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Daily reminder that literally all criticism that comes without work posted is worthless. 99.99999% of posters here are dogshit beginners.

That being said, ITT post your work, and give advice. Any general advice is welcome, as long as you post work.
Eyes are flat and lifeless, sclera same color as skin, girl in middle missing half of her glasses, overall looks lazy and unfinished
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Draft for my next piece
Gesture and shape design> anatomy and construction when you're at a /beg/ stage like me honestly
agreed. shape is more important than form, for most people
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I'm trying to do 30-45 minutes of timed figure drawing for a week and see what the result is. I was hating how stiff and lame my figures were last night, these feel more expressive (imagination drawings after study).
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quick as hell doodle of the BASED Sniper Joe, the better protoman
I forgot to modify the metadata FUCK
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I'm so tired of being bad. How do I fix this?
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I'm an absolute begtard so I can't see it. what's wrong with this?
Congratulations, the thread has already devolved. You got one PYW with advice, one blogpost PYW, and the rest asking for advice instead of giving it.
And whining from you, great contribution
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Figured best advices are given when there's something specific to criticize, so if you need something to criticize here, be this Chibi's proportions, cause something is not convincing me about these. Any critique is welcome either way.

OP you idiot, set the example and post YOUR work next time.
Not bad, but definitely could use some more gesture. Try simply selecting the waist and upwards and then rotate it a little to the right with the transform tool.
>Gesture and shape design> anatomy and construction
Disagree, the latter are fundamentals and part of the basics, the former are stylization and design principles which are best followed when you have at least a basic grasp of the fundamentals.
Seems like you have things under control. I see some movement in these, which is good, specially since you are improving that aspect in your sessions, keep it up. I'd suggest you for better movement to use more curves and less straight strokes and see where that leads you.
Not bad, though both shield and arm cannon look strange. Also, I do like Sniper Joe, but calling it "the better Protoman" is just absurd lmao. Then again Im all over Roll, so what do I know.
The girl does have some really good shapes here, save some nitpicks like the head's position and the feet, it's a nice work... Cant say the same about the guy, though, it's all over the place. I think you would benefit from working with references, dont be afraid to trace them if you feel the need to understand them better.
Really difficult to criticize because, no offense, it looks like something straight out of /asg/. I think you should find something specific to focus on, like construction. Turn the body parts into individual shapes and study those shapes step by step. You have a long way going, but keep going and you will make it!
Yeah, and somehow you are the worst post in the thread, amazing work, faggot.
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still working on this one but I got caught up with other things so I'm not going to be done with it anytime soon. B4 anyone says it, there is a reason why the tall one is in the middle, and I wouldn't place him in front of the shortest if there wasn't a story reason for that.
advice? idk man, I guess don't be afraid to mess around with contrast
I don't think the proportions are bad anon, if anything they're preferable from the chibis I've seen, but then again I just hate chibis. If you really want to push on it you can always make their bodies smaller since most chibis are 50% head, but honestly I wouldn't worry about it
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lol joking. sniper joe guy btw.
Yeah I know, when I'm doodling I dont really care about making a great construction and draw in a very messy manner, I do need to do more clean, developed stuff. Been a while since I've drawn with a reference all the way or.. at all.
Here's the whole sketch page, all of it today. I had just finished megaman 1 so I was in the mood.
Says the tard not posting his own art. No fucking self awareness.
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I recently completed this one, i'm not very proud of the results but I had to finish it and move on to something else.
Applied some info I got from a couple videos. Ironically, because the skateboard is directly below the third vanishing point above the canvas, the lines from it are vertical as if the skateboard is drawn in 2-point. Spent a whole hour moving another vanishing point, drawing perspective ellipses, etc. just to get this result.
Little sketch this morning. Just getting into digital recently. Tips?
nice, but signing your name on sketches is gay
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Is pixel art okay. It's a mock up for a game I'm working on.
Digging your atmosphere.
kino setting, im working on a coastal cliff drawing too
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6 minutes
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Thanks. The idea is basically a bunch of coffins get washed ashore and these dudes bring them back to their boss.

90% of my atmosphere I stole from reading Vermis
I draw nothing of value. It's just anime girls in a white void that are sometimes NSFW. I've been drawing for nearly 4 years and I'm still a /beg/ so they don't even look that great and it's clear that my fundamentals are lacking. I'm not really qualified to give advice. I could say what works for me, but it's probably filled with bad habits and I wouldn't want to impart that on anyone else.
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i almost refuse to believe its actually yours
i mean that in a good way of course, this is just too good for this board

the atmosphere in that mockup is just perfect, if this was an actual game it would have a very devoted following
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I appreciate it but there's way way way way better pixel artists out there. Deciever did an absolutely incredible UI concept and I just borrowed(stole) a lot of his ideas in terms of mood for the UI. The beach colors were just me throwing paint at shit until it worked.

