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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

Previous thread >>7209072
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Did some arm studies today, thinking of also doing more hand focused studies.
yesterday's sketches
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Put too many hours in this, how did i do?
looks great, but i feel like shadow/light shapes could be simplified more
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First time drawing with charcoal. I have a lot of work and a lot of practice to do, but I’m pretty satisfied with the result as a total /beg/. Still probably the best portrait I’ve ever done. Tear me a new asshole anyway.
Middle left is supernice. I really like the flow of the fingers through the wrist and forearm.
remember drawing with charcoal is as much erasing charcoal as it is putting it on the paper
I will kill myself on July 1 if I haven’t improved since October however I refuse to draw.
Thanks! Been focusing on gesture and capturing the movement/weight of the human body so I’m glad it shows a bit!
Good, rope maxxing is the new trend after all
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What do you think of my art?
Kys spammer
Thanks, I was going for a persona 5/comic ink style (not sure what proper name is) I was honestly just trying to find what shadow shapes looked the coolest and made sense with the lighting. If there are proper guides on how to do this would love to see it, cause I couldn't find any.
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Kiss your self :3
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Nice, these have solid proportions and some feeling of gesture. Bottom one ist weakest and might be improved by utilizing line weight to show depth. Proko video on how to use line weight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF32FMVvIxk

Attractive proportions on the figures, I like it

Great shapes, great facial expression. Lovely. To me me the shading style of the legs feels very digital while the scratchy lines and dotted shapes have more of a print feel. To two things clash a bit imo

Probs for going trad. I disagree with the other anon, complexity is more interesting and impressive to me. The high contrast, detailed areas attract attention. Would only be a problem if it gets distracting from the main point of the image. Is the outfit and sword the main thing you want to highlight? Then you're fine. Do you want attention to go to the face? Then you'd have to add more contrast there and reduce contrast below

It's well composed and has character, I like it. The first few times when trying a new thing, I like to lower my expectations and try to be happy with just having to courage to try (and likely fail) at something new. So props to you. No need to tear an asshole.

That sucks, hope you're not serious
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Yea for sure.

Yea I was getting overzealous with trying to correct the eyes. The forehead is too small. The glasses are too big and drawn at the wrong angle. I didn’t capture this person’s likeness at all, but it’s not terrible and I don’t feel bad about it.
I’m still very shit at capturing the eye sockets, eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, etc. Well, I’m still shit at everything, but I feel like if I can learn to capture the eyes properly, the drawings would improve tenfold.
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Need help, it looks stiff and I don't know how to fix it
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How is it?
your proportions doesn't match your style, I think you are slaving yourself to the ref to much that's were your proportions are getting fucked and makes it look way off

weird glutes doesn't makes sense.
seems to me you are not using the material to its potential. the other anon said its as much earsing as drawing, I would suggest drawing something with very high contrast. Basically, with charcoal you can go dark as hell and as an extra, the control of values is extremely wide. you can get a lot of subtle tone variety. I also suggest playing with blurred edges, I love doing that to create a dreamy look.
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Draw something else
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Well I'm still completely /beg/, picrel. This is what I want to be able to do --


