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/trad/ thread. Post your traditional media works.
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Posted in /beg/ too but here's my self portrait for the day
I'm a permabeg tho you guys told me

If 4chan told me im a failure then I'll probably be one forever
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First time drawing with charcoal. I have a lot of work and a lot of practice to do, but I’m pretty satisfied with the result as a total /beg/. Still probably the best portrait I’ve ever done.
I'm permabeg but hopefully someday I won't suck
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Vis-Dev thing for my Comic. Colored Pencils and Markers
cute and pretty
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Sharpie felt pen
super cool
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Been working on a few projects lately.
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And this one's a wip. Excuse the smudges on the face, had to make corrections to the muzzle.

Going to be commissioned character art for a dnd campaign. A bear princess. I'll be adding a vine-y tiara and a cloak after I finish the fur.
damn son, that's good. is it acrylic?
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Cool cool COOL anon. Love night time painting. I just snapped picrel to use as reference, I'm still /beg/ af but seeing your work makes me want to be able to make something at least that stark and exciting so I'll try my best. At least I'll learn something even if I can't execute at the level I want.
That's awesome! Just remember: Lights in the night are nothing, but shapes. Don't get bogged down in the details. And don't be afraid to really pump up the contrast between light and dark for that killer chiaroscuro.

Post it when you can!
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I dunno
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its like a metaphor gettit
skip the ridiculous anime faces and grab the blackest ink pen you have and shade the shit out of this because the entire image is so flat that it takes too long for the eye to see what is happening. comic books are usually high contrast because it helps the eye to see quickly. good stuff though, keep going.
nice! love the composish too. paint a subject i care about and i'll give you monies for it.
reminds me of the wojak meme standing in the corner while everybody else is dancing but from his pov as a painting.
>they don't know i'm analyzing every inch of my field of view to capture this moment on canvas later
>my feet hurt
>I could be mixing a soft purple-y grey right now
>I bet they don't even realize you can decouple hue and value
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Drew my buddy's dog
very cute and sweet
Lmao this
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I've been practicing wet on wet techniques
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t-thanks, hope you like today's offering once I'm done with it
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Much better than your previous two attempts.
>>7211607 #

holy shit that was exactly what i was going for i cant believe you got that. thank you lol
bro is making PROGRESS
keep it up man
lovely work
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Spent all my drawing time on my self portrait earlier but I still managed to get a quick white on black study of that pic. Funnily enough the color distortion on the pic of the pic makes it seem extra painterly or almost digitally rendered.

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>Funnily enough the color distortion on the pic of the pic makes it seem extra painterly or almost digitally rendered.
Some lighting does that really well. It's cool to see.

I'd consider refining your palm trees. And don't be afraid to include more than one.
Portrait of a friend
Alright. I think that's pretty good. The cloak and tiara are next.

Very nice. Love the blocking.
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Colored pencil from high school.
wicked and rich
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It’s bad, sorry
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I painted a guy in clunky power amour, used gouache.
Everytime I see gouache it looks so vibrant and precise. Is it like acrylic? Is it an easy medium to get into? I've heard its expensive.
its a mix between water color and acrylic. its very easy to use. its not that expensive for what people usually use it for - adding some color to a drawing (similar to people using a single color copic to add background or highlights to an image) or for small page paintings. you wont likely use it on a large painting or any canvas. its usually just on paper/bristol type of work. think small 6x8 or 8x11 as opposed to some large painting.

a jelly guache set is like $20-30. the himi one is pretty good. i use it a lot. the only minor issue with gouache is it can reactivate. acrylic dries. gouache you can come back week later and drops of water ruin the image instantly. but if you look up say the himi gouache, its tiny little tub of paint. that is a lot of paint for average gouache use. a tiny dab of paint brush will be more than enough for entire painting if you pulled from say green or blue. load brush with water and pull tiny touch of the paint off pallet and do entire background type of deal. so might look expensive, but you wont use much at any given time.

