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Is it too late to eventually land a job related to concept art at 28? I don’t mind a few years of learning but I just want to know if it’s possible

I do not have a degree and can’t go back full time to study as I work
It's over bro, I hope I can say otherwise, but the future is bleak.
If you practice and can make solid conceptual art pieces then you have a shot at still not getting a job because you don't have industry connections and aren't a 20 year old moron who will take any compensation given to them
Can you show a sample of your work? If you're really good then maybe.
Captcha: P0RN4
Ça n'est jamais vraiment fini qu'à partir du moment ou l'on abandonne, ou refuse de fournir l'effort nécessaire.

Just don't underestimate the amount of work needed.
Gonna be honest, if you don’t have a network and aren’t very skilled? Yeah no.
Пpaви кaквoтo знaeш бpaт, зaщo ни питaш нac?
u suck = no money 4 u
u good = heckin monay
"concept artist" doesn't even exist as a job anymore. You're WAYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too late.
Learning how to blend your fundamental art knowledge with gen prompting is unironically the only way to be viable as a concept artist. Since you don't have a solid foundational base I don't see you being competitive in the current market - unless you have some ridiculous innate talent.
It's over. And and and and and and and and and you you you you you you you can't even pretend anymore more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more.

If you post on this site. You're done.
Lmao, yes it does. I don’t get ic’s irate hatred of concept art, almost as if half you fags never managed to get a job in the field
ic doesn't hate concept art, there's simply no market for it anymore, unless if you can do 3D, then maybe you have a small chance.
Work on your portfolio in your off time, apply for jobs and find out.
Maybe not for you. My LinkedIn inbox is full. There a jobs, you simply don’t have the access I do.
I suspect some fags here are trying be concept artists themselves and doomposting to deter others so there's less competition.
where money?
How does your LinkedIn bio and your avarage post there look like? I mean, do you actively letting people know you are open for work?
I had the same suspicion, until I started applying for work. It's totally dry for me, I hope this anon >>7208874 is right, just reading about the success of other artists give me hope, even if it has nothing to do with my chances.
My LinkedIn is fairly standard, I mostly rely on the network I built when studying at esma. Basically I paid for my network and scored a school with good networks. They have an exclusive platform with job offers not posted anywhere else, it’s unfair as hell but that’s how the industry is, sadly.
Concept art isn’t dying, there’s simply a dry spell right now due to the writers strike in Hollywood and large video game studios feeling the inflation squeeze and dumping jobs to artificially push salaries down. The bosses are also using the AI scare to spook us into accepting slave wages, which is retarded, don’t back down, always negotiate hard, THEY need us, not the other way around. Anyway pivoted to ads and archviz a few months ago to avoid this problem and I will probably pivot back to games and animation once the situation improves.
I’m also making quick money selling original gouache paintings, people dig that now for some reason lol
>My LinkedIn is fairly standard, I mostly rely on the network I built when studying at esma. Basically I paid for my network and scored a school with good networks. They have an exclusive platform with job offers not posted anywhere else, it’s unfair as hell but that’s how the industry is, sadly.
Explain it to me like I am 11 years old.
Grug pay for top ten learning place, instead of going Hunter gatherer and learning himself, Grug complete training and meet other grugs who enjoy cave painting and tribe chiefs who need they caves painted. Tribe chiefs only ask for cave painter through learning place, never bother asking hunter gatherers, maybe only if hunter gatherer impress chief enough but then chief only pay hunter gatherer smaller berry compared to learning place grug, cave painters treated better, is unfair.
That's interesting. Do you think you can land me a gig for 20% cut? All you need to do is to give a brief, I will deliver the work and you can sign it and put it in your portfolio. I don't care about copyright and shit. Just need to make money. Post example of work your clients are looking for mostly
AI is taking over, studios are utilizing AI. Sure, people are still needed to actually design but less and less artists are needed per project, look at your work and ask yourself can you be one of the very few people they need for their project? If you don't have connections like that one cumguzzler above me there is no chance.

There is no need for doomposting and demoralization like that conspiracy nigger suspected, all you have to do is observe and ask real people with first hand experience, not some larping randos on the internet.
Fuck off Feng. Nobody cares about your delusions.

So the answer is stop being a faggot and posting on ic and actually try to learn and go from there while ALSO keeping my day job

I just wanted to know if you needed an actual degree? Guess not
Almost there, prioritize your day job, and draw as a hobby, concept art is dead.
Alright, well I’ll try it as a hobby and work from there, if concept art is dead, what type of art is similar that I could actually get work for? Character design, illustrator?

