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How does its engine compare to the popular ones? I mean strictly in terms of painting and drawing, no text manipulation or vectors.

It usually gets high score in yt ranking vids but when I look up art made in krita it's all mid at most, even their splash screen is low-end mid, but I'm reluctant to blame it all on the software, it could be the user base. You can have the best brushes and still do crap job with them. If it's good, why there is not many who use it?

IDK, has anyone used it along other programs long enough to tell about things like stroke sensitivity, color blending, texture clarity etc?
fuck Krita. it's confusing and there's no guide. suck me.
>the popular ones
Krita already IS a "popular one". It's becoming a standard. It's good enough.
What pro or at least trendy artists use it, seriously want to know.

it has canvas with layers and brushes just like any other software, what is the confusing part?
Well, Krita reached many ears years ago because artists working on Big Hero 6 used Krita. That was 10 YEARS ago. Today every known artist at least know the software, and I'm sure they use it. it's so easy to install and use, highly customizable and lightweight. It makes total sense that it is a very convenient tool for creative concept artists.
It's free, whatever device they have available they just have to download and install in a few minutes a perfectly good and fine working tool. What's not like about that?jrrpd
Then why there are barely any brushes for it being made and not much tutorials of actually painting as there are for procreate and csp?

If it's on par and it's free to boot, I'd expect the web to be flooded with assets for it.
I dunno, because it's free and there's no global company investing any money in promoting the product? Money calls money. More money more people around the product, even if the product is shit. That's how capitalism works nowadays. Procreate has freaking APPLE behind, Adobe needs no introduction. CSP, and even SAI have a very aggressive business plan, promoting the product with brushes, plug-ins, updates, etc, etc, that's part of the business plan.

There's no "business plan" behind Krita. It's open source and free. But the crazy thing about it is, that it actually is an EXCELLENT software. You can build your own brushes if you want. And also be part of the development. For free of course, lol. That's the thing, no one does shit for free.
>using shit software made by pajeets
Actually, the software made by pajeets are all the other ones paid by big companies, like MS, apple, or Adobe.
Krita was made by some scandies and "Russian" coders/developers. That was at the beginning at least.
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I've seen professional art made in MS Paint so the
only thing that would hold you back from making art in any program would be yourself, but there are pros who use Krita.
I agree stop using photoshop
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Aitards love krita
>It has to be bad because it's free
I only use krita because the mascot is a cute anthro
make your own brushes you dumb nigger
I use krita because it's really fast and it has everything i need. I don't care who else uses it or what its splash art is like desu.
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I browse r/krita and their twitter account from time to time and there's some impressive pieces out there. The reason why there's so much "shitty" art made with Krita because it's free and hobby artists (like me) don't want to bother with buying or pirating "professional" softwares so they go with the most popular free option, and that option is Krita.
I use Krita, have used Photoshop and CSP for years before. Switched because I switched to linux.

Obviously you can do any kind of digital art in krita. The brush engine is among the best. It also has all common tools for digital art. There is a community making brushes but like someone else said, no matter the drawing software you use, learn to make your own brushes because literally the only reason why you wouldn't is because you're a beginner and don't know what makes a good brush, which if this is the case you shouldn't use anything but the hard round anyway till you're know shit about painting.

If you can't turn on krita, work with it for 2-3 days and know if it fits all your use cases then you don't know shit about painting and how to use digital painting software, which means you're a beginner and don't know shit about painting which means the drawing software is fucking irrelevant and you're sabotaging yourself by looking for the best software instead of just learning how to paint.

Stop software hopping, stop lurking the brushes thread. Stop downloading courses. If you need instruction look up one beginner digital painting video on youtube that is less than 10 minutes long. Study the techniques in that video religiously till you can do them all in your sleep. When you're finished you can look up another video. This method is better than any fucking course on the internet because you're operating on NEED and not GREED.

If you're good enough to actually discuss why a drawing software is better than another that goes beyond "but why are artists using x" then you can reattempt talking about this topic. But till then stop wasting your time by searching for the best tool. Craig Mullins started digital painting with a fucking mouse.
>If you're good enough to actually discuss why a drawing software is better than another that goes beyond "but why are artists using x" then you can reattempt talking about this topic.

Ok, so you think OP is dumb beg, why not you talk about this topic then instead of seething?
I contributed more to this thread than anyone else here, the thread is filled with absolute retards like it's to be expected from a drawing software thread.

There is no topic to be had to begin with. Anyone who knows shit about digital painting can just try them all, there is zero investment cost to try a painting software for 2-3 days to see if it fits your needs. And you will immediately be able to tell all the important differences if you know your shit. And like I said, beginners have neither any place to discuss this topic, nor should they. They are better served just learning with zero overhead.

I wanted to spare beginners from pointlessly talking about "the best tools" when in the year 2024 all the known standard tools are a million times better than what any pro used when they started getting really good so it doesn't matter. A beginner will not benefit from the nuances that each drawing software provides. You don't even benefit from researching the topic because it just makes your head filled with choices instead of keeping the room for something important, learning to draw.

This was my last response for this thread. Retards will keep endlessly arguing back for nothing. I just wanted to spare you from a pointless topic.
Yeah, I see, does feel like krita doesn't receive any push. I just thought it peculiar, because blender has a very active and visible community, I would not learn 3d if it was not for them. But now that I think about it, blender uses its marketplace as a way of income and krita doesn't seem to monetize anything.

Makes sense.

>The brush engine is among the best.
You could've stopped right there, since it was a thing I was asking about, but sure go off assume whatever you want about me if it makes your day, who am I to stop you.
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>but when I look up art made in krita it's all mid at most, even their splash screen is low-end mid
Not really the fault of the software. Krita is on par with CSP if you ask me. only thing it lacks is people making brushes for it but you should really be making it yourself since its mad easy.
Get a proper app made for people who wants to finish their art instead of an app made by people who wants to tinker with the app.

