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What happened to him?
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I'm ready for that red pill, OP
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>gets crabbed on for mildy improoving
>leaves because he doezn't like being crabbed

Simple as, very few remain in this 2010 /cgl/ lite community
He got crabbed for being a schizo. His (lack of) improvement had nothing to do with it.
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What is and ain't a schizo is objective, schizos became schizos because of inherit traits that get activated from certain community engagment, if he was a better artist his schizodom wouldn't of cum(probabpy)
I remember him rationalizing going to art school and taking art classes with an argument that if he pays for them, it automatically means he will get good because spending money has to bring results
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i miss him
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Here I shall demonstrate my progress in real time
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Also to answer your question I went to animation school for awhile and did live drawing and 3D and all that. Fun but the quality of the homework could be better.
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>pick a reference
>overlay it on your drawing
>change it
That way you'll learn more about anatomy than whatever you are doing there
>Verification not required.
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Thanks I will start reference drawing but still as you can see I can draw in 3D now.
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This is where I hit a wall. The hair gets in the way of the other proportions and I can’t draw underneath it. Guess I will use a ref from here.
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Not bad…
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i love you
How's your mother these days? Has she become more supportive?
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Yeah I mean I guess she’s always been supportive of my art? Just annoying as she forces me to take my medicine and won’t shut up about it. She did help a lot with my portfolio though.

Bruh,.. I think you just made a thread about yourself and samefagged in almost all posts except this >>7197752.
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Nah, I was surprised after posting >>7197600 that this thread existed (not really) but I just wanted to show off my progress. I check up on /ic/ every so often but I’m on break now and figured out/remembered how to tether so that’s why I’m posting (I left Japan).
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Last for today, that was a good session. I will be back but do I still belong in /beg/?
is this fucking real
is the autistic retard back
You been getting better but that is still /beg/. Dont be discouraged, you been been making progress
Looks like some shit you'd see in One Piece with those proportions. This is literally how Oda draws all his women.
I kneel
Do you have discord anon? If so can i add you? I like yoir art a lot!
How is it humanly fucking possible that you still haven't improved one fucking bit? What the fuck is wrong with your brain?
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I kneel
Gotta go fast
>he's back
Only question now is what happened to Mikufag?
Any work examples of this Mikufag? newfag here
What's your Twitter? <3
No way it’s actually him.
This has to be an AI model trained on his old dataset. I. Can't believe somebody would larp this hard.
Glad I could help
Believe it or not, thats an actual improvement. Now you can break down what parts are what and how do they work for when you need to draw them again.
Try making nudes with nude references, that way you can see the anatomy more clear.
Also dont limit yourself to irl references but other artists that you like.
Just remember that its just for learning.
You should make more animations, I can see you’re already doing new things with this one
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studying anatomy anatomy hopefully.
don't know if he is trolling here or that he is actually a narcissist.
>guys what's wrong with my drawing? people called it crap, but I don't see what's wrong?
>I only what criticism for the face, don't tell me to studying observation and Loomis!
Looks like he kind of know that the anatomy is horrible, but for some reason don't want to admit it and want people to tell him that /bant/ is wrong and his drawing is awesome.
Is this narcissism? that he feels the need for people telling him everything he does is awesome or is he just trolling?
Discord invite? What cord is this?
nah CRCY was based
"narcissism" lol sure.
Someone in that discord posted this sometime ago. no idea for how to get an invite.

>"narcissism" lol sure
isn't that what you call someone who always think they are right?
>got the generic anime face right, please ignore the rest of the drawing and tell me /bant/ was wrong!
narcissism seems to be the only explanation for being in denial that this is DeviantArt tier.
>CRCY was based
yes, pretty clear esdathfag learned from some how to draw animu youtuber/book. studying fundies would help him a lot.
he's calling esdeath narcissist not the mod you 20 IQ retard
it was a beg server in 2021 that is now defunct. it was nice for a while
Oh Esdeath Anon you are back, and you did improve! Great to see you have been practicing so much still! I still have my discord if you wish to chat or feedback. Keep doing it man!
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The pose reminds me of Tsunade.
He's in beg right now
You summon him now wait till soda and subu to come back. It's owarida all over again.
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>esdeathfag is back
>he even made gains
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She HAWT. Damn.
Hey anon, does she have a name?
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Hey thanks, yeah I lost my last account haha.

