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There's plenty of porn artists who primary draw straight art yet all their real sexual experiences are either with men or MTF trannies, even though cherry picked Twitter artists aren't exactly a good representation.
Back to your containment board
Unless they draw in a calarts or tumblr style i dont think it would be easy to tell.
What do you mean?
Mental illness is easy to spot, like that schizo that likes to draw turbogay captain america.
With normal-looking art it's harder to tell.
>Can you guess someone's sexual orientation just by how they generally draw?
Yes, but only when they draw their OCs.
There's generally subtle signs in their character's design choices and overall style and focus that kind of gives it away.

E.g. Drawing male nipples when it wasn't needed = probably gay or a woman.
The female characters have slightly androgynous facial features but are super pretty and are not tomboys = probably trans or into trans.
An obssesive focus on ass or muscular females = ultra gay.
Tomboys = bisexual but only for twinks
Females characters with a typically male body frame or facial proportions but girly presentation = Trans.
Generally yes but there's a few cases where that doesn't happen like with Sakimichan.
Sakimi is a fujoshi and a hardcore one but 99.9% of her art is straight porn.
She does fujo art on rare ocasions, probably to keep herself from burning out but she's doing what makes money.
Furry males = Obviously gay.
Fat men with big bellies = Ultra gay.
Hyper muscular Gigachads, specially when accompanied with beautiful women = Ultra giga gay (in the closet).
>Sakimi is a fujoshi and a hardcore one
If you want proof just look up her old blog from 2010, she's reading sexual yaoi while studying anatomy or drawing...
Hebe characters = Lolicon in denial.
Goblin/shortstack girls = Same as above.
Androgynous tall pretty men = Fujoshi or bisexual woman self-inserting into one of them.
>Fujoshi or bisexual woman self-inserting into one of them.
Just call them for what they are - Troons.
No, they're obviously females. Trans don't like tall bishounen OCs.

Also the size of the characters' backs and hands gives it away. The bigger the frame of the ikemen, the shorter the fujoshi.
Trannies have a very strong preference for feminine female characters or ultra feminine twinks. Moreso when they're very popular among men, see: every time a new FOTM anime girl becomes popular a ton of trannies start to use her as an avatar. Bocchi, Frieren and so on.
It's not just because they're cute, but because they also catch the attention of straight men, which trannies crave more than anything else.
That's oddly specific. You will never be a tall pretty male.
More examples: Konata from Lucky Star, Tomoko from Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui.
Trans love to be the center of attention of men.
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>can you GUESS the artists SEXUAL PREFERENCES by the art they draw!?
What the actual fuck is this thread?
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>Trans don't like tall bishounen OCs.
That's not entirely true, some female to male troons like the artist of picrel self-insert as a tall FtM troon in their art.
The short guy is a guy dude while the black haired guy have a vagina.
You're right. I was talking about MtF trans because they're most common.
>short guy is a guy dude
Short blue hair guy got a smol penis. How do I know that? There's an official hentai.
Fair enough.
Men in military uniforms resembling fascist regimes = If the men are skinny or handsome extremely likely gay in the closet.
If not then just a sexually starved dude thinking a fascist regime would get him laid instead of send him to the frontlines to die.
Same for men in military uniforms resembling soviet Russia.
Making your art about politics is generally a sign you don't fuck.
E.g. Stonetoss and the feminist blobfish incel.
>Making your art about politics is generally a sign you don't fuck.
Only if you're young, older dudes that make their art about politics are generally married to a tradwife.
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>If pretty and feminine girls appeal to you - you're an attention seeking tranny!
No, I'm not going to buy into your Tumblretta tier ugly slampig style. Groom yourself and try to look pretty for once you fucking legbeard.
>If pretty and feminine girls appeal to you - you're an attention seeking tranny!
They don't just like pretty and feminine girls, they want to BE them.
People's preferred avatars say something about them.
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>The female characters have slightly androgynous facial features but are super pretty and are not tomboys = probably trans or into trans
>Tomboys = bisexual but only for twinks
>Females characters with a typically male body frame or facial proportions but girly presentation = Trans.
A very interesting question and interesting perspectives in this thread.
What if I (as a guy) only draw androgynous tomboys (because I love them) but get turned off at the idea of being in a romantic or sexual relationship with a man, be it a very masculine or feminine man, as well as getting the urge to have 10 children when I see an androgynous/masculine tomboy?
I always assumed I might be bi but after close to a decade of self-reflection, I don't think I could ever get turned on by a man, the way I get turned on by tomboys. Not even twinks, androgynous men, or femboys do it for me.
I'm attracted to masculine traits for sure but only if it's in a woman. If it's men with masculine traits, I want to be LIKE them. If it's women with masculine traits, I want to be INSIDE them. Am I in the closet or can only masculine women save me? I also bench 315 btw.
The fact that you posted gigachad makes me believe you're Gay.
Sexuality is a spectrum, the other anons are talking about gay, straight, troon like it's 0 or 1 when I enjoy girly gals, tomboys, femboys and handsome & manly men.
I'm dude but I'm probably a troon so idk.
>What if I (as a guy) only draw androgynous tomboys (because I love them) but get turned off at the idea of being in a romantic or sexual relationship with a man, be it a very masculine or feminine man, as well as getting the urge to have 10 children when I see an androgynous/masculine tomboy?
Then you're clearly straight, but wish women could share your hobbies and act like men in the sense of being straightforward.

>I'm attracted to masculine traits for sure but only if it's in a woman. If it's men with masculine traits, I want to be LIKE them. If it's women with masculine traits, I want to be INSIDE them.
The reason why you're attracted to women with typically male interests or personality traits is because they seem to be easier to hang around with, doubly so for men who are not very social or tend to keep focuses on their own interests.
You're straight, but lack socialization with women so your tastes adapted to prefer women who you could interact with as if she was one of the bros.

It only gives you homo suspicion points if you avatarfag as a Gigachad surrounded by women. Closet gays need to pretend.
>It only gives you homo suspicion points if you avatarfag as a Gigachad surrounded by women.
This board is encompassed by mostly Foids, hence why they hate anything related to being pretty and appealing.
What if artist just ends up self-censoring himself because he doesn't want to sperg out around gf/wife?
You think so? I see him more as an impossible-to-reach ideal every masculine man should strive to get as close to as possible. I don't see him as a sex- or romantic object.
Yeah it's definitely a spectrum.
>Then you're clearly straight, but wish women could share your hobbies and act like men in the sense of being straightforward.
>You're straight, but lack socialization with women so your tastes adapted to prefer women who you could interact with as if she was one of the bros.
I think you might be right
>they are seriously discussing shit about sexuality like women do horoscopes
Can you guys post your blogs so i can block each and every one of you?

