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It's starting in a few days and the event lasts the whole of July. Are you joining in this year?
The what?
Fuck no dude. Drawing peoples characters and them drawing yours, imagine drawing peoples characters like every fucking day for months. Id kill myself.
I've done it twice now, it's fairly cringe though
but my favorite thing is finding high tier autistic hyper specific characters and drawing them, and then seeing them attempt to redraw back, or better yet get ass blasted writing complaints at what I've drawn not being 100% pin point accurate

It's honestly pretty fun
Post your names. NOW!
u first
hell yes, my favorite thing to do after an art fight month is to hop on a call with my friends who have also participated and then we just start reviewing + critiquing the pieces we received. usually it devolves into finding one piece that looks fine from afar but each moment we spend longer on critiquing it, it just gets worse and worse and worse. honestly having friends also participating is what makes or breaks it for me.
The cringe is always a part of the fun
I'll attack back whoever i don't care about quality, I just wanna draw a shit ton this month
Yes, super excited! It's a good way to motivate myself to draw. Idrc about getting art back but there are some nice surprises from time to time.

Your arts really cool! Do you have any preference in who gets attacked?
Have people actually thrown a fit about their characters on your page? You should post your user, that sounds pretty funny.
Thank you!
Preferably any of my characters that haven't gotten much art from last year but really I'm happy with any and all art of any of the characters I have so just draw whatever one speaks to you
If you're bumping this, post your artfight mwahaha
I want to, but my friend who usually does it alongside me got banned for twitter hot takes, so I'm kind of on the fence
Totally understandable- ok this is autistic but hear me out- I'm the third most recent follow on CancidCancid account (vertically) if you wanna follow since they posted theirs o7
why can't you be normal?
anyone else trying to make ocs last minute?
You mean crab?
any Do's and Don'ts the average 4channer should worry about?
i'd be bummed out to find out i got banned just because I got a little too silly for their liking
The fuck is an art fight? Do we fight other artists using our own drawing tools? Can I stab a nigga with an apple pencil?
75%+ of people on artfight are teenage girls who go by xe/xa/fee/fa pronouns and are obsessed with making the ugliest blackest transexual characters possible(youll know when you see them, easy to avoid)

dont draw porn

if you want to get attacked, do attacks

put characters you really want art of in the front

its as shrimple as that really
The worst you can get banned for is putting any mean no no words on your page, dog whistles or talk about your character fucking their family or kids. Besides that it's just pretty normal rules for any site
Why every one just draw furries?
Be the change you want to see
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you will be attacked
this is a threat
making OCs is overrated, just put a photograph of your pet as a character
Seems like theres a good bit of crow fans from here haha
A little scared of you
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/ic/ is a seafoam board.
no sorry, get ready for stardust to sweep
do weebs participate in this? i got turned off from it last time because all I saw were people with trans characters for miles on end and spamming F5 did not help.
anything's fine, even characters on profiles that anons posted above. I just don't want to draw characters with 50 different genders but they keep showing up 99 times out of 100

literally 30 seconds of looking at recently posted characters, you have to be trolling
No. They ban you for off site shit. You have to be a left wing Social Justice Warrior to participate
It’s not that bad… Just don’t attack characters you don’t like or say slurs on the site and it’s pretty fun
no i dont want children to draw my characters
I am unironically looking forward to drawing dumb birds doing dumb things
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send me wacky creatures
also the site raised 93000 dollars that's insane
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Here's my Artfight and Hitlist:

ArtFight: https://artfight.net/~FeetFish685

Hitlist: https://forms.gle/cVWhNZaquWWAQtLDA
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sounds cool. i just signed up.
I’ll probably actually do this this yeas. I’ve spent so much time grinding that I need to do some finished pieces. May try for one a day.
gem up this retard https://artfight.net/~doggonecowboy
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god i fucking hate furries.
So what’s the deal with this? You upload a drawing of a character or two, people draw your character, and then you draw theirs in return? Do you have to draw characters if the drawings you get are extremely low effort? Like I’m fine with drawing for a person who’s worse at art than me, but if they spent 3 minutes on it, fuck that.
you can draw whatever quality, the more effort the more points you score for your team, if youre attacking the opposite team. i think most people dont care about that though its just a fun excuse to receive art of your ocs. a lot of people revenge whatever effort you sent, but sometimes thats not the case
The etiquette page does say not to draw for someone with the expectation of a return. There's no obligation and you should draw what characters you want. And low effort spam to try to inflate your (team's) score is forbidden in the rules and can be reported/deleted.
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I decided to join about a week ago so I don't have many characters yet, but by God, I will defend them.

