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>tomorrow i'll play that videogame i've been meaning to finish for a year now
>wake up and draw all day
How do cure this addiction?
>bizzaro /ic/
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>tfw you've got the opposite problem
if you have it, you will die
Some bullshit "health condition" zoomers made up to justify their total lack of responsibility, discipline and self awareness. They can not "focus", so they cannot study, do chores, have a work schedule, learn anything, or be accountable about anything at all. BUT they can "focus" to get headshots in Fortnite, riding chat rooms, shitposting and doing flamewars all day every day, but don't ask them to read an instruction manual, they could die of ADHD.
"ADHD" was always there, it was solved with a couple of seasons in the army.
When you draw, the princess you are rescuing...

...is yourself.
Based d/ic/k
>feel burnt out
>take week off & play vidya
>game a little too much
>carpal tunnel pain flares up like a bitch
>burnout gone but still in too much pain to draw or game
I believe we're only here to suffer.
They are slaves to dopamine. Some satistics around adhd says less likely to complete hs or college, although I don't recall what % are. More likely to develop dementia. Also more likely for teen pregnancy. If an activity doesn't provide enough dopamine, they have problems focusing because their brain isnt being rewarded, like remembering a string of meaningless numbers. Adhd is also usually comorbid with something, like depression, anxiety, and other stuff. More likely as children for falling/ accidental head injury. Before 2013 the dsm prohibited dual diagnosis of adhd and autism, so some people couldve only gotten one or the other. So many people probably fell through the cracks and didnt get the other treated. Overlap for adhd and autism is around 30% that we know of. Potencially, earliest record of adhd or "disease of attention" is from 1798. Again in 1902 with a list of symptoms.
There is no 'cure' except maybe medication. However, even though many claim it isn't harmful, allegedly, withdraw is a massive bitch. Studies that point to how it isn't harmful usually say it was taken responsibly. But tell someone with adhd to consistently take something everyday when they can't remember well or where they put things. Also tell someone who is a slave to dopamine to only take the recommended dose. There is no 'cure' just prevention of getting worse.
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same, waited years for starfield, cant even play because im too busy drawing
Just use AI to do art like every other kids.
>to do art
That's the point. "Doing art" is a human experience. An esoteric ritual of inner discovery and transcendence.
Looking a man made artificial thing doing funny tricks for our entertainment it's a different matter.
>all my friends want to play games
>I just want to draw
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>>all my friends want to play games
>>I just want to draw
Too real, then I’m the asshole for not wanting to play videogames all fucking day and actually do something that enriches my life.
>trying to draw
>girlfriend keeps making me have sex instead
Boomer ass post
An he’s right.
It’s about as real as genderbullshit
Its obvious the gender thing its bullshit, removing parts of your own body so you van feel yourself is a mental illness, but with the things that are given to children nowadays like the ipad kids, its understandable If they develop some kind of mental difficulty
You're not missing out, it's a garbage game
Such is life for D/ic/ks -__-
90% of drawing for me is problem solving and exploring options. I never "just draw" I have to research references, try dozens of different compositions, experiment with a hundreds brushes until I get something that looks good, construct for hours to see if my ideas is even within my abilities... And then after I draw something, its shit so I have to spend MORE hours fixing errors and saving it from being a turd, and that's not drawing, its more like surgery or troubleshooting.

On the flip side, I can play a game that I know is good and won't jerk me around searching answers in the dark.

