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Doodling is very important as an artist, it helps you with brain storming ideas, puts away the pressure that finishing pieces sometimes entails and it's overall a fun way to relax while drawing.

Post your doodles, low effort studies, early WIPs. Doesnt matter if you think they are bad or just not good enough, if you had fun while drawing it, it's a good doodle.
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what if I only doodle
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Some apples, some from reference, some from memory
Some abstracted and some simplified
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then the pearly gates shall be open to you and kin to be.
I recommend bananas
now this is from someone who knows how to have fun
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I don't get it but it reminds me of this boss from Gynoug
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How do you doodle digitally? I doodle in my notebook at work all the time, but whenever I sit down in front of my tablet, I can only draw with purpose.
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More ofy doodles
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Quick sketch
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Aight sure
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hell yea
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reimagined a friend's OC universe (Iceria) as a fighting game in my own (Japexico)
kinda messy, may clean it up later
also IYKYK
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Art feels like lifting weights. Sometimes you can feel the progress but other people probably can’t see it just yet
I don't even know how you can conceive of the process to get that.
It is one of the weaknesses of the digital medium. If a company were to make a tablet with a display, and an internal program which it's only purpose was to draw on it, I think it would be much better than what we have currently.
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>It is one of the weaknesses of the digital medium
No, it's a personal problem.
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We also do a little shitposting at /cgsg/ from time to time
Did this one in about 3 hours lol
not my OCs btw (Iceria again)

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Sorry if some panels are a little weird-looking. Had to crop some a bit for 4chan
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it really do be like that sometimes
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Based /cgsg/ sister :)

I too made a funpost comic about a certain japanexican samurai

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bonus funpost
I usually go and create a file with the intention of ”This is going to be just for exercises or doodles” and just name it ”learn” or ”doodling” so I don’t put any pressure on the idea of the canvas. I agree physically doodling is much more natural but you can deff get the same looseness on a digital medium.
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study-ish of JP toons
some funny faces here
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rbbabrit evolutiomn
Nice to see people on ic have fun with this.
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drew this the other day when I saw some photos of early 20th aussie criminals.
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OP here, practicing sovlfvll eyes in very shitty paper that tears up in 3 layers
thanks for making thread, very fun
that paper looks rough as hell though, might be fun to ink on
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I keep a stack of 11x17 scratch paper near my desk for doodles.
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Doodle I found in a sketchbook I had when I was 16-17
>during this time i literally would watch an osu streamer before bed and fall asleep while still in chat.
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>some funny faces here
hehe thank you, love ur work btw. Very cute little dudes you got here

looks cool, very cinema

jesus, i kneel
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I'm so happy this thread has just been wholesome all the way through.
I havent been in /ic/ long, but I feel like this is just what it needed.
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I bought a cheap Speedball fountain pen and just fucked around. All of my other pen doodles are done with a basic bitch Bic ballpoint pen. Fun stuff.

I've since doodled with pen every night before bed, in addition to any drawing I did during the day. Doodling with pen is neat because it forces me to do all the construction in my head.
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I got carried away
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Actually competent looking westoid cartoons are harder to draw than I've thought...
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Nice. I’ve always enjoyed the total drama art style, it’s interesting to see another take on it
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Here´s mine drew a mimic too in the upper corner...
Is this you Maldraw?

Your style reminds me Christ-chan drawn by Malasia dude
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I love doodling
hehe monke
When i was still srudying at High School i would draw many doodles on the last pages of my notebooks. I drew without thinking so much and only what i knew: bodys and faces, mostly in a frontal view. All the energy i had to draw was consumed by my doodles so i wouldnt draw more consciously when home.
In the end i didn't progressed so much by doings this. Now i'm trying to balance my doodles with more concentrated drawing sessions, trying to read books and all that stuff in order to improve
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been drawing the Left 4 Dead survivors in my work notebook
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big fan of the asymmetrical cargo shorts
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based thread
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Looks like Fairly Odd Parents
cute Seibah
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love these guys
Haven't drawn on paper in awhile. Finally broke in the blank sketchbook I had sitting around.
lol. Doodling is NGMI behavior. ~
gonna fuck you in the ass soooo hard
Done with one of those 4 color pens.
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Goblingus at work
most exquisite
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Drew something quick.
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beg tier animal doodles at work
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I don't have anything good to contribute to the thread, just this crappy doodle with some really bad beg hand studies.
beginner drawings set me at ease
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Mudskipper doodle and a crab face
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Small doodle
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Very old doodles...

Well,a design document. When I was dissatisfied with a strip,I would move onto a fresh page but use the space for alternate panels and character studies.
was told that i need to work on fundamentals and conceptualizing things in my head more than using refs, and I’m privy to agree, but hey i still like how these came out
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I love doodling
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I've been watching a lot of twin peaks while i've been drawing.
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OP here, never expected the thread to last so long, wish I could doodle but life has gotten in the way, here's a bunch of eyes I've drawn trying to figure out a bug-esque style for them.. still not there tho
godfuckingdamnit happened again raaa
4ch strips metadata, so you'll need to edit (rotate) your picture on your pc before posting anon.
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Amphibian soldier..
Blog ?
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fuckin sick
@siren_scales on twitter
Glad you like my silly doodles >:{}
Doodling at work. Very inspired by the hot weather.
I can't seem to doodle and it frustrates me to no end. When I think about it, I think I have a weird mental block about expressing myself in any sort of way so i end up paralyzed with fear and i end up not drawing at all. Any tips to stop being his way?
Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask
Think small or not think at all, ergo if you dont know what to draw or have a very vague idea, start by doing a circle, a cube or whatever, what's the first thing that comes to mind? nothing? well add a few markings to it, lines, spirals or what have you until your mind lands somewhere, stop for a second and draw what popped-up, anything works.

Remember that the drawing doesnt start at putting the pencil on paper and making a few scribbles, it starts when the scribbles take a form, you just have to flow with it.
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Doodling from SpongeBob
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Can you draw a smiley face? Just draw emoji and symbols and combine them together. Put a hat and a coat and a stick-cane on a smiley face with buck teeth. It's not supposed to look like all that much, think of it more like handwriting.
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Some recent doodle level developmental sketches.
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Bumping a fun thread
I concur
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More doodles
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refuse to hide her hands but not sure where to place them
based soulhouposter
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how the fuck are you guys doodling for hours? My hand just goes limp because I have nothing I want to draw
No I will not give up
Draw what you like. It's not that hard. Today there's no excuses.
Draw a limp skinnyfat dude fighting a badass dragon
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i hate my shitty camera
still if anybody could give me critique though it would be veyr appreciated
Looks alright man, but i can barely see your work. I can see a skull and how it fits into the head, but i think if you could put down some strong dark lines, that can make it easier to see and easier to critique
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sorry about that, hopefully this is better
it was also late at night and i was tired
do you have any works? i'm curious now
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Doodle WIP
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OP here, I am finally free from uni duty, also damn this has lasted a whole month already, maybe we should make a general after it dies!
have any of you played the new hot gacha game? I'm cooking something for it~
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I couldn't sleep last night and drew this. How's my SOVL /ic/? Or do I have none?
The one who has SOVL does not have it.
The one who does not have SOVL has it.
This is the way of things.
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This quite hot anon. Draw more of that.
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Here's another I did while watching a movie(unrelated to the film itself).

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