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Now that the horse has decomposed, was the pawell project the conclusive evidence to prove /IC/ self help tier books all dont work?
can we list all of pawell's philosophies and rules for art so we can avoid them
I'll start us off
>dont think, just draw (his catchphrase)
another schizo thread?
I remember confronting him about something that he drew and he didnt respond.
The guy doesnt want to improve, its just an elaborated trolling
what's wrong with it? it looks good. can you do better OP?
>was the pawell project the conclusive evidence to prove /IC/ self help tier books all dont work?
no. people differ in their capacity to read and implement instructions, and pawell is obviously on the poorer side of that spectrum (and on a few other spectrums, for that matter).
Need to learn how to copy accurately before you start copying these books.
I hate people like this. Its not like the 90% of stuff posted on /ic/ is much better.
he knew, see some of his earlier studies
His real issue was never making finished works and never correcting proportional mistakes or redrawing something when it could have been corrected. Some people just don't have an eye for it but anyone can become good with enough hard work and proper attention.
if you retards are talking about him, he's already doing better than you
here comes the pawell defender dicksucker
He draws for 30 minutes every four days. The rest of his time he spends on /pol/ instead of drawing
I talk about the methhead who broke all our windows at work.
It's weird to see someone just about leave low beg then slip back in. He knows what he must do but he is stubborn. It's like if you tell him something he definitely won't do it. Maybe needs reverse psychology.
Surely it will click when he copies the next book....
or the book after that......
have you considered that pawell has been drawing what he sees the entire time?
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Serious question: has anyone who started in /beg/ got genuinely good, ever? I normally filter /beg/ threads but every now and then an oil spill occurs, and I just find the lore and the terminology and the personalities fascinating, but bewildering. It's like its own little contained subculture. It hardly seems to about actually doing the things to git gud, to me. I have this theory it's a self-fulfilling prophecy - post in /beg/, you stay /beg/. But I don't know. I just know it's the fastest general in /ic/ and it seems to be a primary source of insanity on the board.
what you need to consider is that most /beg/s, regardless of whether they post in the /beg/ threads or on /ic/ or 4chan at all, will not get past /beg/ level. that's just basic human behavior/probablity at play.
I used to post there. Don't really do it anymore, I don't get any replies anyway.
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That's true, but I can't help but feel that ensconcing oneself in a community of incompetence is the worst method of improving one's odds - "blind leading the blind." A lot of it's attitude, mental state. /beg/ is the neurotic tendency of the the psyche materialized - timidly waiting on the guidance of others (whether books or critiques) before acting, always being down on yourself.
Think of yourself as big and powerful and gmi instead, and direct your ship with enthusiasm and passion. Be your own compass. I don't know if that can alter your course if you were doomed from the start but if I'm statistically fucked anyway, I'd rather hype myself up along the way.
>I can't help but feel that ensconcing oneself in a community of incompetence is the worst method of improving one's odds - "blind leading the blind."
you can certainly give too much credence and weight to what beginners have to say, but if you're of the sort to do that, you were already "damaged" in that respect to begin with; in general I don't imagine common /beg/-thread posters to have initially been blank slates that were corrupted by fellow cit/ic/ens. there's a utility in having fresh eyes look at one's work, and every now and again a beginner can give good advice - regardless of whether they are merely conjecturing or got it from someone else who actually knows what they're talking about - but to be sure additional means of improving should be recommended and probably made more primary.
I personally think he actually has some kind of disability. The whole deal with his mother dying and he not giving a fuck was kind of worrying, in a lolcow kind of way
This guy really isn't ok
He's also a pedophile by the way
probably had a really bad childhood with all kinds of abuse
>He's also a pedophile by the way
not that I don't believe you, but when/how was that revealed? not that caught up on the Pawell lore.
nta but prob referencing how he always responds to loli artwork with comments like "cunny" or something
youre making shit up
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kek, I loled, but also I pooped my pants in terror.
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That really doesn't prove anything, he's just stating facts
Kinda feel like this thread is just made to fuck with him like discord sewer crawlers always do with people becoming recognizable on the board
honestly that's a very little amount of drawing for what a beg should be doing.
Also i dont remember wich lomis book he is copying, because for example, if he is using "fun with a pencil", the number of heads is yeah very small, on the contrary the "drawing the head & hands" book has like... 400 drawings of heads, even if you draw twice that, is just 800 heads that is very little work, yeah, is very small, because you can do easiliy like 30 heads a day in 30-40 minutes unless they are the full rendered ones that are at the end but yeah, is like less than 3 months of work, 90 days, literally nothing not even half a year of work, of course you will still be in beg tier.
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What the fuck is this shit
a recognizable artist
Exactly. People want to put a "number" to the grinding, wich is ludicrous. When you start to draw everyday and you don't even know how much you draw, that's when you finally understand.
Your point being?
Are you trying to pretend pawell isn't a full fledged /ic/ character because he draws like a fetus grown in a jar of vinegar?
me :)
What character does pawell possess?
Real ass autism
how is this corroborating anything you've claimed? Are you retarded?
You know what, I'm going to fucking copy bridgeman twice just so we can finally put this discussion to rest
Are you actually going to do it?
oh okay...
Catch me on /beg in a couple of hours
Wtf I love pavell now?
go back
Again, what exactly is that supposed to prove? He's not saying he wants to fuck ten year olds and put niggers into gulags, he's just pointing how things actually are iin that shithole and every irl actual existing place that's far from what media and culture elected as "right", and how hypocritical is it.
Do you want so badly to put this retard on a cross for le ebin lulz, or he made you mad for some reason?
he's a creep
just be normal man
Where do you think you are
Just keep poking the bear... come on
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I don't mean to poke Mr. Bear, just pet him is all
nta but it just seems like petty gossip from someone with an axe to grind, I think there’s plenty you can fault powell with art wise but an out of context screenshot from some chat is a real stretch
Post tits
Pawell e-raped me
what were you digitally wearing?
Pawell e-vaped me
A chastity cage
well, then I guess you learned your lesson: sissies were made for BPC
Did you commissioned him to do a portrait? I'm so sorry anon.
Pawell drew a Loomis head on my OC to "claim ownership"
Pawell just flew over my house!
not that I don't believe you, but when/how was that revealed? not that caught up on the Pawell lore.
Pawell walked into the McDonald's. The cultivator taking his order gave a derisive snort, but Pawell did not really care, because he had repressed his aura down to the Single Patty Realm, and a fool would not be able to tell his true level of burger eating.

