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Why the fuck do people treat learning to draw like homework. Every time you ask about learning to draw everyone screeches same shit as if you must draw cube from 100 different viewpoints before ever daring to have fun
If you want to have fun just have fun, you don't need anyone's permission, if you want to get better the fundamentals are fundamental
stop coming here and making unhinged rants about things that challenge your tiny brain
yeah, is literally like any other thing in the world, you can just play and have fun and give a fuck, and all good, for everyone, but if you want to git gud and participate in more elaborated tiers, you have to train and study because if not you just will be in the lowest point.
Like, you can play a sport for fun, awesome; healty, you feel better, can have friends, doesnt matter if you win or lose, but go pro and you know you have to train your muscles. You can play chess for fun or go deeper and you must learn and analyze moves. You can play the guitar for fun but pro must learn music theory if they dont want to be mediocre. Can cook whatever shit or learn and be a pro chef. Etc.
Any, person, in the world, can draw, as base, no matter the skill, or if you have or dont have hands (unless you are in vegetative state or something), the thing is the how you delevop a skill related to the context you are or want to be insert. You can walk, but yeah, go and do 20K like the racewalking pros, yeah you must learn and train shit.

Also OP is a faggot as always
For me, it's FUNdamentals
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Every learning process requires a strategy to effectively grasp the subject in all possible ways, theoretical and practical. Starting from the fundamentals has proven to be an effective strategy among most people who were looking to learn how to draw, which is why multiple people consistently advice starting from the fundamentals.

If you want to learn how to draw and ALSO have fun, you will have to come up with a learning strategy that not only enriches you with theoretical and practical improvements, but also brings enjoyment to you. Bear in mind that learning strategies are just that, strategies you come up in order to learn effectively. Your strategy can involve whatever you could think of and it will be effective as long as it fulfills it's purpose of learning and having fun.

Hope that helps.

faggot op
>a necessary part of learning is actually practicing and doing instead of just listening and thinking about them while pretending like you understand
People like you are why education is so bad.
There's nothing wrong with having fun. As FWAP tells you, but if you want go beyond superficial fun, you will have to challenge yourself. (Not saying drawabox is good, I don't think its good)
I think one of the many issues with drawing resources aimed at beginners is that seemingly none of them are geared towards having fun. Want to make some fun shitty doodles, but to do so using a process that might make more sense and help make them slightly less shitty? Well, that's too damn bad, because nothing is structured that way. There's never anything with any immediate application that people could use to approach their own work with more skill and confidence.
Fair point. FWAP fun only comes after realizing you have to overcome the first impression you are just making weird faces, and when you realize that you are actually learning construction. But even then only some people will find that process fun.
Raw study of abstract concepts has a quicker point of diminishing returns than this board likes to screech about. Yes, if you want your drawings to look a certain way (which may include a higher fidelity for the viewer to understand), you need to learn them. You need to do a HANDFUL of studies, then go apply what you learned to the problems within the drawings you actually want to do. Rinse repeat, over and over again. Dicking around in study land forever doesn't translate 1:1 for imaginative drawings.
if you want to learn something then yes, you will have homework idiot
stay pleb, stay weeb, keep polishing that turd
what you said has no bearing on the posts you replied to
Poor reading comprehension. Filtered.
the ironing
Thanks chatgpt
The one I hate is the generic draw from life advice artists give you if you ask them anything.
>I want to learn to draw a pokemon battle in 5 point perspective
>lol draw from life nerd
no one says that
deserve it for not asking me anything
The problem is that drawing garbage as an adult is not going to be fun no matter what you do. The grinders are just trying to escape as quickly as possible.

(unfortunately they will soon discover that drawing without having fun still isn't fun even if you know fundamentals)
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What are the fundamentals?
How do I learn them?
How will they help me escape from being a turbopermabeglet retard?
form, perspective, value
study, practice, apply, expirement
use new found knowledge in your works to make them look good
I understand what are perspective and to a certain extent value but form?
form/volume is 3d objects or shapes because shape in the context of art is usually for 2d
shape = square
form = cube for example
Most "artists" don't have a soul so they rely on technical skills to become proficient while real artists learn on the job.
drawing is like trying to get an old game working and it just won't run. People tell you to try this and that, but nothing works. Then you see someone download the game with the same hardware as you and it runs no problem. After hours and hours of troubleshooting, you learned nothing, and discovered several new problems that make the goal even further away. Any sane person would give up.
this faggot is annoying, i unfollowed him because he wont shut the fuck up
He has solid fundamentals and more than good technical skills but his constant dicksucking and waxing poetics about art pisses me off.
Wish Twitter allowed notifs only for media posts because the constant oververbose bullshit pisses me off. Same for SheerKuga.
The best rock and jazz musicians of the 20th century are self taught, either because they're too poor or because their family didn't care about music so they didn't pay for lessons.
Legendary musicians were teaching themselves by imitation and with instruments they found on the dumpster.
All hobbies benefit from disciplined practice
I don't make the rules
>They found every resource available to them and practiced endlessly
Yes which is why so many of the rock legends can't into basic music theory or read sheets.
People that learn music theory are even funnier than art fundamentals simps, specially when you point out so many pros that don't know jackshit about theory and play music by ear.
The thing with fundamentals/theory is that you're using the concepts regardless of whether or not you formally understand them. It's not this dichotomy where you either have fundamentals/theory or don't. It's just the toolbox you have at your disposal. Also yeah most rock musicians don't learn music theory half the time (although many still do) because rock only requires a handful of tools and techniques. If you're going to be a composer or arranger it's in your interest to learn theory or you will be very frustrated. It doesn't preclude you from being able to play by ear.
>Try to have fun
>Hate what I make
>Try to study fundamentals
>Get bored and arent disciplined enough.
>Rinse and repeat
I should really get on to learn to draw armpits and how back muscles/bones work, but I want to draw lolis which Ill end up hating because they dont look good.
Very bad personality-activity mismatch. You can see it in people like Volen CK. Drawing/Painting/Sculpting is not meant to be grinded like you’re doing an 8-hour shift at a job you hate. The person who thinks “this is the way” is sorely misguided and is better off doing something else with their life. People like these usually top out as art instructors of various skill levels. Some write books. But it’s all equally disturbing and depressing to see because it shows up as incredibly dead or monotone art work. A very basic example is contrasting Steve Houston vs. Michael Hampton. Steve’s work is soulful. He uses what he knows with a childlike playfulness. Hampton is dominated by a prison of rules and mannerisms he created. It shows up as an inability to move beyond what the mind can articulate in a structural, stiff language.

