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So many artists in such bad health.
Art is damaging to the body in many ways

What should artists with minimal time be doing to preserve their health?
What are (You) doing to take care of yourself?
>/ic/ - Fitness
Seriously people, at the very least drink water and get up and walk around for two minutes every hour. Look at something far away for about 30 seconds to readjust your eyes so you don't become even more nearsighted. Go for a run at least once a week if not more, and consider going to a gym. Craft your art AND your body.
Tsukushi just needs to stop eating an exclusively ramen diet
I wouldn't be surprised if all the instant ramen that mangakas eat was shutting down their kidneys at a breakneck speed. The sodium levels alone in those things are insane.
>light guro
>good backgrounds
>good chara designs
>solid beast designs
If any of these appeal to you I'd say its worth checking out for the art alone
Story's nice too, panelling is OK
it's not art that is damaging the body
it's the stupid shit artists do that leads to a breakdown of hygiene and mental health (external factors). and this applies to everyone, not just artists. this one in particular is just becoming obese due to lack of care of one's self. at least he's doing something about it. as a side note, a bit of advice also includes looking at self in the mirror once in a while (hopefully every day) or at the very least, look at the outline of your shadow or silhouette. if it looks ungodly, do something to fix it.
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>What should artists with minimal time be doing to preserve their health?
They should be copying what Yoshikazu Hamada does.
i need money to do that
>if you don't work overtime with reduced salary, we will replace you with AI.
Asian now
>it's the stupid shit artists do that leads to a breakdown of hygiene and mental health
The vast majority of professional artists are introverts with/without social anxiety.
They tend to have mental health issues and they're either obese or skinny.
Their gender is irrelevant, but the ladies tend to be in better shape than the guys.
It's rare to see a jacked artist that hit the gym and he isn't a shy faggot, I only know 3 pro artists that got muscles and they're extroverts.
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why did he do this
>I only know 3 pro artists that got muscles and they're extroverts.
They're all capeshit pencillers for some weird reason. I know 2 of them use themselves as reference for the supers.
because its one of the most competitive fields in the world. you're competing with schizos that draw for 17hrs a day and AIbros that churn out 20 drawings a day.

you literally do not have time for "uwu self care" if you're doing it professionally. while you take a break or spend time with family someone else is taking your clients and engagement.
I actually know 5 gym rat pencillers, and 3 of them are married.
>Comic artists draw from 8 to 16 hours per day
>Concept Artists on FZD draw up to 20
>Manga artists have just 3 hours of sleep on important deadlines
It's crazy how IC think that only 1 hour per day is enough to make it when actual pros are working themselves to the grave.
Tsukushi is thinner than you'd think anon
He's got an unusually fat face though

>/ic/ - Fitness
Not really
This is more a thread for us artists, because we understand our needs more.
If I asked /fit/ they'd tell me "Just lift for an hour faggot" when another artist would understand that if I'm also working full time hours an hour is a big chunk out of my drawing time...
An hour of fitness 3 times a week with lifting and some cardio is the least you should do. You will be well repayed with higher energy levels and health. One hour practice with high energy and focus is worth more than 8 low energy faggot hours.
If you're a sick freak that gets off to child abuse and rape then read Made in Abyss. If you're normal then read something normal.
it is literally just jules verne, but instead of british people it is japanese kids
I'm gonna disagree with you there.
When you're doing an intense workout routine the time you spend in it isn't just on the workouts themselves.