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>another noseless slag with malformed asscheeks
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based fellow self portrait keys to drawing anon, wagmi
It's actually a portrait of my buddy, but yes, KTD gang rise up.
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Idk where I'm going with this study anymore
On to the next one
nice stuff
Thanks anon.
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Skim some Mattesi "Force" books. His drawings are the opposite of stiff. Then create a handful of quick sketches of your reference in his style. Then incorporate some of the fluid lines from these sketches into your illustration. Doesn't have to be as extremely dynamic as his work. But a touch of it will give it more life.
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I think I've got body part lengths right enough so it's not jarring, which was my beginner's bane until now, but please correct me if I'm wrong. Any other kind of advice is also appreciated.
Shit this is really nice, this is the ass design that I want to see. Her face hair and overall body design is on point. Keep the good work anon. SAVED.
This one is just as nice as the other! Damn anon you're on a roll. Great stuff, saved as well. Thanks for sharing.
put your hand on your thigh and then compare how it looks to her hand on her thigh.
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How is it?
This is more appealing desu
lmao, amazing
the chad just draw coombrain blowing away the virgin bridgeman copiers and loomis obsessives
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So I've been studying Loomis and Bridgman, but it's hard to apply the knowledge I'm getting to stuff I actually want to draw without making it unappealing and so I fall back on doing what feels right rather than what's "right".
Should I abandon these books or should I continue just for the general knowledge even if I don't plan on drawing jacked dudes?
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oh hell, that's jarring alright. Thanks, no idea how I missed something this obvious
>I also suggest playing with blurred edges, I love doing that to create a dreamy look
Also can you show me what you mean? You mean like smudge outward at the edges?
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I did this
thats awesome
in only 182 drawings too? harness your talent, youre gmi
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What went wrong?
thanks for the resource! done some Draw a box line exercises which are great to get better overall lines. Gonna take a look into the vid you linked.
I also agree with the bottom one being the weak link, the proportions are off and the hand is too small.
np anon. I keep looking at your drawing because while it is filled with SOVL it also has a fair few mistakes. I'm /beg/ as fuck myself so I don't think I could do a great redline for say, the body proportions that seem a little off, but I can definitely say she shouldn't have six toes on her left foot.
Don't know anything aboutvalues, but at least from a construction angle: The head is definitely not where it should be, due to that strong line on the shoulder it almost looks like it's behind his entire body, and if nothing else I think its too far forward. The right foot just disappears . His torso seems really short, if you follow his legs up to his hips, there doesn't seem to be much room left for his ribcage. His back muscles also I don't think would protrude that far out when he's hunched over like that.
I could be wrong on every single thing I just said by the way. I like gas masks so this still gets a 10.
oops meant for >>7211834
If studying the books is killing your want to draw, then definitely drop them for a while. If you kill your passion, then you won't be able to draw even the stuff you like, so then what's the point? They are still great material to learn from, but you don't need them nor need to return to them later if you don't want. They're not going anywhere.
beautiful, that is a very deceptively difficult angle to draw without making it feel flat
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Drew my buddy's dog
I guarantee you he does those doodles in under 15 minutes, so there's no way he's only done 182 drawings. Perhaps only 182 drawings this year, that he posted to /ic/. Probably lots of figure drawing and studies he doesn't post too
Attractive shape design > realistic anatomy, imo. With some simple background it could pass as a nice little finished illustration
Great. Such nice shapes. The clash of the dot/line patterns and the pencil brush is irking me a little bit still. Maybe you could find dots/lines that match the pencil look to put the two elements in harmony? Just my two cents

Good work here, just keep going

Yeah proportions are pretty good. Agree with the other anon that her right arm is either too short, or the perspective of it coming towards us is not shown clearly enough. Nice work though

Pretty! What's a next step you're going for?
Some minor nitpicks.
Dont get me da rong wai.
Looks great.
Eyes seem to not folow the lines of the rest of the face (seem crooked)
The sword hand position could be a bit different to look a bit moar al natural but this seems to work.

Personal opinion: The head seems to be a tad bit too moved to the back ( face needs to be a bit more forward)
Neck V muscles doesnt seem to follow the head rotation(connect from the middle of the clavicle to just below the ear).

