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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Draw copies from good anime styled references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Recommended Resources:

/mmg/ - Manga Making General:

Previous Thread: >>7152952
Guess I'm the first post, is there anything super off.
Wow there’s my drawing in there mom I’m famous on the Taiwanese incel website!
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cute, characters boobs on model are bigger tho
>Why You Should Copy Anime
Can you actually get better at drawing by just mindlessly copying?
who says its mindless you fucking tard
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>Can you actually get better at drawing by just mindlessly copying
have you seen the work of the copyfags when they arent copying??? yeah thats your answer
so no, then

/shrug, what are you thinking about then?
Yes, me. But only do it once if you are new at drawing it.
>/shrug, what are you thinking about then?
stop asking to be spoonfed, its clear you don't want to do any effort yourself
your first assumption when being told to do something was if you could put the least effort possible in doing it
>your first assumption when being told to do something was if you could put the least effort possible in doing it
Uh, no, it wasn't. It was a question, not an assumption. Asking questions is the opposite of assuming. You stupid retard.
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Found my old colored pencils while cleaning so doodled some oc with them
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A little bit of tilt here and a bit of angle there, but the biggest takeaway is that the groin/lower hip line seems to be really distant from the lower torso, making the whole midsection under the skirt seem long.
Also chopped up and liquefied an edit for a less transformative version.
Why did he do this?
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3d reference killed the peeking pose
Yep, the first pose is more fluid, the one that uses 3d might be more accurate in proportions but a lot more stiff because it lacks nuances which happens when you trace, especially when you trace over stiff 3d models
Long asf torso. Ribcage too wide and beefy. Makes her arms look too short
is this in response to the edit or the original art.
Hmm, yeah, the arms ended up too short, yeah.
Don't agree about the torso though, it's within the range.
No I'm talking about the redline, some parts are better but overall is kind of mediocre imo
The great thing about redlines is that you can just ignore the parts you disagree with even after seeing the demonstrated change. And there's nothing preventing redlines to be flawed too, especially if they were done in a rush/sloppily (it's free effort after all).
This is why I stopped relying on 3D. Unless you're just in it for the money that shit will kill all your soul.
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bottom left from mem
Maybe not directly on topic, but i've been making a game for a while with anthro furry girls, and after looking at what sells on steam that's not straight up a porn VN, I think I might be making a mistake and instead should have been doing just anime girls straight up instead.
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If you liquify-edit the drawing and the compare by flipping back and forth between the images, you can see that most of the issues are from mere distortions.
A typical symptom of too little of the drawing being near the center of your vision (where your visual judgement is active).
Wow that did help quite a lot.
Even though I still messed up the scale and many other things I had much more control of how I wanted it to be.

Thanks a ton!
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Just testing how far I can push it with liquify only.
How the fuck does one use liquify properly
fucking nigger stole the get from me for a shitpost while I was helping someone.

also, I'm a trad, and I still know how to use liquify, on gimp. just push the pixels around bro.
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Make it a soft brush, give it a pretty low density based on pen pressure. Use a lot of calculated nudges. Sharpen things before they get too blurry. Working at high resolution helps against the blur, but reduces performance. Greyscale layers perform better than color layers.
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How shit I am?
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your hair coloring is really nice
I think if u paid attention to proportion of the face and aesthetics in the face it could be mproved
I reworked it a bit to show u what wokr on the face can do
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I messed up the perspective but feel like my main weakness is shading and rendering especially the hair. I mostly eyeballed it, if anyone has resources on those topics I would appreciate it.
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working on this more, mostly done from memory so wouldn't be surprised if the proportions are fucked but i think it's going alright
Keep trying bros, I believe in you
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I'm a complete retard so bare with me here. Is there a name for this rendering (?) style where only a few colors are used? I like the idea of simplifying things
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Flat shading or cell shading
You should do both, and be mindful of what you're drawing. That way eventually you can turn off your mind and not think about it. Think of it like driving a car, at first you learn the rules and controls, but eventually it becomes automatic and you don't have to think about it but to get to that point you need to make the fundamentals (of whatever you're copying) second nature so you can recall what something should look like based off what you want from memory
I think cel shading is what I'm looking for. Thank you moainon
>anime study
most of what I learn about drawing is from anime and manga
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i was practicing lineart with tjis drawing and styilized the eyes in my own way
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I saved another in this style if you want more practice c:
pure cel-shading is so fucking nice to look at
Yeah I really like the aesthetic
Who is this? What tools did they use? I'd like to learn more from this person and compare it to my work.
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drew my oc and practiced cell shading
Good as fuck. I love it.
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Help me bros
When doing a study, how do you guys replicate fine details like very thin strands of hair accurately?
can you be more specific what you needhelp with anon?
Do you see any errors in the anatomy? or any advice you want to give me
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since the hand isn't really sketched I'd suggest finishing drawing the hand,
also try being more confident with your lines
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Copying has worked for me. Maybe you are just retarded. Don't think anyone can help you with that.
Morpho, nice!
I never drawn before and I want to start drawing
You use some sort of construction or copy what you see?
What books and artist you copied?
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I'm doing free commissions for the next 24 hours

