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Thread to study little boys. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute little boys.

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Only post SFW shota, link NSFW and suggestive from catbox. Don't post real life references.
>Don't fight about different male body types, shota. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.
Previous thread: >>7010561
164 days...where did the time go
>Thread to study little boys.
Damn, can you hear yourself saying that? It's gross af bro.
Kys pedo
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trying to color this. the bolder lines are throwing me off. also started a spicier wip https://files.catbox.moe/ueuzjr.PNG
>Play nine sols
>Realize it's practically a shota-core game
>404 no art to be found
What a waste. Sure it's a chink game, but it still had potential.
Lovely heads in both WIPs. Your sense of facial balance has improved quite a bit in the last couple of months, and the quality of your portraits has gotten more consistent as well.

In particular, the degree of accuracy in that high-angle view of Shay's half-profile head is nothing short of remarkable. The manner in which the shading puts across the geometry of the facial planes really helps selling that much-coveted 3D feel.

The only shortcomings that I'm able to identify are in the outline of Shay's forehead and in the rendering of the furthermost part of his brow ridge (specifically his right eyebrow). There seems to have been some confusion regarding the starting point of the brow ridge on the right side of your character's face: at present, the contour of his forehead indicates the presence of a slight bump just at half the vertical width of the former; said protrusion closely resembles the corner of the brow ridge, but its placement is significantly higher than that of Shay's foreground eyebrow, so the jut in question ends up looking out of place, and the fact that the inner corner of the furthermost eyebrow is not visible only compounds the issue.

You can fix these problems by lowering said bump until it matches the placement of Shay's left eyebrow, adding a subtle indication of the right one's presence, and tweaking the glabella-radix area (if needed).

Here are a couple of resources concerning planar simplifications of heads in angled views. The main gist of them is that you should attempt to keep in mind both the "eye mask" method of visualization and the "T" shape formed by the eyebrows and the nose:



Lastly, while on the subject, an alternative to the "eye mask" method is to imagine the whole orbital-zygomatic area as if it were a notch occupying the middle third of the face:

having some fun
thank you. I've redrawn that head about 400 times lol I think I actually understand how to fix it now
>I've redrawn that head about 400 times

The struggle might have been bitter while it lasted, but it bore some sweet and juicy fruit. Hang in there!

On the way of advice, regarding depictions of heads in profile view, I believe that the inclination angle of the vertical axis of a face (i.e., the contour of the latter's base plane) should preferably deviate as little as possible from the default standard of 90° (when the head's position is fully upright, that is). Basically, too much of a forward tilt in the facial base plane carries the likelihood of making the mouth appear prognathic, while an excessive backward slant might instead convey the impression of a weak chin.

Furthermore, from an artist's perspective, choosing a right angle for a head's vertical axis makes it a lot easier to keep both the placements and proportions of the facial features consistent. In that regard, ears and noses can be especially tricky, since their lower edges tend to be in horizontal alignment with the bottom of the occiput, so a tilted facial base plane can give rise to unnecesary confusion.

In brief, my suggestion is that, when the head of a character is set upright, you make sure that the apex of the brow ridge and that of the chin follow an alignment that's almost fully perpendicular, as it's the case with Shay's head in this work >>7206757

I think that he came out looking so handsome due in no small part to the verticality of his facial base plane, since the layout of his features adheres overall to the standard guidelines for ideal proportions.

Aside from that, concerning hair, I'm really a fan of Donatien's right earlock in this piece >>7208075 given that its helicoidal shape makes it feel extra springy and three-dimensional. This confirms my hunch that your depictions of individual hair strands and tufts would benefit greatly just by adding a bit more twist to them, regardless of texture:

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thanks so much I'll try to keep that in mind. and I agree I need to work on drawing hair
can someone else please post a shota lol
anyway progress on this https://files.catbox.moe/1d9x3n.PNG
I’m really into this because I have a Cupid OC that I draw all the time too. He’s my pretty little waifu and art companion.
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moar like this?
The faces of both characters are coming out gorgeous, but I can't help but keep my eyes glued to that of Shay. He feels almost statuesque, in the best sense of the word: his head does not only pop out from the screen, but, in terms of draftsmanship, it's pretty much flawless.