I don't want to risk coming in contact with weirdos like you.
>Sexuality is a spectrum
NTA but while this is true, generally people tend to gravitate towards certain segments of it.
I.e. It's very rare for a bisexual person to be attracted to wildly opposite types of people (e.g. You'll have a hard time finding someone who likes both hyper masculine men and hyper feminine women), there's generally trends or something closer to a list of preferred features.
why not? it's an interesting conversation. does your sexual preference not bleed into your creative process? would you prefer discussions about loomis head instead?
Then people seeing your art can't tell that's the case, but will still assume.
Motherly looking characters = Mommy issues.
Fatherly looking characters = Daddy issues or it's the artist aspirational future self.
Younger/Older sister type characters = Straight man (or lesbian woman) but socially unsuccessful and thus became infatuated with the closest person they have in their life of his or her same age range.
>Mommy issues
Also applies if the artist has an obsessive focus on boobs.
Fat female characters = the artist is probably fat, and if female most likely a lesbian.
Anorexic characters = the artist is probably insane.
Male goblins = the artist is a straight short man.
Orcs = the artist is a fat man.
Ogres = the artist is a fat tall man and is also not exactly good looking.
>horoscope but with sex and porn and gossiping about people
I would prefer if your kind fucked off back to tumblr before i say the thing
sorry you feel that way, man. hope your day gets better.
i disagree, honestly. most mtf trannies i've seen actually hate men and are obsessed with dehumanizing or converting them. the only reason they latch onto things that men like, is because they're men to begin with. the vast majority are bisexual so chances are they're attracted to the cute girl like any other man is, but they also self-insert because they wanna be like the things they wanna fuck.
>most mtf trannies i've seen actually hate men
Why would they hate men?
My experience seeing them has been the opposite. They seem to love straight men or at least straight men's attention, even if they're bisexual.
>see: every time a new FOTM anime girl becomes popular a ton of trannies start to use her as an avatar. Bocchi, Frieren and so on.
>It's not just because they're cute, but because they also catch the attention of straight men, which trannies crave more than anything else.
Isn't that because they actually want to pretend they're 14 so they can groom kids on discord and signal to the other pedos that they're one of them?

You usually find anime pfp profiles always involved into drama and vomiting out the most retarded underage opinions while accusing whoever as being nazis, xyzphobic and all that ultraleft virtue signaling shit.
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This makes a lot of sense.
>You'll have a hard time finding someone who likes both hyper masculine men and hyper feminine women
But I do... Guess I'm a rare then. I'm a guy but I know a few bi women that are into muscular guys and feminine women.
Maybe it's more common among women.
Don't you have anything better to do?
you can actually hear the delusional faggotry in this post
>You usually find anime pfp profiles always involved into drama and vomiting out the most retarded underage opinions while accusing whoever as being nazis, xyzphobic and all that ultraleft virtue signaling shit
Anime avatars are a weeb thing, it doesn't necessarily imply political stuff or any political preference. You also have lots of right wing anime posters on social media and youtube.
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>Motherly looking characters = Mommy issues.
I love to draw milfs and their daughters.
t. Oyakodonfag
>Guess I'm a rare then
Yes. I don't recall the name but I remember reading a study on how women's sexuality is generally less defined than men's. There's also way more bisexual women than men for some reason.
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I don't like drawing anything else.
>There's also way more bisexual women than men for some reason.
Straight women are like noodles, the moment they get wet, they stop being straight.
That isn't sexual attraction.
Women are more attracted to aesthetics.
Sure, the manly man will gets their cunts wet, but feminine women get their headcunt rustling for various reasons such as jealousy or envy or in extreme rare cases: admiration.

Women's sexuality doesn't work on bodily functions, but rather on emotional states.
A woman can consider a scrawny inbred mutant hot if he can provide safety for her and call kill people without hesitation, hence why the most common female fetish is taming wild animals or zoophilia i.e. fucking dogs.
And that is purely emotionally initiated attraction.
You could have a guy with what a woman describes as the peak of physique, but it does nothing to a woman if she isn't somehow emotionally involved into it.
Think about kpop stans and how they are attracted to twink asians because they make up a whole life with them in their own heads.

Women are just genuinely schizophrenic. That's their natural state.
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>Women are just genuinely schizophrenic. That's their natural state.
classic leftoid misandry
>Think about kpop stans and how they are attracted to twink asians because they make up a whole life with them in their own heads.
There's a study that basically means that boy bands like One Direction and BTS appeal to young women because the guys are feminine and not a threat while older women prefer rugged men like the ones in romance novel covers.
You're right that women are emotional creatures, at least when you compare them to most men, but that's not just because of biology. Most men are shamed if they show weakness and emotions are considered weaknesses to manly men so we end up with emotionally retarded men.
>A woman can consider a scrawny inbred mutant hot if he can provide safety for her and call kill people without hesitation
If that were true then feminism would've never happened.
>older women prefer rugged men like the ones in romance novel covers.
Because they can protect them not only physically but monetarily, which is why they're rich, tall and a noble.
>Most men are shamed if they show weakness and emotions are considered weaknesses to manly men so we end up with emotionally retarded men.
And now the critical question; by whom do they get shamed?
Women and effeminate men.
Women despise men that aren't unfeeling killing machines.

Among actual men it isn't looked down upon showing authenticity, emotions or weakness.
Men lift each other up, women and effeminates kill the split second they smell blood.

There is a reason why brotherhood is a thing that is strived towards and hold for a life time, while sisterhoods only ends up in disaster.
Women aren't allowed to think for themselves because other women will kill them, but if you let a woman do what she wants and desires; the outcome is current society and feminism.
>You could have a guy with what a woman describes as the peak of physique, but it does nothing to a woman if she isn't somehow emotionally involved into it
Dating apps, social media and reality itself disagrees. Also in order for a woman to emotionally invest on a man in a romantic sense, he has to be physically attractive enough for her to begin with, otherwise the man will become and remain a friend.
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Women are basically and objectively the schizophrenic crab niggers of humanity.
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>Dating apps, social media
Oh brother
>but if you let a woman do what she wants and desires; the outcome is current society and feminism
Because they don't want to be forced to have sex with ugly men even if they're great providers and can protect them. It's not rocket science.
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>Because they don't want to be forced to have sex with ugly men
Current society doesn't imply men not getting laid.
This has been always the case with women only fucking the top 20% of men, while the rest dies off.
>And now the critical question; by whom do they get shamed?
By other men. You get called a faggot if you act a certain way.
That just means you actually haven't been around men or adults for that matter.

