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Exactly how many hours, days, and recourses until I can draw a fox like this?
however long it takes before you harness the racism within you
you have to develope a soul
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redpill me on this fox
Nobody knows your situation or your skills.
Just draw it and post it here.
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Niggas here think learning skills in real life is like grinding shit in WoW because that's the only thing they ever put any effort into.
They always ask for advice like they're looking for the most optimal mob to farm. Hopeless losers. None of you will ever make it.
Wtf, don't just jump straight to lineart. Download a program where you can have multiple layers. Create a sketch layer first. That fox is a combination of multiple basic shapes. If you would start drawing a head then draw an entire ball, not just the chin. Begin with a sketch marking where a head, torso, arms, hands would be and focus on getting proportion and likeness right. Don't bother with cleanliness just make it look simillar and appealing. After that you can create a new layer on top, lower the opacity on a sketch layer and trace making fast swipes and clean lines. A good workflow with layers really matters if you want to make your drawing process more controllable and fun
>Be fiddleafox
>Say things about black people and trannies that everyone knows but wouldn't admit, all in a private DM with a friend
>"Friend" leaks DMs after fiddle refuses to do some gay vore erp with him
bad advice
I was using a mouse and did it in a minute.
Also you're thinking too hard.
>leaks DMs after fiddle refuses to do some gay vore erp with him
just draw it over and over really small on one big page thats how i learned eevee heads
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Could you tell me what exactly bad about my advice? Don't use Paint? Do basic construction?
I see you can draw stuff on the whim but not every one can do that so well. My sketch is a shitshow unless I clean it up or do a lineart layer after. I just shared my workflow which works for me.
Save up for a tablet then. Even the cheapest of tablets would be much better than a mouse. C'mon, I'm just trying to help
2nd panel in that is the best. theres no need to really do linework, better to just clean the roughs :) saves time between drawings, making more drawings possible
yeah, I do that too for requests and if I just wanna have fun but I don't think it will do for finished or professional works. Lineart is still kind of a standard in digital art and an important skill to have (even though I'm still getting there)
I also find coloring the right one easier because you can put flats in a minute. Both ways have their pros in my opinion
One afternoon
Your sketch looks great but the lineart ruins it entirely, you should ditch the final step and embrace the dirtier, more spontaneous and soulful look
Adobe illustrator looking ass. You ruined all its dynamism and charm with those lines, they have no flow or appealing line weight.
huh, interesting. I didn't even find my lineart particularly bad at all. I'll think about that.
I dont think your lineart is bad, I think it just looks almost too clean is what those anons are saying.
I have a tablet I'm just lazy
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bro went from master to beg with lineart
Second panel is CUTE!
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I wanted her style too, but I’ve come to learn it’ll never happen
It’s just inherent to individuals, it’s in their blood. Amateur Japanese and hispanic artists mog professional westoids with more appealing styles than what they’re grinding and studying but still failing to copy.

Fiddle was Latina, and highly regarded Latino artists with over 10k Xitter followers always say it’s impossible to learn a style when I ask them because “every artist has their own style”.
It’s not fair
like 4 hours if you are not autistic retard
I dont like your clean line art just like the rest, but i know you will get better over time keep practicing!
im sorry anon, but you will NEVER be able to draw as cute as her.
>I wanted her style too, but I’ve come to learn it’ll never happen
Your attempt is too anime-esque, fiddle's style was only anime-esque incidentally
So your logic is that in order to have this style, I would have to try not to copy it? What sense does that make?
No dumbass
You recognize that fiddle's style is largely inspired by anime and Pokemon, so you focus on that part instead of her actual style, which is why you fail to mirror her style
>“instead of her actual style”

So use something other than what you want as a means to an end?
You are either intentionally misinterpreting what I'm saying or you're retarded
How is he wrong though?
Godddddddddddd I want this fox girl to fart in my mouth so badly
Fiddle is a biological woman
Based GMIchad
>nigga being robbed
>slacktivists: "They rob him cuz he black!"
>nigga robbing the hood
>slacktivists: "It's societies fault he has to rob the hood!"
He's right though. Every time anything blacks has been involved, some activists are quick to defend them. You don't see the same thing with Asian or any other races.
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Took me about an hour. Critique?
Very nice, now draw her pawfeet
post your averies
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Took me a few minutes in sai, easy peasy
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Now heres her in my style
Seconding, pls do
I like the leaked message of how she says she hates 99% of the people who follow her and like her art because they're the LGBT crowd side of furry which is unfortunately the majority lol
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>begs swindling other begs into thinking they're masters with pretty digital brush settings
Learn some english before posting
just use the soft round brush
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This ones really good
>how many hours
one for me, give or take
first thing ive drawn in two months... had to sign it
I read this and took it into consideration.
Become Hispanic
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>>"Friend" leaks DMs after fiddle refuses to do some gay vore erp with him

It's Discord, no one on their is your real friend unless you finally meet them in real life
Only retards like Fiddle or people who don't care would freely talk about shit that would fuck up their "career"
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someone needs a bbc correction asap

fucking based
Cutest thread in the 'log
Is that her butthole?
You didnt draw that you motherfucker, that's on e621. This isn't /co/.
gabe-level question. just draw the racist fox at all costs. she is too based to not draw
It’s a secret talent for Latinos like her

>>7183410 This artist is likely also a spic.
Damn shame, this kind of style was my dream and my inferior artistic white genes can’t achieve it. I should kms
>drama hungry kids take easily fakeable screenshots as facts to justify shitting on people they hate
we really should gas all furries and introduce internet IDs unironically.
>introduce internet IDs
Why are you here?
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you niggas really have a hard time copying simple shapes? yikes!
It’s not.
Soul and style like this is an ESL artist talent for Latinos.

