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>0 Thread for people who are interested in OC discussion and sharing. DO NOT post work expecting fills or hoping to get returns.

1. Art trades should be directed to the Verified Art Trade thread.

2. Critiquing designs, lore, and writing of characters and character designing are welcome.

3: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

4: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

Previous thread: >>7157864
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same op image?
newfag made the thread
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It’s time for art fight so I gotta stock up on ocs. This is a sample cyborg of Tutu Turkeys 003, a humanoid machine fractured to exorcise ghosts
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damn i just noticed the fucked up left shoulder on the one in the middle
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This is Gallus. He's the tortured villain of my story, and has become my favourite character to draw.
give that poor girl some food, bitch is one flu away from dying.
that's what happens when we draw face down instead of doing the chad torso spread and figure line approach.
don't worry, I do that all the time too.
Those look sick ngl in many ways
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This is cool, it's an actual witch doing actual witchcraft
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What has she found
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A crazy witch
I am the same anon. First one I was testing out some colouring pens but it's hard working with a finite number of colours. Second one I didn't want to ruin with the pens so I've left it in black and white.
Look up color theory, the combinations you use are really ugly, nice characters though
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I get where you're coming from and I think overall you're correct.. but anon, lets be real here. No amount of harmony will every make this suboptimal mess look good. The art underneath the colors can look good (Which it does, it's not too bad) but the colors themselves are just god awful.
Your picks are good. I would go with something more neon/saturated cause of the subject matter, I think maybe something like picrel, but it's up to the original anon, whatever suits their needs.


Also to the og anon, we're not trying to be mean but genuinely give this palette and the one the other anon posted a try. If you draw something and limit yourself to those colors I can almost guarantee it'll look nicer but in order to pick your own colors in the future you'll need to study up on color theory and of course pick based off your own preferences
"Graphic design is my passion" lol but I haven't taken any courses and my color picking isn't a strength of mine as I usually just pick/take palettes from photography/art that I think looks nice rather than creating my own (So take my picked colors above with a grain of salt, it could be better) I think part of it also might be because I have friends who work with pixelart and in that medium in particular with limited size/palettes people kinda have to make every color count. I learned a bit from that.

This is yapping but years back when I re watched samurai jack I noticed there was little to no shading and it was close to lineless but everything still looked nice and just worked. I figured color work really made the difference which kinda got me to pay attention to it more years back.
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Thanks anons, I'll do my best and take this advice for when I start coloring the actual comic, usually I draw comics in black and white but this one is going to be full color so I have to learn to get good at it eventually.
What advice do you have to learn how to make atmosphere with color? I used to have the James Gurney color and light book years ago but I don't think the more technical aspects sunk in for me+ I've had anons over the years here tell me it's not a good book to study
this my oc maple. ok thanks
Is she part of the sweetie squad or the Schutzstaffel?
she thought the bolts meant she was a lightning witch
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Yeah that magical Girl piece I drew one of my comic characters as a magical girl, then did a second, them decided to do all 5 of my female leads as magical girls and threw them together like that after the fact-hence why no color coherence.
But these anons with an idea for a palette for the two leads, it makes sense and is something I never thought about.

My concept is the human earth girl Penny tries to dress out there and has bright green dyed hair and mostly wears black with the occasional weeby bright colored e-girl thing thrown in, usually purple or green, this in theory should go with her green eyes and orangish brown skin. The alien prince lead Zag has light greyish green skin and crazy shiny blue hair similar to Lum in his alien form, and light brown skin and blond hair in his human disguise form. He tries to blend in with earth people but usually wears awkward brightly colored clothing and rainbow pit vipers that make him stand out, his clothing style clashes with Penny who mostly wears dark colors. How can I make them look better together pallet wise?
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>Usually seen in the Adventure guild plaza
>Wants help to explore ruins in the desert
>has a obsession with big knights
Literal stick figure anatomy
She needs to eat a bit more, but pretty cute overall
Try redrawing one character using the palettes given and see how it looks. Alter as needed.

In my opinion the issue is not with colors clashing across characters or a probable with "coherence" the issue is with the individual color combinations. You mention green/orange etc but the shade and hue/saturation of the colors matter a lot in making them work together. Focus on the colors working for a single character before worrying about multiple characters.

Also limit the color count to 5 main ones per character.
If you don't like their colors use this


use this.
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Shes great. Love her.
It's over..
Thanks! do you think it's the volume or just general width that needs widening?
I would make those limbs and torso much wider.
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She's been eating bros. I tried to make overall improvement with volume and stance, lineart. What do you think? Should i make her thiccer? Thanks for the feedback, i have a hard time with volume.
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A Cyberpunk OC from me
His Names Nigel and is a one man band from Malstrom
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Forgot to post this here lol

I made a character trailer for my spooky schizo ghost, Ayumu!