Seriously look at this guy's work. Deciever makes my stuff look like ms paint day one shit with how much detail he can cram into an element.

The good news is that I am making it a game. The bad news is I can't into code so I'm baby tier.
>I appreciate it but there's way way way way better pixel artists out there.
sure thing but to the uninitiated the mockup you posted earlier is in the same ballpark. i can see the difference but almost nobody is going to be looking at them side by side and comparing. not trying to dissuade you from striving to be better of course, but a game like this would be a banger i think. good luck anon, hopefully you'll find a coder friend who shares your creative vision haha
You could try making the bodies 2 or 3 heads tall and see if you like it better. Personally I prefer when chibis have a neck. I'm >>7176754 btw
I meant I'm >>7176765 fuck
will your character sprites be flat or in perspective? just left right or up down as well?
your drawings are very appealing
LOOOL I was about to fucking kill you, thanks for not suplanting me, anon.
looks really good but i think the UI needs more contrast for readability's sake
Very nice anon, keep it up!
she's suppose to only have one half of the glasses, It's Momo from girls und panzer
So good this crushed my artistic self-esteem I didn't know I had left
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I’m a compete beg, but here are my opinions on your art.

Really really good, high pro. I think someone who can make such a pretty draft is very skilled

Same here, high pro. It’s very stylized and soulful, I admire that

T-t-that’s a quick sketch?
I love it it’s so cute literally adorable you’re awesome

I think your main problem is perspective. I would make her legs higher, as she should be a bit tipped over, and make her head a tad or half way lower, while bending her hips, to make it have composition. I like the way you drew the hands though

The main thing I’d focus on is the 1. Facial expression and where to put it and 2. The shoulders anatomy. They should be lean a bit back/forwards to make it look like she’s leaning in, here it looks a tad flat. i like the way you drew her hair! Very soulful

Adorable high pro there are no faults i can find i love it

Soul soul soul. High pro or medium int, depending on whether the stylization is supposed to be like that. If not, I’d recommend making the eyes wider apart and the hair a bit smaller.

High int, those are some of the cleanest sketches I’ve ever seen.

Soul. I love the composition and there’s nothing i can really critique you on, high/medium int

Sorry it’s not loading for me

Really good for a sketch, you have the skills 100% I’d recommend practicing some more though.

Love it, literal beauty.

I don’t really know what to say, sorry

I think low/medium int. The main thing i noticed that drags it down is the hair, mainly the ends, I’d make them have more texture.
Please rate this head i drew and sorry if my advice is wrong
Yeah it definitely does. I posted it in a /vg/ gamedev thread and they gave me a lot of good pointers. I definitely sacrificed readability/functionality for aesthetic and it doesn't work as well in practice.

The good news is that I managed to make a functional menu template in rpgmaker of all things that I can use as a base to create mock ups over which will help me tweak readability in a meaningful way. It also forces me to make something even better since limitation is the mother of creation.

Thanks friends I appreciate it a lot. It's nice having my art seen since it usually gets like 10 views on Twitter tops.
please reply >>7177314
I don't think my work is good enough to make people swoon all over it plus I already posted it on the other thread
2d sprites on a 2d map with parallaxing.

I've managed to make it work in a tile based system with 8 directional movement and keeping player sprites over/under parts as necessary.

All aspects including sprites are upscaled 3x from the original resolution of 640x360(my isometric idea I posted created too much anti aliasing at it's res so I needed to make it 640x360 instead)

The result is something like Diablo 1s movement system but instead of creating 3d models and rendering them into sprites. I just handmade them in clip studio. I made a lighting layer on top of all elements to keep atmosphere where needed
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Come on anon, pyw even if it isn’t that good now, you’ll get better
Thanks for responding. I'm most interested in whether the sprites are flat platformer style where they only face left or right on in perspective with the environment
>Sniper Joe
Is he really from Mega Man, he looks like from some anime.
Do you have more Mega Man art?
is that a game too?
Also do you have a tittle for your game yet?
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They're 8 directional corresponding to the input. The perspective is actually flat 8 directional but the sprite direction is made to appear in perspective like the old school. I basically took the rpg maker engine and found a way to turn it into an isometric game using some plugins.

Vermis is a fake game. It's not real but an art book pretending to be a guide to s supposed real game. Picrel is an example of it.

Buy yourself a copy of each one if you can. They're amazing inspo.
Thank you for the info and page anon.
so you're doing 5 different animations for each thing? do you mind showing some examples?
Effectively yeah. I'm not at home right now but I basically user some plugins to make something like what this guy did.


For testing purposes I'm only using 3 frames per movement. I'm not a pro by any means whatsoever. I'm an absolute beg "dev" who is hacking this mess together with tutorials.
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reee still in early parts of my next project, but I will shill regardless:

That skeleton looks super cool dude

>Thanks friends I appreciate it a lot. It's nice having my art seen since it usually gets like 10 views on Twitter tops.
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I like drawing bodybuilders.