Forearms could use more curves, bumps and whatnot
But these are very minor nitpics
Overall , shit looks great
Disregard head and v muscle comment
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>six toes
Okay, this is concerning, i'm beginning to suspect i was having a stroke while drawing it. Failing to notice a shitty hand is one thing, i tend to quickly learn to ignore things i've "left for later" and then never got right, but this was really something else, I was even trying to figure out why my foot shape feels so wide and weird while drawing, i remember that. Now that this happened, i can't have giggles about AI generating too many fingers without feeling like a hypocrite

>Agree with the other anon that her right arm is either too short, or the perspective of it coming towards us is not shown clearly enough
I think it's the latter, this is how it looks like without hoodie layer on. Also kinda weird, but I think it's not about the length itself, maybe it's just perspective, forearm not being narrow enough on the elbow side.
I suspect you could make it more convincing by adding some overlap.
How to fix: Get perspective of that same pose. Observe the differences. Draw until it looks more convincing.
Easiest way to get reference for a very specific pose (if the drawing's not based on a specific reference image already) is to setup your phone on a table, record some video of you doing the pose, then take screenshots. Doesn't matter you're not a cute girl, the angles and overlaps are still the same.
the thumbnail of this pic looks like she has a GIANT arm stretching across the horizon and I have to admit I was a little disappointed when I opened the full size one
This is how I do figures at least, I'm at a similar skill level I'd say.
Thumbnail from imagination shoot or find reference. Can be multiple pictures Draw figure from reference while taking liberties. Like taking arm from photo 1, head angle from photo 2, exaggerating twist of torso, whatever. Not straight copying the photo.
It always comes out more convincing from ref. I just don't have all those details in my head.
That's some fun idea to try out, thanks. I'm rarely-if-ever using references because it's tough to find stuff I want plus it's all beginner doodles anyway, but ultimately, sooner or later i'll have to start doing that, even if just to train on meaningful material.

Barely related because doing dorky poses next to camera is just a general point of reference, but hope focal length won't break my brain once I'll get good enough to be concerned with any of that. Anime tends to use it in a very liberal manner from what I remember from various shows (say, character with face and body that looks kinda 35mm and background that looks like longest telephoto ever made), and I feel like it's not necessarily a mistake, more of a design choice. Kinda curious about that right now.
lol I remember playing with the camera settings in blender to get some feel for focal lenghts. I just placed some grey 2x1x1m blocks (to simulate people) on a surface and pointed the virtual camera at them. Then rendered some shots with different focal lenghts. Fun, but didn't really help me. Figures are not precicley constructed like some Scott Robertson spaceship anyway, so I think wingig it and adjusting by feel are fine here
>browsing twitter
>artist posts “just posting doodle teehee :)”
>”doodle” is fully rendered and looks fucking great
Fuck these people all the way
>Westoid says rkgk
Nigger, you are from Kansas.
This kind of shit has to be on purpose right? Maybe as an artist I’m just inclined to see it this way, but I can’t interpret it as anything other but bragging
some people consider a doodle anything that isn't "serious" or that they didn't tryhard at but I agree that if you post online with a fully finished piece and say its a doodle or a sketch or whatever you are clearly fishing for compliments and personally I do not care for it
those are insecure people, scared to post it straight and take full responsibility. not the nicest thing to do given how newbies get sad, but eh, some people are like that. i think it's less of bragging and more of need for safety
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put her hand in her pocket if she isn't doing anything interesting with the hand
That's a pretty great idea. Saves me from drawing a hand, then again, i definitely need to learn some basic hands. Will think of that next time for sure.
>Artists will all starve or struggle even more in your lifetime thanks to the advancement of AI leaving only us HOBBYCHADS with real jobs left.
A glimmer of hope.
For anyone who follow my crappy flashes I did another check it here >>>/f/3509398
why not actually animate, anon? Just liquifying an existing image must be fairly boring, I assum
Yeah I know anon, but doing a proper animation would take me AGES to do. Imagine putting al that effort in some crappy coom shitposting for the lolz. I'm not that autistic yet. If I'm ready to invest myself in a real animation project it has to be something meaningful unrelated to coom.
Also, that's not a liquifying effect like you usually on raster file images, but a "tweening" shape animation on vectors. It may seem the same but it's not. That vector animation can be re-scalable to the infinite and it will keep its resolution. So you can pan, zoom, rotate, or flip the animated vector and it will look always the same quality. That's still really cool.
I agree
The eyes look a bit wonky to me but it’s still very soulful and made me smile, thank you anon
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any tips on the "fill a shape" exercise? I dont get it
Check out this thread >>7208236
theres no tips there
just get good lol
back to /g/ sandeep
No, but there's ideas and images that show you how to do it. If that doesn't help, you might be lost.