Also, I still need to think of a better user name
the gasoline wizard is fucking awesome
Danke, I hope it reads well that he's actually made out of gasoline and is not just some guy with jaundice
> 13 year olds
> no nsfw
super gay children ruin everything
This one furry I found has been doing art fight for 5 years now without being banned while several of her oc references have them drawn as being naked with nipple shading, huge boobs and everything else. I think it'll be fine with tags and as long as it isn't sex or anything like that, and is well censored.
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>He/Him pronouns and Pup/Pups if you're cool with neos
Here's some from my bookmarks for you anon

I kind of want to participate too but the sheer amount of children makes me scared the community is a ticking time bomb for toxicity and retarded petty drama like in toyhouse. I wish I could filter for only users 18+ , Is that a thing?
Putting mine out there

Here you go:

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I get you. I've been doing it for a while, and while I feel like I've "outaged" a lot of the general userbase, I've met several people through AF who've either been older than me or around the same age who've become longtime friends of mine, or generally just acquaintances. There's a lot of petty drama (have fun looking through https://www.tumblr.com/artfightdramaconfessions if you have a few minutes.) but honestly you dodge most of it by just not being in the discord and avoiding people with bible-length character perms. You attract the type of people who want to draw your characters, that's it. It's rather nice, though. If you draw sketches, you get sketches back. if you make full rendered pieces or hit others with all you got, you get something in similar effort in return. Lots of people either do effort-effort (with whatever their skill demands) or just go for your simple characters.
if you were more honest you'd critique the piece you did, bitching about others work won't make you better.
>'as I kept reading their oc profile i got more annoyed and upset because of their interpretation of the text and now i want to draw my oc murdering theirs, i feel very bad about it but i really feel that bothered by it'

holy kek
>click Random Character 5 times
>human but it's one badly cropped head-shot with no description or tags
>stolen artwork
Great character search. Bonus is that even if they added blacklisting to the tag search, 99% of the furry isn't tagged.
Site staff should flush the years of logged existing characters, then force new (re-)uploads to select from the species categories they even have on the profile card templates, and then add a way to filter out what you don't like.
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god damn you weren't kidding, i kept clicking random user and it's furries, people with no profiles, or genderspecials
Get ready everyone! The site's about to crash again like every year! :D
its starting!! goodluck to everyone participating!!
Why are there FURRY characters on a FURRY website? oh the humanity!!!
i shouldve saved some character refs before it started oops
i would but i dont have ocs really and definitely no finished oc sheets so idk if i can
if you can just draw other peoples stuff than yeah. i signed up like a week ago
You can draw for people without having any characters of your own so you're good
>didn’t manage to upload my second character before the site crashed
you think I'd want to be an honest man? I'm flattered truly.
Is there a way I can filter characters? Swimming through endless seas of furry OCs gets tiring
Theres a ‘tag’ system you can use! Just type in ‘humanoid’ or certain adjectives of characters you're interested in.
more artists/characters with this level of quality?
I can't access the website because the gateway keeps timing out
same. it's pain. i actually drew something for once, dammit
No but the news post they posted today has a link to a google form for site improvement suggestions.
these site devs must be retarded as fuck i’m sorry. their shitcord says site status is currently down but many people are still able to access the site, albeit very laggy. surely there’s a way to completely make the site offline so the devs can properly fix whatever needs fixing?
the site still being unusable 4 hours since the event started is embarrassing. but granted it gets a bit better every year since there was a time the site was down for a full week. i know it takes tens of thousands of cash to keep servers running and they probably don’t get enough funds for adequate servers, can they just run ads? i just ignore ads by instinct, surely most people will understand
why don't they just tier the starting time, maybe by timezone, so they don't ddos the site on the first day. they could keep it fair by tiering the ending time as well.
the first day is the only day where this happens, it doesnt make sense to spend a bunch of extra money for such a short period of trouble, same thing as every big game launch
... can I really say slur without getting nuked, sounds fun
since i cant get to my bookmarks, someone give me a ref of their well endowed female character for me to draw
>tens of thousands of cash
Only if you're wildly inept. $10k is enough to lease a couple of bare metal servers for a year which is more than enough for a site like Artfight.
Unfortunately, most people running web services these days are inept. I bet their origin server is hosted on AWS or some shit.
Fix your dang website. I want to draw ocs.at0p
Post your accounts. I want to draw some stuff.
Some of these people are extremely mentally ill and have whole character designs based off of imageboards, but I'll be drawing all of them anyways.
Sometimes you find someone who isn’t the best at drawing but has a really neat character concept.
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Will be joining too, Seafoam will win.