Why even post here, are you that insecure? This is like a normal person pretending to be retarded so they can win the special Olympics. Or maybe more like a rich educated person taking a vacation to hang around underemployed 90 IQ losers. Just comes off as pathetic.
lol retard
Why do begs freak out when they step outside of their containment general and realize artists post here? It's so weird. This is an art board, people post their art here and always have.
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Good thread don't let it die
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How am I doing bros? Are these considered mid-tier /beg/? Appreciate any feedback
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You're doin fine Anon, I would work a bit more on colors and using harder edges for some of your blending. Your effects work is already really high level so it'd be better to focus on photo studies of human faces at different angles. I would try drawing 1 uber realistic face at a 3/4 view and then a few sketches for body proportions proportions. I feel like you're about 50 -70 finished pieces away from breaking through and getting to the level of someone like kuvshinov ilya if that makes sense. Keep it up
Thanks a ton Anon. Any pointer how to improve my color?
Limit yourself to 5-6 colors when starting out, depends on the mood you want to go for but I would also try to copy photography lighting from pictures you enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv-wlo8yVhk
The moment you stopped abusing rim light, your stuff became generic crap. My theory was spot on kek.
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Commission wip
I don't know how to harmonize the magic spells (I still have to put an ice spell)
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>Dogshit beginner
Yes I'm a beg
I draw with a mouse and it's a terrible idea
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all right there it is
PYW game theorist
HI Subu
Awesome crabby anon! saved
hi anon :)
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Attempted three-point perspective. Feel great about finishing this. Wouldn't mind some points for improvement.
Use perspective rulers so your buildings are converting properly, lol
other than that, the figures have several anatomical and proportion issues, you need more Loomis sweety
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Watch some videos from visdev artists/animators like Will Weston, TB Choi, Emilio Dekure, and Ethan Becker for some good ways to simplify the figure

David Finch videos for how to study (master copies)

Bridgman and Morpho for anatomy

Most importantly copy copy copy your favorite comic books then draw them from memory until they get ingrained in you

Major work needs to be done on the faces, pick an artist you like and study their faces

Backgrounds are honestly the least of your concerns right now
>Backgrounds are honestly the least of your concerns right now
Shit advice.
You should keep doing backgrounds along with your work.
>So you hate waffles
Tfw currently procrastinating instead of writing essay that’s due tomorrow
Amazing, everything posted in this thread looks perfect, nothig to improve on.

>no work posted
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Is that an actual anime character from somewhere?
Is than an OC?
Is the purple one Juri Han?, I see D.va and meleena? who are the others?
I had a grid. Mind you, this was probably my second time attempting three-point perspective seriously. The buildings were probably the hardest part of the whole image for me, since I had to completely redo them.

>Anatomical/proportion issues
Yes, yes, I am aware of that as well. I had to fix them many times because I altered their poses from what they initially were to improve what was an awkward composition.

Thanks for the redline, anon!!! Really is an eye-opener how much more dynamic I could've made their poses with just a little more practice and study!!!

I struggle with foreshortening/gesture, so, most of the time when I'm copying those types of poses or poses I'm not quite comfortable with, I end up shooting for 1:1 with whatever reference I'm using (though I did alter left and right's poses a bit to fit the perspective more).

Taking note of all these names and resources btw!! I do study Morpho for construction, but I didn't think I was good enough to understand Bridgeman properly yet. I DID try copying the first chapter or so of that one anatomy book of his and feeling like I was scratching my head a lot.

>copy... study... etc.
Gotcha... I've admittedly been slacking off a bit in certain areas of study (faces included). I find giving characters expressions to be a big area of struggle for me. I really like Ishida Sui's and Michaelangelo's faces among others. There are probably more artists whose faces I like but just can't remember at the moment...

I will just keep practicing and see what works.
>Calls something generic
>in a general of wanting to copy the most basic style of anime
>in a general of wanting to copy the most basic style of anime
Do you have mental issues? This is a random PYW thread, not ASG or some other shit like that.
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nice , but he's missing somethin'!
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anime slop
nice armpit
lately i just doodle usagi im trying to get faster
damn that looks dope actually
is it lickable
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i dont have any advice perse since i took a retardedly long time to get where i am but i've held a few jobs in animation so if anyone has a question maybe i can help

https://x.com/martinmp77 < socials for ref
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Sorry I've got no advice
subu I know this isn't the best advice and I know it's not ai but please fix the eyes, the pupils make it look off

Don't hold yourself back, buy a stylus or a cheap tablet, you can find some for up to 40-50 bucks usd which are about as good as a gaming mouse if you think about it.

colors are dull but cute

on model



pro tier hatchwork


Your stuff is cute, I'de recommend focusing on flats for shading for now. For the nose, proportionally a good rule of thumb is the bottom of the nose is generally higher up than how low the bottom of the ears are. (When at eye level) hope this helps.