Thanks anon
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Sup beg, i accidentally drew a tranny. Its over

you are like one of the few who i would call a pro. still why do you keep using format which NOBODY (i can, i have installed ruffle) can play in 2020? Use webm or gif
at this point the memes about ai having impact in two more weeks is as absurd as the doomsayers about china collapsing in two more weeks. it is just bunch of companies trying to milk investors by overhyping the shit out of it. few years ago EVERYTHING was BLOCKCHAIN. nowadays everything is AI
cool doggo, but the misaligned eyes are beg pain
memorizing the knowledge is the easy part. the hard part is figuring out how to actually use it in your drawings. good luck anon, we both need it
i am not sure if you did it intentionally or if its happy accident, but you successfully depicted the semi see through glasses. well drawn
cool thot, but eyes are way too far apart
1. look at shape
2. ask self, what does shape look like?
3. draw it
I did it and it didn't work
>you might be lost
Why do you think I'm asking, for shits and giggles?
Keep trying. You know you have to practice creativity too, otherwise you'll be nothing more than a subpar xerox machine
all your practice only to draw trannies.
'mirin neck
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Sketched a few Loomis heads. Any tips for getting away from symbol drawing facial features?
what do you think is the opposite of symbol drawing?
My man, you really don't look at what you do, how the fuck can you spend years studying and still draw like shit. The neck is a dead giveaway you just mindlessly copied stuff without actually understanding how its supposed to work.
Its like you deliberately spent years doing symbol drawing just because you thought that alone would make you better.
I swear to god loomis if the biggest beg trap ever.
>started digital
>dipped my toes in traditional
>feels so much better i dread drawing on my tablet again
>but digital looks so much better

I struggled with the left arm a bit, I had a ref but it just looked off. Appreciate it working on a tifa drawing will post once done.

Side note: anyone know any good copic marker courses, tutorials, or resources? I've scoured everywhere and everyone's coloring is ass. The only decent one I found was this one https://class101.net/en/products/62fd95667440340015da950d?.

But I'm not paying $200 just to access one course
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My sleep schedule is fucked up
really wanted to draw more but I don't have energy.
As I've said before I really need to use the tablet more, it takes me ages to draw anything on it but at least it looks like shit
I'm sure this is a very /beg/ question. When doing trad, is there any way to stop pens from just... not working half the time? They'll draw fine, then just 'stutter', and then start working again, before messing up again, and repeat the cycle. Do I just need to use them up before they dry up or something?
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>cool doggo, but the misaligned eyes are beg pain
Well I said I'm a /beg/. Besides, the eyes are slanted in the reference.
how long did this take you?
bbl drizzy

