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What's the best art advice you received?
"just draw"
just draw
"Don't pick your nose while drawing"
never draw individual hairs
Do the figure and master studies by copying them while engaging your brain.

Bonus advice that I didnt recieve but figured out: start desensitizing yourself to drawing by starting at 5-10 mins a day, daily.
“Don’t take free unsolicited advice from the internet”
you shouldn't kys
I need green
I always get red though?
Leave /ic/.
Tape paper onto the active surface of your tablet.
doesn't that kill the tips way faster? real question
one time I got pink and I was confused
>gets good advice
>doesn't take it
the plight of humanity
feel the form
Have you tried blue?
>while engaging your brain
wtf does this even mean
"You should keep art as a hobby and pursue a STEM career" I didn't realize how useful that was until now, I didn't listen, don't be like me.
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As a STEMfag, my soul is dying arguing about miniscules in Eng work.
I'm living out this fucking meme
Don't just copy and mindlessly draw what you see but try to understand the structure behind it.
David Finch roadmap
Will Weston's "put the front on the box"
Never apologize.

If u make a controversial piece of art, ur just weeding out an audience you really dont want
Be grateful of that engineering career, invest in mastering it. Those skills are gonna be extremely useful.

I used to dominate most freelancing platforms until work dried up, plus AI came. Now the skills I worked hard to master are practically useless.
That's actually the best advice.
"just quit art and let AI do it." my mom
Hm this post smells like curry
What you dont draw matter just as much as what you choose to draw. Make every line count
treat it like a job, draw as if you are getting paid to do it.
"Nobody will fucking care about it tomorrow."
>"It's a cartoon, it's supposed to be fun"
I think this is from a John K story, or someone similar, when he was being mentored by an animator. The dude was smoking and drawing shirtless and not giving too much of a shit about how he was drawing, and when asked why, that was his response.
We're supposed to be having fun when drawing, if you're not, what's the fucking point? Become a doctor, or pick up a different hobby.
Make her drunk first
No, it's actually less harsh than wacom surfaces.
An acetate sheet would be better for tip preservation if a bit slippery.
>What's the best art advice you received?
some of the best thing an artist neglects is relaxing time. That's why I play plenty of video games, like my wife Alissa Chung.
this really is one of the worst tips i've gotten.

>anon discovers thinking
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That large shadows with defined shapes are MUCH more appealing than many small indecisive shadows on a figure.
This is the biggest permabeg cope ever. You'll never make it
don't shade with black outside of comic book style
>relaxing time

just trace
>make thumbnails before commiting to a finished work
>flip canvas

worst advice:
>don't use lasso tool
>don't use soft brush
>don't use smudge
did AI really affect you that hard?

it does.
Yet I doubt there's any Indian artists. They aren't risk takers.
I'm whiter than you.
>did AI really affect you that hard?
I'm sure a person with good networking and social skills can navigate better. I don't have those, I rely on my work solely. Plus I was greatly demotivated, it affected my overall creative output. Motivation is volatile, creativity even more so.
Draw what you see, not what you think you see. Remember to check your reference.

Be process oriented, not goal oriented.

Study perspective first instead of grinding Loomis or whatever
The calves should always be a bit longer than the thighs, the hands end a hand length below the crotch, line weight makes lineart worth it, when shading saturate the color before darkening it, and the feet are approximately the length of the forearm.
>>don't use soft brush
>>don't use smudge
who the fuck says that lol
lasso tool I kind of get because it can fuck up your flow if you're starting out in digital but soft brush and smudge wtf
ALSO never do a hard outline on the nipples, keep in mind that light reflects back on the shadows sometimes, don't do a bunch of little indecisive shadows, when in doubt leave the picture be for a day or so and come back to it, and always accept valid criticism as it will lead to improvement at a much more rapid rate.
None. I have never received a single good piece of art advice from anyone or anything. All art “teaching” is shit and I have had to figure out everything for myself, piece by piece, using nothing but my own blood sweat and tears.
Loomis is perspective retard
When shading saturate the color before darkening. You're welcome. Took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to figure that one out.
Would be an even bigger waste of time. I'm simply not made for that shit.
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Imagine things as if they were in Minecraft
i still remember that from early 2010's
only now am i breaking away from that stigma and incorporating those tools
Loomis wants you to understand it first by reading books like perspective made easy.
I don't take advice I give it
Smoke weed
weed for me always gets me motivated, but then I think a part looks off, so I redraw it and start rotating the part in 3D space until it becomes a whole different perspective. It fucks with me so much
color's not hard
Most dirt paying freelancing jobs got stolen by filthy pajeets lowballing for $5 for a few hours of work. Im glad AI can replace these shit jobs. I just hope those pajeets just remain stuck in call centre scam and never venture elsewhere.
>for drawing from life

>"Don't just draw a line, think about how it makes you feel, how it expresses itself"

>"Don't draw what you think should be there, draw what you see"

may be cliche and vague but these genuinely helped my retard brain
what are thumbnails in this context?
>captcha: R2T2
Thumbnail sketches. Just small sketches to work out the overall construction of your work.
Fuck off. IT isn't a real STEM job like a proper engineering going down the trenches.