lining attempts
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tried to apply yoneyama mai's style a bit
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blog? gallery?
so that i can fap.
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Here's an erufu sketch, also anime heads are such a big hurdle for me. Especially when drawing the cheek and chin area.
The placing and proportions for it mindblocks me, I can never be consistent when drawing the head. That's why I used hair to hide the cheek area.

Any tips for the forms/planes for anime heads?
i wanna draw like kei urana :C
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Did you even read the OP anon? >>7183000
>>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.

In fact, does anyone read OPs in /ic/ anymore?
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Hello, how do i fix this? her face looks retarded
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Ill try my best since im using just a mouse, lasso with transform tool, g-pen and blur brush to fix the gaps so excuse me if you see weird brush strokes

Her face is fine, i feel like the head is too wide and there's not enough room above her head for more head and hair considering she's looking a bit on the down angle.

you can just transform her face (just her face) and make it thinner, then make her head longer (up) just with transform tool then fixing the gaps, also her ear i just lasso and transformed and tucked it more in her hair and angled it a bit more upwards because of the head angle, her left ear i removed it because it honestly gives the impression she has ears that are way too long, i know its elves ears but simply removing it makes it look better. i also made her eyes a bit bigger just with transform tool and I rotated her right eye a bit to the left. if you wanna make something look cute like this piece, having big eyes are usually the spot to fix. and ultimately, since i made her face thinner, and the top of her head taller, i fixed her hairline by dragging it a bit down since her forehead was too big. and lastly, i just made her mouth longer (sides) and thinner with transform and thats it, only simple fixes and the face looks (in my opinion) better, but the whole piece is great anon.
>Her face is fine
my punishment continues to elude me and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself; no new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This drawing has meant nothing
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Commission for /a/ drawthread
what the fuck they're paying for things now? after like a decade
nah, just a freebie
is this thread beginner friendly or should I just move to /beg/ for posting my stuff
how about you look into the thread and see what is posted here and take a fucking guess your fucking retard
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Forehead too large and wide almost like a rectangle.
Mouth and nose too close together unless youre going for a different style away from the character model.
You started shading in the face using more than 2 values so it got complicated on you. Try using only two values to get general shapes for the shadows, then render in the midtones to get the shape of the face. You're going for a realistic look since you shaded in the eyesockets and lips so you have to practice using a real photo reference
Look at this video to give you an idea of what i mean about the values.
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Today's attempts at girl maxing,fucking kill me.
Turd polishers lmao
which ones are the good ones?
which one's yours?
I want to know anonymous if you will label me as bad. If I point out my artwork I just get called shit because somebody doesn't like me.
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Three things to consider:
>Find a method of drawing the head construction and stick to it
A lot of different art styles do some level of distorting or stylizing so its best to narrow down a style and method that gives you the results you want and stick heavily to it. I recommend chommang draws, hide channel or minimaru on youtube for some good, simple head constructions. You can worry about modifying that later once you've got the basics down.
>Learn how to rotate a head in different angles
Self-explanatory. A full 360 turnaround might make you want to die attempting it but it's a good way to learn to place features consistently.
>If it's fanart of an existing character you're drawing, study the character at different angles well and note distinct features
Not sure if this was an OC or an existing character but like I said in the previous point, there's small intricacies that make characters look recognizable like the space between their eyes, the size of them etc. Once you have a baseline of how a head should look you can start recognizing those details and apply them to your drawing.
Hair is an entirely different matter but just start with a bald head first. Then apply that same study method to hair. You can't just draw random characters with different random styles, you'll get nowhere fast and not learn anything because you don't have the basics down yet. Stick to one character and or style to study from.
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How long do you guys spend on a study? I've been doing pic related for 2 hours everyday for a week; I get a basic block in done in about 1 or 2 hours, buy it always ends up being wrong so I have to keep adjusting it forever before it resembles the subject in any way. Even then it's still wrong and disproportionate.
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Looking good, fellow witch OC haver. The hat can never be too big.