lookup foreshortening, flip your canvas

The faces you draw are nice, the bodies/subject matter is.. something else

be creative, practice and increase your visual library
what exactly? I don't really count the time but
solider with pen - around 25-30 minutes
solider digital somewhere around 1hour maybe a bit more
pencil from memory - 5-7 minutes
man with big head and a dog 30 - 45 minutes
that's probably not accurate but those are my estimates
90 degree
wtf why did you take so much longer on digital
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>you are like one of the few...
Thank you so much Mr. Pawell! I understand. The problem is that those animations are interactive and re-scalable multi media. There's a lot of inner workings that won't be translated into a "video" format. In example, I used a video exporting option in picrel, when doing that the vectors elements and properties get re-arranged (fucked up). I have to de-cluster them and put them back together in "video time-line format". As you can see is all much different in the webm file, things get misplaced and other things don't move. It's too much work to put it all again in non interactive video format.
It all comes down to us flash autistic skizos. We can't accept they discontinued flash. IT IS JUST TOO FUCKING CONVENIENT TO WORK WITH. Nothing comes close. Some people move to unity, and they got fucked. Some are trying Blender, but it all means to go from a simple straight forward software to a bloated cluster fuck that we don't even need. Thank god Ruffle exists. (I know Adobe animate exists, but it is a professional tool used mostly by animation studios, but not much for interactive media).
Thanks again buddy. Love your work too. I really like that western vintage style.
>you are like one of the few who i would call a pro
holy shit I used to defend you, but if you believe that person is a pro...fuckin kek
I have bought my screenless tablet one year ago and I used it about 10 times since then. I am not really familiar with the software and drawing digitally, I suppose I will get faster with practice but for now it is what it is
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>Head: empty
I'm really trying to internalize what I'm learning from reading/copying. But mostly I'm shocked, SHOCKED at with how little practice blind drawing I have I'm still able to get shapes/relationships relatively close, at least on outlining and comparing with the mirror. I'm sure I'll feel stupid for thinking that in another half hour or so when I finish the sketch
ive seen 'jaks with more animation
Yeah me too. But the webm cut off the animation of her big titties though, that's unfair man.
Check'em here >>>/f/3509398
honestly this could be easily implemented via webm and renpy web. pixijs if you want to go really hardcore.
I see you are already gave him a proper chin this time. Off to a good start. Good luck anon.
I'd advise to do more construction (sphere + jaw) but I don't know how constraining it is for trad to do this
It's good, anon. You got the oribital of the eye, the cheekbones, the jaw in the right proportions. Very nice.
I tried renpy, I was very hopeful but, I fell back to flash. As I said it is so simple to get things done there. If I couldn't make those flashes in a couple of days (or even a few hours like this one) I wouldn't do them at all. This is my fun time, I don't want to deal with coding, and cryptic GUI.
Also renpy don't allow vectors, isn't? You mean playing webms on renpy right? See, flash allows interaction with real vectors.
reverse satanic dubs checked.
>is so simple to get things done there.
understandable, you have your workflow and the flash community is autistic and competent enough to keep alive the emulator for the foreseeable future.
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To the anon that suggested that I push the tones thanks a ton! it turned out a lot better than before.
Who doesn’t he wear pants?
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Ty for kind words. I almost messed it up and let my frustrations get to me as my eraser lost potency, but relaxed and focused on finishing the drawing without worrying about painting or whatever. Then I did some light rendering with my pencil and I'm reasonably happy with the results considering I never do pencil rendering. Turns out I'm quite bad at keeping my head still when posing so the outline was decent but the detail work was a nightmare since my angles were shifting.

That would probably have helped solidify my perspective and made the above less of an issue. It's almost like there's reasons to learn and do these things...
Much better than your previous two attempts
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trying the mapping pen, it's hard for me to use it correctly but it's cool to be able to control lineweight without having to constantly change the brush size
What's a mapping pen
the technical term for it is マッピングペーン
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is there truly no other way to get better at hands other than drawing them alot?
Do a few copies, then do a few from imagination / memory. Go back and forth like that, and your improvement should speed up by 2x. You'll still have to draw a lot, but your effort goes a little further
Learn their anatomy
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Not set on the right arm pose yet
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I just finished this one using the mapping pen too
it's my way to go pen
morpho's book about hands
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Thoughts? Not really sure how to convey depth for the pool, worried it looks like it's the shallow end. also I wanted to have a mesh fence in the background but not sure how to work on that
Oh fuck she's HOT. Good one anon.
Short sketch for tonight. I will try and not spend all my drawing time on Elden Ring tomorrow...
What did you do when the computer said to stop?
Grabbing her own hat so that it doesn't flies away? It's a bit cliche but it does gives the pic some dynamism
very cool, sexy af
I never use it I don't know if I have a problem with my table but I can never adjust the sensitivity to my liking, and the mapping pen requires you to be super precise, at least for a beg like me, I struggle with it a lot but I love the manga style so I'm forced to use it
Nice one anon! Fuck elden scrotum ass ring hole, and draw more hotties.
>even touching mid rollslop
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This was going to be the raccoon girl but that would’ve been weird.
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thanks, if you want a tip about the pen
trace this hd doujin page, the artist streamed when he was drawing this and he used the mapping pen(monochrome layer, 600dpi), this allowed me to understand how to use the pen
I know this one! It’s “feel the form. “
>the artist streamed when he was drawing this
Do you have the link to that please?
it's from blue gk, he streams on pixiv sketch but I believe the streams are not saved
he's streaming right now tho, it's censored because he's drawing the genitals, but when he finishes it goes back to normal