I'm sure dimitri took years to hone his craft, you're doing really well anon, keep up the pixel work.
It doesn't make sense, nature has given me nothing but daily degradation. I feel like I'm going crazy, I understand howie
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gave it another whirl, didn't think it was that bad since I wanted to try and be more loose with it. I think this looks better
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she's cute, who is this?
solid work, if there's anything to point out it's some minor things like the paper hanging off the table next to her left foot could be altered to follow the form of the table, and some other background details like the legs of the table at the far left.
nice, do you have any special figure drawing tips that you haven't seen mentioned elsewhere?
loleye of the taiga, nice work! much better, I think if you wanna be loose with it that works too but just be consistent with the pupil placement or make the dark shading go all the way across. Keep up the good work
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sorry for the low quality photo, i have been winging this painting, by directly copying that one fear and loathing drawing, then I did random shit and now i don't know what to do. Is this shit?
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I'd encourage anyone trying to get better at figure drawing, specially if you're trying to get your drawings to have more "soul" to get into animation.
I don't mean going full on into it but at least watch some videos on the 12 principles, there's like a million videos on yt + the og book, then try to make something move, nothing exposes the flaws in your drawing faster than having to think how your character will move. You're also forced into making a lot of drawings for a single action, pushing you into decisions you never have to make normally, like keeping your volumes consistent, communicating movement in as few lines as possible and not spending 20 min in every frame, it helps you increase your drawing mileage really fast and not worry about how things look rather than them "feeling" right.

Another thing I try to do is treating every pose like a key drawing (like they do in pose to pose animation), looking up reference and making the pose myself if it's nothing crazy, then take mental notes of where the weight is and try to translate that into the page, it becomes a lot more drawing the "feel" of the pose rather than being super methodical about it.

Finally don't copy from those generic reference picture packs where people are standing still in supposedly dynamic poses, unless you're studying something specific those are useless, that's not how real movement works, the best reference is movies/shows/random videos where people move naturally and u can see the intent behind the action, even if you get shit screenshots from them it's x10 better than someone forcing themselves into that pose and freezing in place.

If u wanted practical advice like how to break down and study poses I can maybe do that too.

pic rel is from the lastman comic which is the best example i can thing of, made by people working in animation with an innate sense for movement, the detail is minimal but the action reads perfectly imo.
>If u wanted practical advice like how to break down and study poses I can maybe do that too.
Yeah, is there any methodical way to go about this? It feels almost impossible to come up with a method to commit all the poses of the body to memory. I try to simplify it to a collection of body parts (head, ribcage, pelvis, legs) and then memorize the "2D shape" by reducing it to a few easy-to-remember lines but this still doesn't work. Is it just mileage like you said or what
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my recent work
>she's cute, who is this?
cynthia but younger
...now where's your advice?
Paying attention to line weight will make your line art more dynamic and interesting to look at
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If Harold were an anime girl
advice for what?
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hey I really like your work and look up to you, I'm curious about
>don't copy from those generic reference picture packs where people are standing still in supposedly dynamic poses
I use those kind of generic gesture drawing videos to learn how to represent the human body on paper, and the poses are usually complicated with rotated waists and stuff that makes it challenging to draw, and I think it helps? I don't know but tell me what you think; I'm curious. (I get the argument that it's not "movement", but it would still help a lot to learn to draw anatomy itself, right?)
not much advices
study refs as close as you can to learn how to copy shape
understand basic 3d form of the ref
as for figures doing tons of 2min gesture for the visual library and doing long study for figure
when you are decent at those do a study of artists and specific things like clothes or anatomy
that's how I learn at least. Doing a full personal work once in a while also helps to know what you are missing.
also my favorite book and course for figure is the steve huston one
best figure resource ever but you need to grind studying figure which is what most people need
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thanks anon
What an odd way to draw hair. So many instances of hair fusing together, having gaps, splitting off, varying oddly in thickness, and misplaced outlines.
It's just drawing the outer silhouettes and drawing gaps, anime hair doesnt really make sense in terms of actual hair. All that matters is interesting shapes
it's "AI-assisted".
Gaps are not the only thing strange about the hair. The clump of hair on the right has a clay-like indentation, a hole in it, bends at a right angle, fuses with other hair, fuses with other hair again, then splits off.
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no nigga, pic rel is a pro anime artist and the hair does swirly bullshit like this, almost like water. you'd have to show anon how you'd personally do it
Not yours you crab piece of shit
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I think the pose is stiff as fuck but atleast i finished it
It's just personal style bro
That shit looks like AI to me.
>unsourced blurry cropped image
>looks like shit
I have hundreds of anime drawings saved and they all have more organized hair than this abomination you posted
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Here's my work. :3
Very marketable! I can see Hallmark stores carrying tie in merchandise.
Thank you. :3
>”I'm so tired of being bad”
>not even that bad
if you sketched it a bit slower and put some more thought in, it’d look better
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Artist is ASK, has millions of followers on Weibo and 600k on Twitter, who are you again?
please drop all the advice you can, when you've thought it's too much , write even more !
>we've come to a point where art imitates AI
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how pawellesque
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img is pretty self explanatory, this is the model i use for studying and my own drawings.
>every drawing he posts is below 1920x1080 resolution
We're talking about anime art, and you post art made by a Chinese """person"""
You're right, I misspoke when I said they're useless, it's probably the best way to study anatomy and form but my point still stands for moving poses and how to depict them, at least imo.
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checked sovl
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i tried to piece together some methodical way to go about construction but my way of doing it doesnt make sense and it's something different every time. That led me to the other small advice i can give is that it'll happen to you too if it hasn't already (and i mean that in a good way), there's no one way to get results and you'll find yourself latching to certain habits that work for u with time, the only key is repetition and working on your weakpoints.
Anyway I tried to put together a troubleshoot guide for when u get stuck.
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but it is tho
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recent work
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and current WIP
I can't tell if you're trolling or genuinely retarded. I regret responding to both of you, I never thought I'd see the day that I'd see anons shitting on ASK. Opinions now discarded...
you're goated for this, cmere lemme kiss you mmmuah
it is : D
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flowers are hard to draw
might add some koi fish to the water
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Made this some months ago, I don't think its bad, there's a lot of room to improve in my opinion.
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idea for a comic from years ago. My hypocritical advice is dont be lazy
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Doodling while working, only got pens though. I really gotta draw more, I’ve been slacking