I think this is the first time I'm using a painterly style. Anything in particular I can improve upon?
Kagami is just a tough reference to follow, trust me, I've tried.
and failed because you're a perma/beg/
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maybe add grass details, the witch hats part that is lilac purple is too far up,.practice clothing folds, and if the background is trees maybe draw it out better.
Are you drawing on one layer for the painterly style?
drawing for today
I use about one to three layers per object but I grab some of the surrounding colors to give it a another look around the edges. I definitely plan on studying fabric a bit more.
Why do you keep saying that anon? you know i'm not a perma/beg/
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taking too long for a study isn't good anon
based on your drawing I linearted it my way.
Try to give yourself a time limit for studying because if you're stuck on one study it can drag you down.
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>proceeds to "correct it" by making it worse.
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Here's your (you) fag
>mindlessly copying
well you need to fix this
Just 4 fun, don't take this too seriously :)
I love it
I don't mind not at all
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How should I shade this to make it like the original? I don't know if it can be seen from here but I tried and it looks terrible frankly. How the hell do I add light shadows without it looking like shit?
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I tried these small lines like you sometimes see in manga but is there a certain direction I could draw thrm in?
Switch to digital

Muk study..
Drawing in digital was way harder for me.
closest thing in traditional would be markers but it's kind of not worth fucking with them they cost a lot and feel stupid to use imo you could also try toned paper and using a white pencil to color in the white instead which also works
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any tips on how to do lineart? i know im doing something wrong but i cant tell what exactly
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Your lines lack impact and look boring, I would try different line weight if you're not rendering a piece. If you want to go full in on rendering then it's not AS relevant as long as it's clean
tried doing 1:1 i shouldnt have done the shadows
Looks great
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just break my arm up and light source up
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Real nice anon
That guy.
Nevermind then. The style and colors seemed really familiar.
now i'm curious, do you have some examples of his work?
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another /a/ comm
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He last appeared 4 years ago. Now what's your blog?
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Your main weakness is drawing in general. You can't handle perspective and anatomy. Shading and colors are the least of your problems.
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what is a good starting resource on how to draw the torso/neck?
is this based on ref or nah? really like the face
What's an artist that doesn't use lots of line-weight variation? I guess it's not common in manga, but I do lile when every line has the same size
I'm looking for inspo an ŕeferences
Newer chapters of Chainsawman
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but usually, when there's not a lot of line-weight variation, the lines have to be very thin to make up for it
i kneel
should i learn realism before trying to learn anime
i am at a level where even drawing a straight long line is hard for me
You should aim for fooly cooly, and stop asking questions.
yes or you'll end up like gabe or another mikufag
I don't think I should learn to draw by mastering each skillset separately. That's how people become perma-sketchers/doodlers. Rather, I think it's better to learn all skillsets and focus on the weakest points to improve those. I'm not completely ignoring perspective/anatomy but they aren't my weakest currently
trying to get the folds right on the clothes
you're weak in observation which is the foundation for building every other skill
try to draw things the way you see them
you are talking contrary to what the op resources recommend tho...
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I'm still trying to figure out how to draw faces at different angles, so in the meantime I'm dropping a few studies I've done.
why are they deep fried
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Got inspired by some PC-98 art. Still needs tons of cleanup (and the hair kinda sucks).
At 640x400 the individual pixels don't really matter, so I can see why they drew (and sometimes colored) art on paper first.
The hair is fine. Just make sure that the light is following the form of the hair as well, because as of now it’s flat
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Hahaha sorry. My mobile takes pictures in a kind of crappy way, so I try to edit them a little bit.
i think my sketch/linework is at a good level but my coloring/lighting is atrocious, any tips? i feel like i might be adding too much shadows but im not sure the path..
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When i just copy whatever image i see on whatever(basically trying to eyeball edges) i do a good sketch but when i try to plan everything my stuff looks horrendous(like on the right) What the fuck is wrong with me... Also i tried to do a fkey out of imagine on the right but on the left i stayed faithful to the image. Should i just get over my basics again...
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Impressive art, anon. I'm in awe
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Drew this on iPad with my finger. Sometimes I’m too lazy to grab an Apple Pencil, but it feels comfy to draw with a finger in Procreate even though the precision suffers.
not bad, I quite like it
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Here's another sketch I did recently after being burned out from art for quite a while. I still can't draw hands well. Gotta grind anatomy, fundies etc. and try not to burn out this time.