When I draw in flow and don't ctrlZ, its the best feeling in the world, but that's so rare.
not real.
technology is designed to suck up your attention and turn you into retarded cattle that exists solely to generate ad revenue. you need above average willpower to overcome the pull, so since the barrier of avoiding "adhd" requires you to be above average, you get a lot of idiots who succumb to it and blame it on a made up disorder. you need a purpose, a reason to not spend your afternoon watching video essays and gooning, most do not have this.

your attention is your most valuable thing. your attention lets you create good art, enjoy a cup of coffee or be fully present while with people or in nature. and technology robs you of this and you get nothing in return but temporary placation.

it honestly baffles me that people will raise kids with a constant stream of brainrotting, instant gratification content, then wonder why they can't focus for more than 5 seconds and blame it on a condition. i suppose its easier than admitting you are a shit parent that allowed your kid to give themselves measurable brain damage. i will say however that it becomes harder and harder to resist the pull of technology as these systems become more and more sophisticated at sucking up your attention. you need to be wary of how much you allow yourself to get sucked in.

the meds are somewhat effective at making you less of a drooling retard, but ultimately less sustainable than picking up meditation and imposing limits on your technology use.
it always happens to flare up at the worst times too, god I hate these feeble ass wrist tendons
And it's never on a Monday or any time during work, only right when the weekend starts when you get to do most of your personal drawing.

If I could get cybernetic prosthetics I would.
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The fuck kind of life do you lead where your choices to spend your day are either playing vidya or drawing? And this stresses you out?? Wtf? Goddamnit I miss being a teenager or whatever the fuck you are.
not OP but for me it was denying myself a lot of social opportunities and milestones and spending 12h a day drawing throughout HS and college until i was good enough to do it as a job. i practiced while everyone else was normalfagging.
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>When you draw, the princess you are rescuing...
Is being rescued by someone else
Kids are already bored of ai shit. Only 30-40 year old boomers are still bothering with that shit.
That's unironically my problem, but drawing is tecnically my job. I'd like to take some time to watch a movie, play a game or learn to do shit in Blender, but I always feel I should working on some picture instead.
>/ic/ - Videogames
hehe can't be me
I'll support fake genderfluids as long as i can get my drugs.
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>start a drawing
>struggle for a few days
>eventually it turns into something satisfying or at the very least into an important lesson
>start a video game
>struggle for months
>still can't finish it, difficulty filters me
Why must it be like this
>Retarded boomer can't recognize a shitpost
No wonder you're stressed out if you're this stupid
this is unironically me
this is me but ironically
god I wish this was unironically me
It's not a shitpost, i live on government NEETbux so i can just fuck around all day doing nothing for living.
i knewe a gorl who was like this but she was trying to be some corpo but she would get distracted by drawing dream smp fanart
>not have AI play your games for you while you draw
Or you can make modding the game your artistic medium.
I probably have it but I won't get diagnosed cause that's gay
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>tfw been gaming hard lately
needless to say the art has been suffering
Tomorrow I WILL play a videogame!!
Lucky bastard... I just can't stop grinding figgies night and day...
What're you playing chum
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>I just can't stop grinding figgies night and day...
better than grinding mobs like some literal NPC
>What're you playing chum
it doesn't matter. it would be more productive to watch a wall.
my life is like an atelier
I used to have this problem...Till I just learned its just that, I had nothing else to play lmfao, Now Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance Had released and I got another new vidya, I am now making time to play video games too while drawing
Vidya stopped being a problem for me years ago since I dont have many games to play these days and the ones I play I just pick them up when Im in a break or not feeling like drawing or writing.

That said, if I do get attached to a game, Im not drawing for a while, for the game takes a huge chunk of my day, possibly days. Recently happened with Sonic Adventure 2, Plants vs Zombies and Standstill Girl.
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>high rates of sugar consumption during pregnancy is linked to higher rates of ADHD
>average sugar consumption has been steadily increasing since the 1910s and is up to ~68g/day or 17 teaspoons of sugar/day
Go to hell normie rot nit
Just drink plenty of water daily. Take it out of your system.

I really really really dont like that I relate to you faggots this much
...I didn't actually play a videogame...
I might for le drugs. Downsides freak me out but oh well. Also allegedly there is a shortage right now? Someone told me to try B1 vitamins and just take a lot of that. That and some other vitamins.
it's easy when the game you fell in love with some years ago gets shittier with every iteration. (but, oh well, if the universe conspires to make me draw, then so be it.)
And it's even easier when the game you fell in love with is drawing all day, everyday of your life. God I love drawing! thank you lord for this gift! amen
The best game I have ever played, and still am playing for over 25 years...

