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It seems like that regular art is kind of dead. At least it's not a viable career path for most people and so high risk that anyone who wants to make a career as an artist is an idiot at this point.

I still want to make a living doing creative work, do you think it would be a wise idea to transition into 3D? I've been learning it and it seems like a more lucrative way to make a living creatively. I want to keep drawing but maybe it should be a side thing and I can pay the bills knowing blender maya and Zbrush.
Animation / Games Industry is like 95% 3D jobs and 5% 2D. You'd be wise to do it, if you can stand it.

As for me, my path is to learn Japanese and to get into the animation industry there. It's a "harder" path, but the one that aligns with my soul the most.
I actually kind of like 3D. It melds well my autistic OCD tendencies. I kind of figured if I know 3D and 2D I might be more valuable. I prefer the animation aspect though. My dream work environment would be to draw up concept art and give it to a modeler who can model it for me then I can rig and animate it. But I'm learning modeling as well. I mostly want to get good enough at 2D to design my own characters and convey the kind of shit I want to other people that I want done.

I just want to work creatively, I want to make things and tell stories and make art. I want to make people feel good and make things people think are cool. Also sexy anime girls.
>you think it would be a wise idea to transition into 3D?
2 years ago I'd say so but not anymore.
Unless you plan to sell 3d models on websites for that you won't make money off 3D in 2024.
Plenty of pro 3D artists looking for a job.
How the hell am I supposed to work creatively then? If 2D is fucked, 3D is fucked, animation is fucked, what do I do? Content is being produced but do artists just not make money? This doesn't seem sustainable. Should I become an writer instead and just make a novel? All I see is people dooming about every creative industry being non lucrative, 3D seemed like it was at least something I could do to create. I can't work a manual labor job because my back is fucked.
>Should I become an writer instead and just make a novel?
Publishing is completely dead and even the YA slop goldrush has dried up.
So it's just impossible then? Or at least improbable to make a living doing creative work?
yeup basically, them's the breaks
In a sense I think the creative "job", ie employer gives you a paycheck every month for X hours of work is dead. The globalist NWO agenda is for you to be a debt slave working in an amazon fulfillment center coming home to watch AI generated 'content' on a subscription streaming service after your 14 hour warehouse shift.

What you're going to have to do, which is what independent artists have always had to do, is find a way to apply your art skills to a business venture of your own design, which you have full control over. Notice that graphic design is basically dead, moneywise, but there's a whole slew of people making graphic design as art on social media, many of which are able to make a living through patreon because people just resonate strongly with the vibe of what they're making.

Your venture can be anything from selling paintings at the local state fair or con, authoring a graphic novel, making an indie game etc. But expecting to have comfortable, steady employment from a company is becoming a thing of the past.
In the near future everybody will be able to create, so you'll have a few routes. One route is already extremely over saturated and it's the artistic influencer, though this can potentially be taken by an AI artist purposely engagement farming hatred to monetize Artist seethe. Say shit on TikTok that's triggering but not obvious enough to be called a troll. "I made this painting today" then show your workflow as looking up words in the dictionary for your prompt. Lol. Fuck that idea is so good I might just do it.
This is the way... the ideal, the dream is to create and fill a niche. Make something only you can make and market it and own all of it. Maybe one day...
>How the hell am I supposed to work creatively then?
It's a dream job, and one that is highly competitive, you already knew that so why whine?
Should my path to be an indie game dev then? I can already code and know the basics of 3d modeling and character rigging. I've made a full 3 min animation before. I basically always wanted to make my own game studio anyway and just create the shit I want to create while focusing on delivering a quality product. I feel like knowing how to code and make 3D models is already half of it. I still want to try and find some kind of industry creative job I can work for at least a little bit before I branch out on my own though.

Everyone won't be able to create with AI the AI will be creating. And it'll be impossible to make money being a creative or creator.
publishers haven't gone bankrupt, and people are still buying books...
>who wants to make a career as an artist is an idiot at this point
As someone who lives in a 1st world country working as a concept artist and managed to buy a house 3 years ago yes, I guess I'm one lucky idiot huh? Or maybe I worked my ass off to get where I am right now.
How many novels published in 2024 have you read? How many from this decade?
>should I do this?
>should I do that?
Only you can answer this. Also gl finding an industry job in this climate given the massive downsizing happening in the games industry.
It just seems that way from what everyone is saying about the industry.

