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drawing was a hobby to me. Until I saw a guy drawing really amateur bad crap with almost southpark anatomy. the guy was getting paid and I still can not believe it. This sketch is mine, should I try NSFW?
the issue with drawing "normal" looking art like yours is that you need 5-10 more years of experience to make it economically viable. the closer to reality your art is the more skills you need. if drawing naked women in a void is your goal then picrel is the kind of artist you should emulate, tarakanovich does similar stuff and he has like 10 years of high level drawing behind him.

if you are drawing retarded coomer doodles with exaggerated anatomy and emoji faces you need close to no skill. that is why people less skilled than you make more money. a shitty abstraction requires less fundamentals laid onto it to be appealing.
Fucking futafags!
Yes you can, nsfw is in demand but be prepared to deal with general bullshit from credit card companies and platforms

That's why you make secondary accounts

>drawing naked women in a void

it's like complaining that 30min porn videos don't have any plot twists, or intellectual dialogs

based stupid ngmi ic crab
that's literally what the picture in OP's post is though? dunno why you are seething lmao i never "complained". seems like i accidentally hit a random permabeg's nerve though kek
stop pretending retard, it's your narcissistic resource.
do not think that your attempt was successful.

You need to level up, there are a lot of more skilled NSFW artists. It's not easy to be commercially successful as it seems, unless you draw some niche stuff.
Actually deranged post
i accept your concession.
Retard post
this dmitry style is so robotic...no soul
that bootyhole aint right
And the vagina is facing the wrong way.
>unexpected Charlotte

Where does one go to sell their services and skills at drawing custom NSFW art?
No, try Christ
very cute feet would cum on/10
Because of love. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die in our place. Three days later. Rose him from the dead.* *Now. By Jesus Christ alone. God has granted us the free gift of eternal life. He will save and heal you.* *If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead* *He'll give you eternal life*
There's two things about nsfw art that matters, one of them is drawing skills, the other and far more important is "eroticism"
This theory is not something that I made up, I read this in a Japanese blog about how to draw and write doujinshi.
Basically you have to think like your target reader, does it make your readers horny?
No? Then back to the drawing board.
Why am I saying that? Because your art is not bad but your eroticism is mediocre.
Interesting, do you have a link to the blog?
What do i do if I want the most optimal situation of time invested and artstyle for nsfw then. There's def a level of skill needed for appeal in nsfw and abstraction isn't applicable if the drawing skill isnt there
No matter what anyone say, you'll do it anyways. Isn't? Be honest.
It's still in demand
You have what it takes. She's hot.
Why are futa artists so good
Pixiv and DA bring me the most comms because people who into particular niche want to make sure they see every art of it without having algorithm dictate what they see. So post to sites that passionate audience use
It's beautifully rendered, but I feel absolutely nothing when I look at this. I think it may depend on the kind of audience you end up attracting. Such as, your style/voice may end up resonating with more people than others.
how am i supposed to jerk off to this there's no hypnotism
Cool concept
based and bataille pilled
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Don't do that, man. Many NSFW artists regret doing it and having your art and yourself linked to it.
I know that sometimes we really need some money but it doesn't worth it.
this feels off, doesn't feel like she is sitting on the branch
nice work anon
I'll second this. Just keep it a hobby. Your day job probably sucks but this isn't it. Just look at the coomers on this fucking site and see if that's who you wanna be.
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This is my first artwork, is this erotic in you opinion?
But the coomers in this board are not pros, the do it as a hobby... So do you mean to make coom as a hobby, or to avoid making coom at all?
source: i saw one sfw uwu artist give up nsfw when their parents got mad at them

actual nsfw artists dont give a shit, art is art
Hell no, it's framed like a cheap porn video
I guess you are right, anything else?
No, that's it. It's the pov of a camera in a porn video; everything is in full sight and under harsh direct light.
Eroticism is made by the atmosphere, the parts you cannot see and the subtle gestures.
In pic related the way the man is holding the girl's head, the dim light and the hair sticking to the wet skin create the erotic tension. The dick going in the pussy isn't even shown
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Got it, so the shot is too boring for a hentai and the lighting is lame. I was originally trying to go for something like this, would you tell me if this works well in your opinion?
I don't find that erotic either, the only details in sight are on the genitals, there's no subtlety and the expression is very generic. I think yours is better
tension is soft core boomer shit. you just need more leadup to the intercourse and some text to help sell it.

pinups aren't interesting by themselves which is why patreon artists release packs showing multiple screnes or comics
>pinups aren't interesting by themselves
...In the wrong hands.
An artist who understands eroticism knows what to accentuate to create a pinup that's both beautiful and enticing.
> some loli shit meant to be enticing
im gay so lol, and no they are fucking boring. you need interaction which is min a character and an environment or two characters.

