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I know they publish several packs of reference images, I wanted to know if anyone has this, publish, thanks
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Grafit Studio packs are so hot lately. Anyone has the newer ones?
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Would be nice if anyone has this. Super attractive model, really nice poses and actual good lighting.
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I have this
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I have this too. I like her freakishly long torso, good for drawimg manhwa characters desu.
you got it? can you publish it?
*chair clattering*
>charming female witch poses
Yeah uh-huh sure
lol, at this point it's just thinly veiled porn
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me rn goo- gesture drawing to this well put together reference packs
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I compiled the best of the lot since most of them are turnarounds, which aren't much use to anyone other than modelers.
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thank u
my girlfriend has an incredible ass like this, wish she would lose the 40lbs so she would look like this god damn it
So like what's the source/model name because there ain't shit on "obscura29"
I have the other more complete package of that model, here:
Does anyone have the OP's model???
Thanks anon could you do the other pack in full please
Unfortunately I don't have it, that's why I posted the other anon request to see if someone else publishes the op image pack.
what site is this?
Gentlemen... ze punchline iz pohrn...
Put the tect in the Decode64
thank you based anon
any upload this please
why do women do this?
are you guys jerking off to this?
> which aren't much use to anyone other than modelers.

I find them super useful for studying anatomy. I draw a 10 minute sketch from each angle, then do it again on the same pose the next day. Really helps.

but thanks for the pack anyway
Nice body
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I was referring to the body of the woman in the image
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men do it too chud
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I bought this one. It's fairly disappointing if I'm being honest. The pose library is okay. But I thought the model was much sexier from the sample photos. She's fairly oily and has lots of acne and her ass isn't as nice as I thought it would be. The proko models were much hotter. (Marcia drained my balls many times)

If you guys want it I can upload it but I don't know where to do so
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upload it anon please
upload to gotfile or pixeldrain
How strange from a distance she looks like she doesn't have so much acne, and her butt looks quite appetizing in the sample images
Before you do, can you optimize the images file size so the whole file doesn't takes FIVE fucking Gigabytes?
upload it in full please
Many reasons. They are young, they are on the fucking pill, they use powder cosmetics, they are on their asses sitting all day, bad diet, they drink sodas instead of water. Sugar addicts. A perfect cocktail of inflammation, pus infections and acne.
hormonal problems, but the asian women also have pimples on their asses, the difference is that they use Photoshop on the images to cover that up.
upload this, please anon
I am currently though pixeldrain is throttling me or something. I was uploading over 100MB/s until I hit 50% and it dropped to 50kB/s. Garbage site
That's why some anons advised to shrink down the file's total size. Those image packages shouldn't be above 1GB IMO.
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Alright anons here she is, cum get her
>He compressed the images.
Anon your genetic material should be preserved for posterity. You are an exemplary specimen of the human race. Your superior divine blessings has reached us all. God bless you.
She's beautiful.
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It's fine anon but you don't have the original uncompressed package???
I'll take care of compressing them better with Fileminimizer without losing image quality
yw anons
most people wanted them compressed, I tried uploading the full size but every hosting site I tried was throttling me or had a size limit. i'm not leaving the browser open for 36 hours because pixeldrain is limiting my fo connection to 30Kb/s
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>he doesn't have a dedicated drive for references
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It's very cool, Anon. But that's nothing.
Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see anon's drawings.
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The only thing I see is that she has many moles, the acne is almost non-existent.
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I don't know, I'm a graphic designer, I dedicate myself to making photo montages and retouching.
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nice tits
That's an understatement..
any one have a ref pack with stereotypical anime pose?
Here: >>7192505
any suggestive/erotic poses?
is that the same girl? did her tits sag that much?
It's the pose that makes her look bustier.
meaningless poses
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Does anyone know what set and/or website this pose is from? You don't have to upload it, just let me know so I can go buy it.

Also, are there any sets on artstation with good 360 turnarounds of fat men/women?
if you reverse search it you can find the full set, 4chan doesn't let me link it
she's cute
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a bit too mush compressed for my taste but still great. thanks anon.
Do you have the paris sets? Can you upload them?
it s all I v got.

any packs for angles above /below?
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wild angles?
yes exactly like that
God look at her feet.....nnnngggghhhhHHHH

ballet dancer!
Hegre Shots - Serena - First Nudes (2014-06-01)
it's old set, it's online pirated decade ago
Thank you!
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I v got a set with this model but naked.
I ll upload it if someone find us this one:

or this:
>camera distortion
Useless unfortunately.
what reference pack is this?
what's the point of encoding that?

I'm encoding to avoid alerting a service we're trying to bypass. for example, you don't post a link to a paid sport event for request someone to stream it.

it s out of courtesy right? there is a lot of others reasons. tell me what do you think?
I create my own references for poses and scenarios with pastiches.
>>7219955 Here

use the same decoder as before base64. I bought all the sexy ones
Thanks a lot anon.
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thx a lot guys!
and by the way

you r legends guys!

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