Sure, i can call you a faggot as a joke, but if you come to me saying that you're having trouble sleeping at night because of family/job/health issues, bro, what kind of psychopathic faggot would call anyone a faggot for that?
Only an effeminate retard or a kid would.
You get called a faggot either for your own good to stop being a faggot or as a faggot out of endearment from a broski, learn the difference.
The first picture is a bunch of middle aged ugly and average looking women feeling intense jealously at the incarnation of Aphrodite.
And the second one is a prostitute. She did that for money.

What's your point?

Straight women like good looking men, and if they're capable of violence even better since it signals the capacity of protection from danger. Ugly and non-famous criminals don't get that attention (unless they're paying for it).
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>ugly non famous criminals don't get that attention
Famous people always have groupies, but the groupies themselves aren't attracted to them but to their fame/status (unless they also look good).

Look at the woman. Does she look mentally sane to you?
There's probably a 0.1% people who like to eat shit too. They're outliers, not the majority.
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Don't both question pretty much confirm what i've said
>women are insane
>women are attracted to anything other than looks
All a woman does, says and thinks is for her own benefit for the sake of her own gain.
Egomaniacal and sociopathic tendencies with irrational behavior IS the female standard.
She got the psycho eyes dude
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>no bro she gots dem eyes bro
>literal space astronaut wasting millions because she is just your average cunt
No. Also the woman in >>7161657 wanted to break up with the guy once she found out he's a criminal. The guy also seems above average looking for a black man, and we don't know his height or physique.

>women are attracted to anything other than looks
Looks are the most important factor. Everything else is accessory.
That's why that unemployed felon got some crazy bitches while an ugly provider only gets transactional sex.
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Anon, stop cherry picking and trying to make excuses.
We can fill entire threads with women being absolutely fucking quacked
>but muh eyes
>but this and that
>but she wanted to break up
So that chick was crazy but not crazy enough to kill the guy or smart enough to run away, call the police and still fucked the guy for months while driving him around?

Anon, it is a Stereotype of women having incredibly insanely high standards but end up fucking literal somali niggers.
Also, the women getting willingly pregnant by unemployed men do it because the State has their back via welfare. And women vote for more welfare so they're not forced to be with ugly men for provision.

She was getting blackmailed. Read the picture.

>Anon, it is a Stereotype of women having incredibly insanely high standards but end up fucking literal somali niggers.
The standards are always there. Be attractive, don't be unattractive.

Being an above average looking felon > being a good provider when it comes to sex.
My closing point: all women are feminists, even the ones that say they aren't, because it's the political expression of their own self-interest.
And their main interest is having sex with attractive men and not be chained to a man they're not sexually attracted to just because he can provide or is responsible, etc.

Women are the sexual selectors of our species. If you can't make the cut it means you're ugly.
>Being an above average looking felon > being a good provider when it comes to sex.
You're missing the point entirely. Not sure if you keep doing this on purpose.

Have you ever heard of the
>roller coaster of emotions
Basically, women are addicted to their own emotions and willingly stay or put themselves in situation where they may be feelings lots of different and various emotions, ranging from lust to fear, because it's as if they are in their own movie.
>she was getting blackmailed
With what kind of pictures exactly, Anon? Go on, tell us.
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Okay? Did i ever state anything of the contrary?
This would be great timing to justifiably call you a retarded faggot.
>Basically, women are addicted to their own emotions
The point you're missing is that emotions exist and act for a reason: to increase the survival and reproduction based on genetic/instinctual cues forged by millions of years of evolution.
A strong looking felon is sexually attractive to women because the capacity for violence also meant the capacity to protect your woman and kids in ancient times.
While an ugly or weak looking provider, specially if he doesn't look capable of violence, doesn't cause those emotions in women.

>With what kind of pictures exactly
Consensual sex photos with him taken before she knew he was a nonce rapist.

The point is that all the things you're complaining about are part of woman's nature, and unless WW3 or something that would destroy society happened it'll continue happening and there's nothing you can do about it except trying to become as attractive as you can (or become a beta provider aka a future cuck and divorcee).
>to increase the chances of survival and reproduction
Also the reason why we men tend to prefer fertile looking women.
These are legit the best threads on /ic/ unironically. The generals are for learning and critique, the rest of the board for insane art brain gibberish.
These kinds of obscure half baked pol inspired thoughts and analyses make me hard af please make more in this vein.
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Have a good read from this thread. This what Women want for Men.
>I can't fuck
We have known that woman are stupid since the middle ages and we are acting surprised now?
Evidence that one was either coddled or starved, according to science. Large sizes can mean either or depending on context.
I.E, artist draws massive boobs because they were coddled and enjoyed it. They want to return to the archetypal mother and live in comfort and ease, be taken care of, suckle, etc. This might mean their present condition is unfavorable.

It can also mean one was or is starving. Men in particular tend to seek out larger breasts during times of famine because they represent an abundance of food for offspring.

Hidetaka Miyazaki is like this, often including 'giant women' in his games. He said he liked the idea of being held and nurtured and smothered by tall well endowed motherly women, and that's why we got Gwynevere, the Doll, etc, that weird ass sorcereress lady in Lucaria with all the children, coddling, womb regression and rebirthing symbolism, etc.
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Your picrel reminds me that fucked up webcomics are extremely popular with young women, specially fujoshis.
>By other men
Either as a joke or because you have to man up.
Like >>7161717 said, a man that exhibits or denotes the capacity for violence also shows the potential to be capable of protecting the woman.