"Give me... a Happy Meal!"

The cultivator's face flickered before he finally regained his composure and laughed. "You couldn't afford a Happy Meal. Get lost! Don't you see that there are Double Quarter Pounder Realm eaters waiting behind you?"

Pawell slapped his bag of holding and threw 80 billion spirit McDonald's coupons onto the counter, causing an earthquake which demolished half of the restaurant. Everyone dropped their jaws. None could see how this was possible!

"I'll take that Happy Meal with a side order of fries, " Pawell said. He was as calm as the ocean in a painting of an insanely calm ocean. "And let me see your manager!"

The cashier cultivator coughed up a mouthful of ketchup. He simply could not handle Pawell's killing intent, because he was only at the Quarter Pounder with Cheese realm himself. Even though Pawell had suppressed his aura, because he had cultivated the Heavenly Burgin' Qi, this was enough to kill people a few levels higher if he truly wanted.

It was then that another man which a much more fierce aura stepped forward. "You dare make trouble here?"

"P... Patriarch Vilppu!"
doctor pawell i'm cAI
This video sums it up perfectly:
kekd and keyed
It looks great though.. .
discordnigger thread
All of the books can teach you how to draw but a crucial part of the process is showing your work to other people who draw and getting peer feedback
>Excluding small motorcycles (cylinder volume up to 50 cm3) which may be driven by persons of 15 years of age and older, only persons 18 years of age and older can drive motor vehicles in Czechia
>The minimum age requirement for a personal bank account is 18, with student accounts available for those as young as 15.
Oh, so he's retarded.
>he's retarded.
What took you so long to realize?
Using pawell to prove a point doesn't really work because the dude is like legit autistic.
>He knows what he must do but he is stubborn. It's like if you tell him something he definitely won't do it.
It feels more like watching someone who has a magical theory of the world. Pawell, in a cargo cult fashion, appears to believe that the exercises are rituals, and so long as the form was followed, the content is secondary, and the improvement will magically materialize if he keeps on "doing the exercises". The notes that he leaves on his drawings are less confusing once you see things in this manner. "Don't copy, analyze" and other such pieces of advice that he writes down and clearly repeatedly ignores make no sense until you realize that these notes are just as performative as the drawing ritual. Like someone repeating a mantra (or a student repeating a definition they don't understand), the point is to give the appearance of having done the work.
He's funny tho.
This but with /int/

