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What do you see in the shapes? What can you turn them in to? Draw inside the shapes.
I'm tempted to do this but it feels like I'm just completing a homework assignment for a lazy fag.
>Verification not required.
i am going to do this for practice and not post it because this board is very mean
I'll do this, I enjoyed the last one too. I'll probably take ages to do them all though, because I'm slooooow.
I hope the guy who drew all the shoes turns up for this again
The fuck? This is a creative drawing exercise
I'm not OP, but we had one of these threads last year, here: https://warosu.org/ic/thread/6818933
Cool stuff. I almost drew a boat too but then something weird happened. I hope everyone shows up! Light the beacons!
wow ppl actually drew in here instead of shitposting?
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Real fun and challenging exercise!
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This was a nice warmup
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I drew a bit out the lines
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Your creativity is aspirational.
When beckoned, we shall answer the call.
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Varied amounts of creativity
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Excellent. Cone-hat moai is fresh.
Kek at purple guy jumping away from fish and co.
good work tradchad
very creative. nice nice
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I was originally gonna make them all lewds but I ran out of time. Hopefully I catch the next one! Thanks for the exercise OP
Good time
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fun again
my previous entry https://i.warosu.org/data/ic/img/0068/18/1694932112314583.png
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Cool style
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Fuck, these are all great
the loomis crocodile is very cute
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Great. Rip doom
Fags who complain about not having ideas should do this type of exercise more often.
This one is so simple but somehow exudes quality
It's a catch 22 cause fags who complain about not having ideas don't do these types of exercises lmfao
I know that style, it's pineapplemikel. He's damn good.
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Extra shapes.
I gut stuck after 3/10 shapes, what do?
Finish them another time, dingus.
I too saw a funny monkey fella
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Okay I finished them now
Last 2 ones I felt pretty bad about...
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Very nice
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Ha! I like the one you did with negative space. Very cool anon.
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very fun
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always fun
so cute! love the gator
Last year had 76 participating artists. 27 this year. Next year it will just be me and you.
Give it time, anon. Last year's ran for a full month. But yeah ded board
Not dead but full of twitter drama-whores AI-jeets and crabs that do NOT draw at all.
The only fast drawthread is /beg/. It is what it is. At least threads like this manage to get good art, just a bit slower.
Depends on time of year too desu
Most art discords im in die at this time because most are students and have their end of year exams and coursework due
Think if there were more people commenting it'd drum up more activity.
true, OP should at the very least (you) each participant
and last year there was that debate that kept the thread bumped too lol.
True, that motivates more people to participate
What matters is you did your best. They look great too!
or someone doing new shapes, thought of doing that myself but haven't hade the time/motivation to do so.
Anyone could do that
OP was the one who started the thread, so the responsability of making a quality thread is on his hands.
Last time was like that.
Man chill out, I literally just saw the thread.
And I'm also literally fucking dying.
If you die, you won’t get good.
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yes as you can see I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IM DOING
i gave up
explains the lack of sovl
Highly doubt that's a woman, but what are you talking about? the work seems soulful to me.
Really like the middle pointy shape in this one

You can at least render some gleaming highlights onto that ass, don’t give up now
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late to the party but was a lot of fun
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D-Did you just lolified the pieces?
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Turning the page upside-down isn't a bad idea.
Also, I like the dog.
Congratulations, you didn't follow the prompt at all and chose to disregard it in favour of snuggling into your tight little comfort zone.

I've done this exact exercise with my students before and how is it that even a bunch of 12 year olds can get it where you can't.
Instructions were unclear. I drew what I saw.
>Fun drawing exercise that uses shapes as prompts
Wow, I'm sure your student love you. Quit being a buzzkill.
>tight little comfort zone.

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