This is so common in women it even has a name:
Notice also how the men attracted to violent female criminals are generally weak themselves.
E.g. The zoomers praising "dommy mommies" on twitter or wanking to Lady Dimitrescu or femdom.
fuck off tourists
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>the men attracted to violent female criminals are generally weak themselves
That explains why picrel is so popular with weebs. She's a serial killer and he's a nerd.
>A strong looking felon is sexually attractive to women because the capacity for violence also meant the capacity to protect your woman and kids in ancient times.
This is exactly why women find scars on men hot. Geralt of Rivia is a great modern example, but also Vash from Trigun.
The scar represents the willingness to initiate or survive violent encounters, presumably on behalf of the woman. It's made especially hot by the fact that the man SURVIVED that violent encounter, and so scars literally serve as a kind of trophy or record of conquests and sexual fitness written on the body. To a woman, a scarred and fit man is a walking sex symbol.
One of the old power fantasies (for both men and women) is the classic bar scene where a serving girl or hostess gets harassed by thugs (usually rat like gangsters, hoodlums, fat and hairy drunks, etc.) The chiseled hero saves her through an act of violence. It doesn't even matter if the violence is proportional to the situation (I.E, if the hero just gets up and slaughters 20 men, whether or not he committed murder is irrelevant, what matters is that he committed violence for the woman as a show of power for her benefit. Even better if the hero has no regrets)

>While an ugly or weak looking provider, specially if he doesn't look capable of violence, doesn't cause those emotions in women.

I hear this has changed in recent years, especially in Asian cultures. The brutish masculine archetype is still valued, but now the nerd with glasses is popular for a similar emotional reason: the fact that the man has glasses is an indicator of access to computers and education, which in turn makes him attractive as a breadwinner / salarycuck. There's an internal conflict with women drawn to this type of man, since her primal drive for raw physical prowess remains unsated she may seek extra marital relationships with more "classical" looking men, or silently tolerate her frustrated drive depending on other risk/reward factors.
In short: it's not that hybristophiles are insane but that they're weak and want to be protected.
>they're weak and want to be protected.
Like 99.9% of women.
>That explains why picrel is so popular with weebs. She's a serial killer and he's a nerd.
Tell me more about Ubel, I recently took an interest to her because someone kept making fun of my portfolio posting her.
And an increasing % of men.
>this has changed in recent years, especially in Asian cultures. The brutish masculine archetype is still valued
That's actually not true, in Asia for some bizarre reason women prefer feminine men or at least fit twinks like those old J-rock singers or actors.
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I still can't make sense of what you're even arguing against.
You're just adding to what i already said.
>women are insane
>cucks are cucks
>violent monkey gets the pussy because wahmen

>you're complaining
Are you genuinely illiterate, Anon?
How is telling it how it is complaining now?
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>Tell me more about Ubel
She's a murder happy dumb bitch that is also a yandere girlfriend for the self-insert (nerd guy)
>I recently took an interest to her because someone kept making fun of my portfolio posting her.
They probably think you watched the anime which you clearly didn't. She's a fan favorite.
Good, I'm going to surround her with happy go lucky little frogs.
If you wanna farm followers real quick then create art of her teasing or fucking the nerd. Their ship is the most popular right now, even more than "Stern" (Stark + Fern) it's called Ubeland or something like that. Good Luck!
No porn, I'm shilling Crypto.
damn i really like that style. Wich artist is it?
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>a man that exhibits or denotes the capacity for violence also shows the potential to be capable of protecting the woman
This doesn't apply only to felons, but also to people capable of violence in general like the police, the military and all kinds of warriors or fighters.

Typically found on media for women such as novels or even games like pic and video related
but also present in men's entertainment in the form of princess knights, female warriors, kunoichis, etc.
Pro wrestlers (both male and female) are also very popular even if what they do is an act. It's because the capacity of doing the moves for real is there.
>but also present in men's entertainment in the form of princess knights, female warriors, kunoichis, etc.
Cue in the billion threads on /v/ about female characters with abs.
It's almost like nobody likes to fuck with fatties.
translation never ever :/
Hidetaka Miyazaki is my spirit animal.
>An obssesive focus on ass
This is the straightest obsession a man can have
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Miyazaki didn't want Gwynevere to have massive tits, the character designer who made her pushed for it until he gave in.
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It must be because their heterosexuality has been repressed in some way and they vent in "art."
Trannys and dudes are easy to fuck. Women are not, comparatively. Most normal people don't spend 4-5 years straight drawing anime tiddies to get good, it's an act of sexual frustration. Plus porn addiction and desperation has turned a lot of young men bisexual.
If they could just have regular sex with a woman who is nice to them, they would just be a straight normie.
Yeah no, that's a standard Japanese saving face tactic.
Miyazaki didn't veto the glorious chest because he was never truly opposed and never made an effort to stop the designer. There was no true resistance or displeasure. He simply said it "wasn't his doing" to offload responsibility for a 'shameful thing.' He laughs at the idea of dignity and refinement here immediately after because he's implying that even though that's his usual modus operandi, it didn't apply in this scenario because earnesty outweighed it. If it truly offended him as director he never would have allowed it.
Dunno but I heard that gay men understand the best what men want and they make the best smutty fetish shit for men.
In theory, gay men are equipped to make the best shit for everyone.

Remember that virtually all women's clothing, from dresses, suits, casual wear, panties, swimsuits, lingerie, shoes, accessories, etc, are designed by gay men. Gay men rule the fashion industry. Next time you cum to a drawing of a lingerie clad anime girl, thank a gay man for laying the groundwork.
This is why I fucking hate polbrainrot rightoids who think bullying this next generation of gays out of existence is a good idea. Faggots not only make women's clothing sexier than any straight man ever could, they also convince those women to WEAR that clothing for the exclusive benefit of the straight man. And straight men aren't even remotely grateful.
>getting no pussy makes normies go insane
Thank god i'm autistic.
Ubel is a trash character who was introduced in the worst arc of the anime that also was the worst arc in the manga and killed all interest in Frieren. Her design makes her seem more clever and interesting than she actually is. She is very boring in the show, and is popular because porn and fanfics that give her a better personality than she actually has in canon.
>Faggots not only make women's clothing sexier than any straight man ever could, they also convince those women to WEAR that clothing for the exclusive benefit of the straight man.
Not true. Any Paris fashion week catwalk show proves your thesis wrong?
Nobody cares.
It didn't offend him but it wasn't part of his original vision or something he himself wanted. Character design isn't a one man job.
all ubels popularity can be boiled down to that one scene in the dungeon and everyone suddenly got an armpit fetish because every pornslopper and their molested dogs drew her showing armpit