The only remaining issue is, frankly, a negligible one: the amount of separation from the corner of the outline of the brow ridge to the visible top of the corresponding upper eyelid is just a tiny bit too long. Taking into account the angle and perspective of the head, this extra distance implies that Shay's right eye is slightly more deep-set than his left one, and, coupled with the angle of inclination of the forehead, it makes the latter appear a little too sloped.

That said, the discrepancy in question is hardly noticeable; in order to correct it, you would just need to modify the inclination angle of the contour of Shay's forehead until it's roughly 1° more vertical, which, consequently, would involve pushing back slightly the outline of the corner of his brow ridge. Nonetheless, rather than actually moving the latter, in order to avoid upsetting the present facial layout, I suggest that you draw a new outline just one or two pixels behind the current one, and then erase the leftover space, after which you can proceed to adjust the contour of the forehead.

Once you do that, in regard to proportions, balance, and sense of volume, Shay's head will be technically without fault.

Lastly, on the subject of hair, I take the opportunity of sharing a couple of video tutorials, one by "heytheredevana", and another by "kuroshiro":


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All I have is this loose pose I don't know what to do with. I've been going through art block the past month so I haven't posted much.
Nice job with that torso; I feel that "gropeable" might be the most suitable adjective to describe it (with "succulent" being a close second option).

That said, your shota's arms look a bit too small when compared to the size and complexion of the rest of his body. I feel that both lengthening and thickening them slightly would help your character achieve a more cohesive appearance.

On the subject of head-proportions, a somewhat frequent issue with your renderings of profile views is that the depth of the jaw has a propensity to turn out excessive in relation to the lateral width of the neck. This, in turn, ends up making the whole jaw area feel extra boxy and heavy, while the neck appears too small to properly support the weight of the former.

This issue most likely stems from a lack of awareness of the placement of the hyoid bone, a horseshoe-shaped thingie situated in the upper frontal area of the neck, just below the mandible.

For artists, the bone in question is relevant because it constitutes the base of the submental triangle (that is, the middle section of the underside of the jaw):


As a point of reference, in a head in side view, the contour of the medial ridge of the hyoid bone is located perpendicularly at around half the distance between the gonial angle of the jaw and the apex of the chin:


Lastly, you should also tweak the size and placement of the chin of your character. My suggestion is that you try to visualize the manner in which the whole jaw interacts with the skull when a mouth opens and closes:

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finished: https://files.catbox.moe/pcwgut.png
I need to start planning my compositions better but this was fun

thank you. I was nervous to adjust his face too much and his eye still looks slightly off to me but I'm pretty satisfied with the result :)

glad to see you're still around! cute shota. hope you can get through your art block soon. I just went through the same thing

you too! nice elf boy. you have a really satisfying way of drawing detailed anatomy
>you too! nice elf boy. you have a really satisfying way of drawing detailed anatomy
thanks! i always overdo the anatomy because i feel like i get the shape wrong otherwise and then have to erase all the lines.
it's becoming a bad habit.

I always get blown out by how nice your colors work together. the OP piece is really amazing and wanted to comment on it but felt like i was sounding like a broken record at this point.
Anatomy is indeed one of your fortes. I didn't get the chance of replying to any of your pieces during the last thread, but it wasn't due to a lack of appreciation: frankly, the proficiency of your work didn't leave me with a lot of room for critique.

In terms of proportions and overall aesthetics, I find your style to be somewhat reminiscent of the work of Saigado and Keso. It especially brings to mind the latter's doujins featuring prince characters, so I can't help but feel a bit nostalgic when I look at your art.

Regarding advice, it turns out that I can actually offer you some for a change.

Simply put, there's an issue with the thickness of your shota's mid and lower torso. At present, both the waist and hips of your character come up quite short in lateral depth. Basically, if your character's body were rotated further towards his right, the side view of his pelvis would be narrow to the point of incongruity, with that of the midsection of his torso being even more so.

This impression of flatness is mostly due to one single yet crucial oversight regarding the meeting point between the foreground side of the waist and the corresponding hip: the near-absence of an iliac crest. Specifically, while the pubic, hypogastric, and inguinal regions of your shota have all been accurately depicted, and one can see as well the frontal section of his left external oblique muscle, there's practically no visible space to which the rest of it could be attached.


