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Rendering and painting is easily the most neglected topics despite being essential to making polished, finished pieces. Post your work, advice in the form of critiques/ paintovers.

OP is my own work, please critique.
I'm shit at rendering, but I can tell you that one thing that you lack the most is focus. Impressionism works because there is always one area of focus that draws the eye, you have none, everything is equally chaotic it almost becomes an abstraction.

Can't really say anything else because of stylistic choices.
learn to draw
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>I can tell you that one thing that you lack the most is focus. Impressionism works because there is always one area of focus that draws the eye, you have none, everything is equally chaotic it almost becomes an abstraction.
You make very good point anon. I do alot of photostudies like pic related but i never really take into account things like focus. Thank you bringing it to my attention.
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>Draws moai
>Beautiful colors
>Takes critique in stride

Absolutely B A S E D
This general has potential to be something. Bump.
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Bump. Nice thread, adding Rinotuna as a starting point for /beg/ anons
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The picture isn’t great, I tried to focus more on Colors and like, where someone’s gaze might go when painting this. I’m still very Green when It comes to rendering, especially brushwork. Interested to see if anyone might spot what inspired this too.
I think this image is flawed, if only for the fact the face of your character is obscured and hard to see at first glance, it’s an easy fix, just have some light bounce up his chin and give some soft highlights. Imo you should work on the textile and fur a bit more, it’s almost wasteful to not use that good lighting to get some highlights on your OC. I also think the background needs to be more subtle, I don’t know if this could work with your style though. If you spend a few more hours this could really turn into a good illustration, imo this is portfolio worthy work, you just didn’t put in enough work. You clearly have the skill to make it better, I’d like to see you try.
Do you have a full translated book?
Also how do he blending color so easy with just hard round with opacity pressure without enable color mixing? Yea.. its probably just skill.
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I had it, but deleted to have more storage, I do have many screenshots of parts of the book I found to be important
here, this should be it
Here's a faster download
Is inspired by the myth of Pliny the Elder/Pliny the Younger and Vesuvius?
Heart of darkness, actually
Thanks anons.
Painting everything in one layer just feels so right. I don't think I'd ever have the patience to make a million filter layers like some artists do
Way I see layers, are that you're getting the most of out the medium you're using. It's like refusing to use solvents when working with oil because you're used to working with thick acrylic painting. To each their own.
Thanks moaifren, painting makes for good practice
Rendering is my weak point so this was really the best I could do at this point with out being shown my faults with a paint over and i worked on this for Several days and even changed the pose at a point to make it the image work. I can conceed that my work should be simpler draw focus away from the BG. SinceI'm trying to get back onto finishing drawing so i will have to take things one image at a time and will post another one soon. Thank you anon, you gave me many things to consider in the future.
No problem, it’s always good practice to criticise someone else’s work. You’re already doing good, pushing through and finishing stuff is the best way to improve. Do post the next one here
I've been getting filtered with rendering like you wouldn't believe, i would just put random layers and colors until i made something good. I'm too lazy to figure out what each brush does or what it's purpose is. I'm the type of person who doesn't update his shit. I've even drawn with the binary brush.
overall trying to speed up my workflow to just 1 sitting since i can do that without rendering.
I've hated every rendering tutorial.

I've studied this shit
hated it.

next I'm going to study from her streams.

Your stuff is good. it's always better to have something chaotic instead of something boring imo. i partially agree with >>7208520
for a character illustration something should always point towards the face, brighter eyes, sharper colors, glow.
but your moai, is perfect imo. it also has a good thumbnail.
nta but thank you!
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Help me please :(
I think I can do a nice job when there's strong light with a clear shadow, but here? When light is softish and diffused and form is shown through halftones? I am completely overwhelmed and I just don't know what to do :<

any tips or tutorials to learn from would be appreciated.
Especially if the same approach could be used for painting from imagination (so, that tutorial you'll hopefully recommend doesn't boil down to "just zoom in and copy reference")
bump, very nice pieces in this thread everybody.
Half of your values are missing because you avoided the darkest darks with this picture.
Seconding this
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Alright thanks for input, guys, appreciate it. Turns out that using a second laptop to show my reference, while convenient, will skew values quite a bit and that I shouldn't shy away from airbrush.

With my last study (pic related) I feel like I'm ready to cautiously start getting into colors, as my values are getting good enough, unless you guys have some more tips?
I think this is a step foward anon. Also be shy about including much looser paint of the bg when studying I found that it help alot with value accuracy

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