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Why aren't (you) working on your indie animated pilot, anon?
Who knows, you might become the next big thing
we had this same thread like 5 times this year with the same series as OP image
Anon, if you ever animate you'd realize the sheer amount of work it needs to animate even 1 minute of hand-drawn short clips.

t. Tried to animate a character twirling. I went back to just drawing coom.
So why aren't you animating?
Too hard, i’ll stick to comics.
yeah, let's just take an entire year to produce a 10-minute pilot without a pre-existing fanbase.
In those 12 months, you could've created 50 chapters of a weekly webcomic that would garner a much bigger chance at success as a literal who.
Not to mention that animation crushes and devours your soul like no other art medium. The amount of pain compared to the amount of joy you receive from animating is not proportional at all.

Do NOT learn animation if you're not gifted at it from the very beginning. It'll make you want to kys.
that guy draws futanari, fyi
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I really like Speedos writing, he's hilarious. But I do find his art to be kind of repulsive. It feels very conflicted, in the sense that he can't seem to decide if he wants his artstyle to be anime or newgrounds. It's like this inbetween abomination.
I literally am, I am working on my indie animated pilot RIGHT NOW
Looks a lot better in the animation than in illustrations
how close are you suicide?
It's almost like he doesn't have to choose and is doing alright sitting in the middle

That being said, i dont find his nsfw work at all sexy but I sttill enjoy looking at it because the vibrance and shapes are appealing
Far, just completed 8 reps on 120kg bench press this morning, and I have no intentions of my animated pilot being of professional televised quality. So I am calm and full of vitality. Paying for VAs and original music is rough though.
how far are you in the process so far?
Cause I have shit loads of work to do. nothing more painful than wanting to animate but your schedule is too tight .
this is gross
Ive written everything, I'm making final adjustments to character designs and Im storyboarding. So not very far, but I only started recently.
Is it just you who will be animating everything?
Not even worth the effort put in without a team. Even Speedo gave in and got multiple assistants for this episode
As other anons have said, make short comics at least to start out with.
Yeah, I'm animating everything and doing all the background art. Apart from voice acting and music Im doing all of it.
I’m curious, do you have any examples or concept art to share?

like everyone on this thread is saying, better if you have an assistant to help you with animation
Good luck, anon
Show art
I don't have the money, talent, drive, or ideas.
I already animated 2 little shorts and a gif and am working on my next ~minute long one. recorded the script and started drawing some characters. its fun and despite no social media at all I've gotten some likes and views on YT and newgrounds.
Godspeed, anon
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I've made this.
Planning to do more animation in the next 1-2 years and incorporating that into a game I'm working on.
Because I'm having a weirdly difficult time trying to find a copy of Adobe Animate to torrent. Seems like every link is borked.
>I can't do it because I don't have the right software
once you find that torrent you'll have another excuse anon.
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>But I do find his art to be kind of repulsive.
Dude literally draws porn. His shit was always gonna look repulsive either way.
i've been writing and drawing concept art for it for years. I tried to make an animatic a long time ago but my computer got bricked and I lost the project files and the version of storyboard pro that was actually really good doesn't exist anymore
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God fucking dammit.
Why do every artist I look up to has to secretly be a cumbrained incel porn artist?
you're no older than 17.
Every artist draws porn. Most just don’t post it. Stop being disgusted by human nature and grow up.
Shut up, incels
Normal people don't fucking draw porn
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he also does furry and faggot shit, so you know he's pretty based. lmao
the fact you didn't know he draws coom shows how much of an underage shitter you are. Bet you only found out about him from that snail music vid.
Why is the idea that not everyone is like you do offensive
They do, but they dont show it to (You)
unrelated to this thread but is the catalog frozen in place for anyone else?
odd its been like that all day I know this board doesn't really get moderated but surely it can't be that bad where at least 1 mod hasn't noticed it and try to do something
why is the idea that someone drew something you don't like offensive to you
why does everyone needs to be a godlike figure that does everything for them and nothing else for zoomers
My tablet died.
>Why aren't (you) working on your indie animated pilot, anon?
I need money right now and making an indie pilot by myself would take time away from it.
>Who knows, you might become the next big thing
I know that I can become the next big thing.
I have a business degree and I know about a lot about marketing which is better than art skills.
Normal people don’t draw at all. To be good at art means you’re willing to spend thousands of hours alone doodling on paper. It’s insane behavior. Of course most people like this draw porn at some point.
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>posts; "man that's pretty good for a porn artist"
>twitter pronouns in bio and mentally ill freaks can't control themselves
>"no akshually ur underage and trannies hate porn"
>the literal same arguments and buzzwords being thrown around here as well
What is it with porn that retards will literally die defending it?
it's not porn, but the personality of the sort of person who uses Twitter or 4chan. these sites elicit argumentative people with staunch beliefs, a lot of them just so happen to consume porn regularly - a trait which I would wager to be more properly correlated with general internet use.
Aww, what the matter, sweaty?
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His old art is even more disgusting.
At the core it's literally invested interest.
Those who defend porn are usually pornographers themselves so they need to damage control anything that might threaten them or their image.

