/triple penetration but I managed to tell him id only do 1 peni
ulala got RAW talent. she's a true artist. i want to be like her.
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Forgot to post the pic again
Dum dum
I don't want to learn how to do things. I humbly wish to already have the knowledge.
Is /dad/ ego the reason why /dad/ is stagnating?
Just charge him $1500 if he is a whale he will pay.
NAMES of dads not stagnating
(pls me be)
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this could have taken a lot less time than it did
That's an impressive amount of detail on some things, like the signs and the red puffy jacket. The two things that stand out to me are the yaoi hands on the redhead and the guy on the very left lacking atmospheric lighting. Good job though, I like it
yeah i thought the hand still looked too big even after fixing the size of it already. i'm glad you like it though. i need more practice with atmospheric lighting and making all of the colours look like they're under the same lighting
Names of /dad/ not stagnating it is too hard to find 1.
im glad it helped, i autistically enjoy art learning and improving
500 for a coom illustration, where do u find these people, twitter or discord community? do i really want to become a coom commission artist or go the patreon route, ya i feel like multiple people in a scene is hard, why am i studying composition, light and value when i can just draw degen coom commissions
at this point it would be easier to list the people who ARE stagnating lmfao
>find stagnating people
Ulalal transitioned into a man. pls use the correct pronouns.
Final Warning.
Misgendering users (intentional or not) of DoArtDaily on or off site is cause for immediate termination of your account. We constantly cross check IP addresses on both sites to ensure this rule is enforced.
DAD is meant to be an open and inclusive environment for artists of all backgrounds to foster their skills and develop a safe community to share their progress without negative judgement of their work or person.

So far we've banned 2 people for nazi references this year, 1 for homophobia, and 2 for misgendering. In short, we are serious about enforcement.
For the record my pronouns are: Gonna/Makeit and I'm gainssexual.
I highly doubt anyone on dad is a 4chan mod.
take a time out
You still can't use the women's bathroom though.

Idk, Someone knew something about me that they either knew by cross referencing IP, or just a lucky troll assumption.
Or man's bathroom, idk. I should'nt assume genders.
what's with the kids these days? i personally wouldn't mind being addressed as a 'she'. it's actually a privilige on the internet.
complaining works, huh? like giving attention to a crying baby.
nodraw jannies and troons fear the chud uprising
i'm a pretty and cute girl hehehehehe
Are people still streaming on discord when they draw and/or do studies together?
I wasn't on dadcord in a while and I'm not sure if it's worth it joining in again
Entire site...
alrighty then, thanks for letting me know. Gonna dust off my old webcam and see if I can join.
have seen fuck all drawing desu so i didnt bother
just seems to be a social thing, a lot of not drawing talk
i go in the voice channel when i'm drawing sometimes but i don't have mic so i might not be the best to talk to
can one of you begs in the paintover challenge make a super serious correction of one of the better artists? that would be hilarious
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More ball point studies
Ambition is funny to you?
Your comment says more about your own character.
I knew I would CRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at this paint over challenge, and that's exactly what happened.
do girls on DADcord do face cam while they draw so I have something to look at while I eat dinner to make myself feel like I'm not also please don't cross ref check my IP please
all the paintovers are legitimately good so far
i can put my hair in twin tail and you can probably pretend like you are on call with a girl
I would never lose my streak because i cheat.
Who am i?
Who cares
They only cheat themselves
>Who am i?
uhh, the homosexual furry. oh wait, that's like half of /dad/
I feel like all the homosexual furries have left now. There's only like 3 active furry dads
We can get to 0.
but I like those three. please, spare them, daddy.
why are you so thin skinned about the paintover challenge? do you take yourself that seriously?
Yall just dont get it. And you'll never get it. But I see the many ways this challenge is untasteful, and so far it's met by expectations. Let's see if it hits all the checkmarks by the time it's done.
this >>7163343 was meant for you
You're a no streaker, and you'll always be a no streaker precisely because you DON'T cheat. Honest people like you will never remain at the top, and not for lack drawing, but because LIFE fucks you over and doesn't give you a choice.