I get it’s about showing the gun off, but the straight pose makes it look goofy. Making it look like he’s actually holding up something heavy makes the gun look cooler. Or maybe this is a 40k reference I’m missing

Sea bunny cute! I don’t get what you mean by beads though, those are clearly shells.

The details are good, but maybe like a gradient on the red? It feels off as is…
Remember humans have perspective too, showing multiple angles on people help push the dynamics.
Do some face grinding. That’s the biggest issue I can see at least.


When I see images like this I prefer some skin over the bone with an X-ray look. I feel like when done like yours the transition is too harsh. Maybe some skin flaps over it would help? Just my opinion.
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Current work wip or shit
Im lazy ass retard
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Her face is kinda odd dunno why i am feeling this way
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Damn, this is a very good correction.
Now draw her but with her nipples and pussy exposed for me.
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I can indeed try.

Thank you and the anon who corrected my axis bunny's pic.
That was bullshit dude
?? what do you mean
He's getting mad that anon did a quick correction that is better than he could do and satisfy you while seething about it. The person who made those changes could very well have corrected the whole picture but chose to correct the most important parts, otherwise it would just be free work from a different artist at that point
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Finished this last night. I think I made some tones a bit too light and didn't vary the shadow running from his chest to his side enough That said I'll consider it done.

Basically make thumbnails always because once I finished sketching it turned out very different from what I expected.
cute, i recommend you post blog and post more around here more often.

also your chin line's kinda messed up, and you'd be surprised how big heads are upwards, like cranium is very tall. You don't have to make it realistic high, but even for unrealistic, its a much too short no? very cute and charming otherwise, which is what is most important.
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Drew someones OC
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Originally this was supposed to have a background
Motherfucker this is /ic/, if there were no professional artists, where's the critique? Take your insecurity elsewhere or keep drawing until you get better.
great stuff. blog?
I mean, i am still grateful for the corrections. Legit just want to make my girls cuter
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Trying to do more colored/rendered stuff lately
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did this one earlier today for a friend
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ah shit im retarded
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i'm ngmi
nice drawing
nice draw
looks rad
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i love dcruelty squabsd
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cburelty squd + helmet
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Here is a quick copy i made after fairly long break. I feel like i have forgotten a lot so can someone help me get my bearings?

it's a good idea to start from the beginning of this guide, just to cover any missing links in your knowledge you might have.

I have drawn some okayish heads before but never gotten a nice figure down. The order in the guide makes sense, ty anon.
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Just finished this Morrigan Spiderman pic.... <3
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When painting, visulaize things in terms of loose shapes and space, rather than specific subjects or objects.
Kinda looks like the Kenshin samurai armor
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I personally believe there are 2 types of artist.

Type 1 is a type that draws and doesn't think to critically about art, their intuit a lot of information and soak things up through action. These artist are either really good because they take in information extremely readily and quickly or very bad because although they take in enough information to be good, they rest on their ability and simple go with the flow. Both of these artist tend to have a terrible time explaining their process.

Type 2 would be the type of artist that I feel most of the folks in IC are. Hungry for information, but find the process of learning art to not be as intuitive due to their nature. The analytical type

If you are type 2, then prepare to eat a lot of shit. I personally believe that type 2s have the highest failure rate of becoming artist, not because they are worse, but because the nature of being analytical really removes from the "FUN" of drawing on average. It's a catch 22! You want to draw cool shit, but you gotta draw boring shit to be able to draw the cool shit and any time you try to draw the cool shit before you've done the boring shit you hate it because it looks like shit.

