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>Animation Thread Discord

>51 exercises to try

>basic programs


>Anime .gif/.webm repository

>Sakuga Extended: Add ons to play video on sakugabooru frame-by-frame
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>Reference (artbook, settei of actual anime production, color designs):
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dumping some silly animations i did
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long live the animation bread
at first I didn't like the way that it hangs up at the end of the cycle but watching it for a bit I actually kinda dig it
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it's a jog cycle here's a walk cycle
: D
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Animation I did of my friend's OC for his birthday
Jejeje cum
Is there any way to get this LO without signing in? I'm using pirated CSP so ...

Hey anons, is it realistic to work in the anime industry by posting animation on Xitter?
I know the pay is mediocre but I don't care about the money, I just wanna see my name in an anime's credits, bucket list thing.
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keep the thread bumped lads
i'm sure you have some old anims to post
don't hold back
i dunno if its kosher to post links in this thread but I've made a couple little animations and its a lot of fun. This one I set the audio version of a /mu/ meme I recorded to a video, took me about a week and is the first real project i've ever done.
working on some more OC that (hopefully) i'll finish before the month is out though other stuff is eating into the time I'd otherwise be dedicating to making that. I'm a total noob and have no concept of workflow or anything, i'm just going frame by frame on opentoonz synching with timestamps on my audio, so any advice would be a huge help. I at least made a loose storyboard for the one I'm working on now, which is making it easier.
There have been a lot of western animators who post on social media recently working on anime remotely. So if you're good enough you can do work for them without any problem. I have no idea how to get contacted by japanese studios tho. But it's possible
>western animators who post on social media recently working on anime remotely
I just looked them up and you're right.
Plenty of great 2d animators in the west, some of them are even anime directors.
>I have no idea how to get contacted by japanese studios
From what I just read in multiple interviews it looks like a production assistant contacts you.
One veteran animator even said that they don't even care if you can animate at all, they just want drawing skills.
Thank you anon have a good day.
Useful demonstration on how to expand your character design for animation.
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losing my motivation bc i keep consuming goyslop and video games
First steps at animate/flash, it's fun
1 and 4 is my personal favorites
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there's weight
there's no weight
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can someone critique that two animations i'll post?
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>oh, it's... an.. explosion..?

>oh!, it's a robot- uh a rock- uhm I mean a men's chest!...oh actually.. a man's arse... what... ... Patrick, the starfish..??
>*reads filename*

>what in the world.....
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True, here's an older sketch
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How do you guys animate lip syncing?
do you just keep replaying the audio as you go? something i'm trying is laying out the script's rhythm in letters first so i can animate to that and i don't have to keep repeating the same audio again and again, but maybe there's a better way?
>but maybe theres a better way?
yes, play back the audio over and over to get the timing
sorry if i wasn't clear, i am playing the audio to get the timing of the script guides i'm writing of course, as you can see in that gif there is timing to it. I'm just talking about a visual guide to follow along to during the actual character animation, because the character animation is more involved it requires me to replay the audio extra times, which is kinda draining.
was just curious how other people handled that, or how professionals handled that, like if there timing charts for lip syncing.
if repetition annoys you then you aren't autistic enough for animation sorry anon
i'm already a hobby animator, i already animate.
i was just curious about other people's workflows, but now two people have given mildly judgmental responses i wasn't expecting, have i committed a faux pas by asking this?
There are sources in how to animate certain sounds anon.
You could check those up If you want and as you put each keyframe in the middle of the sounds timeline you are animating it
yeah, i just keep the audio in the timeline with live playback/audio scrubbing.
animating to audio the dialogue leads the acting from the beginning, so the audio defines the key poses and then just drill down to easing and etc until it feels good.
Now that's a cool fucking cat
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Really love the process and result, for some reason it's an even way easier for me that actual drawing
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Any video course by anime animators?
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Does anybody know where I can find a link for TVPaint 10? I need it for a job
Is that Joy from Inside Out? If so, good luck finish that!
It's very doable, as long as you can show you can do solid work and respect the conventions (annotating keyframes, filling x-sheets the jp way etc) you will get contacted by a PA
i'm currently working towards the same goal and studying this one annotation bible
is this a useful exercise, I just started chapter 2 of Loomis Figure drawing and was thinking of doing these type of animations to get better at anatomy (ive studied Bridgman extensively already). This would be first introduction to animation.

She's currently working as a animation pro, but who knows how useful these challenges were towards that goal

Don't use piratebay don't listen to this animal
this slaps
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alright time to get back into animating for real
They're both bad, but show potential. Spend time studying animated and real effects, and compare them to your work. You must improve your ability to see what's wrong, and produce what is right.
link to bible?
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This was my first time animating anything and it was fun but I have no idea what I am doing and had to figure this shit out as I was trying to do it.
that's the best way to learn anon
Well I saw a few vids about animating in CSP but instead of doing any further research I'll just jump into the deep end again like a dumbass on the next one.
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I just want TV Paint as I can't get used to ToonBoom and Animate but a poorfag. CSP is big suck ass for animating.
He sure loves to shake that booty while drinking beer. Nice stuff anon it reminds me of the types of animations you'd see in a DOS game
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been learning a new program and how to tween and it's ironically proving to be a lot more tricky than doing frame by frame. i dont like having to fuck around with movement graphs and shit
Finished a little film
Where is it?
Deleted it. Trash bin emptied. I just feel like I learned what I was supposed to. It was good.
1 minute 30 seconds with some recorded sound. Took a month to complete. I think I'm going to try and practice more on machinery components moving, steam, gears turning.
Finding the right program to animate in is a hustle.
I can never get used to drawing complex things on ToonBoom but it's a great program to animate in.
CSP is the best for drawing but when it comes to animating arrenging the frames and folders is a pain in the ass.
I got TV paint trying to get a job but it didn't work out. The program is good but it's old as fuck and has some weird ass shortcuts. Overall I prefer toonboom for animating.
What software? Adobe animate?
What a CHAD.
Kritas good. Works just like toonboom. Nta but what software is good for after affects?
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its called spine. basically a 3d program but with 2d assets instead of 3d sculpts. you make meshes, skeletons and add weights and shit

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