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Most male art ref packs are either regular Joes or ENORMOUS BEEFCAKES, hard to find packs with a variety of body types. Also not much "artistic" stuff out there with big ol' salami swords.
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This guy looks like he has a nice meat tomahawk.
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male models are fucking cowards, they all use underwear. i wanna see bare asses and cock veins, otherwise there's no point, same with women models desu.
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I realize one can find male nudes with great big members pretty much anywhere else, but I'm wondering if there are art models, actual artistic poses. But if anyone feels like sharing any kind of anything here that's fine too, there isn't another pose ref thread at the moment.
where can I get porno sex ref pack with various angles and uncensored genitalia???
No kidding, Grafit has an avalanche of references, male and female, but half the male models wear undies.
>with great big members
Why? It makes no difference when drawing.
I wanna draw big aesthetic thunderschlongs. Big, I can find. Artistically interesting, that's more difficult.
not good enough, its not hanging down to the floor and thicker than his forearm
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You're right. We need "Well-Endowed Man Balancing on His Dick" reference pack. Cock yoga.
where is the link to this
Satine Zillah website
Nah fuck you im going to draw these tonight.
You are not wrong. I wish there was more long and slender men to fit men in general doing artistic posts and what not, you would think it would be everywhere but I stand correctly sadly.
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Search for solo gay porn
Can someone upload that pack? Its hard to find male modes. I wrote a script that deleted every second female ref and they are still 80% of my folder.
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The light in these shoots is always so awful, it's not useful for artists, it's not made by artists either. Even old photos of Arnie are better.
true. the crux of the issue is that most male nude models are made for porn so they just don't give a shit. Women models at least get nice lighting because they're meant to be drawn and referenced. It's way more academic. You'd have more luck finding a muscular female model pack than an academic nude male model.
How can you tell if lighting is good or not?
If you're working to do some gestural stuff or get the gist of a figure, then lighting isn't too important. But if you're filling in the shadows and highlights and all that jazz, it's important to have lighting that accentuates all the funky dips and rises of muscle and flesh. If the lighting leaves everything all grey and flat, it might not be so helpful.
how big we talking anon-kun?
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I can't tell any muscle definition in these artstation ref packs, the images are always so dark.
Looks like he got his ass kicked and flattened
The lights are shit, I mean you can see that the guy has muscles but not the shadows, for my ArtStation it became an OnlyFans camouflage with these packages, especially the female models.
> Owns an art program
> Doesn't know how to tweak values

Ask yourself what the fuck you're even doing with your life
Not the same thing, that's resorting to polishing a turd. You want hard shadows like the vintage black and white photos.
Even muscle shows on youtube are better than anything on Artstation.
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Here I leave you this is a book by Arnold with many black and white photos of bodybuilders.

Nice, thanks! This is the stuff the old masters referenced, you can bet Ryoichi Ikegami and Richard Corben copied this.
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The problem is that studio photographers are used to setting up these 4+ direction lighting setups to blast the models from every direction which makes it impossble to read a legible shadow from the reference.

>>7198004 is fucking awful, if you try to sketch such a confusing lighting setup (a flourescent tube on the floor?) it will look like nonsense unless you nail it perfectly and also render the environment so the viewer understands there is a light source on the floor and you aren't just randomly making the leg super bright because you are a retard.
lack of appreciation for the male form is why modern art will never reach the old masters height btw
ill buy idc just post sauce
sauce pls
Satine Zillah
thank you
>New Masters Academy reference images (4.14 GB)
Marvelous collection, thank you for sharing!
>dutch angle
>3 light sources
>1/3 of the picture is dead space
cant wait to draw this ref
Funny timing. Just a few days ago I was looking for ref packs and getting annoyed that it was all women. I wish there were Super Pose Books for men or something.

Based, thanks for these.
Is there a link for these? I really like the poses he's doing. Also, you can see almost everything on him!
god I can't fuckin find it, she has so many. Someone pls spoonfeed link to this one.


I think this is it:

>The problem is that studio photographers are used to setting up these 4+ direction lighting setups to blast the models from every direction which makes it impossble to read a legible shadow from the reference.

