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>0: Thread for people who are interested in trades.

1: Post a brief backstory if your original character has one.

2: Character design critique and discussion is welcome.

3: Keep it fairly SFW. Lewds are fine but no explicit porn.

4: This is NOT a request thread. Artists ONLY. No spamming original characters/infodumps without proof of prior delivery.

5: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

6: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

7: Leave all the chit-chat out unless to thank drawfrens. Draw more and talk less.

Previous Thread: >>7118785
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This thread's optional theme is: The OFFICIAL Verified Art Trade BEACH EPISODE!
Come play some volleyball with your friends at the beach, sip a martini, or simply bask in the glory of the sun. Enjoy your vacation however you like, and most importantly: Have fun!
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I am once again asking for this anon's character

>pic unrelated just fits the theme
beautiful edge control
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ty! those eyeglasses go pretty well with her, there is something cozy in your lines. and dude, don't get me wrong, but are you doing this without a tablet?

ty, glad you liked. probably Evangelion and Mike Mignola's art.

sorry i didn't see your message there, mine was the goat girl (>>7122948), but please don't put effort in this trade, my part was lame.
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just practicing painting
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This is Cendra, she's a fire mage and in fact the High Mage of her kingdom. She was adopted out of a Bazaar as a Grub by the previous High Mage to be his successor.

She's kind of a fish out of water However because she lives like a normal ass Medieval European kingdom and is the only bug person in the whole place. As a result she puts on a front of having a sort of fiery personality but is actually pretty timid.
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You got it boss, just a sketch then
I hope I'm not bothering but
>>7169405 I did a Moai too
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Please excuse the quality, I am at work right now. I hope I did a good job, anon.
not at all, what would you like me to draw?
Aye thank you lad! Any OC for return?
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I haven't forgotten about you T<T)
It might be a couple of days before I finish my return.
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Shinoko Todo

Likes: Summer - green yukata - board games - seafood
Hates: Snowy winters

17 years old - defensive - mature - sharp-tongued

She has an adult personality and acts rationally most of the time, however, she has a sharp tongue and likes to be defensive about herself or the people closest to her.

Strongly dislikes anyone who behaves badly or rudely, especially Nimiko and Sakura

She has a good personality with a few of her classmates due to her sharp temperament, but her dearest friend is Ichiko, and she treats her kindly and defends her most of the time.

Suffers from bipolar disorder, she goes through many episodes of depression and mania in irregular ways, sometimes rapidly changing between episodes of melancholy and delirium along temper tantrums and extreme impulsivity.
Damn, its Shinobu from No More Heroes
really cute!
have an oc?
i loved that one
Thanks it's looking good so far
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Thank you anon, she looks great! You managed to capture her character perfectly. Saved to my oc folder.
thats cute
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Thanks! I haven't made a full reference sheet of her yet, but it's this one.
Her name is Delia, she's a vampire girl somewhere in her ealy 20s. As for her personality, she's pretty bubbly and outgoing, and pretty bad at hiding her emotions.

Thank you!
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21-year-old tomboy, socially inept and easily flustered
Kinda forgot I did these but anyways here ya sketches.wip. Prob do something more finished when I have more time
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Forgot the pic
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Line art practice
Please give me some critique
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Laidback unserious goofball- maybe a little smug. He would keep a Nintendo switch in his cargo short's pocket if those were around in 2004.

It looks really nice however id recommend the lines on the hair to become thinner when pointing out compared to becoming slim when near the head. Also a thick outline across the whole outside of your drawing by a few pixels might look cool too
Thanks, I'll try it a bit later.

>Also a thick outline across the whole outside of your drawing by a few pixels might look cool too
I dunno, don't really like that kind.
Thinking line could be a bit thinner. Like a something that you did on the pic.
Really love this wack. Can you told more about him? Why he's purple?

>Thinking line could be a bit thinner. Like a something that you did on the pic.
Are you going for a more consistent line weight across the entire drawing? If that's the case you could try to lower your pen pressure settings on your brush

>Really love this wack. Can you told more about him?
Visually I made him look as much as a dork as possible but in reality he only looks like one. He doesn't even like videogames that much but thinks the merchandise looks cool. He doesn't have any real hobbies besides annoying his family but somehow acts like he's smart and cool despite being kind of a looser. Think tallest purple sort of vibes from invader zim.

I'm never too good with character descriptions sorry lol

>Why he's purple?
Most of my character's just have random non human skin colours just because I think it's more unique and appealing then actual skin tones
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>Are you going for a more consistent line weight across the entire drawing? If that's the case you could try to lower your pen pressure settings on your brush
Yeah, that's works. Look way better for me, thanks!

>I'm never too good with character descriptions sorry lol
That's fine. You have done good job with the design, he looks really nerdy and even younger than 20

>I think it's more unique and appealing then actual skin tones

Also, i draw him with the next post. Your style is kinda hard to mimic, but fun to play with.
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Here he is. Just standing there... Menacingly!
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Looks incredibly cute, thank you so much! Love the way you draw faces. Yours is this one >>7156958 right?
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You drew him so well! Thank you so much!! Here's your guy in return >:D
Hell yeah! >:)

Nta but kneel
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She's annoyed. Urgh

Oh shit, she looks great!
love the blend effect you gave her arms, and the background effect.
Throw/link me an OC.
Thanks for the kind words, mine is this vampire girl! >>7182432
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I didn't realise how long ago this was posted until I had already finished...
Glad you liked, and ya that one's mine
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Here you go, love how grumpy he looks. His clothes have so many details
That’s friggin awesome dude. Thank you.
What the most absurd fun fact about your oc you have?
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She was adopted from an orphanage because the mercenary that went their to recruit young boys thought it was hilarious that an 8yo girl was happily carrying a sheep on each shoulder to their paddock. (she's not human)

Pretty tame honestly ngl.
Blogs ? Please
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My dragon ball Oc
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He looks strong...
Thank you
Honestly, his power level falls somewhere between Yamcha's and Goku's Saiyan Saga, but beyond that, he stands no chance.
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Cute Oc
le bump
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The two of them look like they'd get along, so have a nice photo of them!