If you wouldn't mind sharing your experience and how you made it I'd like to know. Did you go to school or just grind all day?

I guess I'm constantly afraid of making the "wrong" decision and screwing up my life. I know what I want to do, but just don't know how to go about making my dreams a reality other than honing my skills in my dark room and continuing to get my bachelor's degree. I took some 3D modeling courses for my art minor and my professor thinks I'm terrible at being social or making connections. Well I can talk to people but I can't go out of my way to talk to them. This is turning into me just blogposting rather than a discussion.

My hope in the gaming industry is by the time I get my bachelors next year things may have settled down a bit and growth can start happening again. Or at least maybe in two years. I can find something to pay the bills in the mean time.
>I guess I'm constantly afraid of making the "wrong" decision and screwing up my life.
That's understandable. The important thing is having a skill set that you can apply to a variety of things, because you can't know exactly what opportunities will present themselves.

And if you'd started 3 years later then you'd be fucked on both house price and interest rates. It's ok to admit that you got lucky in some ways, don't lord what a hard worker you are over other people when they didn't get the same results as you. People do not want to hear that shit. I've seen plenty of hard workers end up not making it over the years.
>People do not want to hear that shit.
If you only want people to tell you what you like to hear then move to readdit, and try not sucking so bad. Don't lecture me.
What I meant is that it's a rude, irritating thing to do, which will always rub people the wrong way, not that you're imparting special wisdom onto me that my mind isn't ready for. There's a word for it: humblebragging.
>If you only want people to tell you what you like to hear then move to readdit, and try not sucking so bad. Don't lecture me.
Telling people the truth is a gift to them.
Allowing them to stay delusional is a gift to yourself.
It’s all over man. 2D, 3D, writing, animation. It’s all fucking over
I guess I should just fucking kill myself then.
see >>7206900
if you're a god-tier junior (top 2%) the /3/ market is actually okay right now, esp in vfx. vfx houses still need people but don't want to pay sr rates so they're hiring kids like that and hoping it works out.

games market should start picking back up next year. industry's just adjusting to covid growth spike (muh growth has slowed down after 2 years of record breaking numbers after a once a century event)
Good luck making a game for two years to sell a hundred copies with five reviews on steam. Indie game dev is oversaturated and it is all wosrened by tons of literal scam and asset flips released en masse every day.
Well next year is when I graduate college. Maybe things will be better then.

I think I'm pretty decent at 3. I threw myself into an animation course with zero experience that I technically shouldn't have been able to sign up for because I didn't have the prerequisites. I knew nothing about animation or 3D modeling but taught myself and managed to make a 3 minute animation with concept art, story board, and animatic and pass the class with a B (mostly because I turned in shit late a lot) it wasn't a good but I got it done and I was actually proud starting from ground zero and being able to pass the course. I don't know if that puts me in the top two percent but it's a measly accomplishment that I have. I didn't go to school for VFX or anything though.
Filling the right niche, doing something different, and crucially networking and getting it to the right people are what cause things to succeed. If your product is actually legit pajeet asset flip spam games aren't competition.
not going to judge since i don't know what this looks like. if you want to see what you're competing against, you can have a look at something like the rookies or just google around for jr reels.

most /3/ jobs are incredibly specialist and the sooner you can decide what you want to do, the better. generalist positions do exist, but it's less common and at bigger studios those positions tend to be occupied by fairly elite people. focus on quality vs quantity for your first reel. if you just want to animate, don't spend 100s of hours learning how to model and rig (knowing a little helps though), just get rigged chars and animate.
oh also, you don't need to go to school. portoflio is all that matters (and as long as you don't come across as a sociopath during interview). there is a lot of good learning material out there that you can pay for or acquire through other means. just don't tell people you pirated a course like a sperg and you'll be fine. also, don't 1:1 a tutorial result and put it in your reel - everyone watches the tuts and your interviewers will know.
>Filling the right niche, doing something different, and crucially networking and getting it to the right people are what cause things to succeed.
Ten years ago maybe, now it is bare minimum to (hopefully) make the development expenses back, but it is not guaranteed either. Lucrative niches are already taken by people with more resources than a beginner have in their disposal, and non-lucrative ones are probably not even worth to explore if you want to make a living off your games. Solo/small-team indie is basically visual arts on extra hard difficulty, the same success roulette but you need to be confident in multiple fields. Joining mid-size is an option, but there are lots of pros who is looking for a job right now and already have real industry experience.