I don't see inmediate improvement so i just feel worse about myself
That's literally autism
I went through bridgeman twice. However, it’s another case where by the end of the second pass I felt like I was just starting to fully understand all the connection points. May need to do a third pass since now I have the knowledge basis to know what I’m looking at in each drawing.
are you doing any memory drawings?
Well I did but Mr beast said you are the people you hang out with so now I'm doing drawabox and having sex with my 6'0 gf
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Pawell here, post your work virgins
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I did the memory drawings the second go around. I retained a lot of the shapes, but the attachments still miss me in some places, like how the tricep and Lat interact or some of the minor forearm muscles.
good work. yeah, you won't learn everything in just one go. It's a good idea to look at other sources too, like Morpho. Capeshit comics are actually really great for anatomy in unique poses you'd never see in life drawing
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Keep working on your art Pawell, as long as you keep trying you'll improve. My opinion is you've done enough studies and practice, you need to apply it to finish studies and redraw/correct any mistakes you make.

My redraws aren't too good either but hope this helps
I’ve copied tones of capeshit, bondybuilders etc. the issue is I’m mostly attracted to capeshit with weird styles and weird styles often mean warped anatomy.
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Why is this thread still up? Isn't this literal drama stirring? Come on mods you prune DTIYS threads but leave this one up
Pawell is based, leave the man alone
Pawell is a mod and leaves these up to fuel his popularity
who do I copy to get appeal?
Now post blog
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Draw from Life.
>anime coom shit
I'd rather look at pawell's fucked up skulls then that gay shit
unless the fate of the human race depended on it, I would not copulate with her
neither she with you, chud
maybe not, but I'm mulatto so I don't think my chances are that bad
EVROPA, but close enough
>I'm mulatto
you should kill yourself
Stab yourself, you white carrion scumbag
cry harder tranny nigger don't forget to dial8 your axe wound while you're at it
The image of Western decadence
You're gay because your mom cucked her husband with a hood nigger?
That's the typical ugly woke woman who gets naked to get attention but complains about sexualization in video games.
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If humanity depended on some woman copulating with you, then humanity is lost.
make me
I don't need to do anything, one day you'll wake up realize that you're a rootless mutt abomination with no connection to the land you're on and the native population you're surrounded by and you'll end yourself on your own terms.
or maybe you're gonna end up needing a bone marrow transplant one day and you can't get one because you're parents are degenerates.
shrimple as
>I don't need to do anything
you couldn't if you wanted to
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Haven't been on /ic/ for months.

I just went to /beg/ to check the last 10 or so threads, my conclusion is that some kind of tranny is butthurt that Pawell isn't LGBT-friendly.

To that, I say either reveal yourself and stand for your values, or shut the fuck up, there are 999999999 tranny-friendly communities on the Internet, let the sperg draw his Loomis heads and say nigger online, what do you care? Find a drama-focused community and cancel each other, you'll have a great time, I promise.

This is the neverending tale of the autist vs. the schizo, except the schizo is generally the one who can't handle NOT having social engineering be part of the dynamics, and xyr doesn't understand that the autist doesn't give a shit about social shaming, it's just annoying.
Socrates was 2 generations older than Aristotle