So if you get filtered, honestly it's not the worse thing in the world. I got filtered very early on too, but during that period I still ingested a lot of tutorials and material and when I came back the information I had processed did assist me! I was able to at least make a product I was happy with and it was pretty much it from there.

Being faced with failure for every attempt you make IS a difficult process especially if you see it as failure (Which lets be honest most of you are gonna see it as failure) I'm not gonna be retarded and tell you to "Think like Type 1" If you could just do that we'd all be fantastic (Or dogshit) If you're Type 2 all I can do is validate you.

It is dog shit cancer, it does suck, but it gets better. If you can't draw cool shit without upsetting yourself, grind fundies.
the biggest thing that has fucked me over personally too was just NOT MAKING ART. After 9 years of grinding the fundamentals, I have not made more than 50 total finished drawings. Years and years of figure drawing, and now, all I'm good at is figure drawing. If I had been making finished pieces all this time, I think I would've had a much larger visual library, would have a much stronger artistic identity, and would've learned how to direct my studies towards a more specific end goal. 9 years of effort, and hte only thing I can do is copy down nude figures from a photo reference... honestly I feel like killing myself sometimes.
>9 years of drawing and supposed grinding
And here you are, with nothing to write home about. Unironically I've seen random idiots on Twitter drawing honkai star rail and Blue archive with only 2 years of hanging around other anime artists make more progress with actual appealing and hireable art than this.
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>9 years of effort, and hte only thing I can do is copy down nude figures from a photo reference... honestly I feel like killing myself sometimes.
I'm...not sure I follow. The green alien girls are your work, right? Don't know what the other retard is talking about, it automatically has more merit than any fan art especially fucking gacha fan art. And it's very nice.
If that's where you're at, then just keep doing more of that, while improving upon it. That's literally what art is about. That's your "Type 1" or whatever. Why are you being so down on yourself, when you've already managed more than the giga creativity-lets of /ic/ ever do?
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My opinion has always been, you become better by doing. Whatever you do (While pushing your currently limit/ability), that is what you'll improve at.

Talent is just how fast you can pickup the skill, some training methods help people pickup things quicker for some people. (Knowing your talented doesn't change the fact that you need to work hard and maximize your strengths so it's useless to think about, just know what you're good at and what you're bad at and what you want to be able to do and why)

Practice should only ever serve the end goal which is making the art you want to see in the world. Imagine lifting weights without knowing how many reps you're doing, or how heavy they are or knowing what sport/fitness goal you're training for. It'll end up aimless, just better than doing nothing but still not optimal unless you have an instinct for doing things you find difficult then you'll just improve naturally as a result of your choices .
As someone who others have labeled me as 'talent' I agree with this take generally. I've seen my friend go from beg to actually really good and I would say even my level. A whole year I haven't completed one sketchbook... versus some people who complete like six thick sketchbooks. Rabbit and tortoise type deal. They might be closer to actually completing projects they want to do than me.
Nigga nobody will buy this nor care about it. their designs tell me nothing and the drawing is full technical errors like gesture, anatomy, form, etc. The girl in the back has a flat as hell back that oddly high armpits. Both girls have overly straight, stiff arms, with the gun being seen awkwardly head on, when it feels like it should be slightly turned to the side. Front girl's neck is way too long and her mouth way too low, giving her look like shes a giraffe.
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still working
we're not the same people. I was just agree'ing with the green anime girl poster

...that was the point of my post

>le no one will buy this
No one cares you dumb permabeg faggot. I could sell a commission right now (I'm not joking even a little bit), it's retardedly easy if you're not totally inept at drawing, that has never been the bar. It's much harder to do something that has an ounce of originality and style to it, and I can say green-alien anon has accomplished that, I liked his work enough to save it to my folder and maybe look at it fondly in the future. You ever done anything like that in between your nitpicking?
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Went to sleep after posting this reply

I mean at least you prove you have more dedication than most, if you got the mindset to grind fundies for 9 years then drawing from imagination or with the goal of having fun now that you HAVE skills should be far easier to you than any beg would find it.

I'm not the anon that posted the blurb under my art I believe he just wants to echo my sentiment, all the say though. I do believe your right, Random twitter people drawing Honaki and Blue would be more profitable, but I also have enough skill to easily pivot and join then in like what a year? People who tend to enjoy mass produced popular material aren't often the most pickiest people, they just want more product.

Again we are not the same anon, but I do appreciate your kind words! The piece in question was an attempt to try to break from my mold. I have a hard time with overthinking shit and I've been told to literally do the opposite.

Again if you CAN do that then you are already one step ahead. This isn't a physical stop gap, it's literally just a mental one, to all the people who truly can have fun and not let an image being dog shit stop them RIGHT OUT THE GATE. those people will at least have MORE FUN. I have a friend who doesn't practice for shit and it shows, but he has way more fun than me. He doesn't have a hung for improvement, nor higher goal that he's aiming for looking down on him, he's more free than me and I envy that on a mental level.