PYW if you think it’s easy. It should be no problem for you to emulate this style if we’re really to dumb to be able to achieve it
You know the artist is a white girl, no?
Looks more like Birdgummies than Fiddle

She said herself multiple times that she’s a Latina and hates white men just as much as black people. She’s whining liberal NPC but chuds adopted her as a waifu for being against troons
I regret drawing that

>This artist is likely also a spic.
lol what
Two questions
1. Was she a real woman and not a tranny?
2. Has there been any signs of life after cancelation?
1. Yes, she complained about trannies and described herself as cis, plus there's an alleged photo of her face that is clearly a woman's
2. None at all, she didn't like having a social media presence or following anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if she does her own thing in private
>Soul and style like this is an ESL artist talent for Latinos.
You don't have to lie about your racist waifu, Anon. This fox is as basic as basic gets, she's only popular because of Discord drama.
this thread should be used as a case study of why we need to either enable country flags on /ic/ or rangeban all of latin america

90% is Furry Art General would be gone.
Throw in the Canadians for good measure
I second this
That looks like foxshit anon, lines that don't connect, inconsistent line sizes that don't make sense, anatomy like it was generated by an AI
Needs to turn off the anti-aliasing for that authentic look
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Now you’re getting it
i want to enter averi's brazil
48 days, any basic drawing course, get started!
That’s not how you attain art styles
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What are some other ways to depict Averi's paws? This seems to be the only pose anons have drawn so far.
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only 'real' way should be fiddleafox's way since it's her character. they're about the same width as the foot and don't have claws (unlike the actual animal)

10,000 hours minimum
Painfully off-model but that’s about as good as I could do it.
Probably drawn by a white guy

Beautifully on-model, likely the work of a capable Latino
Why are foxes so cute
I hope you find yourself a good LatinaX wife, so that at least your offspring may have the chance to draw half as good as a latino. Truly a tragic existence, I feel u, bruv.
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i'm iberian
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I don’t care if she’s hideous.
I need Spanish offspring to achieve anything remotely like pic related

Still a spic
Do you even draw?
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press V for VIVA
There’s no point in trying when “every artist has their own style”
it's always funny when beaners act like they're better than niggers at all kek
but enough about you
This looks like if Avery was a milf in her early 30's.
Still very nice though.
>trying to draw like someone else
Probably NGMI, OP.
you're doing it too, unconsciously. at least OP is self aware of it
post the rest of the image
its a tiny frog
im not kidding
this is such a cute OP pic I love it whenever I come across this thread being bumped
imagine being 28 years old and still draw like shit lol i would kms
Crime is a failure of society, and until change is made to the society it will continue to happen. Punishing the criminal after the fact and making no other changes to the situation that made the crime arise will not prevent it from happening again.
I'm 33 and draw like shit, but I'm not scared of what others think about my drawings. It's a funny hobby, anon.
Fiddle is a woman at least, it can't be any worse than a grown man spending his time drawing anime girls
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I did this something like this but luckily I'm famous given I'm a nobody in the internet and irl. I have shown my art before but its really shitty compare to low tier beginners and also haven't show too much of it, so what are the chances to be recognize in the future by the same nigger that I harassed?
I'm not*
If you've got talent, a few days

If not, then anywhere from 2 weeks to 5 years depending on how willing you are to practice
Nothing wrong with clean lineart. Perfect for colors
What anons probably mean to say is that your lineart doesn't preserve the "gesture" of your underdrawings. Try playing around with the weights and curves a bit. Try reducing the number of straight parallel lines in your lineart version
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Cutest thread on /ic/. Averi is not difficult to draw and can easily be learned within a week. Your main concern is to preserve proportions so that she resembles her original drawings.
Below you can find more of Fiddleafox's original drawings of Averi along with fan art from imageboards, such as here on 4chan:
https://mega.nz/folder/oj0jhChK#XyhCcKuPpQ2eZrU5jDNk9Q/folder/Vu1S1YQb Fiddleafox
https://mega.nz/folder/oj0jhChK#XyhCcKuPpQ2eZrU5jDNk9Q/folder/R70y0KxB Imageboards
>>7195524 >>7198310 >>7199181 >>7204582
Your folder:
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we up
>>7200377 Beanners ARE better than niggers, latin america is fucked, but have you seen africa? Beaners ancestors at leats had empires and civilizations, they still got fucked by BWC when we arrived, but hey, better than africa

Wife material, i wanna impregnate and mejorar la raza, wanna do some blanqueamiento to that latina pussy
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cute averies everyone
Best one itt imo. I did that kinda shit one where shes lifting her leg up.
Nice work satan
This is really beautiful art
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If you were being limited by Mega.nz, use this mirror of Averi's folders:
Adorable Averi drawings, especially those eyes of hers. I do wonder who that glaceon is or what that laptop is about.
Any artist names?
moshi moshi elch desu

archivist anon, know that u are appreciated.
Go away satan
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the blue nipple skunk anon posts on fag it seems
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I guess I'll post the others as well
This needs to be posted here
Kemo Iberica?
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Fitness does much to bring about a good life.

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