Socrates > Plato > Aristotle
That's even more disgusting. And weird.
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I like Pawell.
His perseverance, his unbreakable will. It's true because he clearly expresses frustration at times.
that's understandable, though perhaps his perseverance has ran itself up. only time will tell.
Pawell where the fuck are you man
I killed Pawell
Pawell has escaped 4chan guys, let's not drag him back into the crab bucket
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hes busy give him a break
what a lame reason to be not drawing lol
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powerll will come out stronger from this!
I fucking hate my dad. He's dead to me.
posting =/= drawing
What did he do?
What?! That's not our Pawell!, you smearing bastard impersonator fag!
He's too fucking retarded.
How so?
He falls for every media Psy-Op out there. Ukro-shit, China-shit, Russo-shit, Election-shit, "shut down balloon Alien" shit, he's a zionist evangelical retard cuck. He's an empty vessel for BULLSHIT. A shape-shifter for BULLSHIT.
Fuck I envy Pawell's father son relationship.
Twitter troons
>Fuck I envy Pawell's father son relationship.
He's doing everything right, and you're doing everything wrong.
can somebody explain to me what's wrong with those drawings? i don't understand, they look good.
>what's wrong with those drawings?
that's a bad question when virtually everything is wrong with them
joke of the year
at least he got one thing right
Yes the "one" thing that turns him into a fucking inhumane programmed satanic piece of shit wich unlocks all the other retarded trash "augmentations" LOL. Yes, that "one thing".
Mel Gibson was right all along.
>self help tier books
All self learning is inferior to professional tutelage.
Could you post a piece of yours? If possible maybe one from before your Bridgman journey too if you still have any.
fuck off kike
so many words not a single point
not a kike but wish I were cause I could make you even madder
Bridgman did helped me a fuckton on anatomy and construction.

I would put it in MUST if you want to improve in anatomy and construction, regardless of what you want to draw
As every good artist does
the only thread I come to this board for is to post my drawings in /beg/ once every couple months.
I don't feel I'm very good, have no social media, and don't know where else I'd share bits of my work or talk about progress.
sometimes I do wanna show someone something I've drawn but I'm a neet.
>I'm a neet
Perfect for becoming gud at drawing
no i mean it does look shit
zoom zoom yee ass haircut
>>7206803 (me)
Also sorry to ask another question, but how did you regiment out your study? As in about how many drawings were you doing a day and how long did it take you?
what i got from Bridgman is that you have to imagine things as they were in minecraft, am i wrong?
Bridgman is more about rhythms than corners
Americans upset at how the rest of the world works while pretending a girl having sex at 17 years and 364 days is gross. Just today I saw such a thread. Try to separate actual feelings towards reality and local laws.
rest of the world is also made of street shitting gang rapists
Italy has a 14yo age of consent... Italy has fewer murders per capita, sexual assaults per capita and molestation rates than america... even counting shit skin arabs flooding the country
How did another crab thread telling begs to copy brigshitter get followed again
>Also i dont remember wich lomis book he is copying
I don't know either, but I know for certain he hasn't actually read any of them, because Loomis always stresses that copying someone else's drawings isn't the way to learn, and his method is different and superior.
shit skin arabs prolly richer than ur faggot ass
is pawell really a zionist kek
>T. Tranny
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So this is one of the trannies of /ic/ huh?
Wonder how he draws
why so defensive you ugly turd worlder
Just realized this was meant for (You) >>7209008
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won't let this die no way
Pawel threwed away his moms drawings
he is heartles
At least he draws well
>Plato (/ˈpleJtoʊ/ PLAY-toe; Greek: Πλάτων), born Aristocles (Ἀριστοκλῆς; c.427 – 348 BC)
The thread that solved the briggrift
Oh yeah? How?
funny, because pawell's NEVER COPIED BRIDGMAN.