Look what happened to DTierDaddy. He was honest, and for no fault of his own he got fucked. So I've come to the conclusion that if the game is rigged to begin with, then there's no such thing as cheating. The only HONEST people are the ones who recognize this reality and do something about this unfairness. And that something is having backups so YOU choose whether your streak ends, not a broken keyboard, not a power outage, and not life.
My streak will live, yours will die. And as page oners get fucked over by life one by one because they chose to not take matters into their own hands, I will be the new #1 DAD.
The 'game' is considered 'rigged' when the furry retard has a flawed strategy of continuously posting right before the clear deadline and pays the consequences.
does drawing horses make you a candy-ass?
let the retards be retards, I say. it'll get me to page 1 earlier than expected. then I can find solace in my quantitative superiority despite my major qualitative inferiority.
retard detected. name one of the 'many ways'
The midget fucker must've made up quite the sob story to get his streak resetted.
Very dishonest and shameless. I respect that. That's why he's in page one while DTier is down there along with all the new accounts now.

It's a bit annoying I'll have to wait longer to be number one, but it's admirable seeing someone choosing to get un-fucked by life when most would've even have thought that they could fight back and undo what wrong was done to them. He'll fail again soon though, so I don't see him as competition. All I have to do is wait still.
MAP lives matter
DTier isn't learning from his mistake of submitting just before the deadline desu
The Crab was right. Without talent there is nothing. ART is what you are born with. I give up.
No fucking way this mf is drawing under an hour consistently with that kind of output
I'll send you some of my talent. I have so much I don't know what to do with it.
this thread doesn't have enough shitposting and arguments to keep me entertained
You should try to start some drama then
I don't want to start the fire I just want to come to the campfire and watch
it's ok anon i'll convince all the /DAD/s to charge a genki dama full of talent just for you
listening to sad r&b love songs while thinking about my dad crush https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQybgJCswF0
I like listening to pop music and thinking about all the dads crushing on me
RAW, as in unrefined and inexperienced?
>Ball point?
I'd like to POINT out how you only drew his BALLS. Cocktober can't come soon enough
How to start Drama in /dad/? No, there is no need to, because the trannies and attention seeking whores will start it automatically. Bitches and whores. Never change /dad/ never change.
bro are you ok
bring me back
I don't use 4chin much. I wanted to share my drawings with someone but seeing the rules..

> no loli or shota porn

this place's not worth it
- to life
>leave DAD
>mental health improves
>drawing also improves
feels good man
mind pyw?
happy for you btw, you don't need to.
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We're [posting our submission and then] leaving.
Watching DAD die in real time
DAD can't die... I won't let you leave!
The rumored shadow thread took everyone who talks on discord I'm guessing. The people left behind are either new or the refuse of the community like the shitposters and DAD perverts.
That's to say the Dad community has been divided into two social classes. If you're on this thread you're at the bottom of the rung.
Shadow thread people:
Skilled artists
Republicans, pro peace, pro Israel,

/Ic/ thread people:
Bad at drawing. Can't consider them artists
Fat, unhealthy, insecure
Democrats, love conflict so they only hang here for drama, pro-palestine rioters.

It's pretty clear why they went on to make their own shadow thread. If given the choice, people with healthy minds would hand around other healthy minded people and avoid whatever disaster is going on with you freaks.
hang around*
>pro Israel
>pro peace
pick one
I don't think healthy minds need to tell 4chan how healthy they are
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Healthy minds want the best for you, yet they can only take pity on you. You yourself must choose to stop living in chaos; get off the road to Nihilism, cease chasing Hedonism.
healthy minds know it's always better to cum in the sink than to sink in the cum
Healthy minds wants you to be the best you can be. Not bath in nihilism and self pity, do the best you can when you can because that is all you can do.
I mean it'll be peaceful after all the terrorists are killed. Naturally you defeat the invaders occupying your home first.
I'll draw someone a cat if you can link me to the shadow thread
Happiness can only be found through selfishness. To place value on your beliefs above others. Compliance with a world so detestable can only conclude in a rotted soul. Rebellion is truth.
Not saying Hitler was a bad person(he was good, just misunderstood), but that's something Hitler would have said.
Still pissed the midget fucker got his streak reset. Literally nobody else got this privilege. I'm surprised all the page 1'ers didn't end their streak in protest. I know I would.
Hah. Funny because I now this is malicious bait to try and sneak ever closer. Maybe stop trying to be a snake and enjoy the journey.
I clicked "follow" on every page 1'er, and every time my competition's streak ends I unfollow them and revel as my list grows shorter and shorter.

It was admittedly unsatisfying having to refollow that midget fucker, but I know time is on my side and his streak is ticking closer to it's final end.