is it enough for over 200k people constant refreshing though? but the lag has stopped now, seems like only the first few hours were experiencing heavy traffic
>want to join to see the hype
>have no OCs and not a furry
Seafoamsisters…we’ve been trailing behind in points for hours now
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I'm working on it, I'm slow as fuck though.
for every attack im drawing three ocs im doing my best here
woke up to 4 attacks, only one being a revenge… shaking with fear
Just a tip, move the nose and lips up the face. Your lips are almost touching the bottom of the chin.
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Reminder for those who prepped their ref list by downloading or saving the ref links separately to double check the link before drawing them. Someone deleted their character the day before the fight and I didn't notice because of the site downtime. I did manage to find a character that worked for it, as it was luckily just a sketch. but good lord.
thanks for the tip! Was going to redo the face anyways so good that you pointed that out.
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Just got my first attack. It's an euphoric sort pf felling
I was finishing up a character sheet last night, so tonight I plan to get 3 or 4 attacks out. One if for someone who can’t really draw, but their character was really cool conceptually.
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It really is just bait to get people to draw their lazy oc's, but I'm kind of into it.

This isn't mine but somebody else's I'm doing.
The ref.
Not him but thanks I saw a few good ones there.
How do you feel about receiving drawings from soneone who is much less skilled than you are?
It makes me happy because I do not care for skill level
Does it look like they put effort into it? If so, great! Is it a scribble? Then I’m indifferent.
There are people less skilled than you? Skill issue.
I am the one who sends, prepare yourself for me.
I don't really see skill. I'm not very great myself, and don't really have a high and mighty view of myself. It fills my heart with joy is anyone draws my little shitters.
This really is great practice for finishing pieces. I never finish my own stuff. It’s always practice mode.
insulting someone less skilled than me feels like i'm shitting on my past self and taking a dump on all my efforts. I'd never have a bad opinion on getting a drawing from someone less skilled than me, unless they're also shit as a person then there's nothing holding me back.
Crazy seeing 4chan hyped about artfight, good for u guys. I'll try to join later, lil busy with life
I love it. It gives me an excuse to mog them into oblivion when I attack back
what tags do you guys search for
I just look at recent attacks and find styles I think are cool.
Cartoon/ cartoony because I'm autistic
To quote a famous artist on the internet “I’m workin’ on it.”
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>look at my attacks from a few years ago
>they're better
>i used to be good at art and have somehow gotten worse
is there a cure for this disease
can someone link some characters that aren't either furries or clearly designed by 12 year olds, bonus points if stardust
Just refresh attacks over and over until you find someone who’s style you like.
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i created this character right now for /ic/ his name is IC man
Stardust up by more than 800,000 due to botters mass submitting. Also am working on my second piece, how far along are you?
sorry i dont draw furries
how many hours are you drawing a day? youre attacking like a maniac
Yeah I checked their page yesterday. Their output is insane. It took me like six hours to draw one thing today, same as yesterday, and I consider myself fast.
now put him on fart ight so i can submit this to it.
i already put him there lmao nice job
i knew those bright autistic colors would make someone draw him
heheh, doing
But yestarday I spent over 10 hours i think? I cleared out most my calendar for this month for a reason >:) I'll probably burn out and slow down in a week or something
I ignore it.
how are people so fast? it takes my /beg/ ass around 8 hours to finish one shitty fucking drawing and 5/10 times i want to shoot myself the whole time. i am not having fun with my pencil.
it's just practice, you'll get there eventually
I think you should focus less on your drawing volume and more on trying to have fun with it, otherwise what's the point
t. another eight hour andy
now that im not in a pissy mood, i think i just need to study more in general. i have spent way too much time over the years drawing shitty anime girls expecting each one to be better than the last when i have no fucking idea how to construct a body or draw proper anatomy. construction + sketching is what takes me forever, especially construction, because it never fucking looks right. of course it doesn't look right. these >>7215936 were all really fun to draw so it isn't all misery. whatever ill shut up now and STUDY.
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i thought this was just a joke but
imagine taking artfight this seriously
Submitted my third piece! Making good progress towards my goal of one/day, so I'm happy.

