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Has anyone here actually deeply, intently, and thoughtfully studied Proko's OG course, Figure Drawing Fundamentals?

Stan seems like a better artist than Vilppu, Eviston, Dodson, and all other meme ic teachers combined. The only other teacher who draws better than him is Steve Huston.

For those who did actually study Proko, what kind of gains did you make? Would you recommend it to beginners? intermediates? Would you even recommend it to pros?
it's good if you're not learning on your own, like any course.
*cant learn

you arent going to get anything from any demo if you don't put in the work and self study and practice. He's a mediocre fine artist and a mediocre teacher. He's giving you the information that he learned from the school he went to - so why not just learn the basics that they teach at that school instead of getting them from a youtuber? Bargue plates, fundamentals of painting, etc. If you want to paint in a realistic way just observe, if you want to be able to build a figure from any angle from your mind, you don't need this course.
>He's a mediocre fine artist
really? You really think so?

post your wonderful work then
> Stan seems like a better artist than Vilppu, Eviston, Dodson, and all other meme ic teachers combined.
lol, lmao you got filtered by dark core shadows
he didn't invented gesture, box mannequins and beans
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I know good overcast lighting when I see it ;)
looks alright, needs fewer pixels though
Courses are for people without talent or absolute beginners who don’t know what to do at all. Talented individuals learn by simply drawing from books they choose to pick up which happens because they know instinctively how and what to study
unironically true, and while I'm not a beginner at line drawing, I am an absolute begginner at shading. Is there another course that will work better for me than Proko?
To understand shading, you just need to grasp how shadows affect 3D shapes—such as the sphere, the cube, the cone, and the cylinder. You don’t need to spend $600 on a course to comprehend how shadows impact shapes. Instead, download Blender, click ‘Shift + A,’ and add the shape you want to study. Then, introduce a light source to the scene and apply a material to the shape. That’s it! This process will help you understand shading. The rest involves pure practice and applying these concepts to your workflows using techniques like airbrushing and oil painting.
>you just need to grasp how shadows affect 3D shapes
>shadows affect 3D shapes
this is funny but you're not going to be able to figure out why which makes it even more funny
Want to shade a character? It’s the same process: use a human base mesh, add a light source, and practice moving the light source in different directions. There are plenty of human base meshes available on Blender.org
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cast drawing + primitive form practice. Also copy master works. Here's picrel.

Do it in trad or it doesn't count. Also do 9 or ten value scales.
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ok bro good luck with your $1000 art curriculum
what kind of finished works do you hope to make with this style?
you will forever be crippled by your digital tools.
its called fundamentals for a reason retard. it doesnt matter where you learn them.

like asking why to learn perspective if you don't want to draw backgrounds.
I sincerely doubt Stan was ever able to do the drawing on the right.
and you will be forever ever paying $1000 courses without learning a shit, addicted to purchase expensive courses from mediocre artists
i told him to draw master copies and do casts, not buy courses. you sure are fucking stupid.
Ah, my bad, my fren. May God bless you, and have a beautiful night and godly fortune
Nah man I’m fine drawing Chinese girls what the fuck is this westoid shit lmaooo

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