You see this pretty much with everything
>someone says a true thing that happens to reflects a negative light unto anything
>those who want to keep good optics try to shut down the speaker
Last time i saw a post like that going viral was from a game that is pretty bad and showed how bad it is, but the fan base really, really hates when that gets pointed out because then it might not get new players into the game.
It was one unironical week of pure damage control and pulling out every single boogeyman they could.
You can't fix bad taste. This is the final blackpill...
the real final blackpill is that (you) have bad taste
Time to shave your unibrow.
I can't into writing stories because of trauma
You replaced god with a cult about how not touching your cock will make you have sex. Do you realize how pathetic you are?
go plug your bleeding pussy you obnoxious roastoid
>boogeyman ad hom
Now show us your social media profile and your work.
>artist mixes elements of different styles into something new they doesn't fit under a neat and clean definition
>this destroys the brainlet
Honest question, why the fuck are people so obsessed with Nicole?
Her personality fucking sucks in the show and her design isn't even that appealing. Even non-furfag artists love her for some reason.
I actually like it. The limbs look kinda out of place though
Looks creepy when the glasses aren't partially opaque.
Black eyes like a doll's eyes
You really can't understand someone having an original artstyle?
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So speedoru is a bi-shitter? That explains why he also adds detailed nipples to the male characters.
Nothing wrong with that of course. In fact, it makes him incredibly based.
Dude already fixed that on the actual animation. Dunno why he chose to drew them like that on the pic.
It's the strange phenomenon of suitable motherly women being so rare it's taboo.
>"suitable motherly woman"
anon, every newgrounds artist is a perverted bisexual.
>Check out speedoru's newgrounds account
Fuck coomer artists, they're fucking disgusting
or just wanting some of that fujo audience.
Buy an ad, Speedoru. Fuck off already.
>or just wanting some of that fujo audience.
Why would you want dead weight?
I'll admit I preemptively avoided the PPF video because anything popular tends to be garbage and I was gonna shit on speedoru out of jealousy, but now that I know he's a porn artist I suddenly like him more and all my jealousy turned into admiration.
fujos bring in more money than the average coomer at times.
he draws men like women but with dicks
no thanks
Faggot didn't knew speedo draws porn beforehand, therefore he was "secretly" a porn artist all along.
It's all from their retarded point of view
What do animators do with their film when they finish their film?
I eat it
You eat paper and plastic? Ok
Feels like Japan has some kind of mind reading technology or some Goddess of imagination that gives Japanese creators all the unused ideas because every once in a while I'll see some new anime that's using something I came up with written down. But of course, I don't turn those ideas into existence so the Gods give the ideas to someone else that can.
You don't need to be original, just good.
You could just pirate CSP EX or use Krita lol
You're definitely not older than 17 lmfao.

t. Saw a bunch of underaged discordtranny complaining the same shit using the same vegeta reaction pic
Speedoru is not japanese you stupid fuck.
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I've uploaded several short (2-ish minutes) animations to Youtube/Newgrounds over the years, and I decided that I wanted to make my own pilot. I've been working on it for over 2 years now, and the end is finally in sight (animation is finished, now I just have to draw about 85 backgrounds lol).