Fortunately, despite all of the above, the required fix for this issue is a fairly simple one: you just need to thicken the foreground sides of the mid and lower torso by pushing back the posterior outlines, until there's enough room to indicate the presence of the iliac crest:

book exclusively about shota? I didn't read any but it feels like it's not going to be much better than any " how to draw anime" I'm general
fresh wip
thank you!
Very sweet, I can only imagine how nice it must've been to have lived as a boy in a period where casual nudity was so normal.
Regarding the heads of your OCs, although you're well on your way in terms of conveying a sense of volume, my advice is that you pay some extra attention to both the peaks of the arches of their eyebrows and to the middle outer vertexes of their cheekbones.

As points of reference, the locations of the facial landmarks in question roughly match those of the tops of the zygomaticofrontal sutures and the bottoms of the zygomaticomaxillary ones, respectively:


In terms of simplified block-outs, the two pairs of vertexes of the planes adjacent to the four sutures tend to be in a fairly vertical alignment with one another:


In summary, what this means is that, in 3/4 and near-profile views, unless a character is intended to have either a very protruding brow ridge or extra large zygomatics, the apex of the former, the outline of the cheek bone, and the contour of the tip of the chin, all tend to be pretty much in line with the corresponding edge of the facial base plane.

Therefore, when employing either the "eye mask" or the "notch" method of visualization, if you ever have doubts concerning the degree of juttedness of the previous landmarks, just visualize a subtle vertical curve linking the outline of the character's cranium/forehead with that of his chin, and make sure that the contours of the brow ridge and the cheekbone don't depart excessively from that curve:


Lastly, I heartily recommend that you watch the following tutorial by "June":

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>can someone else please post a shota lol
The vast majority people aren't pedophiles.
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This erratum comes in quite late, but, upon rereading my post, I noticed a couple of issues with it. Lest they end up being the source of confusion, I take the opportunity to rectify them.

First, the "subtle vertical curve" that I suggested to employ as a reference is intended to depict the whole contour of the edge of the facial base plane, not just a segment of it.

Rather than the curve in question being a link between the outline of the forehead and that of the apex of the chin, I meant to say that it incorporates them, flowing from the former into the latter, and vice versa.

As it was originally written, I unintentionally implied that said curve was a section of the whole. If that had been the case, I should have described it as slightly diagonal instead of vertical, given how narrow the chin is in comparison to the full width of the face.

In hindsight, it would have been better to just specify that the curve is meant to be convex.


Second, regarding depictions of heads in 3/4 and near-profile views, although using the curvature of the edge of the facial base plane as a guideline is quite effective for drawings that follow semi-realistic proportions, that isn't really much the case with more cartoony renditions (or with extra neotenous ones, for that matter).

Basically, the more chibi-fied a character becomes, the less said parameter can be applied: the rounder/broader head, coupled with the smaller chin, make it so that the edge of the facial base plane cannot longer be represented as a slight "C" curve.

In such instances, dividing the head into two main volumes (one for the cranium, and another for the combined mass of the cheeks) would be the most suitable option.

Sorry for the inconvenience that these slips might have caused you.
thank you
I gave their heads another try thank you :)
The eyes of Alessio are coming up quite lively and three-dimensional. I feel that you're starting to get a pretty good hang of the manner in which the curvatures of the eyeballs intersect the planes of the notch comprised by the orbital cavities:


As for drawing tips regarding the upper eyelids, my suggestion is that you imagine them as if they were akin to the sliding visors of helmets, and that you always try to keep in mind the contours of the ocular globes underneath. A simple method of visualization is to start by drawing the eyes as they would appear if they were closed, but with the lashes absent, as well as with the upper creases fully outlined, and then "pull up" the eyelids by delineating their inner margins at the desired level of aperture:


Besides that, personally, I think that making the outline of Alessio's furthermost cheek just a tiny bit rounder/chubbier would make him look slightly more youthful, and therefore even cuter, but that's really a matter of taste. To the same purpose, I consider that it wouldn't hurt to shorten by a couple of pixels the noses and chins of both Matteo and Alessio.

Lastly, since it's often true that pictures are worth a thousand words, here are a few artworks that could be useful as references, specifically in order to help you polish the current facial layouts of your characters.

For Matteo:



And for Alessio:


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thank you I have been struggling with eyelids specifically a lot recently for some reason. these refs are very helpful
cute and handsome boy but his proportions are a bit off. really big feet
the hands on your boy aren't big enough

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