you can use it multiple ways. more water color underpainting into the opaque top layer with less water or some just do full water color style with more washed out look to the painting as opposed to the opaque/animated ghibli/disney style paintings.


i like this girls videos on it. she has older/longer videos on it. lot of full length ones are on patreon (think its $2 or something for all of the content if you want to pay, but youtube is enough imo).

as with all painting, how to mix paint is the biggest hurdle. how much water, how to get to the color you want to put on the page, etc. the actual technique for putting paint on the page is very simple and most can learn in a day the basic strokes and back to front painting.

unless you want to do full scale canvas painting, i think gouache is best starter medium.
oh and by like that girl, i just mean her videos have longer form/explain the process more than the typical 10 minute speed paint/skip past steps where half painting gets done without showing stuff that most people post.
Get gouachepilledl, anon
It's one of the most versatile painting media

And unless you know how to manage your palette and understand the medium well AVOID jelly gouache in those stupid little cups. It's beginner-quality gouache (Himi gouache), but with the added headache of serious palette maintenance. It is NOT FOR BEGINNERS. Not with crap quality stuff like himi anyway.

Michael's has artist loft gouache sets which are pretty cheap (not great quality, mind you) usually near their watercolor stuff.

But do not fall for the himi meme. Himi gouache is garbage quality, but presented in a pretty package.
>Is it like acrylic
In some ways. It's an acrylic that dries matte and reactivates

> Is it an easy medium to get into
No medium are easy. Even pencils is way harder than it looks. Gouache is a little easier than watercolors, but it's harder than oils. Setup and cleaning of gouache are less overwhelming than oil because it's water based.

> I've heard its expensive
Cheap synthetic brushes, a good white and some cheap student paint will get you far < $30
If you want great gouache, liquitex is excellent. Expensive, yes, but excellent nonetheless. I also recommend using their warm white acrylic gouache mix, adds a lot of texture to your work.
Just to add on this post a bit, yes oils are much, much easier than acrylic or gouache, HOWEVER, the learning curve gets nearly vertical when it comes to rendering material and textures, brush working alone takes years to learn. So yes, oils is easier at first, but mastering gouache is much, much faster.

Tldr: Liquitex=excellent brand, acrylic gouache is best of both worlds, and oils maybe easier at first but quickly become complex.
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Can't finish it yet but as I started painting I realized that I look EXACTLY like my dad
I agree that liquitex is a good brand. But nothing beats Holbein in terms of sheer quality, assuming you want straight-up gouache, and not acryl-gouache.
It's fun to see your slow (but definite) progress, anon. One thing I'm noticing is that it looks like you've done separate studies of eyes, noses, and mouths plenty of times. But one thing in your work is you seem to treat these things like separate pieces that need to be stuck together. But when dealing with a face, it is best to treat the face as one overall shape, with its major features (eyes, nose, mouth) as cohesive details.
Otherwise things tend to look a bit disjointed, even if they are rendered well.

I might suggest rendering the parts of the face together, as in drawing a bit of each and matching proportions, instead of rendering them separately or one at a time.
To add. You are avoiding a major pitfall that so many other /beg/s and /int/s fall into, where they produce dozens and dozens of studies, but absolutely no completed work, causing them to learn absolutely nothing about applying their skills. So, good job turning each simple portrait into something that at least resembles a completed piece with thought into color, blocking, and slight composition.
Dude has drawn 4 portraits in the last 4 days. His first two attempts were straight ass. The most recent 2 are not bad and this most recent one is better than the one they did yesterday.

That is *not* slow progress.
It wasn't an insult. And the idea of "slow" is subjective. Calm down.
>I bet they don't even realize you can decouple hue and value
Not really though. Maybe if you have every tube OH makes.
Some plein air
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I appreciate it. I definitely agree that putting it all together is a big hurdle. I've been consciously focusing on slowing down and using longer strokes but I'm still not confident enough to draw entire features in one go, so I'm still doing it piecemeal and checking local references rather than truly global proportions. I suppose that will come with time and practice.