I know it’s a broad question and basically depends on if I’m shit or not but would be nice to know
>what type of art is similar that I could actually get work for?
It would be helpful if you can show us samples of what you can do.
You don’t need a degree, you do need to get out of this shithole and work on your stuff in peace.
Please ignore this retard, he’s likely a schizo who spams threads related to concept art.
The cumguzzler kindly invited you to hang yourself, bitchass schizo beg retard
nothing there are barely any art jobs and the people already getting them are not going anywhere
For every growing industry, there comes a point where it reaches such a state of maturation that growth slows to a halt and the ladder is pulled up. This has happened to tech and vidya. There will continue to be lucrative positions in these fields for the people who got in at the right time, but it will become harder and harder to become one of them and competition will continue to grow. People saw the writing on the wall even 10 years ago, which is when the pros started making tutorials, gumroads and mentorship programs en masse.
It's futile.
I got my fist serious job in CA at 30. Now Im 41 and became an Art Director. I rarely produce art anymore.
Age doesnt really matter as long as you have good work ethics, be a team player and your product is decent enough.
I got laid off back in late 2022, never landed a spot again which is weird since I have 3 years experience (I know it's not much, but still). I'm starting to doubt my skills. I started when I was 26, so I believe age is not that critical in this field, but I did work in a STEM related career before that.
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Of course it’s still possible, there are countless stories of industry pros and even legends saying how they didn’t actually get an in until their late 20s/early 30s. Success has no time limit.
What? Cumgazlin is not cool anymore? These young folks aren't all right will tell you that boy.
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Not OP but I'm kind of in the same boat. I want to be a concept artist but as I'm approaching my late twenties it's starting to seem more and more like a bad call. To anyone here who does this as a living, how is the industry looking right now? Is there any future for concept art as a profession, especially for newcomers? Pic related, I did it for a thread a while back and it was the most fun I've had on this board.
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hey anon, this is really cool but not quite there yet. I'd recommend taking a second pass on these designs with small details. You have captured all the broad forms, but try employing some big medium small. Think about how these structures would be built. Do we have rivets, welded joints, stitched fabrics, reinforcing eyelets in the fabric for rope to go through? Also, use lineweight to inform form and dimensionality rather than just outlining. A lot of perspective and depth information can be conveyed with lineweight and if you don't, it's a missed opportunity. And on that note, tighten the linework a little more. I like your work and you are definitely on track. Just needs a little more thoughtfulness and finesse.

Industry is in shambles right now but it'll pick up again, This stuff always comes in waves. In the mean time, keep practicing and building your portfolio, and by the time you are ready, the industry might start picking up again. Good luck!
Infinity dubs checked.
It's not over for you, listen to this guy >>7212120 Nice concept btw.
If you have a day job then there's nothing to fear, you can continue working on it. But if you're putting all your eggs in this basket then I'd be cautious. I appreciate other anons' positivity but these recent developments of AI are mad scary, automation is growing exponentially. Let's not forget the fact that companies will do everything to reduce costs and expenses, this applies to any industry.
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Thank you for the advice. It's unfortunate that the industry is shrinking but I wonder if it's all because of AI or if there might be some other factors? What are you're guys' opinions? Are your workplaces actually pushing for AI implementation?
Age wise? No
Landscape/current year wise? I hate to say it but it may very well be.
Things have changed
AI being a factor is mostly a meme pushed by AIjeets (at least for now). It’s mostly just studios laying a shit ton of people off and refusing to hire others because the nature of film and vidya atm is that if something we spent 200 milly on doesn’t make at least 400 milly then it’s a failure and we’ll have to liquidize things. That bubble will pop and they’ll learn their lesson soon enough. Remember bros, you’re only ever a NGMI if you choose to give up
>too late to eventually land a job related to concept art
It was already too late in 2016. That field is dead

>at 28
Your age has little bearing in this
This is from a STEM perspective, but it may be a combination of economic troubles and the trend of outsourcing labor to developing countries. Outsourcing to Indians is what's happening in IT and engineering right now, and the consequences have shown themselves in FAGMAN and Boeing respectively. Western money has been pouring into Latam for manufacturing in recent years, so I'd expect outsourcing for animation to increase in those places as well. This is where the "must have 5 years experience for entry level job" meme comes from. American corporations see domestic labor as too large of an investment in comparison, and it doesn't help that contract work is getting attacked more frequently by lobbying somewhat recently. We probably don't get it as hard as art school students, but it's not unfamiliar to us.