Oh damn, that really sucks friend... Unfortunately I can't help much anyone here anymore since 4chan globally banned posting pictures when using incognito mode.
So what is YOUR excuse?
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The password didn’t work when I tried to login so I just assumed I got hacked. 4chan banned incognito? Weird.
So you're not posting any more images on 4ch at all? What's the danger? Mixing cookies from 4ch with other sites data in the browser?
Does Esdeath have some background story profile? Newfag here. o7
Avatarfag that always asks for advice but never takes it, also has never improved. If you want to make him mad mention keys to drawing
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>never improved
The thumb is on the wrong side, you muppet.
No, you should be working in the industry.
I meant your OC, does she have a background story?
Its a character from an anime. Just look it up on google
ahhhh that's a shame.
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You wanna see my OC?
Yeah, I want you to have an official OC, with an story behind. I need this board to be as fun as possible.2wgw
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The main protagonists are surrounded by ocean and nature, with factions consisting of mermaids and forest people out to kill them. The protagonists will have to use their knowledge and skillsets to survive.
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>mermaids and forest people out to kill them
That could be really hot... sex, drama and death intertwined, I like the idea.
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Old concept. I have a lot to add on/change so if you have any ideas feel free.
>So you're not posting any more images on 4ch at all?
I was forced to stop by the rules.

>What's the danger? Mixing cookies from 4ch with other sites data in the browser?
It is the principle, if s site starts relies on people posting content then starts to ACTIVELY FIGHT AGAINST people wanting to post content then why should I bother? What comes next? Will 4ch want me to make an account and get my E-mail and other data? Then what next? Will I need to start buying a 4chPass to post any pictures? Nnnoo thanks... I can see where this is going.
What mental illness am I looking at here?
Pure unadulterated SOVL
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Are you talking about the upload limit thing?
anyone praising OP is most likely samefagging.
Mikufag took his jerb
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I think it's called
>I refuse to listen to any kind of advice or criticism
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no it is >>7199695
Anon you're making a monumental effort. Great stuff, very inspiring.
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Thanks anon seeing my old drawings come to life is giving me reassurance that I was always right.
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Hey anon, I made a little image about your idea. Cool scenario for some hot action.
>Be Esdeathfag
>Gets crabbed on every time
>Years later anons still remembered him just like mercenary guy and pantsuripper
Esdeathfag won
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Anon that is amazing and gave me lots of inspiration, thank you so much. Now I have a starting point to move the story forward and just wanted to show you a glimpse before I give it my full attention (I need to recharge). Love your art style by the way and the setup is a step above what I had envisioned which is good. Let’s see where this goes.
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Also any more additions are welcome.
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Hey, you're still alive, how's your hand pain doing?

I see your art hasnt really improved as much ever since you left, if there's improvement, it is fairly minimal, barely noticeable. I wonder if this lack of improvement has something to do with the way you tackle drawing. Are you sure you're not overcomplicating the process?

Now I wonder if my art has improved since the last time we talked...
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Need to show the mermaid some love before deciding whether she becomes dinner, she doesn’t even have a name yet (yes I made this rock).

Hey anon. After switching grips and tablets it’s become a non issue but sadly it isn’t cured. Not sure what you’re saying since it has improved but >>7202854 is simply experimenting and not at full power. I’ve been eating unhealthy since yesterday causing me to draw bad. I’ll get back on the groove shortly. Just be patient also pyw?
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Your art sucks and you should KYS.
you have power to piss people off here just by posting your art, teach me your ways
Yes i am also happy for him. A "bad" artist is a thousand times better than a thousand crabs combined. Its people like him that give me motivation.
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>Need to show the mermaid some love before deciding whether she becomes dinner,
You totally read my mind anon! lol