This idea of free + open source = good isn't always the case. An open source parametric cad software FreeCAD is atrocious to use if you're an actual engineering designer / draughtman.
>It's free but it's not popular. Must be because it's free
>It's paid but it's not popular. Must be because it's paid.
Do Kritafags really?
I'm pretty sure most serious artists have used Krita.
I'm also sure most people who've used Krita quickly uninstalled it in disgust.
Krita is for people who want to waste 20 hours messing with settings and plug ins for every 20 minutes of painting before giving up and finishing their shit in Photoshop anyway.
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Convince the devs to add clipping layers like how they work in SAI and CSP and then I'd probably be sold on Krita. They can keep alpha inheritance along side it too; I don't see why both features can't coexist together. Yes I know that you can organize layers in such a way that alpha inheritance has the behavior of clipping layers, but it's just plain annoying overhead. Yes I know there is a shortcut that turns two layers into that layer structure, but again more stupid overhead for something that is supposed to be a single click. If they just implement this single tiny thing, I would predict that lots of people who try Krita will stick with it for longer. They need to understand that people want familiar things that are known to work well, not a programmer's obstinate technology masturbation. "Alpha inheritance" is also a stupid feature name: I'm trying to paint a picture, not write a C++ program.
Cool kiki
FOSStards are delulu
>clipping layers
Asking and whining about something that already is in Krita. Every-single-time, again and again. I'm starting to understand why retards can't Krita.
I'm not whining, I have no issue just using SAI and CSP instead. If you make a basic operation more annoying to use, then there will be less adoption, simple as that. People will just return to the path of least resistance. I think a lot of the features Krita has are quite interesting but it has UI/UX issues. This UI/UX problem is the same as what kept people from using Blender for a long time until their major overhaul in 3.0 (which only happened after they got a money injection).
Its brush engine is the most powerful of any of its peers. I switched from Gimp and never looked back.
no wonder you like krita if GIMP is your frame of reference lol
I really want to like krita but last time I tried it (a year ago) I couldn't find a single brush that wasn't blurry as all fuck.
Even turning AA completely off and doing everything I could to harden the edges up, it was still all soft and felt like shit to use.
Am I just retarded or is this a thing?
Don't you have to put things in a separate folder for clipping to work in krita? I found that incredibly annoying and NTA but that was a big reason why I dropped krita and went back to CSP.
Post an example, or even better a comparison. Seems easy to reproduce.
nta, but yfw i drew quite a bit with gimp, then with krita, then with mypaint, but then found a buggy behavior of gimp's pencil and have been drawing with it for 7 months lmao. also gimp can read midi inputs
whining about tools is super pathetic
>retards getting filtered by simple software functionality
art software threads in a nutshell
curse your software to never gain any traction and stay a buggy mess forever, hehe
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>heh i'm so much smarter for using unintuitive garbage that makes me spend more time wrangling it into doing what i need it to do than actually fucking using it for its intended function
no matter the software in question, retards are filtered by simple things

hell, the onyl reason people use a certain software over another is how many ressources they are spoonfed

just look at how many begs hoard brushes/tutorials etc.

it isnt about skill which translates from tool to tool
why so many nodraws here hate on krita when it isnt less intuitive than any other software like PS or CSP?

are people that retarded or just trolling?
how to enable clipping mask in PS or CSP
>right click layer
>clip to layer below
how to enable "clipping mask" in krita
>read this scientific paper about why ackshully our implementation is so much better than regular clipping masks
>and also here's a bunch of diagrams and gifs explaining why doing this convoluted rigmarole is necessary and how to do it
>retard cant use any software
the fact you are even browsing 4chins is a miracle in itself anon
no wonder pajeets are getting all the STEM jobs
on behalf of Japs and greedy adobe

Arigato tards anons for thinking paid software is automatically better and being too retarded to use anything without a million tutorials
all you do is call everyone you disagree with a retard, but cant handle simple criticism about your precious software. pitiful trolling
sorry I didn't stick to your FOSS garbage to earn the privilege of being able to achieve the same usability as other art software does out of the box, guess I'm a big dum dum and you're a big smart boy yes you are
all the criticism boils down to petty simple things though, can't be taken seriously

just waiting for the anons claiming krita is shit because they can't use the eraser lmao
arigato tard for not knowing how to pirate a software and firewall it.
explain furhter the usability problems
and make them not simple trivial petty things

heres an old simple tutorial as an olive branch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYdEkOyFUn8&t=3755s
simple things make or break the experience
software making you struggle to do the most basic fucking things is way worse than software not having some esoteric feature you use once a year
I have no strong opinions on Krita but Kiki is very cute.


UsInG sOfTwArE iS sO hArD
how much do they pay you?
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>bro it's so easy just watch this one hour video
lunch break, so I feel like arguing with the filtered begs too retarded to understand basic shit

it isnt even about krita

its about this same shitty attitude about every topic on this board

next I think imma fake shill for CSP or PS or SAI idk, change the topic, but tards remain the same
trolling on 4chins wont make your mommy love you and bring your daddy back anon

see...SEEE...1 hour tutorial OMG PS IS SHIT

see how retarded that argument is?
this isnt fun anymore when people are this retarded
that's a digital art tutorial, nowhere does it even say it's specifically for photoshop
but even if it was, by virtue of being designed by actual humans you can easily replicate what they're doing in other art programs provided they were also designed by humans
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I never took any of the sketches I did on krita further because I had such a hard time with the brushes. I also don't have it installed right now so I can only post old things as examples. Here's one from krita, trying to get the brush to not feel soft.
Paid shills. All the money flowing around ads, test reviews, discount-packs of brushes, plug-ins, tutorials, free-month subscriptions, video and pdf tutorials, the whole "art-dom", is fueled by a few companies throwing money at all of that bullshit. /ic/ shits on that bullshit all day, but the art scene lives around it.
Without Wacom, Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, etc placing money all over that market, all those "influencing faces" flooding the art scene with bullshit would have to go get a real job.
Krita is a nightmare for those people, an stellar product with the potential to compete with them for FREE?! They can't have that. And it shows. Trying so hard to shit on a free software, for insignificant bullshit, speaks for itself.
That just motivates people even more to stand besides Krita. It's a win-win deal.
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And here's an example mostly-sketch from around the same time period in CSP. Now that I'm looking at it though this was a hard round brush. So not really a good comparison.
Long story short is I was never able to find any kind of textured or pencil brush in krita that didn't feel awful and like an airbrush.
you literally used a textured brush with opacity sensitivity

any software has that and is adressed in brush settings

im sorry, but I can make same complaints about PS, CSp, SAI etc.

