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Is it true that every artist is into feet?
>t. an artist with a foot fetish.
Please, consider it a gift from yours truly,


Now, THAT is a kink.
there is absolutely nothing arousing about feet
you're mentally ill like armpitfags, futafags, niggerlovers and every other disgusting fetish out there
cope, normie
>>>/b/ is more your speed
we've got ourselves a saint here
>t.brainrotten coomers
Free of charge.
Silly anon, foot fetish IS a normie fetish, just like femdom.
Normies are also degenerate fucks, it's just that they don't wanna admit it.
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last september I was learning to draw feet and thought that a foot fetish thread would be a great place to get references of the darn things in many positions
It was only pics of soles, footfags aren't even good at providing reference material
I like drawing hands and feet and putting effort into them, but yeah I don't see the arousal.
Just look at OPs art, completely incapable of drawing the feet in the perspective of the rest of the body.
Sup, Mr. Kellogg.
His feet bend, what a pain, you seriously can't understand how perspective works???
I'm into feet but this is just heinous
Not neccesarily But when you spend lots of time studying Feet you usually realise how nice they Look, im Not sexually aroused by them but they are very aesthetic
No. Basically what >>7172325 said. I'm not into feet, but learning more about them you can come to admire certain things. You can make feet look cute and fit the aesthetic of a drawing better to really add to it.
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I’ve always wondered, do people with foot fetishes also find hands arousing? They’re pretty similar when you think about it. They both have phalanges/digits.
Armpits carry pheromones, way to out yourself as a retard.
It's the fact that feet are hidden most of the time. I think it's that taboo aspect that makes them so appealing to footfags.
t. not a footfag
This. Several people, unprompted, have complimented the way I draw feet specifically even though they do nothing for me sexually. I spent like a year solid grinding to get better at them because I was tired of finding reasons to not draw feet because they were so shitty. But I'm at a point now where if I see a fucked up foot in a drawing it stands out right away and tends to fuck up the whole thing
Nah, women tend to be the ones with hand fetishes, and men tend to be the ones to have foot fetishes. There's obviously overlap but generally speaking that tends to be the distribution.
any tips or resources for them ? I want to get better in an aesthetic manner too I like hands and feet in drawings but not the sexual stuff
Go watch your het artfag
No. Feet are very boring to me, one of the few fetishes I truly don’t have at all.
I am into entire body, there is no part of pretty female that would be hard for me to find attractive and get aroused by(both taken separately or in entirety).
Kill fucking yourself jew
It's literally just wires getting crossed in your brain. The feet lobe is next to the weiner lobe and the electrical zaps take a wrong turn. Trust me I'm a doctor.
I prefer women in heels.
Never again lump in the blessed feet and armpit chads in with the homosexuals and racemixers
Hands are more of a masculine thing, feet are more of a feminine thing

Large, strong, capable hands
Curvy, supple, delicate feet
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a bit yeah
feet can be elegant
but not like the OP image that shit looks so forced
i want feet on my face but by god i want my feet porn to be diegetic

also total death to stink / giantess fags
they're always also diaperfags/troons/gay so obv degenerates
lmao, I'll never understand this level of retardation.
>Yeah I'm shamelessly into this perverted thing
>BUT fuck all those perverts over there, that's where the line should be drawn

There are exactly same kind of retards in each of those groups you mentioned who think the exact same thing as you kek
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they enjoy thing i enjoy but in the wrong way
thats like saying its wrong to hate fags who shove plants in their ass because i enjoy strolling in the garden

fuck you dont lump me in with the mentally deranged degenerates
I'm lumping you in with retards, nothing else. Don't worry you're still pure

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