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do you have a personal website for your art?
I don't know how...
I plan on making one soon-ish actually. I just have to make a portfolio I'm actually happy with (so never).

How to what? Make a personal site? Code? Host a site? What is it you're telling us you don't know?
with today's sponsor obviously
Yes, I learned basic HTML coding during covid, made a basic website, spend a lot of time to make it the most simple and responsive I could while creating fancy gifs for the menus.
Never uploaded any art on it.
I'll do it tomorrow, or someday...
Yes,but Covid ate it.
I've got one for my writing but I just use regular-ass gallery sites for my artwork, because I've got such a massive back-catalog of stuff, am not very good at fancy javascript tricks, and it would be a massive waste of time to make a gallery manually.
still workin on it!
ill work on my site tomorrow if you work on yours
Yes, it's mainly for clients.
Alright anon, I will. I just need to fix my drawings, take pictures or scan them and put them on the site. Tomorrow is sunday and i'll have time to do it.
What do you have to do?
How is shaving my balls going to help build a website?
lots hahaha. tons of under construction sections to fix, pages to update, etc


good luck with your own fixin
yes but considering im getting 1 pity like on a good day on social media you can imagine how dead my site is.
its fun to work on and update though.
you dont really need to know code if you use a program like dreamweaver or wix or wordpress.
yeah but it's really shitty and i abandoned it 2 years ago, now i'm reminded it exist and it's time to get back to fixing it

I made this interactive website several years ago. But I haven't updated it.
very creative!
ill buy your pubes for $20
more websites
yes, but im too retarded to add a gallery, and too prideful to use some premade website builder.
anyone from /ic/ tried cara? i see a lot of twitter artists migrating there.
There was a big thread about it >>7186870
It looks fine, though it needs some work, particularly around optimisation.
A lot of anons cried about it's algorithm not immediately making them the no.1 user on the site though.
Yes but it's a work in progress
Shame. Looks cozy, reminds me sites I used to browse in the 2000s.
oh this link doesnt even work let me try again
Just scraped your sites with wget, am I going to jail now?
yes you will die
>do you have a personal website for your art?
yeah, pic related. i make the site in dreamweaver. its fun to make a website. my site is really simple so
I can update it easily.
i do but also neocities tourists caused an eternal september in 2021 and i'm still pissed over it now
not even because they're trans or whatever they just don't know how to code an actual website and all use the same sad template and abandon it after a month. many such cases
I just don't understand why. Why? It doesn't enter in my head coding a whole site only to post my drawing shit but how that could be even organised, how it is supposed to look like. I can't understand, why?
Thank you. Although I got bored quickly because neocities only allows you to create static pages x_x
i have a website, but my art isn't featured on there much. it's mostly just a blog.
neocities fucking sucks. so many BLOATED websites with NOTHING interesting going on.
>neocities fucking sucks. so many BLOATED websites with NOTHING interesting going on.
To be fair, is that their fault? They're just offering the tools, it the people who use them that suck.
And for a free service, I think they're decent.
yeah that's really what i meant. neocities is cool and i wish more normal people made websites on there instead of using social media.
>so many BLOATED websites with NOTHING interesting going on.
This has been a (valid) criticism of the amateur web scene since the beginning, Anon. All that's really changed since the 1990's and today is that people realized it's gauche to cover your homepage in hundreds of gaudy fucking gifs.

I don't wanna discourage anyone from creativity but ftlog have more things on your website than a landing page and two blog entries about banal shit, written in 2021.
Not anymore. I used to have one and then ran a poll on my most popular platform and asked what people thought about it. I got "huh what? you have a website?" and less than 50% of people even clicked on it. This is despite me still getting commissions and donations. Remember, people are dumb and have 1 second attention spans. That was enough proof for me to nuke my site and just link to my Patreon or linktree.
>made a basic website, spend a lot of time to make it the most simple
That's awesome! building a website from scratch with just HTML is a big win. In time, you can easily monetize it with Hydro without any hassle. just upload your site and let the profits roll in!
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One good thing about the earlier internet is that websites were more common. I
Now it seems like only bugger companies has one

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