every complaint in this thread is literally "I didnt understand a new thing at first try and did nothing to search how to do it so I quit using it and shit on it"

inb4 "hurr durr retarded software needs googling to use hurr durr"

as if people dont search for settings and guides on anything huh? PS, CSP etc no one researches how to do stuff huh?
so you literally chose a textured soft burhs and complain its a textured soft brush

then show a CSP image using a different brush and saying why isnt the textured soft brush equal?

Man I did a lot of searching for workarounds and stuff while using it, and forced myself to only use krita for two months. I had a terrible time with it, but I really did try. I love the idea of the program it just wasn't for me.
all those paid influencers you're crying about praise Krita to high hell and yet still nobody uses it because nobody wants to bother with it, just like linux
I couldn't find a hard textured brush period is what I'm trying to say.
even tho your complaints are dumb
at least youre honest
I can respect that
>just like linux
you do know the world runs on linux right anon?
just dont mention anything tech when you dont know shit
hell you dont even draw
I also didnt find a textured hard brush in PS and CSP and that is why I use MS Paint

I hope you also do not mess with brush settings or search tutorials, ebcause if you need any of that you shoudl quit and change software
it runs on linux terminals and headless clients, none of which ever make contact with any front end user
God this thread is retarded

anon....oyour CSP example isnt a hard textured brush
you sound like you are just making excuses

do you mess with CSP settings? do you search for brushes online? tutorials?

I can only understand you if you do everything vanilla default everything, otherwise, the other anon is right
Anon, I don't know if it is the actual composition, but I like the Krita one better. It looks more loose and sketchy. Like you had more fun doing that one.
so why did you mention linux if youre gonna move goalposts?
again, /g/ draws more than /ic/ and /pol/ has more IQ
not moving goalposts, nobody sane wants to use Linux as an actual day to day OS just like how nobody wants to use krita as their main art software
>b-but muh people on /g/ who use Linux all the time
yeah taking screenshots of their empty desktop and terminal and then reinstalling some other distro a week later to take a new one
I honestly spent hours trying to get the brushes to work. Like I said I locked myself to krita for two months.
I most certainly did not.
krita sucks dick
Krita don't pay the bills. They can't avoid to mention it, they are supposed to be "artists". They know what Krita is, and they do the mandatory review video with the best intentions, I'm sure, but that's it. "The software is so good! 10/10! Wouuld recommend!.. Well moving on to Procreate's new feature, Apple sent me this new I-pad..." Of course they will not mention Krita ever again. Don't be fool by that, you know how shit works.
oh is this thread again, where you can see people here can barely operate a browser.

Art software users are the dumbest, not even accountants are this technologically impaired.
>I most certainly did not.
Well the pics tell the tale. The krita one flows much better, looks like some Pro's quick sketch.
The other one shows chicken-scratchy lines and ugly brushes, feels like you're actually limited by the tool there.
The other full body demoness with the wings, the pose, the face, hair, the skulls, it is WAAAAY better. You should do the same sketch in CSP to do a fair test IMO.
I used CSP a lot and I have no idea what you're talking about. Yes there is no textured pencil brush in krita by default like in CSP but saying shit like every brush in krita has airbrush properties makes me think you don't know what an airbrush is.

Perhaps you mean opacity settings on pressure? Seeing how hard a time you have to articulate the problems feels like it's a pretty simple setting.
>scandies and "Russian" coders/developers
So pajeets
I used to like Procreate, too, but I just don't now after using Photoshop with a Wacom for a bit. Every stroke in Procreate just feels like you're smearing something. It's not satisfying at all.
medibang reigns unchallenged and supreme
>shitty clone of shitty software
yea nah
>Make folder
>Put 2 layers in folder
>Click 'inheritance alpha' on top layer
It's really not that complicated anon. At least not any more than if you were using a basic layer mask.
>shitty suscription service more costly than CSP's.

Yeah no thanks.
very robust but i still dont get the right brush configuration to actually use it, is a matter of time anyway, also the animation part is really comfy and simple to use.
Why are Kritafags hellbent on doing things 'their way' when the industry standard method that's more convenient exist?
Well let me give you one time where I thought of using Krita instead of CSP or Photoshop since it's the only one installed.
>Import certain PDF for some quick job
>"Huh, it doesn't load."
>After a bunch of tinkering it finally loads
>"The fuck why are all the lines so fucking thin?"
>Copy paste layer, blend multiply to get rid of the white colors.
>Lines are still thin, multiply doesn't change shit
>Export it back to another format that I needed. Failed
>Gave up and used Photopea which is a free webapp Photoshop clone
>Imports one time with the correct thickness
>Exports without issue
Yup. Brush engine can go fuckall when a fucking web app simply just works compared to a a 'powerfup' drawing app
>another braindead paypig making up excuses
Are you really complaining that a PSD file doesn't work perfectly in krita but works in an app made to replace photoshop? Fucking lmao. You guys are really just dogs, I will go on as usual.
did you check the dpi?
did you check the zoom in %?
I use Krita but I don't like it, it's much slower than the outdated version of SAI I used to have. It's not made for people who draw with quick strokes.
pick up meditation
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Iunno I like it. I can draw in HDR with it, which is cool.
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Anon-chan. You're conveniently ignoring that a free, ad-powered webapp photoshop clone (it's called Photopea by the way. It's shit for most things but good enough for any quick and dirty job) is able to do it, that the highly functional open source Krita could not do it. And that is becaauuse of >>7188825 this.
Someone was so pissed with krita that he/she drew that
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>official website has a manual explaining literally every part of the program https://docs.krita.org/en/
>countless tutorials on youtube if you search "krita basics" or "krita getting started"
>"hurr durr there isn't even a guide"