Oh again it is riddled with errors, be as nitpicky as you want. I've studied fundies, but only enough to get my foot in the door of making images that I can find appeal. If your eye is so critical I can only imagine how down on yourself you must be with your own art. Either way I hope it serves you well and pushes you towards you're artistic goals. Thank you for the critique.

No need to defend me, I'm happy with myself and my product! It was a fun!
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(Me again)
Honestly I'm a bit of a 1.5 I guess? I'm analytical enough for it to be destructive, I practice enough to improve artistically, but I'm not so attached to my analytical nature to let my major mistakes in my artwork stop me from producing my works anymore. I constantly become satisfied and unsatisfied with my work on a monthly to yearly basis. Sometimes I see people with amazing technical skills that make me want to be like them, and sometimes I see people with amazing creativity and it makes me want to be like them. They all have their merit, but at the end of the day I'm on a journey (And all that gay noise) I kinda just have to do what works for me and eventually I'll get to my destination. I'm not where I want to be right now and I won't be for the longest time, but I can get the job done when required and actually have a following of people who enjoy my works.

I'm not the greatest artist and yeah I make a lot of mistakes, but I try not to lock myself down too much by my lack of fundies or my lack of creativity I just do what I can because that is literally the best I can do and the most people can ask for.
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You'd be surprised to find out who comes off as pathetic to everyone else.
>Daily reminder that literally all criticism that comes without work posted is worthless. 99.99999% of posters here are dogshit beginners.
this is true. and not only dogshit beginners, but extremely bitter and hateful. never let nitpicky comments on your art get you down, the nitpicker probably hasn't drawn in a month.
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I'm 100% a type 2, but my analysis led me fairly quickly to the fact that a type 1 mindset and course of action is superior for creating appealing artwork from imagination.
So I'm hyper critical, but I try to improve by just doing it more instead of seeking information or reasoning through things. Still stressful tho.
Nice piece btw
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Yep that's what I believe is the way! If you're Type 2 then realize the advantages of Type 1 and gradually try to bring yourself into Type 1 territory if not Type 1.5!

Also lovely piece yourself Anon, though I would say the head seems kinda small! Is that by design?
Nice. Source?
I made it, the source is me. I got by Zamoshvik or ZAQ in these parts
Nice, anon. Thank you.
I was never good enough at figure drawing to make my own hentai.
I do have a soft spot for LWA. Was a great anime.
Seems stylistically consistent. Colors are good, but I would push for even more dramatic lighting. She is under tree cover.
True enough I should really start playing with lighting in a far more realistic way, but as it stands I'm currently in that sorta baby bitch "Sorta good at coloring" mindset where I don't want to push my luck
Thank you! And yeah it's on purpose, she's over 8 feet tall. I appreciate the constructive critique though.
I was worried about her torso being too short though. I struggle with that a lot, as well as making arms too short, among other things
I would have increased the shadows for the second half as she’s under tree cover.
Miles ahead of me at least
Btw what software are you using?
My values are my weakest area when it comes to coloring. So I'll have to try and push them eventually.
You’re a level above me but try practicing color matching.
Why Sucy though? Commission or personal taste?
Color Matching? Also It was pretty much a commission.
Ihave a book on painting. It’s mostly value matching and color theory. Probably doesn’t apply to digital pieces.
The piece is pretty standard for lwa. I remember the show having a lot of flat pastel colors anyway.
Yeah I tried to match the very desaturated tone of the character while also adding some warmth to it? It doesn't stop the fact that I do need to play more with harder shadow values AND think more about where my light is coming from and how that will effect the figure. I don't really draw backgrounds much, very use to the white void space "Don't think about it" Method of doing things, but I am putting in an effort to try and create better images with more things in them. EVENTUALLY I WILL STUDY VALUES, but for now I feel like my biggest weakness is in my perspective and form drawing skills, so I'm holding back on colors and value because I very much believe I am "Good Enough" for what is required of me on the internet space at large. True be told most people eat slop and my slop is just more slop to the slop pile.

After I get better at perspective and form I'm gonna go to anatomy and then after anatomy Color shit.
Good luck to you. Have any sfw stuff I can check out?
Not really! I hope to one day go down the path, but for now it's not really something I can focus on.

Takes a lot of effort to be a SFW artist (Who doesn't just draw FOTM and Fandom content)
Gotcha, anon. Best of luck. I probably won’t draw coom, but I need to get back to practicing too
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A drawing I made for a friend
Oh Hello Blondie anon, I remember you from the /beg/ thread...Any new work?

The shapes are not that well defined so it makes the picture more hard to read but other than that, it's really good.

Insane amount of talent and sovl

Nice, a bit too sketchy for my taste, but good!