Is this the power of autism..?
How do you get people to attack you?
Have you posted your profile here yet?
>want to see drawings and lurk
Wow, I hate this. Wouldnt bother participating anyways, Im too sensitive to my precious boy.
it sucks. i have my other computer remembering the random ass password the browser generated, and im too lazy to do forgot password on this one to check anything during the day.
post prfolfe faag
figure I might as well drop my page
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i draw my attack on your lady gator character for attacking my IC man

3 hours on MSPaint btw
It’s odd. When I try to do anime it looks like absolute shit, but the closer a character looks to be a real person, the drawing looks much better. Just different skill sets I guess.
now that i did not expect to see. well done man.
find someone slightly lower than your paygrade and attack them

i like that honestly
>report the account
>staff deletes everything with 3 clicks
>even IF somehow everyone missed it all month, it would be disregarded in the final point count
That kind of spam is so obviously not going to work that even an autist ought to realise it. Gotta be seafoam astroturf.
...Why? There's no incentive to winning right? So why? This is some next level autismo. It's like the kid who'd practice all week just so they could try hard sweat at a for fun smash party. They're completely missing the point of the competition.
I'll draw ur OC if they're megaman inspired
>see cute character
>want to draw it
>notice name color is the same as my team
>no longer want to draw it because there's significantly less amount of points
why must you put me to the test, o' lord!?
You do artfight for the points?
yes, i'm no selfish prick.
draw for the sake of drawing a cute girl and not for points
your devotion to cute girls is too weak
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Finished this attack earlier.

Here's my page
oh whoops, for some reason I didn't have one of your characters bookmarked, thanks for the reminder
You are doing at least one attack a day, right anons?
I'm trying but I'm doing commissions at the same time it's making me not have as much fun as I should
holy cow you’ve already got 40 attacks, that seems overwhelming.. amazing art btw!
i’ve been doing a couple a day! I started practicing animation again which has been fun.
also heres my link: https://artfight.net/~GrapeToast
im going as fast as i can lol. today i spent like 6 hours on a drawing and i haven't even started coloring yet.
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I am, though I can't paint nor render for shit
I just want to be able to hit random and draw something without thinking too hard about it

ref: https://artfight.net/character/4833393.rinel
Finished a mass attack yesterday and still working on >>7218875
I am drawing/painting every day yes but I tend to be pretty slow so my main thing this year is to speed up a bit but still get some quality/learning from each peice.
Fuck no. I've got a full time job. If I can get three to four attacks per week I'm happy
i like it a lot!
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You do have characters that people you attack can show their gratitude to by returning an attack, dont you anon? It would be really selfish if you only attack and never give the chance to defend.
>has a character with huge tits and what's clearly supposed to be a cock bulge
>no NSFW, no shipping, no nudity!!! >:[
Why are people like this?

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