Yeah, Posespace is better for this, but holy fuck it's expensive. The artstation packs aren't terrible if you're trying to do a constructive approach though, picrel is from an artstation pack.
where do I use that with? is it mega?
thank you anon
Some random muscle head on youtube provides better light than a professional Artstation studio.
the traveling pharmacy
Study gay porn like the dr stone mangaka did
Hmm why does it seem like everything from rando youtube videos to old ass magazines to porn has better lighting than professional art studios
god i'd hate to be this veiny disgusting mess of a teenager
*heavy breathing intensifies
Gonna draw Ubel from this reference. Thank you anon
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Juicing, dude is wheezing all over his vids. Poor kids gonna die soon if he doesn’t stop fucking his body up.
You're retarded if you use this abomination as reference.
I did for the torso and it turned out great.
are there any packs of men with 360 turn-arounds? seems like all the men packs are just "BIG HERO FIGHT FIGHT POSES XTREEM CAMERA ANGLE".

I'm about to drop $50 on a couple posespace packs but I would much rather get an artstation pack if one like that exists.
>Male Anatomy for Artists (3D.SK) (17.7 GB)

>Female Anatomy for Artists (3D.SK) (17.15 GB)
Yeah, I'm sure you're much happier with whatever dead end path your life has taken.
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Ayone have this?
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REference, jap bond edition?
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No matter how broken ur heart is it will still be miles healthier than the one this moron has.
I don't give two fucks about the guy. He's doing what he wants and you think anyone cares that you think he looks stupid. Get over yourself.
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probably the dildo up her censored puss
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the subject in that photo gives you the impression of the basic 3D shade ball.
the shadow and highlight is what giving your 2D flat drawing the 3D effect, regardless on how you render it. Correct lighting for study is necessary as a beginner to understand before you can be creative about it.
MEGA Desktop App (requires an account).

Log in -> Right click -> Transfer Manager -> Open links -> Download to my computer (uncheck Import to my Cloud drive) -> OK

The download keeps the file structure and some of the filenames are quite long so keep the path of the download folder short.
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I hope the dick is intact, not cut.
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They already uploaded that homosexual in other threads
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Do you have any of the packs anon? Can you upload them?
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I can't stop laughing, you guys masturbate with these kinds of micro dicks
You love them big dicks, ain't ya?... heh
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I understand that homosexuals like big cocks, you don't have to be one to know that, anyway, anon, I understand your insinuation, but I'm not interested.
Only loser like (You) jerk of to art material.
>Only loser like (You) jerk of to art material

I hurt your vagina??? I don't care
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damn it, so many steroids literally castrated him
Women are so much more beautiful than men it's embarrassing. Nudity should be left to them.
>inb4 fatty
>caring that much about other people
why are you on this board?
nah bro that's natty, you are just a DYEL fr
They cut off his cock and you say he's elegant? cuckold!!!
Women are designed to sell beauty. Men are designed to go out and procure so they can buy it. You're comparing apples and an apple cart
which thread? I can't find it on archive
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>more beautiful than men
kek. women needs makeup to make them resembles human on daily basis but men? just be himself and work out to FLESH OUT the potential in him. it's in nature
Any kinda twinky packs available?
I think you may just be a faggot
Kek. Female pose packs are just straight up porn/onlyfans
>nobody posting packs
It's over...
Nope, I can tolerate little girls and absolutely hate women after the age of 13.
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Pedo or not you still a fag.
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JApan obviously
Anyways to bring this thread back on track here is a pack of this guy >>7208007

Does anyone have a reference pack of mostly nude men and women wearing underwear? So shorts/briefs on men and panties/bras on women. I don't want to look at penis or pussy or tits, thank you very much.
Blerrggh why w*men are so ugly? No wonder they're considered the things that are non-human.
w-whew I can't stop touching myse-- I mean, drawing his figures!. Thanks anon!
Bros I'm looking for fat female models
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does anyone have this pack?
reup please
I need pose packs of beautiful men. Any recommendations?
Thank you!
I bought these two last night, anyone want them.

Also do I need to scrub any digital watermarks for art station packs or can I just upload.
any recommendations for drapery packs? preferably shirts/hoodies/pants
If you're using firefox you can also use this addon to decode base 64 on page:

yes plz
I don't think Grafit Studio itself puts watermarks on their releases.

Bizarrely it's the Telegram group that rips some of Pose reference that puts his name and Address (he lives in India) in some pictures.
Give me a few days, vacation soon I can get to it.
Anyone got these packs?
The artist is gay or female
So does anybody have the pack in the OP or is everyone too busy acting gay?
Any of these will be appreciated. :DD
it's on cgp
this is not on CGP
I don't have an account.
Bump for more like this.
yes it is

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