Better stance but nah your style is cool and you should follow your gut. If you made her thiccer she'd feel less unique imo.
Whats your artfight?? :]
Nice to see someone doing something cool with there OCs for a change.
cute as ever
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Back once again it’s the incredible
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how timely, imma wait a little more and then drop that one image
your character would look amazing in bwusagis art style
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i love my stupid moth dog
unfinished animation that i was making
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Saw this thing in a dream and decided to draw it. I see this thing as like a minion of the grim reaper.
fyi its limbs are meant to be unnatural

is it bipedal or qudrapedal?
love the way those colors pop, especially on paper
it can be both when it flies it can be qudrapedal
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i like the way the rendering came out for this im glad i kept practicing
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drew a big hat
Gladius, son of Mac, the god of mechanical process and artificial life

Rutibega, first robot implemented with a personality

Super Synth, latest development in combat automata
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dnd character
Cute. Im digging the braids and ear chains
Made a quick animation meme of Tati and Akio


Thanks! It's taken a while to get here but inch by inch... step by step... every day until I make it
>Negative cantalt tilt
No thanks.
>not liking droopy eyes
the mark of a faggot
Sure thing anon. Whatever lets you sleep.
>mogs you in the process
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>mogs you in the process
>no work
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I leave for 5 minutes and there is already a fight
you can't even spell canthal
I wont post my face anon
No need for such trivial things
then move along ugly
Sure thing anon. Whatever lets you sleep.
>mogs you even more in the process
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Didn’t have time to color
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very cute thank you...
>OC sharing
right now I'm making a page for my site with character profiles. I keep making new characters so I can update it as needed
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Here's a quick little thing since I find it funny
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enjoy penny perez
I finished this thing
The term "OC" is a sign of tumblr/twitter culture destroying art

Worse than AI
>tumblr/twitter culture destroying art
who cares? it just means original character. so what?
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hey op i really love your oc design! very pretty!
attaching my twink death middle aged drow
oh i love them! and your style! i have a character with a similar color palette and expressiveness, you're making me want to draw her.
i love tortured villains! i like his scar!
If your oc was a pull string toy, what would they say?
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it existed pre twitter/tumblr culture ;it was a staple on a forum in web 1.0 i went on to "share the love" by drawing each others original characters.
Haha this gif is going at the same speed as the clock ticking in my house
>kill all [redacted]
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That's valid
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His name is Iris, and he's a cosplaying vampire noble.
I don't see the moth
Wtf is that.
Whatcha mean?
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Etsuko Kaneda

Still workin' on her design a bit for once her game is done.

She was formerly a bullied, geeky abused japanese teen (right black haired girl) that ended up involved in a Mirai Nikki like battle royale situation *TBD* where she uses her powers *TBD* to survive until the end of that, until the protagonist of that timeline saves her making her see him as a kindred soul.

Upon being the last one standing, she won the right of being the "vessel" of a higher dimensional goddess that uses her as entertainment as the "heroine" of that world.
Upon obtaining those powers, she takes a form similar to that of a rich european young model she idolized to be "the best version of herself" and make the world pay up for her abuse by passive aggresive force (such as making her bullies never have happy lives, becoming rich by lottery number guessing and stealing from people or slap/trip whoever she wants in time stop.)
In the "new world" she meets the protagonist of that world again, winning him over with ease by just telling him that he is the most fortunate, important and intersting person that'll ever live.
in a pretty "Magic Pixie Dream Girl" way, she pulls him from a uneventful life.

Despite her new powers and fake bravado, she is still sweet in her own way also a geeky dork despite trying to be super cool, confident and a semi cocky "cool girl heroine".


So yeah her character arc is accepting herself thanks to the protagonist and stop hatin' herself alongside knowing that no matter how much she tries to do justice, therell always be more evil, no matter how much she "punishes" humaity.

But yeah, her design is mostly her showing confidence and arrogance since she can win any fights she wants

Usually, i was planning for her to be able to see the future, stand in mid air at will & shoot swords of energy but when she is serious/mad, more eldricht abomination/meta stuff can happen
Like just raising her hands and have the opponent by the throat
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Another thing i had in mind was having her stage a world ending event just for the protagonist to solve and come out as a hero.

Example, kicking a sun towards earth.

also, the planet earth will be destroyed over and over as it is destroyed during fights since i am tired of people who blame shonen series for not destroying the planet during "universal level" battles.
Also to make the viewer also tired or bored of seeing everyone on earth die over and over just like how the protagonist might stop caring about civilians since he can just restore them after the fight is done.
You're a pedophile aren't you
she could be much cuter if you changed her lashes, eyebrows and nose into a more simplified version.
Also her cheeks don¡t need so much highlights
Okay what gave it away
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I have this OC Called Eyelissa that I draw Sometimes.
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Some faces I made.
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adding this character to this
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is this a parody

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