Shocked that people like you are able to even find the send button on your posts.
>blames Krita instead of the Shitdows desktop
Just use a fucking Mac.
But Krita isn't meant to be a Photoshop clone like how Photopea is. PSD is a closed source file extension and there's only so much Krita can do without violating licensing terms, whereas Photopea already infringes on enough Adobe intellectual property where they clearly don't care about the sort of things you'd have to care if you don't want to get sued into extinction. The Krita devs hands are sorta tied on this aspect if they want to continue to exist.
He knows. He's just shitting on an excellent piece of open source software because it is a danger for their BU$INEE$$.
You don't see threads being opened here to talk shit about any paid software, it happens only with krita. Why do you think that is? These pieces of fucking shit are evil, greedy, soulless, they live to suck dick for money. They don't even draw.
the PSD spec is available for anyone to implement as they see fit: https://www.adobe.com/devnet-apps/photoshop/fileformatashtml/#50577409_72092
>This document is provided for 3rd parties to read and write the Photoshop native file format.
any way to make the eraser a set brush and not the one you're currently using?
E key.
There's a command without a shortcut by default that I like using, it's called "toggle eraser preset". It works like toggling between foreground and background color but for brushes. Despite the name, it doesn't have to actually be an eraser brush, it's pretty useful
>ITT: Krita users spending more time arguing than actually drawing
How many time does this keep happening bros...
Yes, but it then goes on to say:
>This document does not explain how to interpret the data. This document describes the format of the data only.
So implementation isn't going to be 1:1 across the board, and I'm pretty sure things like font rendering and smart objects are proprietary (Adobe's version of them at least), so you can't just slap the code into Krita and call it a day, it'd have to be written from the ground up.
One of the slightly convoluted functions but there's something called "10 brushes" you can set. Make E the hotkey for one of the brushes and set it to your eraser of choice. It's under Tools > Scripts.

Unfortunately the devs of Krita included some too clever by half features like the eraser toggle, but thankfully you can circumvent most of them.

I don't think they're (paid) shills, I think they're industry dickriders who heard somewhere that photoshop is the INDUSTRY STANDARD for concept art and CSP is the INDUSTRY STANDARD for manga, making everything else illegitimate.

Krita is excellent for drawing and painting and photoshop is excellent for overall editing and image manipulation, so I use both. In fact Krita can open and save PSD's so even if you work in THE INDUSTRY it's pretty trivial to export a version of your work (or open someone else's) in the STANDARD format.
Recently my pen suddenly stops working. It stops producing line out of the blue and I have to minimize then maximize Krita for it to fix itself.

With the previous version the color picker would glitch.
same thing happens in Photoshop sometimes, I just alt+tab twice
After reading this thread I'm convinced that all krita shills are fucking cultists
Kritafags don't even draw.
But if I get a mac, I won't be using Krita.
At least their cult worships freedom and openness. The PS and CSP cults worship those with the fullest bags of money.
Nah, I use CSP for quite a long time now. Occasionally I'll try a few new app but most of the time it'll just cause me to take 5 hours to finish an artwork compared to 3 hours normally. The getting used to another app's quirks just makes it not worth trying a different app when all of your settings are right there and in art there's just tons, TONS of other things you could get better at.

At least Krita isnt Gimp or Medibang. Lmao. Krita is sufficient but honestly most drawing app nowadays are more than usable.
I don't use krita so I have looked how that alpha inheritance thing you mentioned works there. The use-case becomes immediately obvious. Krita is forcing you to organize your layers, it's not optional.

You get by default retard-proof layer organization with just a tiny bit of overhead. Seems well worth it, especially that if you get used to the workflow and use shortcuts there is no time difference. Anyone making use of many layers is automatically going to do this kind of structure or at least they should.
Worked with both CSP and PS (the newer, and shittier ofc).

Krita has the best brush engine of them all, but it sadly lacks with line stabilization (in which CSP and PS are both superior).
PS has also better selection options.
Krita is also surpisingly stable, during 8 years of use it had NEVER crashed... which cannot be said about PS and CSP.

Krita's ui is annoying to use, but it is still more readable than CSP
Also, it is faster.

Color mixing is fine. There's also a lot of mixing modes (6 times the PS has?) which can be useful if you know what you're doing.
Yeah I really hate the stabilization options in krita but maybe I just don't get it because the options are so weird. Though it's not a mandatory criterion for me.
>right click layer
>click quick clipping group
For stabilization I've been using the dynamic brush tool instead of the regular brush tool, but even then it doesn't feel as nice. Not a deal breaker for me though
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I've used CSP, photoshop & Krita and I found Krita to have the most user friendly interface. CSP is close second. Not a fan of photoshop, desu.
What so important with line stabilizers? I'm still using pre cloud version of PS that didn't have it afaik.