Beautiful study, you defined the values well, it's nice to look at.

God. I love these, it's so well put together, if this was a series I would definitely check it out. So I you reached your goal I believe.

Very nice, could use more details tho, to bring more of the personality of the art and characters. But not bad
I have a feeling not all of these are sincere..
no work posted
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Hi (It's me >7210112 again) I wanted to mention something that may be obvious but at the same time could be good for people to hear.

Try to be more attentive directly during your practices of the fundies. Don't just tackle it like you're running on a treadmill or lifting weights. Someone said previously that KNOWING what you want to do helps guide the training you're doing, but I'm more talking about being in the moment during your training.

Some people will just practice and get it done like it's busy homework, but what I feel is more important is the conscious focus on what you're doing it and why you're doing it from a moment to moment basis. Don't just draw cube or dissect forms, understand WHY you're dissecting forms and drawing cubes. Understand yourself and create an internal logic for how you do things, not only will your muscle memory be sharper, but your knowledge of what you've done and are doing will stick harder in you brain than just getting the mileage out! Even if it's just a simple thing referring to it so you can commit it to the most immediate parts of your brain can only be helpful (At least in my experience, but take that with a grain of salt I guess. I don't take in information all too well and often have to constantly rehash and rehearse with myself.)
this is still a wip and im trying to better my rendering can someone give me a critique on how im doing so far? what can i improve ? any feed back would be amazing
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Bus Stop in the Morning
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>Oh Hello Blondie anon, I remember you from the /beg/ thread...Any new work?
Hi. Good to be remembered.
Recently I've been doing a handful of art that I'm posting all around the board. Lots of Yeah! Buttons, one retarded joke involving goth milfs and a bunch of chibis of varying canvas sizes (one of which being a NSFW proof of concept).
But in regard of "Full Power" pieces, I only have this that I havent shown around yet. I havent found my balance in this rendering technique, it looks all over the place and I hate it.

I will give this thread another shot.
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Again, if anyone wants me to pic a critique topic for you, be that rendering, it sucks on a fundamental level and I know...

From the thumbnail it's difficult to tell it's all drawn, specially with the way you did the street lighting and texturing. Everything here looks well put together! Two things, though... First, it would have been nicer if you created a cleaner shine effect for all lights (or maybe an astigmatism effect), they look kind of amateurish compared to everything else, specially the white spotlights. Also, I know it's realistic colors and all, but didnt you feel the need to harmonize the colors a little for that grass/dirt? Looks kind of out of place in terms of color harmony.
That is a very cute style, specially on the faces minus the top left, which is equally great in it's own unsettling way. You seem to manage both worlds pretty well, that is an underrated skill in my opinion...
Cute style, good anatomy, eyes a little too big but not invasively so. You may want to be careful with that, I feel.
Rendering is a little underwhelming on the highlights, but that color picking is amazing, dont let anyone take that away from you. That said, I really dont think strong highlights could reach the inner hair strands that way, so be cautious of that too.
Psychedelic, not my tea of cup, but I dig it. It's a little difficult to make sense of shapes and items at first glance though, like you can barely tell she is sitting on a pool/lake/water body unless you start scanning the piece. Overall, good job!
I envy your ability to put things together in a comfortable, creative and easy to digest composition. Hot dayum.
First ping was the wrong post lmao, I meant my own >>7212224. I dont even know what the moon runes say, but I wager it's something based.
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Put the finishing touches on this just now. I'm rewatching Harukana Receive and wanted to draw a backside so I drew Marissa since I like moms a lot.
How'd I manage?
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sketching birds in backyard
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Most recent one of my DnD character.
> Plays DnD
> Good art
absolutely BASED
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It was a nice compliment :)
Thank you!
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I have found that increases in my skill have only ever stuck when I stopped comparing my work to others/the stuff I'm trying to learn from and only compared it to my previous pieces. Focusing on age or "where you should be" or anything else besides personal progress only causes regression imo.
Aussie detected
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I finished this last night after pouring whatever time I could into it after work.

This is my time doing digital or properly coloring a piece so any criticism is appreciated
You have neat shapes and some cool cloth. The face does seem a bit flat though. Almost like stickers.

Great job for a first time coloring digitally though.

And yeah I wasn’t sure of how to give depth to the face. I had to redraw the eyes like three times until I could give the irises a shape I was happy with.

I’m still pretty hard in the beginner camp but have been off and on with drawing for a long time now. Stop and go type of deal
>post work
>get ignored, or looked down
whats the point?
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It's okay, anon, happens to the best and worst of us. I also got ignored (twice, even), but Im better off not thinking about it.

Tell me which one is your work, I'll give you a critique.
extremely rare generational talent, on pair with proko but prolly mentally challenged unlike proko.
Not Japanese
Not Japanese either
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The progression of a piece.
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Progression of a Piece
It's a sign of becoming somewhat decent imo.
Not bad enough to get memed on, but also not great enough to be praised.

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