Yeah. Time is on my side, but that doesn't mean I'm just sitting and waiting. I'm always on the move to speed things up a bit so I can sit as number one that much longer.
dude you sound like you suck sooo much dick. Like i'm not gay but it's almost turning me on just hearing someone metaphorically gurgle jizz like this
now I know at least one person follows me
I have NO IDEA how you're getting "cock sucker", and "jizz gurggler" from anything I've said. But if you mean I metaphorically suck my own cock then yes, that's EXACTLY what I do. I hold myself to too high a regard to be less than number one. And if I can't be the number 1 artist skill wise, than I can certainly help having the number one streak. And when I am, it'll be you and everyone else sucking my cock. That's a promise.

This >>7164448 was for you.
I'll forget you the moment you lose your streak, but untill then yes, I know everyone of you by name and am checking if you post anything less than 30 minutes a day..
i'm bout to propose to my girlfriend in stardew valley and in good conscience i have to stop yearning over my dad crush. end of an era
>end of an era

Yeah, those 3 months were legendary

Btw will you continue if she says no?
same, but with my oversees gf who keeps asking me to send her thousands of dollars because everytime I do, there's something that ends up going wrong with her passport. I've already taken out many loans and sold my car, but I think it's worth it. She looks fucking hot on her profile pic.
she wont say no i have all of her hearts maxed out
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summoning tonkers. Just ignore.
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FUUUUUUUUUUUCK I know it looks like shit but I can't tell what's wrong with it. How do I fix it FUUUUUUUUUCK.
Post it. NOW
I'll only give up on mine when I get to know them better and they inevitably don't live up to my skitzo expectations
They are the best dad though
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I have been having fun making "posters" for different books I like. Posting this here because /gd/ is dead.
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Ah. I only know what a Kafka is thanks to this comic strip. Idk what those books are about but nice cover.
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I need you help artfags. How the fuck did this motherfucker manage to draw this chainmail? I've been trying for 2 fucking hours to get it right an I just can't do it.
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Here's the full image.
Someone help, I beg you.
With talent.
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It's so fucking over. If I don't manage to replicate that fucking aventail I'm gonna quit drawing forever.
Don't copy how he did it, find a way to render it on your own implying the details, use actual photos of chainmail as ref not someone else's interpretation.
Yeah but his way looks way cooler.
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this is my guess. cant really see in detail though. could also work as the inverse of this using white on black
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too small my bad
it's pretty useful to pick up on stylization from other artists. though of course it's good to know what the real thing looks like first
I think this anon is right, it's hashing/shading technique with a curved line. The blurriness of the original picture adds to it, your eyes fill in the details
Found this random art on google, from afar the chainmail looks pretty legit but if you zoom in it's just squiggles
>no one mentioning creating custom chainmail brushes
Truly dad has fallen.
That's lame af
custom brush
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taking a look into how chainmail is woven irl I think what >>7165251 said is a good simplification of it. It doesn't look as good but I think it manages to communicate the idea of chainmail?

that or a custom brush yeah https://twitter.com/porforever/status/1552256765768544257
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It’s actually really not that hard to just draw every day.

t. streak-haver
honestly if your streak isn't even 3 digits you don't even register as a real user to me :)
cool bud to bad i'm still way ahead of you in terms of skill
two digit streakers getting uppity, sit down please
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page 7+ master race dads are the best:
> they are beyond being concerned about streaks
> they draw just for themselves, without even sharing their work; they understand that it would lead only to envy from lesser dads
> "time spend? No, I don't know - I just draw as much as I feel like it"
> the only challenges they accept are the self-imposed ones
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My streak is probably longer than yours
>implying this guy even draws and isn’t just the autist latching onto the thread like every other general on 4chan
Do you think it would be weird for a DAD that has been drawing safe stuff to suddenly start drawing smut?
No. Draw whatever you want
reveal to me your sexual secrets NOW
I draw smut once in a while