Well, I've actually drawn and rendered 8 self portraits since last Wednesday, not including the one I started yesterday that I'm still painting. I wasn't a total beginner beforehand, but I'd never attempted to actually methodical learn and apply drawing skills, I just sorta half-assedly had done some early Loomis pages a few times over the years before getting frustrated and quitting only to try again some time later. the progress feels meteoric to me in some ways but in others I can see and feel just how lacking I am. I dunno, mostly I guess I figured throughout history the self portrait was a major way artists improved and studied and if was good enough for them maybe it is good enough for me. Anyway thanks for reading my blog.

I don't have any real feedback to add but I like all the paintings you posted and especially this one
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Finished, probably won't line/paint another today but then again I kinda want to keep the streak alive but also I have other art stuff I wanna do time to be wracked with indecision while I drink coffee and doodle at the computer I guess
I want to try drawing with charcoal. Can I just buy the cheapest stuff I can find and work on printer paper if I want to give it an honest try?
Absolutely, bur newsprint or butcher paper would be best.
Is newsprint also the best for conte or what would you recommend there? What about pastel paper?
You just need something with a little grit.
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Okay. I think I'm ready to call her done.
But it wouldn't hurt to ask. Does the tiara look like a bunch of twisting vines with an emerald in the middle? Is it selling the effect? I've never painted something like it, and I'm wracking my brain over the rendering a bit.
i love these
The vines could be a bit more free, little bits curling off here and there. It's quite tidy as it is now.
The tiara looks good! I'd glaze the distant trees in shadow with a blue to give more depth. You might have to add blues elsewhere to balance it tho so take this with a grain of salt.
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I did a few little paint doodles, been a long time. I love paint.
if you want to improve your portraits, pick up the Loomis face & head book and work through it. Nice effort, but your proportions are all wonky.
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Finished it today
Amazing work, holy shit. What medium?
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Anyone do quick sketches
Thanks! I used watercolor, dry pastel & graphite
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bumpy bump bump
I need to know about the ground orbs
Damn that's beautiful. Love the fins.
is that Indra's weapon?
thinking about getting into acrylics, anything I need to know before I buy paint to practice with or will any cheap brand do?
The Vajra, yeah.

Acrylics are a shit tier medium. I recommend gouache or oils over them any time.
so they're pajeets? they look Native Americans
Look up Gandhara & Mathura schools of art
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Cheap yellow and white will probably suck. Cheap red will work ok but won't be lightfast. Should be true regardless of the medium.

Acrylics are not that beginner friendly, because they dry too fast, so you only have so much room to learn how to mix colors, how to mix paint around and the like.

Gouache is a good alternative, but it's trickier to handle because it rewets.

Oils are the easiest to paint with, but annoying when it comes to cleaning and stuff.

Watercolors are not that beginner friendly either.
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Thanks so much anon
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Drew my other buddy’s dog. Proportions are off, but it turned out better than expected.
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So, I have a very tricky project ahead of me. I'm making another fantasy character piece to go along with that bear princess. But this time it's going to be an evil knight riding a horse. Not too difficult. However the knight is an anthropomorphic raccoon in full armor. Not exactly easy to find refs for that.
But the preliminary sketch of the horse turned out decent.

Don't mind the doodle on top of the horse, thumbnailing some possible proportions for the knight.
what's your IG brother?
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Im in the archipelago
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Sketch i did in metro
>“Americans tend to play different roles, hoping that somehow they’ll stumble on the right one.”
Gore Vidal, The CIty And The Pillar
Now thats a name I havent heard in literal decades.
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this probably isn't furry enough for /fag/
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Another one
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I love your work so much, please post moar on your socials!
Thanks, anon! :)

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