Photoshop never had good mixing engine, Corel had, not sure about now. Never used Procreate or CSP so dk about them.
I want to fuck that squirrel.
Who doesn't?
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>Krita is also surpisingly stable
It's gotten better compared to even only a few years ago but I would certainly not describe it as stable. Just the other day a simple brush stroke with a large brush size effectively soft-locked the software and I had to force close it, and I've had plenty of issues with layer recomp in the past, including multiple crashes per project.
But again, it's gotten a lot better in just the past few years.
I wonder if many of the stability issues people have with FOSS tools like Krita, Inkscape and GIMP is because they use it on Windows.
I use GIMP and Inkscape at work on a Windows PC and it's frustrating at times. At home on Linux everything works buttery smooth and both programmes have never crashed on me. Can't say the same of their Windows versions.
Haven't used Krita on Windows yet for an extended time.
really sexy squirrel
What’s the best Linux distro for running Krita?
One annoying thing I have found is that if you have a lot of brushes installed, it eats up way more ram than it should.
use the app image, it will work in almost any distro. If you don't know where to start, I use debian never had a problem with any art related software. just learn how to install software and how to /etc/apt/ and /etc/apt/source.list.d/ work and you should be fine. The only product that can be a pain in the ass to install is opentoonz.
There's a guide for tards like me somewhere? I can't figure out basic shit like where is the history and how zoom works...
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Also there's a pretty handy website called google where you can search terms like "krita guide" or even individual search questions. Might be worth a try.
Oh, thanks a lot anon

Dave rapoza use krita as part of his process. Check out his youtube live. Recently I found out about this indonesian artist "iannocent' he's been livestreaming using krita. And another artist that does digital inking. I think he's russian.




At the end of the day it's about your skill.
ctrl + shift + g
This one is decent


That guy can use the same workflow on any app. Doesn't really show much about Krita because he barely use any of the digital tools.
he paints using brushes, what more realistically someone who want a program to paint with would want?

I know there are ppl who use various tools for assistance, but this is the fundamental use of a painting program. And he is doing it well enough.
Just trying it out and damn, it's pretty good for a free program.
But where's the default photoshop-style round brush (the one you can turn into an airbrush by changing the hardness)?
Got the "b) Basic-1" brush but I can't soften the edges on that one.
The Krita brush customization engine is pretty crazy. Some say is the most sophisticated out there. I don't fuck with that because there are so many brushes already, and I just use a couple ones to grind figures.
There are a ton of youtube videos about brush customization on Krita, and also about importing PS brushes into Krita. Maybe you should do a search there.
I'm just looking for the basic brushes.
Krita's default shit is fine, but none of the basic brushes have hardness settings.

The hardness setting is the fade setting in auto brush tips for pixel engine. Krita has various engines and they all have their own settings.

PIck a brush that uses pencil engine, I'm going to use the pencil-3 large 4b as example, make sure the tip is in the auto tab, not predefined, the fade setting is right under diameter/ratio. You can further adjust the blurriness by choosing the mask type you want. Remove texture pattern and/or strength if exists and you don't want any texture.
ATM Krita got the best OIL brush simulation


Better than Rebelle or Gimp

Free brush packs
>posts brushes that were released 20h ago
>claims it's better than Rebelle without actually producing anything with them besides maybe some strokes
>puts rebelle to the same category as gimp...
>Krita has various engines and they all have their own settings.
Oh fuck, that explains why shit's confusing.
Thanks for the tip, btw. Gonna check things out, the G-Pen looks promising.
you are seriously retarded, those brushes exist since like 10 month in beta, there are even videos about them. Ya fool


Picture related was painted on october 2023.


here someone making a painting from start to finish with thsoe brushes 3 months ago

ya dork gay ass faggot
That s why some on IC are such retards ya all masturbate on each others post without searching and discovering the real new stuff.

One of you gay ass nigga use CSP and suddenly ya all using it without knowing why.
The pic looks mid af with nonsense texture, have you seen an actual trad painting done by someone who knows what they are doing? and the vid shows only strokes. What am I supposed to be impressed with?
Bland primitivism everywhere. And I'm saying it with good intention, all I see is smudges, I can't even tell if the brushes are good from this. Not a away to sell me on this.
Shut the fuck up, A tube of traditional painting won t make you the next Rafaelo,you need talent, it s the same with any digital brushes. A dork like you could not paint a traditional painting either yet you come and critic some brushes you did not even test.

Those 2 videos are enough to display how those brushes work, so either you have the talent to use them properly or you don t .

I don t know who s cum you swallowed at Rebelle software to be so defensive. Try those brushes or stfu.
it's not about being the next rafaelo it's about imitating real paint properly and I don't see it doing anything better than Rebelle.

Seeth more.
Unlike in rebelle those brushes work more realistically , example in rebelle the brushes have infinite loading on the impasto unless you select the blend and paint . Those brushes will first build the impasto then if you stroke a 2nd time over them with less pressure they ll blend like real oil would do.

The only advantage rebelle have other those is that those can t be modified in a brush editor since they are baked in blender.

However those brushes are free and come with Krita powerful all rounder software. You can t even type a text in rebelle for fuck sake XD
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unhinged Anon
>You can t even type a text in rebelle for fuck sake XD

I will note that krita doesn't have mixbox color support yet. If you care about that, it is one advantage that other programs have over it.
These are (relatively) new so I haven't tried them yet, but there were already some pretty cool "oil" brushes packs for krita.
To be fair to him, its not immediately obvious that the brushes had public beta versions.
And the videos dont have many views.
ugly as shit, printing isn't art
team KDE is based though
Great brushes. Thanks for rec.

The development team is really good. I've sent them bug reports before and they'll have fixed the problem in the next update.
how to send bug reports?
Man Krita's brush settings are making my head hurt
Do we really need 10 different options inside of opacity, flow etc.?
Think of those as being for advanced users.
So in short, krita is pretty good?
...Except it doesn't even fit on my phone screen so I had to make the shitpost drawing in another app lmao
Apparently it's well known to not fit on phone screens
Oh well
But it's still pretty good, yeah?
Paint tool SAI is miles better
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I second what this anon said. I always end up coming back to krita because it has pretty much everything I could want and it's very customizable.

I don't understand why some people are so focused on small features that are different like the clipping, or eraser/smudge tools being all brushes. when it's just minor differences, the eraser thing can be changed with plugins, and the alpha inheritance does require more grouping but gives more flexibility and is more explicit once you understand it which should take you one time using it.

there is some bad things though:
- Stabilizer does suck but I dont use it. lazy nezumi works if you're into that.
- Layer styles are slow and fail to render sometimes
- Performance with large brushes is bad.
- some large operations can hang and lock the document, you can see on the bottom when this is happening and cancel it but this doesn't work all the time.