I’d do it more but I have high standards, so I put a lot of effort into it when I do.
The site literally refused to allow my work to be posted and I had proof i drew that from activity tracker and discord dms to friends . I dmed banana 3 pictures and sent 3 sentences in the email
>throwing the a-word like that
Allah won't show mercy to ableists like you, Anon. Repent.
Feelsweird having a long streak when everyone else is better than me. Maybe I should reset so I'm more hidden.
I hate it. I'm looking at my sketch when it was all messy and I can see very clearly what it's supposed to be an then when I try to tidy it up it looks soooo bad. I hate it so much. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Lemme take a look
or just stop feeling weird about it and keep your streak. the data on dads losing a longer streak and getting it back is not pretty.
agreed nigga went to far with that
no i do this sometimes it doesnt matter much
anon, we've got everything from furries to inflation fetishists on the site, sometimes even both combined. I don't think anyone's gonna bat an eye to whatever nsfw you decide to draw.
even if all active dads did think it would be weird - and we absolutely would, you fucking freak - why should you care?
does the idea of dads masturbating to your drawings excite or disgust you
Whose drawing you jerked off to?
I mean, if you draw nsfw, naturally there's the chance someone's gonna bate to it. At least you'd know someone out there likes your art.
I don't post my nsfw art for this reason, it's a weird thought
Nah. Fuck autists and their inability to read the room and/or shut the fuck up. It's not my job to tard wrangle you.
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Another one.
>dad I enjoyed seeing their art turned into a no comment reply snob after getting twitter fame
Which one?
I'd be more surprised than anything given how low quality my works are.
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Hello, what are "Houses" in the DAD site?
Houses are a /beg/ trap!
if a two digit streaker looks at me the wrong way I might just eat their bootyhole
(un)friendly reminder that if you have the time to read this shitpost, then you have the time to draw.
i am drawing anon....are you?
no ;_;
i like this
Does anyone know what software is that to track the overall time spend in each application?
he he he i'm glad you likeit
your mouth is a cock trap
It's called "ActivityWatch"
Watch me drop my streak.
I'm sick and having second thoughts about art in general. See you in the elimination thingy.
Nevermind, I have another day to fail
please be page 1
please be page 1
please be page 1
please be page 1
just post something from last year or do a 5 min drawing and claim it took 30 mins, like everyone else
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a small halo sketch page to get back in the saddle
I have achieved a 15 day streak:

How do I enter this mystical DAD Discord?
Send a private message to Vastian (Vastian#0988) and they should reply with an invite.

Glad you pronounced their pronoun correctly. I'm tired banning people who misgender Vastian.
Cane spell dey without 'he', mane.
>Sign up for DAD
>Fail on my first day
My drawings don't take 5 minutes but boy do they look like they do.
Damn, actually blaming the site and being confident it wouldn't backfire on you; now that was a bold move. Only a true machiavellian narcissist would've been so arrogant to try that one and succeed. You could actually end up being number 2 one day.
Ok ok for real real this time I'll try to learn for real. Truth now.
telling people your goals lowers the chances of you actually accomplishing them. be a doer of deeds, anon, one drawing at a time.
Oh yeah? Then watch this:
I WILL become an unsuccessful artist.
I WILL have less than 100000 followers on social media
I WILL be poor and struggling with finding clients for my art
I WILL be completely unremarkable and forgotten by history
I WILL find drawing boring and tedious, not exciting at all

gg, ez
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I kneel
>envy /int/s who draw better than me
>envy the /beg/s who draw more and progress faster than me
Why am I like this? I just want to post for fun though. Why...
pmed you the fix!
Meet the DAD when?
i'll make a submission for new meet that dad challenge when its made
First is portrait challenge which should be announced soon
A thread without shitposts is a thread that will last a whole month ngl
It's time. Someone make the tierlist. Here's the avatars:

wtf virus. fuck off.
Ban this faggot for sharing viruses
Art is literally alchemy AKA Impossible.
Sorry for commentin on so many ppls work atm
>giving so many comments
>but skipping me
I'll never forgive you ;_;
I will find u dammit
I WILL! ; - ;
thanks for skipping mine. I'm too autistic to reply
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Couldn't sleep.

Smoked dope.

Got silly.
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first day. will watch youtube tutorials tomorrow
>post a picture
>your streak is safe for now, next dad submission period 00:42

fugg ::DDD
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since none of you fuckers are gonna do it, I guess I have to do it myself:
I gotta make it a conscious decision to never open certain dads submissions purely because of the descriptions. Nothing personal
>I will go out of my way to avoid specific dads' subs because of their descriptions
>nothing personal though
i like to abuse the description function
description is for journaling your day
description is for being a quirky favor
description is for updates on yer mental state
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Haven't slept.

Smoking away.