>If your product is actually legit pajeet asset flip spam games aren't competition.
Not direct competition of course but it still affects visibility of the new releases.
When will you people realize any job related to entertainment will always be subject to the boom and bust cycle unless you are one of the few who have the social skills necessary to make a business out of it? If you want to keep your head down while minding your own business go work in skilled trades. This guy >>7206985
is correct. Networking is the only way to get ahead of everyone around you. IF it means sucking cock of your future trans manager so be it.
I saw a pretty mid looking tactical mecha game meet its kickstarter goal in a single day last year. You don't need to fly like a vulture over the Kalahari looking for a "lucrative niche" to feast on. Cultivate an actual audience, be a legitimate part of a community. Support and retweet other creators doing similar stuff to you. But must importantly get out there and go to events like PAX and set up a booth and talk to people. The internet is picked dry because everything's combed by bots and algorithms, but irl word of mouth still exists. But I'm not handing out a sure-fire formula for success here, these are just things you have to solve in your own way to get people to care about your project. And a lot of pretty lackluster stuff succeeds just because it reaches the right people.
>I saw a pretty mid looking tactical mecha game meet its kickstarter goal in a single day last year.
Was that goal significant enough to sustain development in the long run? Was (will) the release success or flop? I've seen examples when decent wishlist metrics did not convert in sales, it is not that straightforward. How many similar (quality wise) projects on KS did not make it in comparison? Survivorship bias all over again.

>Cultivate an actual audience
I mean, networking is top priority, no doubt in that, but it is not what average anon excels at, huh. Anyway, even with PR done right, your audience may be just too narrow to make any serious money. So, in my opinion, for OP indie is going to be same painful crawl to success as in artistic field, but with extra steps, extra difficulty, and extra pain probably. Everyone and their dog want to be creative, so there is not easy path there, competition is bloody.
Should I pretend to be trans until I get my foot in the door and de-transition once I make my own company?
Oh cool, another episode of "blaming things that were always true on recent developments". Because before today art was always considered a solid, respectable career choice with a wealth of options.
The entire creative industry is dead, especially in America. Give the fuck up on it.
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>being a professional artist dead?
Yeah. Get a real job. Like sales. Or a plumber . Or packing boxes at Amazon
States are actually passing Anti DEI laws so this might be counter productive depending on where you live
What do you mean? How did that happen>
Ignore them. They're a loser. Literally everything they've started in life they always have the mentality. x is x so (and here's the key part that forms their entire identity) I might as well give up. I believe they're called crabs on this board.
You don’t get to draw what you like anon. People like that get ridiculued for not being a team player. You’d be best not to set foot in the industry at all. Imagine working for disney when you primarily draw hentaiLike what the fuck is wrong with you?
>The globalist NWO agenda is for you to be a debt slave working in an amazon fulfillment center
nah, robots are doing that too
I think the plan is you can be a ceo or a politician or tough shit
For some reason this really motivated me.
This thread is full of incel crabbgots prebeglets lmaooooooo. Nice gatekeeping though, homos.
I hope you find your way to sky island, ZEEHEHAHAHAHAA
i've literally never read one piece
is it too late to start now?
I think even with all the AI bullshit there will always be an audience for human made art. With that being said, I would still recommend doing it for fun and choosing a more stable profession. Good luck with whatever you set out to do
3d fucking sucks... Blender / the tech just isn't good enough for pure creative expression like 2d is. There's a ton of technical things that take up your time even once youre fluent in software ( uv unwrap, retopologizing) and a ton of inane skills like topology you need to just get your ideas made. I learned 3d and went back to 2d until the tech gets better at least
Everything is dead. Nobody will succeed anymore. We're too late.
>Learning a new language in order to work below minimum wage and pull huge overtime
Fucking why
Should we kill ourselves?
It has never not been high risk
No, try to kill people in power instead
Sorry but your post reeks of someone who dipped their toes into Blender for a week and gave up. Everything you said is very retarded. If you're good you can make anything from a semen demon to a motorcycle in a couple hours with zbrush. Reptopo can take less than an hour if you aren't retarded. So no, you didn't "learn 3d" you watched a couple tutorials and got filtered hard. You just want the secret shortcut to making it and are still chasing that with 2D instead of just putting the fucking hours in like an intelligent human being.
weebs can work for free, they just want to live in Japan

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