But as a benefit:
- free and open source
- has every good feature you could want, good guides and rulers, references, gradient maps, filter layers, great brush engines, good plugin support, the best color-space management, way too many blending modes, a good animation timeline (combined with the non-destructive filters, clone layers and masks you can do cool stuff here)

I don't see the need to risk some company changing conditions and pricing schemes at any moment for marginal benefit when I'm more comfortable with krita anyways. I always miss one feature or another when using other software.
Is an Ipad OS release on the cards? I know It's on Android
Go check it:
Fresh! Booyah veemo
>eraser tools being all brushes.
what's wrong with that?

> Stabilizer does suck
in what way? I usually draw without stabilizers, so idk what a good stabilizer would be.

>Performance with large brushes is bad.
agree, large texture brushes are clunky.
>what's wrong with that?
Nothing, but its the cause of endless whining

>stabilizer sucks
I also don't use it but others feel better, also the fact that theres 4 modes and only 2 should be used and the settings on one are confusing doesn't help.
great app, not a lot of funding so development is slow, if only they had someone on the team to get more funding instead of the sperg tranny, this is where blender really crush it.
Dynamic brush works better as a stabilizer than the default settings in freehand IMO. Have mass
somewhere around 50 - 60% and drag at 25% and it's decent. Would be nice to have the stabilizers get a complete overhaul though, they feel so stiff and unpleasant to use.
Does Krita do CMYK correctly? That’s all I care about.
Yeah it's perfect for that actually.
WHo is this character i keep seeing everywhere?
I know its from some anime but which
She's from dungeon meshi
God I love Krita so fucking much
I tripped and I landed in hell.
>I don't understand why some people are so focused on small features that are different like the clipping, or eraser/smudge tools being all brushes. when it's just minor differences
I think you do understand. People don't like change. It's what put me off from learning Blender for the longest time since I had grown accustomed to the weird, unusual way SketchUp did things and had gotten remarkably good at making things in it. It's the same with any other program.

On an unrelated note, Krita is one of the few image editors that can actually manipulate HDR data (or "scene-referred" as it's properly called).
How do you change the layer order of reference images?
what brushes do you use? I like how it fades away
Incredible stuff anon. Krita is really awesome.
Pretty much this. Once you're stuck with a select few programs and have been using it as your day to day tool, any changes is going to piss you off

t. At work I use Autodesk Inventor for 3D Modelling, I've been using it for years. Another junior coworker uses Solidworks, so when I want to help him how to start up some layout design, the difference in panning/rotating and how to begin 2D Sketch -> Extrude pisses me off so much that I had him sent me the files and I showed the design/assembly on my own PC instead. For context, In Inventor I'll use the rotating cube or middle mouse to rotate, Shift + Middle mouse to pan. In Solidworks, it's Middle Mouse to pan, Shift + Middle Mouse to rotate. And there's no toolbar at the top to select your functions (at least in his Solidworks, he probably didnt have it opened) to begin sketching like Inventor, you just select the surface you want to start 2D Sketch and icon will show up. Heck, I get a bit of an annoyance after switching job where I go from Inventor 2011 to Inventor 2022 OEM. Functions are almost the same but some stuff are shifted here and there and there's some functions missing that I used often like "Save as and Replace".

Honestly if you've been drawing for a while you can always just stick to a few drawing apps since you'll be much faster at those unless you just feels like trying out what other software has to offer.
Falin from Dungeon Meshi. She got transmorphed into a creature or something and in that form her body got pretty sexy. I dont know why I always hear people complaining about the western fandom being toxic or something but I've never noticed anything on my timeline.
I love krita, the engine is meh, though to be fair I never 100% used it's features. (actually it's a bunch of brush engines thrown into one bucket).
UI is fine, but lacks consistency. For example color picker widget for brush stroke is different than one for choosing solid color fill layer, and different than one for light color in bump map filter layer. This guarantees shit UX when you want to use later ones, not a problem if you just paint.

Probably because it's easier to write plugins for it then for gimp, blender has fewer features and is much harder to use to paint in 2D(especially for normies), so krita it is.

I assume once limited mode executable remixes (whatever they called it... application templates?) feature for blender matures, they'll probably start using it instead.

Blender has always driven it's development by hitching it to active production process, just like it happens for any big studio with in-house software, that's why it's so good.
>I love krita, the engine is meh, though to be fair I never 100% used it's features. (actually it's a bunch of brush engines thrown into one bucket).

so, in your opinion, which program has the best brush engine? Asking because I'm curious to compare.
Krita has the best brush engine. Actually is too advanced for most of the people using the program. The majority never mess with it. So you don't see much user information about it. If people don't explore the engine, then you don't get brushes. Ergo, "Krita doesn't have brushes" becomes a thing. When in reality it should have the best brushes out there. No one puts money on Krita, so no one will take the time to develop brushes in that engine.
Krita 5 was lagging too much on my laptop, so I stayed at 4. And I'm too retarded and lazy to use all these fancy options(mostly an issue of me having shit memory) so I went with even simpler program.
The pop-up on right click is pretty great. Most of other programs don't let you easily switch brushes like that with just stylus.
A little heads up for anybody wanting to switch to krita, there is a shortcut preset that changes the shortcuts to the default photoshop ones it's not perfect but it werks.
Using text tools in Krita is pain in the ass unless something changed recently.
Yeah, I had to go up to 8GB of ram to get Krita working like a breeze. With 4GB of ram it gets limited in performance, canvas and brush size wise. With 16GB of Ram I guess it will fly, but I don't need that (yet).
they are still ass. they reworked the engine already but there is still no way to access the new capabilities, it's being worked on. hopefully we will get a decent interface for it soon.
Honestly I couldn't tell you, I haven't spent enough time with painting software other than Photoshop or Gimp. And I also usually don't do use fancy brushes either. Just simple round, simple round blurred (airbrush), and sometimes scatter, maybe rectangle or hard edge pixel brush.
Like I mentioned in >>7200771 , Krita has bucketful of brush engines with "Pixel Engine" being the main one and "MyPaint" brush engine clone being a far second (due to not being full 1-to-1 copy).
Here's the rub tho, besides those 2 maybe 3 more are of any use, all else being little more then half-baked placeholders.
A very much Krita way of doing things: 25 years of publishing alpha quality proof of concept features. Still better then gimp. Not even a fucking contest.
\rant over