Silliness awakens.
tell me who. I need new dadcows to cringe at
I signed up for the yearly resolution challenge but never made the first submission where you lay out your goals for the year. Do you guys think it’d be too late for me to make one now ._.
yes. you're now past the point of no return. you can no longer set goals for the rest of the year and you're doomed to wander aimlessly with no real end in site, forever stagnating as your betters widen the gap and your lessers pass you by. welcome to the fold
never posting a description again
i will keep posting description feel free to react however
I will never comment on work by people who dont post descriptions, descripples as I like to call them
you can spot which dads suffer from a mental disability just by their submission history
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weak. puny. self-conscious. insecure. descriptionless. a mere ant, walking in the same line as the person ahead of you, afraid of straying from your predetermined path. the path of least resistance, from point a to point b, from birth to death, with nothing of value in between. you sadden me greatly.
i love young boys
it's a great team
Cool it choob! The horny chat is full enough!
True. Love for routines (like drawing every day and doing it for over a year) is one of signs of autism.
so true, anyone with a record streak higher than 30 is immediately suspicious
Who on the site is NOT autistic
Tableguy is no longer on the site.
i wish i were this naive and gullible again, good old times
ReiN is cheating. I saw his hand study ages ago. Especially that 52, YIKES!
Please don't hesitate to e-mail banana if that's really the case.
why you gotta be a snitch
>he thinks that there's something wrong with reporting filthy cheaters
What's the colour of your skin, Anon? Just curious
found it >>7158681
> 05/06/24
i had to comb through every beg thread
>ReiN confirmed for a cheat uploading old work
Amazing find, thank you for your hard work, detective Anon. Will you message any mods about this? I don't think they're browsing dad thread often enough to notice those posts on their own
i think you're a mod trying to find out who i am by getting my email. i'd prefer to stay anonymous, so no.
>you're a mod
Nah, I'm just too lazy to do it myself, while being autistic enough to be bothered by this blatant rule breaking.
>to find out who i am
I've reported cheaters several times in the past and literally nothing changed. I'm pretty sure they have better things to do than maintaining a list of people that are trying to help them with cheaters
Lynch the coomer.
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Praise the coomer.
How embarrassing for everyone
Why would you do that? It's even a sub 20 streak uploading weekly.
Holy moly this is huge
Holy moly I have no idea how to make a fursona

Checked cool digits
do dads make alt accounts with zero submissions and zero hours make house teams lose or something
Keeping up a streak isn't making me any better. Man I wish I could learn how to be good. I just don't understand.
pyw. Unless you're A tier or higher, I'm sure someone will try to help you.
If you wanted just to vent that's also understandable, so no pressure.
You don't need a challenge to do that
I want a medal as well
Really depressing to see otherwise creative dads slowly regress into drawing nothing but cheap porn
I will leave it at your porch
those bills aint gonna pay themselves you know
you cant pay rent with bird paintings
Wait wait wait. You learn how to draw in order to... Draw things that OTHER people like? LMAO
Uninspired pinups won't pay your bills either aha
its easier to get money from coomers

dudes like this will pay top money for some furry porn when their balls drop and they start getting sexual thoughts about the family dog
That depends entirely on where do you live, Anon. If you happen to live in a country where 200-300 USD is enough, then it's perfectly doable.
I've been going over my copy drawings and measuring them. And what I'm seeing is that a lot of the time I am off by half a centimetre and that makes such a huge difference. I still do make the line go the wrong way because I am seeing with my thoughts instead of my eyes but the hugest biggest difference is that small distance drastically changing the shape of a person.
You might be surprised. You'd be doing better than most "inspired" anything.
Wait why am I learning to draw? It would be cheaper and faster to pay other people to draw for me. Holy shit I'm a genius. Think of the time I'd save without having to upload to DAD every day.
Wait why am I fucking my wife? It would be cheaper and faster to let other guys fuck her. Holy shit I'm a genius. Think of the time I'd save without having to fuck my wife every day.
lmk if you're hiring, anon. I'm available to fuck your wife full time and can start today. DM'd you my resume.
This but unironically
>It would be cheaper and faster to pay other people to draw for me
Anon, that's brilliant!
pls hire me
It feels so good to skip over your thumbnail and just continue with my day
why is this not the fashion challenge badge
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how hard are you pressing? Let your tool do the work, save your wrists/ tendons in the long run.
keep it up btw, looks like you got your 14 day streak if you want to dm vastian for dadcord
Did this doodle today. Pop Team Epic X Fall Guys.
>how hard are you pressing? Let your tool do the work, save your wrists/ tendons in the long run.
to be fair if he's using a shitty HB pencil instead of something an artist would use (like B2, B4), then pressing hard is the only way to make dark lines in a reasonable amount of time

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