I upper cased it for those of you with astigmatism
this nigga drawing with keys y'all
Who's Pawell?
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>these are the trannies shitting on powerll
I bet he's bullying POWERLL because he never succumbed to his CARNALL desires!
POWERLL is pure! Powerll is STRONG! He is NOT a slave to Yellow Diamond!
Das Verlangen zu helfen ist Gelber Diamant, der NEIN sagt! Aber sie kann nicht durch die schalldichte Wand sprechen, die das schreiende Lied der Realität ist.
I supported Pawell until he revealed himself an AIDS monger.
>AIDS monger.
what's an aids monger?
he donates half his earning to the STOP AIDS society
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And why is that wrong?
Fuck "charities", fuck "foundations", all kike criminal grift structures to siphon money out of the united states of america's treasure.
PAY YOUR TAXES KIKES. Soon the hammer will fall on these usury theft demons.
AIDS is not real! N one has ever been able to islated a virus!
because only a certain type of people get aids, probably
I hope you're proud of yourselves. You made him quit art entirely and shred all his drawings...
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I hope he saved this one ;)
still better than pawell......
Is it really though
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yeah, it's much better than pawell's
Shut up buckley
/ic/ sisters this is not what we wanted....
maybe joining some /ic/ discord was a bad idea. Cause I might attract some vendetta schizo out of no where.
kek what the hell
furfag 0 : powwell 1
our man just can't stop winning it seems
Why does she have a tube as a mouth?
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Here's a buckley message to all the haters!
Damn, pawell's campaign against buckley is getting desperate. Perhaps all those years of wasted studies are getting to him?
QRD on this Pawell vs Buckley thing? Who's buckley and why does pawell hate him
He drew a picture of my naked body one time. shame to see him go. I liked his perspective studies.
>Literal anti someone thread
>private discord leaks
>shit on him for personal opinions and twist them to your advantage
>faggot janitor does nothing
You guys are fucking human trash
He is just stating that if you cannot enforce your laws/authority, people can just ignore it and do whatever they want.
That doesn't mean that he's endorsing whatever illegal action you are doing.
Did you know it was illegal to resist arrest during the time of the wild west? didn't stop some people from shooting the cop then rid off far away. lay low and basically gotten away with killing a law enforcer. Doesn't mean what they did was good, just that the state couldn't prevent it from happening.

Keep in mind that pawell is slavic, which means he might interpreted your words differently. In the anglosphere saying "it's against the laws" often carries the meaning that something is morally wrong and shouldn't be done. Don't know if that phrase carries the same meaning in the slavic world or if for them it just mean you are saying that they will be incapable of doing something just because it's against the law( in which pawell is right, if no cop catch you, nothing will happen and you can keep doing it).
>The whole deal with his mother dying and he not giving a fuck was kind of worrying
>everyone loves their mother!
Are you Italian or something? Why do south europeans and asians have this idea that everyone must love their relatives no matter what? even when they abuse and neglect you? and anyone who doesn't love their relatives is a horrible person?
Man why are burgers such assholes about pretending to be morally superior to everyone?
The Idea of marrying anyone below 18 being morally wrong only started to become thing after ww2.
people already started to raise concern over marrying off teens during the late 19th century, but no major changes happen socially.
buckley act like he is morally superior to pawell for holding a mainstream opinion. but let's be honest had he been an adult during the 1880s and witness some 13 year girl be married off to some 38 year old man, he probably wouldn't had think much of it and carry on with his day.
Most people were also fine with slavery for most of written history. the number of people who wanted to combat it was few before the industrial revolution. buckley probably would had been buck breaking his nigger slaves and force them to pick cotton had he been born a rich plantation owner pre-civil war america, and find nothing morally wrong with it.

obnoxious moralfags like buckley should be feed to hungry abos.
His mother's dying?
Joking aside, when you look back at great artists, you'll read that they had other jobs, obligations like serving in the army, and even hobbies, but somehow amazed to become excellent artists by their mid-20s. Nowadays it's assumed you need to be grinding studies as pretty much your fulltime job for a number of years to have hope of breaking into intermediate. We're people just built different? Or does it really boil down to talent, and that for some people there literally isn't enough time in their day to have hope of becoming even semi-proficient, much less a pro?
>somehow managed to become
And I'll say this applies more to ~20th century artists, following the eras where a lot of masters went through apprenticeships when they were 10 or whatever
>you'll read that they had other jobs, obligations like serving in the army, and even hobbies
name some bro. I think you're thinking of novelists, not painters. Painters, draftsmen, you can't get good without long periods of obsession (8+ hour days)
Discord fags in this thread like >>7222599 say this because they cant get past beg/int so they drag others down. Thats why they spend all day shitting on this Powerll guy because they can never be good themselves. They spend hours on their drawclubserver and then nonstop vendettaschizo on /ic/; they make one low effort drawing a day at most
I don't even know what discord is. All I do is draw all day
This taste, is the taste of a liar! You are lying!

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