pinups kinda work for fanservice or known OCs because people have a canon to work with. sometimes you lean hard into a taboo and let that sell it.
Pyw. Also I guess it is more about personal taste because your pics don’t look hot at all to me.
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>you need interaction

To be fair, it’s the best ugly drawing I’ve ever seen on this board
Soul, but the anatomy is lacking which I guess you know already
Yeah it's a mess, first time I drew a sex scene, but it's pertinent to the atmosphere discussion.
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the latter isn't that good and im an anime pedophile.
the thing is your drawing lacks any attention to eroticism, the setting does almost nothing for it, it just feels cold and irrelevant (unless that's your goal). expressiveness (literally, facial expressions and body gestures) carry most of the weight. setting ambience and themes can come in second and elevate it further, the former can often be achieved with colors and stupid-but-works details like the hentai steam clouds
reminds me of Heroes of Might and Magic for DOS
Thanks for showing everyone how much of a horny low iq individual you are.
It's good that your clients don't care about art quality. Keep up the grift.
>pedo pic
>pedophile reasoning
Entire argument dismissed.
I'm sorry you don't have clients
I've been doing commissions for about 10 years now. I stopped tho, because my Patreon model is more lucrative.
I didn't mean to be offensive towards you. I just think you are approaching this very smartly.
You can sell your stuff even tho, your skill isn't something anyone would call pro level.
It's commendable.
Haha, of course you have.
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Why are you being so pety? Do you think your art is pro level?
Pic related is the latest commission I've been working on.
Aye, to make sure it's you, just include this (You) to any of the lower layers of that WIP
What made you so insecure that you have to go on anonymous image boards to insult random people? I don't understand this mindset
I doubt it's the artist of the pic
bbc comes here and does have a visible ego, but im not sure hes shitty enough to say things like this
At least he backs that ego up most of the times, most of the shitters here don't even post or go through mental gymnastics about not posting work.
I didn't mean to insult anyone. I can see that being the case now that I read that post again.
I was actually trying to compliment the guy for having the confidence to do commissions. When I was at that kind of level, I never considered my shit could be marketable.
I have second thoughts about this even now that I'm much better at it. I wish I had this anon's mindset back then.
So it's pretty easy for any anon to pretend to be the artist if he's known to have visible ego?
It's ok BBC, just add the (You) to your WIP's lower layers so that we know it really is you
Are you seriously suggesting that, or just trying to be le phunney 3chan local clown?
It's your current WIP and you are saying it's really you and others need to believe it so why not just show it's really you? Because otherwise it seems it's just some schizo larping as you.
you started out calling them a grifter
I just don't see how that would prove anything.
I didn't mean that as a bad thing.
I could have just as well said keep up the good work.
Now I'm googling the definitions and I might have gotten that completely wrong. I was under the impression that grift can also be used in slang to say you are doing hard work.
My bad if that's not the case.
So it was just some schizo pretending to be BBC. Sad!
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It's just a simple and fast way to back your claims of being the artist you claim to be :)
I still don't see how anyone couldn't just fake that.
You being unable to source it on the internet should be proof enough.
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Oh, no look what I found... They are all yours, aren't they? :D

Ahahahahahah. Why you larping as an artist? :D
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>Oh, no look what I found... They are all yours, aren't they? :D
>Ahahahahahah. Why you larping as an artist? :D
That looks shoddy but alright, I believe you, "BBC", since you went through the effort
>wants x
>I tell him x isn't a good way of proving stuff
>still wants x
>gets x
>He tells me x isn't a good way of proving stuff and keeps using irony and humor as if he has a grand stance
You are a bitter sad person. :\
Ok fine, you got Twitter, Pixiv or DA?
Never mind, found you :)
just say "what up my griftas" on your twitter if its you.
I have to know why there's a goose and Baphomet in the background because it's really distracting from the supposed erotic focus in the foreground
>there's a goose
Are you unironically retarded?
>6 toes
Typing prompts into an AI image generator doesn't make you an artist
Nigger, shut the fuck up. It’s literally a human mistake. Ai cucked your brainz way too hard. Feeling sorry for you but not really
You are right, thanks for these tips. Making coom is harder than ic tards think. That was my first complete piece ever so I learnt a lot and you helped too.
I'm pretty sure it's the forest drawing he was critiquing.
Aren't you getting a bit over yourself calling that image "erotic" instead of "pornographic"?
I don't know what you're trying to communicate here
>the guy was getting paid and I still can not believe it
lmao how long ago was that? No one is paying low tier drawfags after the AI dropped.
Looks pretty good if somewhat unpolished

NSFW is a market always in demand and it's very fragmented so there's not much winner takes all and people always hunger for more, plus the stigma acts as a barrier to entry

Main issue is general bullshit from websites and credit card companies so you gotta be prepared to deal with that, and keeping your identity private
This is AI isn't it? Why is no one else calling it out

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