Thanks, it's yozoranii_ on Twitter
Forgot to mention, the bottom right one where she eats a burger is not from me.
And for the chibis I used a base from Naoki Saito.
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This is so cute and nice
I drew your vampire girl >:D
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Thanks anon! Here is your girl in the return
I usually don't draw anime btw so decided to stylize her
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These are Bacchus and Lyann.

They're meant to be a 10 years old minotaur (with a goat's head) farm boy and a 13 years old human farmgirl with red hair, hugging in a barn while smiling at the camera, but after hundreds of tries with AI, this is as close as it gets.

And I guess the AI is kind of too used to lewd or at least romantic-like pictures? I couldn't get the youngsters idea fully past it after hundreds of tries.

Could you recommend me a site or something for this, please?
Pick up a pencil and learn to draw. It will open up so much for you.
I used to draw, but then I got chronic glaucoma and ended up 85% blind. Npt fun at all.
Hell, I used to run a quest thread here in 4chan but they got rid of sound-based captcha, and now it takes me like 20 minutes per captcha since I can barely see anything at all.
Reminder to not entertain people who do not draw.
Looks incredibly cute, thank you so much! Your shapes are so good. Feel free to post your oc! (And blog please)

Thanks, she looks so happy! Did you already post your oc?

Super cute, thank you!
Glad you like it,Yes the oc I posted is : >>7192327
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I hardly if ever draw men, especially not muscular ones, but I tried. Here you go
That's so cute thank you
No your problem is you're retarded and should jump off a bridge
>Feel free to post your oc! (And blog please)
Oh you've already drawn my character lol (the purple guy)
My xitter is PeaPeasNPeas
How do you see result then? Why your characters is literally 10 and 13 years old?
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Critiques appreciated
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Good shit brudda, even Holden would approve
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Paskau-anon, here you are, I finally finished it.
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Looks good thxs
Not sure whether theirs another OC you want me to do for this thread
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I draw Shadaloo Dolls so...i guess i am taking some Shadaloo Doll trades
Lol, you're good, thank you.
Kinda had to color adjust with my camera but here's a collage to bump the thread
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Cute!! Post your oc!
here's a doodle :D
can everyone spam more ocs? its nice to have options, especially if they're generic / straight forward cute girl designs.
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My contribution
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artistic liberties :)
You made him very moe i love it! Post your oc!
I remember seeing her get plapped
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Me too
Really old OC/NPC I wanted to use for a ttrpg. This is a puffin librarian, which I haven't decided a name for. I have another OC but im going to see any OC i wanna draw here first
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pic didn't get attached
how about this one? thanks :)
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NTA but i love this :)
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Thanks for drawing my vampire girl again, she looks great in this. Love how lively your poses are. Idk if you've seen it, but I drew your oc aswell >>7189304

Even as a dragon she looks plenty cute. Thank you very much!
Hell yea
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Thank you for drawing my character again :D
these are so cute!!!!! ouuuuu thank you!!
Glad you liked it
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Still working on this character but she the daughter of one my other one name Karn. Still thinking of a name but for them all their names ends in -bun.
She mostly speaks in quacks/duck like her father when angry
NTA but nice
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Thanks, I'm not sure if you have an OC you want me to do for a trade
>Shadaloo Dolls
What are these?
M Bison's little battle harem from street fighter
which is why I'm confused with what this guy is offering
like, is he just in the wrong place, or if he's saying he'll draw your oc in the outfit
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Forgot to reach back to you from the previous thread after you drew my character. Had to whip this one up for you just now, you don't need to draw me anything in return anon. Thanks again <3
so cute.. thank you!
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Some quick sketches but here ya go. Might do something more refined later though with a pose
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More Sketches.wip since the board is moving fast
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Other bunch of characters(most of them have black shoes because I'm lazy) for a thing that i'm working on for the future. In my opinion, I'm pretty bad with color palettes. So please give me some advice.
I'll make individual model sheets for the first 4 oc's(they are the main ones) later.
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Model sheets make me realize that I'm barely understand how to draw my own characters
post ocs
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Your OC in the outfit. Sorry. x3

(kinda weird i didnt get a "you")
see now I'm kinda interested
let me see the character I would draw for you
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Fine, i am looking to improve upon my overpowered OC heroine Etsuko here.

So, i think id like if you drew her and tweaked around with her design at your preference or just in a lewd outfit like a bunnygirl or maid uniform.
Lookup hard edges vs soft and when to use them, ditch the airbrush shading until you get the hang of that.
Yeah, kinda am havintg troubles knowing how to shade for sure...

any tutos in mind?
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oh, I've drawn this girl before
but what's one more time
oh my god i have not seen this before.

I did see the one of her being fucked against a wall, tho.
again thank yous
no this was the one done before

this is the one I did now
oh well, so...which oc or chara should i draw as a shadaloo doll for you?
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right, I just didn't wanna leave any characters without doing something first
here's Tina and Judy
I'd say I'd think Judy, the dark skin, would look cute in it, but whichever between them you'd prefer to do
any character you'd like me to draw?
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Sure my character is this one here >>7205724 though like I wrote I'm still working on em but their face prob gonna be more like this. Just trying to get in the habit of sketching them out quickly still
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Here's another one
Sorry if the other ocs I drew here look rushed. I wanted to at least get a couple out before posting mine. Pretty tired right now. Might redraw them with more effort tmrow
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i'm back pals!
made her for this thread

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