You saw one drawing, you saw them all
It's pretty ironic how being an artist is supposed to be about self expression and these retards just draw the same exact shit everyone else does.
I was really enjoying Frieren until the stupid shonen Mage arc began and Ubel and the other B-list characters appeared
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The whole tournament arc was just filler.
You faggots really know how to ruin shit for others.
Don't want shit ruined, don't come to 4chan.
This is where we spite the very spirit of God.
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>pornsloppers are unironical npcs
>waaaah ur ruining it
Your work serves zero purpose
Why would you use someone whose openly bi like krekkov for your example?
>whose openly bi like krekkov
I'd also be openly gay if that expanded my reach to sexuality obsessed faggots that need to get their mental illnesses validated by other people
Even better if they gave me money for it.
What orientation is @Katsunei
Don't care, still drawing Ubel eve if she is the current thingâ„¢
Ubel is just a shitter, sorry anon
>turned a lot of young men bisexual.
Aren't homos born gay, bi? Like genetics.
She's barely a character, in the recent chapters of the manga she's given focus but she's still a cardboard cutout designed with cosplayers and doujinshi artists in mind.
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The biggest lie the kikes ever told you that sexuality is only genetics. It's upbringing, exposure and many other factors. The straight, bi, gay thing is bullshit. If you let a nigger faggot suck off a straight male he would still cum. If you fuck a straight femboy in the ass he would still cum. The only sex that matters is the reproductive sex. Anything else (yes, even straight, oral, anal or even handjobs) are just acts of pleasure. I am not a chud or am not against faggots, they are free to fuck who they want. But faggots are not special, it's an acquired taste.
Look at the Artful banter going on this thread nigger.

Wow, the way this guy draws faces is fucking atrocious.
of course you can guess anon.
The only thing you can do is guess, and it ranges from accurate to inaccurate, and a guess is never to be confused with "certain."
OP you're specifically trying to figure out if there's a technique for you determine "who's gay."
Gay does not exist. You aren't ready to accept that because it's "advanced."

You already know the answer to your question is "yes" anon, you trembling fag.
You want to know if you can be certain about your guess. You want ways to verify it which is poor scientific inquiry but I won't tell you not to be stupid if that's really what you want.

Is there certainty?
What makes you certain anon?
What makes you avoid doubt by looking for certainty?
What makes you feel gay when you draw and you spend time with your girlfriend?
Is it important for you to know your sexual orientation?
What's important about it?
Who are you, anon? I know you're gay OP, but you're so much more than just gay.
Are you any of those things when you're taking a dump?
Maybe. I suggest paying closer attention to who you are throughout the day. Consequently, the more you "know thyself" the easier it'll be for you to know others without even having to waste time thinking about surface-level details like "does this person enjoy validation from men in the form of sex?" or whatever childish questions you have.
>Can you guess someone's sexual orientation just by how they generally draw?
Of coruse not. Only a dumbass wuld think that this is possible.
Homosexuality isn't categorized as a mental illness anymore. We normalized it long ago.
You should probably take your brain out of the 19th century.
Nah man, for normal art that's true but you can see some shit from miles away. Only gays and trannies draw in certain ways

nta but he DSM is not scientific and vulnerable to social and political pressure. You're the idiot here
>nta but he DSM is not scientific
Lol. Are you a science denier? DSM is the closest thing we have to what we understand to be the truth of facts.
I agree that we don't know a lot of things, but we came to a SCIENTIFIC consensus and at the moment said consensus states that homosexuality is not a mental illness.
No, they get bad touched early in life to become gay. Yes really
NTA but those fashion shows are not intended to make clothes that most people will wear but to create and show things that break the mold or are completely new and different from what is a proven commodity (the people who buy them are rich women and rich eccentric men who want to have clothes that nobody else has). That's why 99% of the clothes in them wouldn't work or look as good as what is already a proven success.
The clothing industry in general is almost entirely run by homosexual men, and that includes all the clothes (for men and women) that look good too.
If you guys are worried, guess what, we know.
is this the crab doxxer general?
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Women are insane.
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>If you fuck a straight femboy in the ass he would still cum.
I used to think I'm only attracted to women till I saw Asian Ladybois that look exactly like women. I would bang them.
>A traveler from ancient greece
It's more possible than I think most people would care to admit. It's possible (according to ScIEnCe) to tell a person's life long political stances from photos of their face alone. Rightoids look a certain way, leftoids look a certain way, and the fence sitters / team switchers also look a certain way.

There have also been studies that show handwriting style correlates to personality traits. I see no reason why an art style can't also similarly be analyzed, since it encapsulates so much more of the artist (assuming it's human made, of course, and not some algorithmic distillation.) Traditional is probably the best metric to use because it perfectly preserves the line and brushwork, making it a window into the artist's raw physicality and mind without any barriers, like handwriting itself.

If you can tell a person likes to get fucked in the ass from a sample of their handwriting, why not their drawings? I think the only reason this question is still unexplored is because nobody but the most insane artists and psychology students care enough to get it properly funded.
Fags are trying to make female models look like androgynous gender fluid men. They don't create attractive clothing for girls that straight guys like looking at. They also like dressing male models in skirts.
You have it backwards. The fags tend towards fashions and styles that are traditionally erotic, it's the new influx of feminist women and trannies that have invaded the classically homosexual fashion industry that are pushing for androgyny.
Don't assume that gays, trannies and feminists are all allies, that's what a certain ideological think tank wants you to think. The gay men who stewarded and established the industry know that this push towards androgyny and the erasure of sexual dimorphism is a travesty, but they are losing power in their domain to trannies and lesbian women.
Gay guys who get into women's fashion design did so because they wanted to design clothes that would look flattering and beautiful on female bodies. Why would they support an ideology that will force them to draw and craft clothes for gender neutral nebulous blobs?
Your reasoning is as flawed as claiming all game developers are woke when in reality most aren't. The nu-tranny-lesbian captains of the ship are insane, the original crew are only now starting to rebel.
>If you can tell a person likes to get fucked in the ass from a sample of their handwriting
Literal pseudoscience akin to lie detectors.
>I am not a chud
Nah, you are just a retarded science denier.
>Rightoids look a certain way
Chuds & Karens
>leftoids look a certain way
Faggots & Feminists
>fence sitters / team switchers also look a certain way
I have no idea how they look.
You for example. I can tell from this small sample of your writing that you are incredibly retarded.
>Don't assume that gays, trannies and feminists are all allies
I know a few personally and from what I observed the women and gays hate trannies and the gays hate women. Trannies love both.
And I can tell, by your resorting to name calling instead of addressing the topic at hand, that you are a nobel laureate.
Gays hate bisluts for some reason.
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If someone draws a man in a sexual light they probably like men
If someone draws a woman in a sexual light they probably like women
If someone draws anime they will fuck anything that will be in the same room as them.
And I in turn can tell by your continued engagement with my bait that you, like me, are a man of culture and will die alone.
If you admit that is just baiting, then it's fine. I seriously thought you were just a sicence denier.
>If someone draws a man in a sexual light they probably like men
>If someone draws a woman in a sexual light they probably like women
>If someone draws anime they will fuck anything that will be in the same room as them
It depends on the artist' focus. But when both the men and the women look gorgeous, yeah.
And there's nothing wrong with it.