It's almost done, I'm just going out of my way, as usual, adding stuff that wasn't in the original plan. I'm doing a little flash about that premise, including some hot action. It's just a fun little thing, it's your story, don't mind this little fun I'm having with this. I may take another day to get it done. I'm almost there.
last bump
He got mogged by everyone he criticized and then crabbed until the doxxing squad came in
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Hey anon yeah that’s looking good. I’ve been dealing with some stuff like getting kicked out of home at the moment so I won’t be able to work on my story as much as I want so feel free to do anything. In the meantime I gotta deal with family drama so I’ve been using this time to work on other things like trad.
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Not really.
Damn, anon. That sucks. I was hoping to have it finished today, but, I keep adding more and more little details. It may take a couple more days. There you have a sneak peek in picrel. Stay strong anon. You will get though it.
How do you feel about the hair flow and the jankiness of the face as it's just a mirrored one?
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I have some more mermaids you can play with if you’d like. Basically the original idea was that they were going to be robots but the story was going nowhere so all I’ve got are the characters. I thought forest people would be a fun addition but I lost access to the garden where I was planning to get ideas from and flowers are hard to draw.
The face can’t be redrawn because I drew it all in one layer and I messed up by drawing the clothes first so it’s hard to animate. I might redo the whole thing actually but I don’t think I’ll be able to reach the perfection of the original. Lesson is to render at the end.
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>I drew it all in one layer
But why though?
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It’s just a lot more real when it’s on one layer I guess, closer to paper. Also the layers all too big to manage on a small screen. Retracing never gives the same results. Here’s my attempt at retracing the face. If the brush is even one pixel off it just looks like shit.
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Also I cured my aphantasia. The key was to imagine real people that you know instead of 2D anime characters. I just imagined a friend dancing animated like a ballerina and suddenly it all clicked.
Digital drawing allows the quality of life perks that can help you streamline the process and you choose to do it hard way because it's more "real"?

You have brain problems, don't you?
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I guess that’s one way to use it but layers kind of makes it more mechanical. Here’s an example of my drawing process at peak condition on one layer (aka not now).
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As you can see I am completely feeling the form here. Something I couldn’t do before.
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Base ref is Shigure so this one isn’t really OC though.
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It got kind of creepy when she started staring back at me.
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OK, IS FUCKING DONE! I can't believe I did it. This was a great exercise to tackle other similar projects. Dude, how crazy it is that your "robots" idea is similar to the robotic tails that I used in the end. I didn't read your comment before coming up with that. Crazy shit.
Well you can check the flash here, click on [embed] to play the animation and click on the link file to save it to your computer so you can have it:

Stay strong anon, keep up the good work and never stop having fun with your passions.
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Wow anon, that was incredible. Other than me being weary of flash files these days (don’t worry, I was also obsessed with flash animations back then like Nightmare City etc.) it was like a flash back to the past with the Newgrounds style. The throbbing cock and the sex scenes were hot and the music was so relaxing. If I wasn’t a paranoid schizophrenic I would be listening to it for hours but I did save the images. The prosthetic tails was genius and really what I was missing and you managed to turn it into your own thing. I’ll give you those characters as long as you let me keep octopus head since she’s my favorite.
I gotta say though, that was a really satisfying ending and I did not expect a completed story like that. You have given me huge inspiration anon, so I think I can pull through now. Thank you so much! This is forever in my memories now for sure.
Thanks anon! Don't worry, this project is all yours. I just jump on ideas that I found around for fun. Now I'll finish that other 'Truth or dare' project, and after that, I have a few already started.
Yes, I didn't expect to do a complete story neither. I never know how these little projects are going to end. I'm happy that I didn't found any major typos or animation mistakes that's the hardest thing to be aware of, when doing these.
When you say being "paranoid" you mean the flash format file? Don't worry, those flash files are ancient obsolete, just simple animations, no code or anything. I use the old standalone flash projector to play them. No prob. But you can find the animation on swfchan if you want it, under that same name 'Stranded'.
Keep having fun anon!
Goddamn. I'm maturing. I used to always think Tsunade was a gross mean old bitch. Now she's look like a snack wtfff
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Nothing serious, I just read somewhere that flash files aren’t safe anymore or something. I used to use FlashCapture (or something like that) to save swf files all the time though so not a big deal.
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Also sorry for the late replies I’m bouncing around from place to place and kinda busy (not really).
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Anon, you have improved a lot!
Dude... Is that really you doing those little animations? That's REALLY GOOD SHIT
Keep it up buddy
Is this real?

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