I spent a few months on a lifting routine (SL5x5) and honestly my main point of contention was that I was so fucking hungry all the damn time I was either at uni, at the gym, or cooking more and more food for myself.
I dropped it, and suddenly found I had been spending so much time and energy outside the gym on exercise than I thought.
The ballbuster for me was sleep. I can't sleep 6 hours straight. And you lose 80%+ of a gym routine's benefits if you don't sleep at least 8.
You sound like a fat faggot. Cooking a bigger portion doesn't take longer and it's normal. But having to eat all the time sounds like diabetes or some shit like that.
>I can't sleep 6 hours straight.
sleep apnea or too much caffeine/nicotine
that shit isnt normal
If you're a Chad that doesn't like western feminism then read it if you're a faggot or feminist then don't bother.
>someone not used to cooking a ton of food is fat
It's the opposite, anon. I'm skinny, I have weekends where I can literally just sip a 2L bottle of tea and have a light dinner at the end of the day.
Yeah, that too.
I MIGHT have sleep apnea but it's hard to say.. I'll have a sleep study done soon enough
I don't drink coffe or smoke.
It's the trash hormones and absurd levels of sugar that are on every single food item nowadays.
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general body exercise, aerobic is ok for the circulation and heart care, you just need to do that a few times a week, not anything demanding at all. But muscle growth is mandatory, mandatory yes.
Most if not all the problems that artists have by decades of drawings are related to poor muscle development that leads in chronic pain, because since those parts dont have the enough muscles to keep on the years, mantain postures leaves to atrophied muscles.
You name it, the most common are all pains related to the arms, from shoulders to biceps-triceps, to the forearm muscles (specially those), that goes directly to wrist pain. Legs pains and circulation problems for sitting for decades. Back pains, those are the worst and more common since people can actually use the legs and arms in somekind active way everyday if they do things, but back and core muscles dont work much.
I say the most important is at least make regular squats, and arm exercises for muscles, along with regular core exercises, they dont need to be intense, anons, the thing is not to be fit, is to MANTAIN the muscles over the decades, healty muscles, if you work then just to be active you are fine, nothing hard, common squats, buy some cheap dumbbells for arm exercises, do some planks, some pull-ups if you have a place, that's all.
Is easy because the effort is minimal, it's not to look good, just to keep the muscles active, and with that you give yourself a few good years in the future without pain.

In fact a good amount of problems in elderly it's precisely that their muscles are atrophied due to lack of use and that's why their mobility is so poor.
Just a few minutes a day is enough anons, just a few minutes nothing more, you can do it.
mostly lack of vitamin d, you have trouble getting decent amount of sleep without it. If your skin is dark, you'll trouble getting a decent amount needed in a day.
There is an incredible amount of causes for poor sleep. Though most boils down to poor lifestyle and health.
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This is what Jiro Matsumoto, the mangaka of Freesia, looks like.
I have neck pain most of the time, caused primarily by my damaged jaw joints constantly making my jaw muscles tense to compensate, and the tension just spreads right into the neck. From there, it spreads to my shoulders and back if not careful. I have to wear a bite splint because I've been having bruxism since early childhood; lived in constant stress and fear, so I ground my teeth all day and night for two decades, irreversibly wearing down my jaw joints as if I were an old geezer. My sleep is complete ass, been having insomnia more often than not this year. Every other year, I have a single instance of waking up feeling refreshed, and I am completely baffled at how much of an unironic superpower that is.

I literally don't know what to do aside from living with the pain, and hoping general lifestyle improvements will trickle down. Establishing or following routines is extremely difficult for me when living alone because I also have untreated ADHD. Around others, I try to put on a smile, be fun to have around and hide my troubles because they're mine to deal with - I just felt like venting into a void here. Wish I'd draw more instead of losing so much time in general to being scatterbrained, or quite a few days here and there to illness. I want to make short animations one day.
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Lift n draw
yeah you need to seek medical, non-pharmaceutical treatment. your best bets are probably physical therapy and/or nerve block injections.

i dealt with severe chronic pain for 3 years straight and it was hell. im no pussy but i tear up a bit thinking about those years, nonstop physical pain is a horrible thing to deal with.
He didn't eat like a pig and worked out for half a year? Wow!
tmj sucks, i feel u
Japan does not understand what the creator of Kitaro said once, humans need to sleep 10 hours a day, not 8 or 6!
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this is a fitness thread now
post body and current artwork
post body
If you're not sacrificing your health, you aren't taking art seriously enough.
>Doesn't exercise
>Gets sick
>Surprise pikacu
>those shitty biceps genetics
>shitty coomer art
I think socialized healthcare skews your perception of how many people, in this case artists, are getting sick. Cheaper healthcare means more frequent hospital visits since you know treatment won't cost an arm and a leg. Better than seeing another artist launch a gofundme page just to afford meds.
You think I'm a Health Care worker or statistician for the NHS? How would I even know who's an artist?
Obviously if you push yourself too hard and neglect health you will hit a wall eventually. Also if you are in the gym all the time you aren't getting art done. It's about time management. You need to sacrifice some things or pay for them later.
I don't take care of my body. Any time I think about doing healthy normalfag shit like working out and eating well, I think "how does this help me get better at drawing? I've got so many things to draw I can't sit here lifting these heavy objects up and down"
Cuck snoy mindset
Drawing a comic you are being paid to do is different than studying something you suck at and gives you zero dopamine or money. If I was being paid and had millions of fans waiting for me, I would happily draw.
I workout a lot to blow off steam. Regular walking routine.
My body is in fine condition but my mind is fucked beyond all repair, and you can't solve batshit crazy with diet and cardio.