Gays don't hate bis but are frustrated by them because people prefer predictability.
Also straight people fear bi men.
And if you're bi you better not tell women about it. They'll tell their friends and ruin the female dating pool for you.
Specially if you're masculine. First class ticket to be perceived as a sex fiend.
>draws trannies
>is one
You might be onto something Green no3.
Pain and pleasure or pleasure and pain?
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I never realized that reading these threads is actually like I'm listening to a flat earther that is honestly oblivious.
like it's hard to find authentic relationships and like, I get why some of these anons are obsessed with sex. weirdly more obsessed than my trans friends who probably make more money and are happier than some of you by the way, sorry.
>friends with gays and trannies
Yeah anon I have what's called a "robust network" and it's why I don't struggle to find work or really want for anything.
I can safely say my life is significantly better than most of ya'll's because I do whatever I want and find success. Including being weirdly accurate about my guesses when it comes to sexual orientation.

All of you are homosexual, by the way.
I wish you had used that word sooner so I could stop reading.
Gays hate them because most bi's are down low and dont really take them seriously as romantic options basically just use them as cheap fucks and fuck off while the gay takes blame for messing up the relationship or whatever when they get caught cheating. While women hate them because it ruins their perception of them as men as well as the fact that their friend groups my look down on them for being with bi male they also wont hesitate to use your sexuality as emotional leverage like this anon said>>7163026. Women also dont like the idea of a man possibly leaving them for another man it makes them feel like they've failed in someway as a woman

I can only speak for the bi male experience though I dont know if bi women face the same hate or problems as the males do
Yeah, women pretend to be LGBTQ "allies" but they're generally more homophobic than your average hetero male.
whatever you say, faggot

the character design still serves its purpose. jack off and move on you whiny cuck
all of these are great
this is the gayest post I have ever laid eyes on
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did this guy got more likes than you or something?
I draw muscular chicks with futanari cocks 99% of the time and I'm actually 1000% straight and am happily married lmao. I just draw this shit for money
The question is how they draw not what they draw. Meaning your style would indicate it is my guess, pyw later on in the thread and make sure to not link it to any other post and people will let you know how straight we think you are
women are trash this is 100% true. as an outsider looking in (gay) i don't understand why anyone puts up with their shit.
>There's plenty of porn artists who primary draw straight art
OP is also talking about what they draw. Actually read.
does your "wife" know you're a closet homo
>Small feminine head and small mouth
>Big cute eyes but with a very noticeable positive canthal tilt (usually used to signal strength)
>Moderately big breasts (neither porn proportion or flatty cope)
>Hair sexo (this appeals to everyone) with a messy "wild" terminations (signal of freedom)
>Slightly seductive bratty pout with a defiant eyebrow and looking above (asking to be gently dominated by a superior mate, most likely a man given she's looking upwards)
>Thiner than average lines, with a massive focus on curved lines
I'm betting you're a biological woman, and because of your focus (which appeals to both straight men and women) I'm guessing bisexual to straight.
Did I guess right?
what's with this board and having the constant need to shill their favorite twitter tranny coom artist?
why aren't any of you drawing?
>>Slightly seductive bratty pout with a defiant eyebrow and looking above (asking to be gently dominated by a superior mate, most likely a man given she's looking upwards)
Btw I know this because a number of women have given me (a man) that look. It's one of the ways they flirt. Look also at her pose.
I have no idea why you replied to my post in a way where nothing that you wrote has anything to do with what I wrote.
>they are attracted to twink asians
Because they are handsome and good at dancing.
Look at her sanpaku eyes. >>7161666 is right
a lesbian, or a bisexual women, also why do u draw those statue guys, is that a drawing tic you do when youre bored
jannies probably are engaging with the thread and won't delete it until someone manages to btfo one of them
Low sexual dimorphism between the male and female characters = Very likely bisexual.
This is why anime artists are sex fiends (Or would like to be)
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What about little girls in uniform?
In terms of tomboys that still look feminine body wise (albeit usually more athletic) but have masculine hobbies and clothes but still clearly a woman, 3 options:

> You are so masculine or male-brained, you have little to nothing in common with the average woman , you need someone who is atleast masculine enough that you can understand eachother, but you want the body of a woman.
> You are feminine so you want someone else to be the "man" of the relationship...but you do not like men. The is solution is tomboys.
> You hold hold both men and women to a masculine standard (Directness, Problem solving ,Rationality, etc.). People who do not have these masculine traits are devalued in your eyes regardless of gender.

In your case. One of the 3 or you just like the look of androgenous women.

If you don't suffer gender dysphoria you aren't trans imo, just femboy.
That or take estrogen , unless you are actually trans and just a feminine man who likes feminine things, why in God's name would you want to take it?

It's a spectrum and people take a slice out of it, based on what slice(s) you took you are gay , bi or straight.
If you want hyperfeminine women you are likely somewhat feminine and want to be the man of the relationship.
that look makes me want to plap the shit out of them
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I can provide more drawings if needed.
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if I tried to put my sexual orientation to be assumed by this board, Im certain that Im going to get called a faggot and/or a pedo and nothing else.
Little girls = man of culture.
>wide hips, robust waist, uneven big breasts
>long wavy hair
>very thin arms despite the rest of the body (...)
>predatory mythological female creature
>pink marker
Lesbian or MtF trans is my guess.
And the edges and thick lines incline my guess to the latter. Probably an aggressive person too.
Fuck off
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I usually draw lineart in red (as underdrawing) and perpsective stuff in blue , pink is next to the red on the color selector and I could not be fucked to change it.