This is easily the most rigorous and intensive thing I've ever done in my entire life. But hey, you treat it like a marathon, & just try to make a little progress each day.
Theyre called spirits. It's almost like they choose people. Then the created content gets stolen. Lmao
post channel
Not really talking about him, just in general.
It's like a hot potato kind of thing. Either you use what they whisper to you or they just give it to someone else.

Most of what I've done up to this point are either parodies or just silly little "surreal" shitpost cartoons. This pilot is me trying to actually make something with a story & characters (albeit, it's still just a wacky superhero cartoon)
Yes but Japan and Korea are well known for welding hi tech. Lots of hacking.
Japan,China make all the tech, west creates content, China, Japan steal content, it's like a fair trade off.
Oh nice I remember you posting the prison experiment thing here before.
God job man
Yeah it's not proven. Anyway. Oh whispering of whisper whisper. What should I animate next?
5 weeks. 1:30 seconds. Imagine having 100 slave artists with the same style? Feature films could be made.
Like how do people even get jobs doing this? There must be heavy directors.
Inappropriate trips ^ I'm just thinking out loud. Can you imagine having people get togethe instead of of looking for a competitive job
>"I used to hate this dude but then I discoreved he draws porn and now I'm fine with him for no real reason
Cumbrained retards like youa re the reason this board died.
yea no, it was definitely the crabs. anyone with an ounce of skill just gets chased away
I wanted to make a pilot, but I am too broke to pay other artists and VAs to work on it (they deserve it).

Also every project I work on is destined to fail due to me being a shit artist and luck never being on my side
Hahahaha your stuff is great anon
Why did some many fall for this obvious bait?
All art has to include naked people if they expect to have the clothes they wear work with physics and anatomy.
Your very image featured naked Vegeta canonically on screen before, including bare ass with near visible pussy lips TEENAGED Bulma and toddler dick show Goku. Twice. In the OG series and GT.
>To be good at art means you’re willing to spend thousands of hours alone doodling on paper. It’s insane behavior.
Every fucking person that isn't a useless sack of shit does something on repeat all their lives, it's called having a soul and being human. Doing any less means you're subhuman.
>Last time i saw a post like that going viral was from a game that is pretty bad and showed how bad it is, but the fan base really, really hates when that gets pointed out because then it might not get new players into the game.
>It was one unironical week of pure damage control and pulling out every single boogeyman they could.
>the only anon doing animation in animation thread is completely ignored by faggots discussing some eceleb
Looks cool and soulful, anon
Thanks man!
I-It's not like I was checking this thread now and again just to see wether it got a reaction.
I did see a couple of people viewed it when I first posted it, I think we got alot of lurkers on the board.
did you check rutracker
Holy fuck, I checked his newgrounds account and turns out he even composed the music of his own animation.
What a fucking chad.
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I made this, give it a watch anons

stuff like this is so blackpilling. The characters are symbol drawn with no construction and they look great, and I'm here agonizing over trying to give form to noses from the front while he just draws Ls and V. construction ruined my passion for art
looks like a more high budget OK KO
Very well animated anon. Very easy on the eyes
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I was watching the Matt Furie nft animations and it got me crying. Some of the bits are so well conveyed, even if the concepts aren't all very original. So poignant.
thank you anon
why do male artists always focus on the same archetype of women? do you realize that makes all of you look like creeps?
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I always laugh at this
>Palestine flag, BLM, and ACAB in name
>pronouns in bio
The ultimate red flags to avoid someone like the plague, never gets old.
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Very smooth, love the look of it, but the voices are a bit hard to understand
why do you feel the need to lecture men? kill yourself.
Thank you anon, I was thinking of adding subtitles but then decided against it because it takes up screen space and they're not really saying anything that's essential

But I definitely plan on fixing it for part 3
I like doing animation memes atm and am currently trying to build more familiarity with my characters before doing more story-driven stuff.

You need to shill your work in more places anon. You worked really hard on it and it deserves to be seen. I like the atmosphere in this btw, very cozy!

I wanna be like you when I grow up anon, so stylish!
thank you anon, I like your aesthetic so just keep at it
i paint

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