I know there's an element of irony to saying this on /ic/, but you're kind of stuck if you don't have a trades, STEM, or law education after high school. Engineering and biological study intersect a lot with drawing fundamentals, and some of the best artists have that sort of background. If anyone reading this happens to be in their first year or two of college, I'd recommend studying civil, mechanical, or biomechanical engineering with a focus on product realization or manufacturing, or alternatively something with anatomy or biology. What you draw may end up somewhat specialized, but the larger job security and broader opportunities in industry make up for it. On top of that, art studies in academia don't tend to provide the problem solving and critical thinking that is indescribably important at that age. I knew an art instructor who specialized in anatomy at a med school who gets consulted for concept art and whatnot. The job market is still tough, but it makes things a bit easier.
Looks pretty cool anon, I know sweet FA about the concept art industry unfortunately so I can't help you but I bet this art would be junior concept artist tier, pretty promising work, I'm rootin' for ya kid
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The only option I can see if you didn't already get your foot in the door 10 years ago when you still had a slight chance to get into the professional industry, is to go indie. People meme on indie games a lot but at this point with that AI crap everywhere and outsourcing and layoffs, indie really seems like the only option left for those who WANTED to become "professional" concept artists but couldn't due to the current state of affairs.
There's this Discord group called "Game Dev League", it's pretty big, has like a green and black logo, and people there recruit other wannabe devs all the time for potential projects. Of course that stuff being indie means you're gonna work with other rookies, and it will be difficult to find people who know what the fuck they're doing, but then again I'm convinced that "birds of a feather flock together": higher skilled wannabe devs will attract other devs with a similar skill level in their respective field, just do your due diligence as this one time I ended up discovering the leader of our project was a 14 year old kid, little shit wasted our fucking time.
There's also the /agdg/ general over at the /vg/ board, it's 99% shitposting over there and barely anyone posts actual progress but some anons go there with an idea for a project and successfully recruit other anons, so you can try there as well.

In the end, shit is a mess, everywhere, the world is upside down, the only option we have is to create our own solutions, we really have no other choice do we?
no you cant. learn a trade
>the leader of our project was a 14 year old kid
kek, how far were you into the project and was he offering to pay for the work you were doing?
What are tradefags going to do when their fields become oversaturated due to worker flight and wages plummet?
This shit is "learn to code" all over again
trades aren't going to be oversaturated because nobody wants to do back breaking labor for several years. coding was a meme because you could learn it from the comfort of your home aka the perfect career for NEETS who needed an excuse to tell their parents they're working on something
This is major cope.
Trades won't be safe forever
Once the white collar jobs are gone, people will be rushing to trades. What comes up must come down
Don't say you weren't warned
Anons will give you shit but you're right.
Trades are becoming a meme soon
Yeah that was really embarassing, at least we only wasted like 1 month on this project, kid obviously had no sense of direction and was just an ideas guy, what a joke
>was he offering to pay
This was a revenue share project
I think this anon >>7214269 is right, any job could become oversaturated eventually due to the whole supply and demand thing, happened several times in history what with "overproduction" crises, this is the same basic principle: kids are getting more involved in the backbreaking labour you mentioned since that's the new meta, then it becomes oversaturated, rinse and repeat but applied to another field.
Not saying trades WILL become saturated, but that it is a real possibility, trades are not exempt from the threat of oversaturation, it will all depend on how many kids these days will take that as their career choice
the problem with trades is that the wages are low because immigration drives down the wages
your average tradesmen isn't making the same money your under water welder with their own company
This, there's also large third world immigration to the West, and it's not like those Guatemalans can't work construction or become mechanics.
Why would you want to work for someone else's business in art? Just work on your own art project.
Actually how many people got into programming because they're into it or it's just because of the tech bubble?
>under water welder
NTA but can you even call that a trade? When we talk about "trades" I'm thinking of plumbers or electricians, I'm not thinking about diver welders who at certain depths even have to breathe in helium, get pressurized, then depressurized etc. AND with a relatively high risk of death
I don't think it's fair to compare under water welders with "normal" trades, but that's just me
True, google "byford dolphin accident". I don't care how much it pays, saturation diving is no joke. Besides, I don't think they hire just about anyone for that job, they only choose the best.
fake your age
This is awesome, I’m OP, when did you start learning and how did you learn? University?
University isn’t an option for me and I’m in my late 20s wanting to switch to a career in art by early 30s, it’s over isn’t it?
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>byford dolphin accident
Don't remind me
Thanks. I started learning how to draw since around 2019. No school, just whatever courses I could find for free on the internet.

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