If it's a sketch it's usually in red.
Finalized drawings are in black.
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And for a non-sexual drawing
100% man.

Probably short (given the succubus's angle) and aggressive (even though he female creatures he draws are predatory).
And considering the size of the skeleton knight's helmet in relation to the armor's shoulders, I'd say the artist is definitely short.
And likely straight but into BDSM or gore or some fucked up fetishes.
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Here is a perspective thing.
Not sure if it's any useful

Didn't sign it but same person as:
not a lot of speculation about lesbians here, how do you tell based on art? i don't use social media a ton, but i've noticed a couple tells.

from my own experiences, the reasonable ones seem to like overly detailed complicated hairstyles, feminine outfits that show skin but not to the same degree as characters drawn by dudes. there's less focus on making things hyper sexualized, so you tend to see more realistic boob size/hip size, but they DO seem to like the thin waists a lot. if they draw porn, there's just two ways they seem to go, super soft cuddly cute stuff, or hard bdsm weird shit. anime artstyles are common, moe being the exception. they like to overdetail. these girls are cool, you can reasonably talk to them and if you're also lesbian then they're usually really nice, but they're really subtle about flirting. however they usually don't make it obvious they're women, and if they do, they don't make it super obvious they're gay.

now there's ANOTHER way that lesbians can go it seems. the stupid bean art style, stems from tumblr i'm pretty sure. hard fucking avoid, immediate turn off. these lesbians are segregated from the ones who draw the previously mentioned stuff because they're usually batshit and too ugly for most normal lesbians. now these ones are usually really fucking desperate. they'll take what they can get, even if you slightly resemble a woman you're fair game to these girls. i am afraid of these women.
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>even if you slightly resemble a woman you're fair game to these girls. i am afraid of these women.
kek. I want to add to this post, I've observed that there's the autistic r9k femcel kind that is your quintessential >tfwnogf and a personal favorite. These ladies have had their perceptions warped by Anime and expect their relationship with another gal to be just like in their favorite animes but it's a highly unrealistic standard to have. Some of them have dropped 3d all together but I have sympathy for these girls because they're not afraid to say they are lonely and expect their princess to drop from the sky and approach them to sweep them off their feet which isn't going to happen.
I think the fact I am into femdom tripped you up.

Correct on the first. I am a straight (and cis) man.
A bit taller than avg but not by much. (Succubus angle because I think woman from below looks pretty neat)

Idk about anything hardcore BDSM specifically but deffinetly femdom. (the predatory monster girls made the femdom guess REALLY difficult I know)
Wouldn't say anything fucked up, worst things I can think of being an affinity towards monster girls and femdom.
Neutral on gore.

Not physically agressive , as I avoid physical agression unless it's a life or death thing, but perhaps mentally agressive (but idk how to test that) but people do generally say I am "sudden", "brutal" or "aggressive" when handling objects, but I mean no harm and do not wish to hurt living creatures.

I generally perform well under stress/pressure and have a tendecy to put myself under it. Wouldn't say it's as much of an issue but I used to burnout very often when I did this a lot more.
Idk if this means much but on MBTI test my personality type came out as "INTP". Make of it what you wish.
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What does this says about me? c:
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>those arms
you enjoy warframe and are a raging homosexual
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ok but ballas is pure kino
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I see.

Good girl.

I can tell you enjoy or would enjoy Mischief Makers.
Someone please bring back the post your art and get a psychoanalysis thread, that one was fun.
I mean they dont really have a choice
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>i don't understand why anyone puts up with their shit.
pussy is an helluva drug

the instant sexbots and artificial wombs will be widely available, womankind will absolutely become irrelevant
I think you just like gap moe
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> artificial wombs
But then men would actually have to take care of their own kids
so when are you going to make a blog, ur like the most gmi art ive seen in a while
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Just because your father is a deadbeat faggot doesn't mean all men are.
>An obssesive focus on ass
why are titfaggots like this? Asschads don't even think about you
being hyperfocused on a bodypart and a hole that both men and women have when pussy is a few inches away is kinda sus
Closet homosexuality: The post.
Do you think handjobs, blowjobs are sus?
Do you know that men can develop breasts?
handjobs are a waste and blowjobs are better than having to use a condom but pussy is better and everything else is a cope
>Do you know that men can develop breasts?
not without female hormones
define "female hormones" because that is trannyspeak
estrogen has masculinizing effects as well as feminizing ones
it doesn't matter. men don't have developed breasts in nature, while all men have an ass and an anus. nothing wrong with being gay
>We normalized it long ago.
Thanks women and Lolbergs.
>in nature
The new arbitrary standard adopted by genuine fuckwits, lmao
You are a closeted homosexual
>People with no friends who are chronically online try to read other people

That aspect is way more fascinating than the original premise of the thread itself.
it's not like that's an opinion, the stats back it up. Men abandon their kids way more than women do. That's just a fact.