Unlikely. The brain auto corrects your baseline experience of pleasure and motivation when you achieve success. It's why millionaires are bored and depressed. It's why Proko stopped caring about numbers, and why almost every artist that does make it gives the advice "you have to love drawing for its own sake," because they made it and realized that drawing for any other reason (like money and fans) is unsustainable.
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new generetion dishonorablu, weaku
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Do basic strength training, work on joints like the knees elbows, do basic back exercises, stretch properly every day. Focus on giving the body breaks especially your dominant hand and shoulders for drawing.

Invest in a standing desk or make it so you have to get up after an hour or two.

Drawing will always eat into your health if you actually do it non stop without any exercise to mitigate the sedentary lifestyle
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Would one of them happen to be Jorge Jimenez? I was surprised to see how fit (and handsome) he is in addition to being a skilled artist
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i cant improve my genetics but i can improve my art
he definitely took the picture after the doing the drawing
don't do handstands. they wreck your wrists. at very least use a grip support.
>If I was being paid and had millions of fans waiting for me, I would happily draw
NGMI mindset
This anon is correct.
When you buy your first vehicle it's awesome, but after a few months you want something better and you see your old vehicle as garbage.
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>Would one of them happen to be Jorge Jimenez?
Yes! One of the others is a bodybuilder that teach how to draw comics besides drawing them professionally and the other one is from the 90s.
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>the other one is from the 90s
Greg Capullo? Picrel is him at 59 years old.
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He's one of the realest artists out there.
Yeah Noah Bradley is awesome. Big fan.
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>bodybuilder that teach how to draw comics
I didn't find that guy but I found someone that is a bit similar.
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>Noah Bradley is awesome
I have to hit the gym and browse /fit/
If you have a sentient toilet fetish like me it's a 10/10
>Noah Bradley
What a chad.
>When you buy your first vehicle it's awesome, but after a few months you want something better and you see your old vehicle as garbage.
What kind of an ungrateful fuck are you?
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I finally understand why gymrats are a thing. I'm gonna buy my whey protein right away bros.
Alex Ross, Love that guy, Big fan.
>What kind of an ungrateful fuck are you?
My younger brother said the same thing, less than 2 years later and he thinks the same as me.
Our brain get used to a new baseline like the other anon said.
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>Alex Ross
How big is he?
Don't forget your big water container. you'll need to chug at least half a gallon of clean water a day to make it work.
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Poor people mindset.
I see. Thank you anon. I heard that creatine and magnesium is necessary too.
yeah working out is a must. If I skip it my back instantly start aching from sitting all day.
I dunno how lanklets like Jungi ito and fat fucks like Adam Hughes do it desu
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Julie Bell's both a legendary fantasy artist and a bodybuilder.
Her husband's Boris Vallejo, another legendary fantasy artist, even bigger than her.
>Boris Vallejo
his stuff is literally AI tier
>Boris Vallejo
He taught her how to draw and paint and she broke his dick.
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>his stuff is literally AI tier
AI traced his stuff from the get go because he's popular.
If you leave the coom and get the sovl
Thanks. Physio helps a bit but without it I just relapse, so I definitely have to handle things more proactively. Figuring out how to take care of myself effectively will take a while, for general lack of consistency or daily routines is a real handicap. My father has chronic pain and has to chug a bunch of pills, I'd rather not end up like him.
Fucking insane goddess of a perfect woman. How the fuck did she ended up with that ugly beaner "Boris"?
don't work for people who have a disdain and disrespect for artists
avoid the managerial class at all costs
get your v02max up and lift weights 4-6 sets per muscle group per week is more than enough
eat whole foods
I have hemorrhoids :(
because personality
>What should artists with minimal time be doing to preserve their health?
Squat stand or half rack + barbell + adjustable bench. Incline press, OHP, deadlift, bench press, squats, front squat, can also throw in some other lifts if you want.
>Check his twitter
>Pictures of his blood pressure readings higher than 200/100mmHg alongside pictures of high-sodium slop he eats

Amazed he hasn't croaked yet
Running just better for your overall health
Lol Noah B is a g.
i want this. also one of those soft floor mats that are made to help people stand up all day comfortably
>Make /ic/ fit thread
>Noah bradley is summoned