TL;DR: Really, it doesn't matter what I think, download some brush packs and check the engine for yourself

You can browse community brushes here:

Brush and other resource management isn't very intuitive, thankfully there are docs, with search function:
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Unless I'm completely confused you just posted an artist who paints with Copics and colored pencils, so the complete opposite of digital tools.
i love krita and intend to donate to them once i get some money saved up i only wish there was a hub for sharing resources (brushes and settings filters other funstuff etc like with csp)
i just wish i could transfer my csp brushes and settings and filters into krita
what is this?
>just look at how many begs hoard brushes
sheesh! this used to be me, as i got better i only used a handful of brushes the thing is it is a bout HOW you use your tools as well
I'd love to stop using PS but I've gotten too used to stuff like zooming and changing brush size/hardness by just dragging the cursor. Any way to replicate that in Krita for example?
size: shift + drag
hardness: no, in krita fade (hardness) is only a hotkey to a fixed amount.

img2img plug in.

you can I think both use sqlite to store user brush data, there are some conversion tool on krita forums, but asking for settings and filters compatibility is pretty unreasonable.
>size: shift + drag
Nice, thanks. I found the keybinds for the zoom function too, though as far as I can tell there's no way to just have it be the default left-click function ONLY when the zoom tool is selected (which is how it works in PS).
I don't know I just ctrl+drag to change zoom, I don't use the zoom tool which is area based.

check the forum maybe there is a way, but as in any software transition there are going to be compromises. good luck
have any of you tried Marco bucci's getting started with digital painting course ? he seems to go into Krita pretty decentl
Programs need minimum brush size(and other) setting that won't require you to dive deeper into menus.
What are you talking about? All programs have a minimum brush size setting, 1 pixel.
I don't use Krita because the UI is dogshit
I want 5, or 10
type 5 or 10 into the size box, it's not like this need much effort, you don't even need to open brush editor for it.
there is a forum for that https://krita-artists.org/

maybe shortcut composer can do the hardness drag? idk it has many cool shortcuts using mouse tracking
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There's a quick settings docker that'll let you do that
meant to reply to this
I was going to suggest that but he said minimum size that's max size.
Nothing exposes /ic/'s retardation quite like emotional arguments over software.

They all do the same shit, and if some software isn't to your liking, just use something else. It's really a non-issue.
I absolutely do not understand this 'debate,' and I'm speaking as someone who's used everything but Procreate (I don't have an iPad, I don't like Apple for very personal reasons).
None of these programs are 'hard' or 'bad;' they just do it differently. Sometimes the have bugs, memory leaks, etc, whether you paid for it or not.
I've come to find that every program is better at one tool or the other. I enjoy Krita and SAI's 1PX pens better. I enjoy Photoshop for photo bashing. I enjoy CSP for an 'all-around' experience, up to a point. I do both traditional and digital, so I'm finding that my need for settling on one pointless. It only makes sense if I'm working on a project where everyone is using, for example, CSP or Photoshop. I at least have the ability to use it and collaborate easily.
But, for personal use? There's no point in debating. I can use MSPaint or some online oekaki. I just draw.
The UI is absolutely perfect for me.
But then again I also took the 30 seconds it takes to customize it to my liking.
Krita is fucking amazing. Best thing that ever happened to me in regard to art tools.
That's max size
post work
Have you tried the enclose and fill tool? What do you think about it?
Yes, of course. Though, I mostly use the similar color selection tool.
post work
done in krita of course
>post work
>done in krita of course
I just did this one, >>7206457 of course I'm not using any "painterly brushes" there, just the standard "ink 2 fineliner" with dynamic brush tool activated.
these are neat, Im almost done porting them to CSP (granted, they dont work quite as nice using CSP's brush engine but they still work)

but the number of people (like ramon miranda, or some people in the krita forum) that use it to make load of good brushes is low.
Krita has the best mascot out there. Is there any other program with a mascot that cute or any other mascot at all?
Krita is slow and lags.
it screams i'm a free software for amateurs.
Just a reminder that digital software only has a small impact on an artist's ability to produce art. Speaking of which, I'm seeing you guys glaze Krita's brush engine, how's it compare to Corel Painter? I use both PS and Painter and have too many keybinds set to just switchup my goto, but I'd be glad to mess around with Krita if it's as good as you guys are making it out to be.
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Krita's brush engine is very robust .Anything you'd want to tweak you could in the brush editor, which makes it very powerful and also very intimidating
to a lot of people, this is the reason that there isn't much custom brush sharing like with other programs since Krita bundles are kind of a pain to set up. If you can get past that though you'll find one of the best programs for emulating traditional media since Krita handles textures in a realistic way unlike other art programs out there. One con though is that even though Krita is great with texture it's not so great at handling color mixing and blending as SAI or Painter are so it most likely won't replace anything if you use more wet techniques.
For everything else it's worth checking out.
nta, so Painter is still the king when it comes to mixing, I see. How Krita's color mixing compares to photoshop?
Don't like the UI, but I do want to fuck the mascot.
Who wouldn't?
rebelle is better than painter for mixing
same, aint there any plugins to make the ui.... not ugly?
Opacity and flow wise it's definitely better than Photoshop. It feels buttery smooth to use and all of the default brushes blow Photoshop's right out the water. My only wish was that there was an equivalent to 'wet edges'.
Krita is like Linux for program design
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>wet edges
Isn't there a "wet smear" default brush? Or do you mean something else?
Is that a good or a bad thing? I don't know jack shit about "program design"
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The look is similar to wet smear but without the opacity increasing with pressure. It's a togglable effect in Photoshop that you can use on any brush. The only other program that has this that I know of is Affinity Photo so maybe it's hard to replicate? Still wished Krita had it though 'cuz it's fun to mess around with.
It is a GNU, that is, it is free source, which means that it is in development all the time, it is not a finished product with improvements through updates like other programs with a commercial license.
It's good if you don't want to pay but it has a horrible interface, that's why I compared it to Linux, which basically has the same defect as all GNU versions.
Try it, it's totally free, if you don't like it, uninstall it and that's it.
whats an example of non ugly ui? are we talking aesthetics of functional?