Are fundies important? Yes, you want to finely tune your abilities to be as perfect of an instrument as you can when such is called upon, but only someone devoid of an urge to create would take this up and believe from the get go that a training regiment of fundamentals is mandatory. Nowhere in the history of art have artists been so autistic as they are today. I believe it’s people who are better suited to STEM or architecture finding themselves with crippling self image issues who end up attempting to apply such rigor attaining some level of technical proficiency, and as a result pass it on to unsuspecting younger generations.
Nigga DaVinki was sneaking cadavers to meticulously recreate the anatomy. That's a level of autism that makes even Sheldon go Bazinghuh???

Autistic ≠ not soulful. You gotta be somewhat autistic to dedicate your life to one single thing. You're talking about Soul like it's a separate entity from rigourous practice. John Coltrane, the guy everyone thinks of when they think of Saxophone obsessively played his sax. He's got more hours loaded into that bitch than 100% of the lurkers here have put into art the past year.
>drawing something
>want it to be good
>therefore it has to be dynamic and original and appealing
>if I'm using reference, its not original
>if I'm constructing it, its not dynamic
>if I thought of it, its not appealing
this shit doesn't make sense anymore. I wish I could have a fairy tell me exactly what to draw that will do numbers every time.

>draw what you like
I don't like anything, I'm a grey block of concrete beaten down by life. All I have is pain.
>Anon comes in bitching that his skill has stagnated despite the fact that he's been drawing continuously for years
>other anons recommend that he reinforce/review the fundamentals which would probably help him achieve a breakthrough
>Anon throws a shitfit and leaves
Months later
>same anon comes in bitching saying "Reeeeeeee why didn't anyone tell me that I just had to work on my fundies? I improved a lot just by grinding a few hours every day then having fun with the rest of my drawing day."

It's always the same old cycle. You don't need to work on fundies if you already enjoy your art. If you don't enjoy your art, it's because you're missing some essential component that prevents you from drawing what you want to draw i.e. a fundamental
For that particular hurdle, the key to getting past is to stop letting perfect/good get in the way of progress.

Take a sheet of cheap paper and a ballpen. Draw something without using an eraser, it's ok if it's ugly or sketchy and otherwise shit. Then, take a few minutes to look at drawing and try to determine where you made mistakes. Then, on another sheet of paper, redraw what you just drew, try to improve it but don't be afraid to be experimental in your "improvements". Then, after you finish this redraw. Take a few minutes and look at your shitty drawings and take note of what you dislike about them. Then, make a 3rd, 4th, and 5th redraw with the same process trying to improve with every iteration. Take not of what changes worked and what changes didn't work. Even if you are not completely satisfied by redraw#5, your brain will start subconsciously picking up lessons and learning how to improve your drawings. This is how to effectively "practice" art while still keeping it fun and novel. You can redraw the piece as many or as few times as you like. You can redraw one piece over the course of multiple sessions or you can do multiple pieces per session, whichever is a better fit for you.
I'd say if they have too much of a hard time trying to discipline themselves through fundies I'd think they'd have an even harder time to not see anything they draw as garbage and feel bad on themselves ya know?

Like you gotta understand, to some people, myself included (In the past) art is only ever fun and or bearable if the minimum product is at all presentable. Asking that anon to push themselves through bad drawings is probably even more of a trial than asking that anon to discipline themselves, in fact asking them to push past bad drawings is probably harder!
I see. Well I agree that in that case, grinding drawabox might actually be the most straightforward to get gud if it's difficult to tolerate ugly output. But the sooner they learn to enjoy making art despite it's ugliness, the sooner they'll be able to make leaps and bounds in progress
anyone can draw, not everyone can draw good. learning fundamentals is learning discipline
Getting better is fun. Doing fundamentals is getting better. I get what you mean, though.
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