Of course.
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Aside from caffeine and creatine, what are some nutrients that can help fighting sleep deprivation?
I agree with this anon >>7191584
I'm aiming to be a comic artist, and lately I feel like I just don't draw much often enough.
With my current corporate wagecuck job, I can only draw on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
But if I could cut my sleeping time in half, I could get extra 3-4 hours to draw on workdays.
I wish I could quit my job and focus on my comic career, but that's not an option for now.
So, what supplements do I need to keep my body and mind working? Ginseng? Rhodiola? NAC?
Water. A gallon of water per day is ideal. But you hardly get to follow that rule everyday. I take 1 liter of water each time during the day. If you do that when you wake up, it actually works better than caffeine, it is like taking a shower. Of course I drink my fucking coffee during the day like an addict, but drinking CLEAN WATER it's a totally different side commitment.
It makes sense that overloading your system with water will "overclock" your nervous system. It is actually good for you. If you're going to abuse your body anyways better drink all the water you can.
Of course you need to keep your salt and minerals intake high on par with your water intake to not collapse.
How do you avoid waking up at midnight to pee?
I drink two glass of water every hour, stop after dinner at 7 but I still have to wake up once or twice.
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Literally just drink water and stretch every so often. Thats it
consume more vitamin d and magnesium. that's about it really, exercising helps as well.
After aprox 30 minutes of drinking one liter of water I pee that whole shit. That's interesting you know, many people have the "pee" problem when drinking the daily gallon of water. I think the problem is that they drink all that water spread like that during the day, it makes sense that you would be peeing yourself constantly.
To be honest I drink one liter early, and one liter later in the day. (I hardly do the 4 liters [1gallon] nowadays). But that's it, there's two moments during the day (30min after chugging 1 liter of water) that I know that I will be getting rid of it.
I would hate to have to go pee every fucking hour. Yeah drinking glasses of water every now and then will ruin your day for sure.
God invented liter bottles of coke for a reason. Keep one under your desk, when nature calls, just pull down your fly. What's the matter? You shy? You have visitors? Come on.
No the reason is that I feel like the body adapts to your water intake. I don't feel any "need" at all to drink water besides those two moments in the day. And I feel like I'm high on water without having to drink it all day every hour.
calm down timmy

maybe if the blood of RVME flowed to your veins you could be a bodybuilding philosopher too
You sound nervous, what's the problem?
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I want you guys to try doing this movement.
Don't use a weight, just use a waterbottle or something.

Tell me your results.
Just got finished doing the exercise
Both of my arms are now broken
I can't lift my left art above the shoulder without screaming, I'm fucked.
thats fucking hilarious, i would be honored if i was drawn like that
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>because he's popular.
no, pajeets and normies just have terrible taste.
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>weightlifting fag itt

Frazetta had to take lessons from Roy Krinkel, /fit/fags are ngmi without a kind goofball to fix their mental autism. It's just facts
My left shoulder pops like crazy but feels pretty good.

>inb4 pyw
The author of the manga/anime (OP) drew the neckbeard crying while reacting to episode 13 during a chapter drawing livestream
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Have you guys heard of Danny Earls? This is his work. Can’t find a photo of the guy himself but apparently he’s a former pro footballer/soccer player, so I assume the guy is pretty fit
And being good in bed. People often forget ugly people work harder in the bedroom to make up for looks.