Is Photoshop.
Nice work, anon. Keep it up.
Today I'm gonna PMW
I can't enjoy games anymore. I used to play a lot of games but now I just sit and think about my shitty life and this shitty world when I'm not drawing. Anything else just seems like a cope.
I can't stop posting my work everyday, help.
I wish I could play some games, the joystick is right there... But drawing is so fun!
>wake up 4pm
>head pounding
>brainfog clouding my thoughts
>"I can't draw, I need to really wake up first"
>barely have enough energy to make breakfast
>"I can't draw now, I need to eat so I can focus on drawing without being hungry"
>takes me 3 hours to eat my sandwich
>"I can't draw now, I did nothing since I woke up and its already 9pm. If I start drawing now, it'll suddenly be midnight"
>sit around and do nothing for hours
>look at clock, its midnight
>"I can't draw now, its midnight. If I draw now then I'll have no energy to draw in the day."
how fucking late are you going to bed to be waking up at 4
sometime in the morning
Not time for bed, drawing never sleeps
Can't stop drawing
cursed to draw on my wacom intuos day after day if i could just coom on youtube again
Everyone is playing dawntrail and it looks so amazing but the pen calls to me. We are doomed only to draw and never to game again. We will never be a real gamer. It is so over for us. ;-;
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I can't draw OR play the video game.
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this .
I don't want to game online , to hang out spending my few bucks into drinks or activities and i don't even really wanted a gf for years now .
I just want to make stuff at my slow pace.
Is it over for me bros ?
>Is it over for me bros ?
It's just the beginning...
same i cant work, play video game, go to work or be social.

for the past year ive been rotting doing literally nothing telling myself ill start tomorrow or next week.

i blew my savings, im in debt, i have no artwork, all the video games i have are unfinished. i just stare at this screen and say im gonna do something and i do nothing all day. i sleep for over 12 hours everyday
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I'm stuck in pic related loop. Except I don't even play video games or watch anything anymore. For the past 3 years I've been doing nothing but scrolling from day to dawn. Even drawing for 15 minutes takes a huge amount of effort and tires me out. I've watched tons of self-help videos but nothing ever worked. Guess I'm just destined to consoom and never create anything.
This summer I'm going to rape all those games I had in my backlog and the ones I got with the steam sales.
I'm so looking forward to it.
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The solution is breaks, anon.
I don't mean anything hardcore, just try, perhaps 3 or 4 times a day, to get away from the computer and do nothing cerebral for 20 minutes.

Do the dishes, walk the dog, stare at the ceiling, take a nap.
Spending uninterrupted hours with a focused gaze on your screen makes your brain always operate in the same gear, but by dilating your gaze by not being in the computer your mind shifts gears and this dynamism is what gets you actually wanting to do something other than scrool.
When my commute was a leisurely stroll down a hill with a scenic view of NYC,and a 10 minute bus ride home,I did start the workday with a bowlful of marijuana and Quake 2 death match to get my coffee circulating. Then draw for a few hours,shower eat and bed. Now I wake up at 5:15 PM to take 2 buses and hopefully a third to work at 10,and I usually get there at 7:30. I eat my breakfast, and spend the next hour and a half face down on a table in the breakroom until the shift starts. I think that I won't buy another PC game anytime soon. No time for them. I will watch others play the new stuff and when I run dry of weed and it's my night off, I will play one of the old games again.
Cope and seethe
look up spoon theory. Some people are just born with more spoons than others. If I even THINK about drawing, my eyes literally get droopy and I start to nod off. In prehistoric times I would have just lied down when a lion charged at me because my brain would be too tired to get up.
Being born as a GMI chad, comes with a price. And I'm happy to pay it.

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