>t. had to work with a fuckall IT manager in engineering projects. fucker could wfh, sit and do his programs shit in his office. Couldn't arrive on time for site work. Dont have to do heavy lifting shit. Somehow still gets paid more than the engineers installing conveyors/wiring/PLC/designers/fabricators. Still fucks up the front end side of the HMI when all the back ends are correctly done by us.
Fuck pajeets. I'm glad the tech bubble is bursting.
99.99999% of permabegs not even on '/ic/
Use ai
pyw /beg/
cute, socials?
"Comparison is the thief of joy"
Also don't use pure white to highlight.
>IT isn't a real STEM job
I don't care which field anon, Engineering is ideal. Just don't make art your main career, doesn't matter how good, h0w talented how likeable, how skilled you are, art is not a necessity, the world steps on artists. I really regret it now that I've gained clarity, there is no way back because I'm old, I'm too old to be in a University, it is terrible.
My parents are getting older. One of these days I will be alone, with no viable source of income. Life is so hard.
"STEM is instant success" is a meme
individual strands after finishing the whole hair makes for great details tho
"stop caring"
I used to be so afraid of coloring because I didn't understand it and then while watching a Bob Ross painting video in my spare time he said something along the lines of "stop giving a shit." Then I just started painting without caring about whether I was doing it correctly or not.
>calves should always be a bit longer than the thighs
Only for women. Mens thighs are equal or longer.
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fuck circles. -sinix
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You don't have to draw every day. Sometimes you just need a break. Drawing every single day is completely unnecessary for your growth, and is actually the fastest way to burnout.
STEM is a fucking meme. I'd put all my skillpoints into being an artist if I could start over.
Permabeg copium. Imagine burning out
>Will Weston's "put the front on the box"
Which coarse is that from?
Guess you never worked that hard before you never experienced burn out
I followed this but replaced STEM with an ubercozy tradie job. I'd rather not work at all but this is the next best thing.
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>What's the best art advice you received?
Quit that art shit and get a real job. Like a plumber
And I'll never experience it when i accepted my skill issue early on my drawing journey.
All I need is just acceptance and patience, doing one fundamental at a time and balanced schedule for drawing for myself and studying fundamentals.

Imagine burning out from a hobby that you chose unless if it's your future career, then you should be an idiot choosing this path in the era of AI
Stealth crab
I'm not even a crab, I'm a fucking lobster you amoeba
Think, nigga, think!
you can get burnout from anything if you treat it as some kind of regiment, doesn't matter if its a hobby.
/ic/ preaches "draw everyday" if you want to "git gud" and the best advice ive ever gotten was the exact opposite of that. Ive had more art gains and improvement after taking long breaks from drawing .

If thats difficult for you to grasp then you're probably low IQ
Thank god I'm low IQ then.

Sucks to be them that are burning out, at least I'm smart enough than these fellas making a suitable schedule for myself.

Imagine suffering from a thing that you chose with your developed brain.

Don't grab me with this kind of crab mindset.
This is my personal collection I read every day religiously before drawing

Gesture drawing is extremely fucking important

Always be deliberate with your lines ALWAYS

Just start - avoid learning sub-skills

When in doubt, just draw

Simplifying is not simple

Always go from simple to complex

If you can't draw well with reference you can't draw well at all

Knowledge = Better Observation.
>Don't grab me with this kind of crab mindset.
Nigga, you responded first....if anything you're the king crab ITT
Just draw is good but if you ever manage to man up about your drawing anxiety then "Just think and then draw and then think again and then draw again" is even better.
All this trades posting makes me suspect they are massive crabs because they couldn't make it.
What are trades? You niggers always come up with new retarded shit instead of drawing.
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short for "trademanship".

Usually jobs that USED to require you to take on an apprenticeship of some kind to learn a skill, but these days old guys don't want to pass on their knowledge or train new young workers and just want to be left alone.
What has this to do with crabs though? Only a tiny percentage will be able to make a living of art. There is no shame in earning a living with other means and keeping art purely as a passion.

The biggest crabs were always the ones suggesting everyone has to make art his job on this board, even when a lot of people were perfectly happy doing art as a hobby.
stop wasting you time with this art shit and go make some MONEY
>What has this to do with crabs though?
idk, im just answering your question
you're never too old to get an education and new career path. you're just making excuses
Yes you are but most these bitches complaining here are far away from that age.
Am I crab because i said choosing drawing as a job career is idiotic choice or what?
No you're both a crab and a retard because you got triggered over this post in the first place >>7183521
What are these?
How to be better I don't want to be a retard and crab :(
You know those really low quality posts you made earlier?

yeah, stop doing that
His anatomy course
when doing studies, still life or life drawing etc, dont draw what you think something should look like, draw what you see.

look at it's positive and negative shapes, directions of angles, let the pen follow what your eye sees.

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