Kinda like how they say fat girls are better at BJs
Already do every other day but still not buff, what now?
No one mentioned it but at least as important as excercise is sleep. If you're not sleeping well enough your body will break down.
Didn't read the thread but there's a clear correlation between people with poor health becoming artists to start with. I can't remember if it was Rinotuna, Murata Yusuke or even Kim Jung Gi who said that he was a very weak kid and due to poor health did only drawing every day. All of them were kids who were always drawing though, so I wouldn't expect them to be very sportive. A lot of artists I know are actually fucked up in some way which allows them to invest time in drawing to start with, while the rest of the society is slaving their asses for a minimum wage.
Looks like I found the perfect anime for myself, thanks for the recommendation!
very intricate art and worldbuilding but the author cant resist putting his fetishes into it to the point where it borders on distracting, mind you, its not a moral failure on the artist's end, but unless you are into loli and shota, specifically seeing them in peril and in situations relating to bodily fluids, you'll be taken out of the story somewhat often
dont let the faggots who are like "duuurrr its a normie filter" or "durrr its child porn" dissuade you, just be aware of the sorta content in it beforehand
damn that feels good actually
That should go without saying, to add onto the obvious, eat well. Breath properly, have a non shit posture. Take breaks to move around for circulation.
Start earning some then, standing desks are not as expensive as you think. It's not much more than a high end tablet or computer. Save a 20-30 bucks every month for a year and you'll have enough
Sitting for many hours increases your risk of a deep vein thrombosis and subsequent embolism. You absolutely need to be stretching and moving around very often unless you want to get a stroke or cardiac arrest by the time you're 30.
What about sunlight? I live 24/7 inside my room, NEETING on my desk all day and I feel super fine. I haven't seen daylight in years I think.
started working out last week and 3 weeks sober. i feel way better then i have 4 weeks ago and more energy, just sore mostly and motivated to start some projects again
Sunlight is a meme as long as you eat a healthy and varied diet. Every time I go outside I put on 50spf sunscreen. Fuck the sun. Who needs it.
>Not implying that he is a brown retard living in the favelas of Brazil
my sides
>30 min Run/jog is good for blood circulation to the brain and your eye, and your body posture
>1 hour of lifting is good for your muscular strength, so that you wouldn't develop a carpal tunnel syndrome, the most common thing for drawfags
>1 hour of core workout, pushup, calisthenics, is good for your posture as a whole, leading to good blood circulation and breathe system
But of course despite of those benefits that I just said, you wouldn't do any of those workout because lazyfags like you would somehow find unreliable source about the bad side of workout to justify your lazy-ness in your life
trying to use exercise bands more. 10, 15 minutes a day but i don't and can't do it every day, i'm just so mentally wiped from work and my living environment is shit. i pray i get to move somewhere near a gym soon
How come no one has named Terry Crews yet?
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I miss him bros...
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I used to be a national competitive bodybuilder and worked out six times a week. Now that I've retired, I lift weights five times a week and do cardio three times a week. I still eat my clean bodybuilder meals so I'm pretty healthy even though I draw for hours.

>What should artists with minimal time be doing to preserve their health?
At least do cardio 5x a week. (Fast walk on treadmill for 25-30 mins is good nuff)
A lot of walking/lifting at work, hiking on weekends, and occasional camping.
Drawing is good for the mind/soul, but you sacrifice physical health if you dedicate too much time to it.
Out is your friend, too, friends.
Cardio has only ever helped me when I was hitting the gym hard. It increased my endurance which helped a lot with my strength gains. As long as you're eating enough, cardio won't kill your gains. I learned one day how much cardio mattered when I got wrecked in a fight because I got gassed too easily. It's all about balance. I personally think people against cardio are just lazy bitches with no mental strength. I used to hate running, now I can tolerate it for 3 miles.
I don't have the willpower or mental energy to work out AND draw, I have to carefully select how many actions I take per day like a video game. Not everyone is blessed with the ability to work out and do hobbies at the same time.
yeh it but i need to save for a new place
i don't pay the rent in the current one it the environment is really toxic
bro, i'm binging him right now, his failure is so addicting to watch from his first video to his last, you cant look away
I eat veggies, fruits and fish. I pace around the house like a deranged person every once in a while just to move my legs, I do wrist exercises and spend 25 minutes a day doing cardio. So far I'm doing alright but I'm still young so I still dont know if I'm doing things right.
Compound lifts 3x a week
That's really all you need

Take vitamin D supplements
I honest to God I don't get it if you are an artist, how you play video games, go to gym, go out for a coffee, do this "chilling and netflix" shit. I see people flipping their shit, when they see someone using a tool in a software, while I thank God I have a brush or a tool which lifts some work off from me like a gradient for jewels.
If I'm not drawing I'm organizing comms, doing the patreon/fanbox shit, talk to commissioners, come up with ideas, make polls, think of poses, look up new shading techniques, references, see whats appealing for people, improve my already existing one etc.
And its already 3AM.

>The guy can't focus on one solid piece of instruction
>Constantly hopping around looking for the next "secret technique"
>Not mature enough to take failure as a learning opportunity and instead goes on and on about "muh depression" and cries like a teenage girl
>Finally finds a job after months of unemployment, but it requires him to move states, on top of having a kid on the way, the expenses will pile up to monolithic proportions soon

Jesus Christ, it's just pathetic. The poor bastard is constantly chasing that next dopamine hit like a heroin addict.

Find some inner peace, anons. Don't be this guy.
>what are some nutrients that can help fighting sleep deprivation?
>But if I could cut my sleeping time in half, I could get extra 3-4 hours to draw on workdays.
Enjoy suddenly keeling over at fifty.
you can stop anon
thread is a month old and we've all had our say
Health is important. Artists mostly die from lack of exercise and bad diet.
Or you could say excess of Anime
japs are self suicidal and born brain damaged. everyone knows that

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