For the record though I completely support artificial wombs. It's literally the only way to get the birth rate up now.
yes, nature, the thing that defines reality instead of make up believe bullshit. now go fap to male "breasts" and butts you colossal homo
Women have no incentive to abandon their kids since they largely don't have to pay child support plus get welfare from the state to raise them
nature is not god and it certainly isn't morality you simpleton
imagine looking at a woman's ass and thinking gay thoughts, (You) faggot
god is a cope, same as the denial of your homosexuality and anger. imagine spending a whole day trying to convince a group of anonymous people that you're not gay for being obsessed over asses and wanting fuck shitholes instead of vaginas, not sus at all...
Single fathers get welfare too. Child support only averages at less than $500 a month and 30% of parents receive absolutely nothing.
nta but whats stopping you from appreciating an ass while also wanting to fuck pussy can the two not be appreciated at the same time? By your logic someone who likes breast only wants to get a titjob and nothing more
Single fathers almost never get custody in America and most parts of the world
>god isn't real so I'll just attribute all the same christian values to 'nature' instead!
that's you, that's how retarded you are
you are literally incoherent, christfags are more sensible than you
he's gay and autistic, he thinks that if he hyperfixates on breasts and vaginas the gay will go away
>can the two not be appreciated at the same time?
yes, of course. that's why the key word is obsessed. if a man only wanted to get titjobs and nothing more he'd be dooming himself to extinction although that wouldn't make him suspect of being gay because only women have tits in nature
your strawmans mean nothing, but it's okay, because me calling you out for being gay is not an insult but a description of reality based on your stated preferences and defensive behavior itt. the more you try to defend your inexistent anonymous reputation the more people will believe you're in the closet. nice samefagging too >>7166270
>literally replying to another poster
quit making a fool of yourself, retarded fag
>literally replying to another poster
Thanks for proving my point.
You're a genius
I'll say it again in plain English José
me replying to ANOTHER POSTER is not samefagging
rent free
it made you post evidence that you're desperately trying to convince multiple people itt that you're not gay... making everyone think you're in the closet. but again, it's okay to be gay
you're clearly enjoying extending this discussion about your sexuality ad infinitum
i'm clearly enjoying getting you out of the closet
keep lapping up my (You)s you pathetic replypig
the more you post the more evident it becomes
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>/ic/ is still discussing about homosex
So where the fuck were you when the Yuri thread was up? There were maybe two resident posters until I had to start inviting others from different boards just to get some traffic in before getting jumped on for simply trying to help someone outside of this board. Bunch of phonies and larping faggots.
I support Yuri threads, but I'm a pathetic /beg/ so it will be some time until I can contribute
It will be some time before I make another thread fren keep drawing yuri.
its funny that this actually worked in getting one of them to shut up
>he's still begging for (You)s
>If you fuck a straight femboy in the ass he would still cum.
You'd be surprised at how difficult it is to induce an unaided sissygasm on even a willing participant, even if you were to rub his girlybutton directly. Considering the most degen femboy sluts on video that take meters of knotted dragon dildos often cheat with penile stimulation or porn or other things, it's just not going to happen like people think.
Fuck off mikufag
Only if the artist isn't a sellout.
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>the stats back it up
Now back it up with some context
>what age group?
>what ethnicity and race?
>economic status?
>marital status of the parents?
>interpersonal relationship of both parents?
There are a lot of reasons and factors why fathers don't stick around and ironically, the most common one is the mothers not wanting to let their children see their fathers out of revenge or spite.
Other reasons is children born out of wedlock or one night stands, where contact with the father is practically impossible.
Or sometimes kids born from very young parents.
Sure, you have pieces of shit but remember that it is 90% on the woman whether sexual relations happen as they are the honest to god gatekeepers to sex and actively engage in natural selection. So, the epidemic of fathers not being in the picture can be attributed to retarded women fucking left and right and no one wanting to deal with her retarded ass.

Mothers have the innate right to sole custody of the kids, even by law, unless they are proven to be unfit to raise kids or the father tries to claim shared custody and proves he deserves to be around the kids, blood relation barely matter in that decision, then he'll be allowed to see his own kids by the state and the mother will be lawfully accountable if she prevents that from happening, even if she starts influencing her kids to hate their father.

If i had a mini version of me, i'd love and care the shit out of that fucker like you wouldn't believe, so he'll have a better chance at life than i ever did.
why does it matter? its none of your business what they do in bed
>why does it matter?
I want to have sex with them
Why does a hypothetical make u so angry? Theres no harm in a question. Its pretty fun to think about if you dont assume everyone is an asshole.
Pedophile that gets mad when people point out the obvious.
This is a really stupid take. Plenty of women do, but men are more likely to do it. Especially, because there are still countries don't have or dont' enforce child support laws.
>"Men abandon their kids way more than women do"
>Women have no incentive to abandon their kids
Read the conversation before jumping in.
We're not talking about whether child abandonment is exclusively something one sex does but as for the reasons why men do it more frequently than women. Most men don't get custody of their kids and thus have to pay child support, which hits specially hard on lower income men prompting many of them to flee and abandon their kids. Keep in mind also that in USA if you fail to pay child support you can be jailed, and while in jail still get charged for the payments that the imprisoned cannot make while in fucking jail, resulting in an effective life sentence.
It's no wonder poor men are the ones abandoning their kids. If you're a woman don't get pregnant by an irresponsible man.
>If you're a woman don't get pregnant by an irresponsible or incompetent man
Women get the men they choose.
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>Drawing nipples when it wasn't needed
What did this 4kids nigger mean by this?
Wow having a kid is a financial responsibility? Who would have thought? Don't make kids if you are broke as fuck if you a man or a woman. This is just moron Olympics.
Men sticking it in women who can't raise kids is their fault too. Sex comes with consequences. Men also should choose better if they have that much to lose. Doing otherwise is just hedonistic stupidity.
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Try me.
Straight white female. Boring.
I'm stuck with the same situation as you, albeit I'm more open to more feminine girls bc tomboys are going extinct or trooning out. As I see it, it's just a preference that some guys like, and there is a hint of maybe not being able to relate with femininity, as >>7164779 puts it. With that, it could also be because we are a bit autistic because of the lack of female interaction we get on a daily basis.

I love tomboys, androgynous and everything. But it's not realistic finding one these days. Show me some of your drawings, will ya?
Why the hell did you have to bump this stupid thread.
>animals fucking and making animal kids they can't raise fuck shit up for the whole species
Thanks, Captain.
It's fine to try to replicate Marine's handiwork if the objective is to study.
I'm a het foid and think that stronger jawlines on women are beautiful. Usually. If they look feminine otherwise, it can really bring a nice balance to their appearance that makes them more striking.
But that said, masculine looking women are still women. If you were going hard for roided up women with chins that could crack pavement, I would question your sexuality. If you just see features in other guys that you would like to see in yourself, and muscle mommies give you a chub, you're just straight and have whatever taste you have. Asking /ic/ if you're gay is pretty gay though.
Isn't sex also a bonding thing?
Also orgasm happens if you stimulate the erogenous zone(s) enough, doesn't matter if you are into it or not or who or even what is doing it.

Something tells me straight woman. 25% chance it's a straight man instead 10% anything else.
cute face, probably straight female?
>Also orgasm happens if you stimulate the erogenous zone(s) enough, doesn't matter if you are into it or not or who or even what is doing it.
if you stimulate those zones when youre not aroused or stimulate them improperly it will feel uncomfortable and even painful and in the end prevent orgasm
What board is that original post from?
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19 years old straight man. Is that shit this gay?
>met a nice guy
>nice guy
>at a party
>hanging out with a random guy while having bf

Idk if she can't notice it, but that's as stupid as it is evil.

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