screenshots are welcome.
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My csp workspace, i find most of the hud in krita to large, i can't put the tabs where i need them, and why is every singe thing its own tab? Like the straight line, square shape, circle shape, instead of having sub menues
Are you talking about the tool options? You can change the behavior of that from being in a docker
to being in the toolbar in the settings so it's all in one place.
ohhh I kinda see some of your complaints, pic is my main workstation but honestly most of the things I use are accessed via hotkeys and when I need something else I like that I don't have to open submenus. But I agree that docks should be able to be narrower if desired, I think qt sliders are at fault here.
Best mascot award for Kiki
i like krita :)
i dont like how it slows down with bigger canvases though :(
How much RAM memory do you have?
16gb, but its a 4 year old machine so idk if that changes things
Holy shit, if that doesn't help with the lag then I don't even know. A "4 years old machine" is still a fucking beast anon. Do you have a good graphic card? I'm trying to narrow down the reasons for the non-optimal performance.
Then, there's the canvas size factor of course. I'm going with the notion that you're working with a resolution way above 5000pixels.. 9000px maybe?
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pretty good gpu, and it might be chrome hogging all the ram since i have 30 tabs minimum open at any given time (inb4 you have a problem, i fucking know)
pic related is what im currently working on and its chugging like mad. could also be the layer count
Wow, that's not a big canvas at all. I'll have to put the finger on the amount of layers. I don't think that chrome is the culprit there (even when it has "that" reputation)
That's indeed is odd, things to consider, masked brushed tend to lag, fx filter layer are resource huggers, check which process are running concurrently (task manager), windows is known to have a high disk usage bug.

Does this happens with any brush, with any quantity of layers? or is with something in particular?
krita doesn't have a fucking revert function
The bad artisan always blames the tools...
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Is there a way to center the origin of the canvas in Krita like I can in PS?
A bad toolmaker always blames his artisan
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new startup screen?
What animal is Krita's pet exactly?
Kiki is a cyber squirrel, or something.
lately krita is very annoying, often when I press the space bar the hand icon get stuck and no matter what tool i pick it shows the hand icon.
What version? Everything works perfect for me. I'm still using 5.1.5, because I experienced some annoyances with some newer releases.

I just saw that there is a new official release, which is always hype, but I wonder if it's better than 5.1.5?
I finally took the Krita pill last night since I saw the Adobe thread and you know what? I fucking hate it. It feels backwards af and the gui looks like it was made for children. Also why is the color triangle backwards? Is that supposed to be unique? I don't understand what the hype is about? Am I missing something?
>use a different program from what you're used to
>shock and outrage as it is different
To be honestly I'm not sure what you were expecting, and I'm not sure you know either.
mine is 5.2.2.

It just started to happen these couple weeks out of nowhere.

5.1.5 had another bug for me, when I picked color with eye dropper I couldn't draw anywhere until I min/max krita
An interface that's reasonable? PS isn't my only software I use. I use corel Painter, heavy paint, csp, they all feel a lot more intuitive. Like seriously, why is the color triangle upside down? Why are darker values at the top? Can you rationalize that? It's so fucking bizarre. That's where I'm at.
i came from ps as well, been using it exclusively for two months now, it's retarded in many ways, the triangle doesn't bother me, but there is no reset image function and i haven't figured out if there is a history brush setting similar to ps. Layer grouping is clunky. The crop function is wild, hard to have precision with it, the histogram is very basic.

Strictly painting wise it's not any worse than ps, the brush engine is on par if not better, since ps haven't updated theirs in forever. I like how every brush can be set as eraser with just one click. you can import nibs from ps and create equivalent brushes rather easily.
just stay in the adobe ecosystem, lets be real at best your art will just poison their AI at worst it's not worthy of being training data.
The way you take valid criticism of Krita personally says all I need to know about you bud.
I'm not involved in the team, nor I'm contributing in the code base, so there is nothing I can't do about the criticism, most of the your points are talked in depth with either official solutions or workarounds in the community supported forums, but probably you won't bother searching or participating there...
Fanboys are the worst kind of retard. Even when you give valid criticism, they see it as personal attack and try to find excuses.

>used it for less than 24 hores, "backwards as fuck"

I microwaved two hotdogs in a fucking coffee mug yesterday. Shit still landed on a bun. You don't see me complaining
5.2.3 came out last week so maybe installing that version would fix the problem?
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You can always change the color selector to a square if that helps, most of the UI is customizable so if you don't like something there are plenty of other options.
Anon, "the color triangle is the wrong way" is NOT valid criticism. It's personal preference. Also I'm fairly certain the saturated edge always points to the currently selected hue.
What IS valid criticism is "the specific color selector resets back to sRGB 8-bit integer regardless of what color space or bit depth your image is in, as of 5.3", or "the irrelevant graphics driver info in the LUT management docker unnecessarily limits how much you can contract the docker, taking up valuable canvas space" (this was resolved in 5.2).
Or, hell, "larger brush sizes lag" which is true for even simpler brushes but ESPECIALLY true for brushes with more complex patterns.
I love Krita. Great software.
I like krita
how is animating in krita compare to csp?
i want to FUCK that squirrel
How old is that squirrel by the way?
Krita was released 19 years ago..

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