This looks very nice and pleasant to look at.
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I can already draw from observation decently I think, my main weakness right now is value/shading
really loooooong legs
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Forgot merged overlay. Do whatever you want with this
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>Mushoku Tensei's Rudeus
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That's such a nice reference, you can see its structure almost like a 3d model even tho it's 2d.
Watashi wah Kemono des...
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Study of Bengus' Marvel vs. Capcom 2 art
My goal is to get better at drawing muscular men in good dynamic standing poses
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i don't know if anyone has done Krenz's rhythm course, but i did the homework for week 1
hope i did well
Goddamn this is awesome
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how do I paint like this???
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It's been a long time since I uploaded which was this https://files.catbox.moe/m2dca5.png Have I improved at all? Also how do I do boob squish?
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Too wide
1. Flat colors.
2. Hard dark Ambient Oclussion.
3. Flat shadows.
4. Paint light with airbrush.
5. Paint bounce light.
6. Add texture (halftone)
7. Add details.
8. Enjoy your Master piece.
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still struggling with hair, i want to make it look better
Personally, the thing that looks the worst to me is how long Makima's clavicle is (which may be a result of the poor perspective you mentioned)
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What the other anons say is correct, but the biggest problem here is that you placed the features in the wrong place and started rendering. You need to measure first, this whole thread is based around observational drawing, and you are not measuring.
I unironically want to see this.

Can anons post your copy and original works side by side to see how worse it can get when your aren't copying?
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Is her pelvis in the correct position?
Any resources for studying toriyama's art (preferably from the 80s)?
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I can say that you might wanna read more literature on gesture, force and composition, especially when drawing a character in motion.
Many ways. Around the form if you're curving them, to represent shape. White space towards the light, for a softer edge. Using lineweight or crowding together for roundness. It's a whole thing, specially if you get into crosshatching.
Any guides on drawing vaginas? They are confusing as hell
Find a girlfriend and use her pussy as a reference
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I was looking for something like this, thanks anon
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What japanese manga artists do you guys recommend for studying both male and female muscle?
no malice, why do you draw trad?
do you prefer it or do you just hate screenless?
you can learn fundies and anime at the same time
But you don't need fundies to draw anime you silly goosefucker.
but it will make your art better
lovely fish
But that would be missing the point.
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My 3.5 Month progress:
Oil looks nicer than digital and its more fun. also too retarded to learn the software
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429 KB PNG
I hate lineart and inking
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1.19 MB PNG
10 minutes each
Why does this look so bad
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black lines clash
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222 KB PNG
new to /asg/
Forgot to mention that i copied the drawing in both attempts. I think i observated the reference better on the second one though
Yes, at least if you want to draw things more easily.
I recommend the anatomy book for sculptors, it is my bible and I have noticed an improvement, although it is best to search in different media.
Is it possible to learn from watching speed painting?

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