You can also try to check out other people drawing doujins on this same site
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Sargent MALE study, he was definitely horny on this one, this oil lead doesn't glare and has a nice value range unlike graphite and super cheap I like it a lot.

I think you are misusing the medium you are treating charcoal like a crayon, it pains me, you've made a lot of progress I would suggest investing 4 days in charcoal techniques 1 research (who are the masters [sargent obviously], how to tone paper, how to handle the stick,
gradients, erasing, etc) 3 exercise both rudiments and portraits studies.

I hate loomis, the circle is one of the less densely packed shapes and in the end just uses the circle at best to find the temple at worst the half of the face. Lommis works when you already know how to draw the face :/. I like Steve Huston approach way better in the end of the day what we care is the gesture and proportions.

> Not really sure how to convey depth for the pool,
this is a nice puzzle, I would use a bluish greenish for the deep parts and a more cyanish for the shallow parts (check pool refs), I did a quick test on pic. I like it reminds me of Fillmore!

Great work I like the composition, I enjoy those drawings of yours
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Some medscubes.
Had a proko moment and fucked up the pill.
Looks good, the reflected light doesn't make sense but I guess its explained on the video, keep going.
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mogs me
how the fuck do i get smooth shading with multiply? The opacity just mega fucks me since it darkens over previous strokes and if I do 100% opacity then I have to manually create a value scale myself with digital tools which is a huge pita.

Is there a brush or something I should be using. I can shade like a normal person with traditional media but its just so much easier to get nice transitions on that. Should I be abusing smudge? Marco Bucci makes it look fucking easy and doesn't talk about what brush and opacity he's using.

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Quick and worthless 10min SHIT.
Truly irredeemable.

Really pissed off with myself. I know I have to draw way way way more and with more quality but after wageslaving I am spent. I hate neetoids and priviledged shits so fucking much.

mogs me.
im using procreate so idk how gimped i am compared to a more full featured brush engine
It looks even way worse outside the canvas. Man I hate myself so fucking much.
Thanks for your kind words.
I don't see it as worthless or irredeemable, good flow of lines, asymmetry and rhythm.
I think your problem is you know what style you like but you don't know how to translate from real world to said style. basically you are trying to 2 things at the same time, you are not ready for that, why not copy illustrations you like and start developing your language, thinking of creating a style guide, what works, what to avoid, etc.

don't be afraid of measuring things use whatever you want but its not cheating if the old masters did it why don't we too?
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liked this one but it is easy to see that the proportions of the limbs are very messed up
Stop fishing for compliments you halfass'd fuck, I swear every time you put out shit that's not even bad and you crap on yourself so much regardless of what people say.

Just fuckoff with your doomium
You're kind words and advice are wasted, this bitter prick will never change
kill yourself attentionwhore
If only you had grinded 2000 loomis heads and 3000 floating boxes instead of falling for this 'just draw bro' meme
no excuses to not learn how to use the techniques
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I tryed practicing defining shapes through light and shadow.
>light shadows/values.
Didnt care bout loomis/proportions.
If they are correct then great, if not. Plese still tell.
Main question
Have i managed to make light and shadow more or less accurately and consistently throughout the lady?

Btw the boxy thing is something else
thanks, will try
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You're on fire anon. Keep them coming. Great style. Fucking love it.
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Sketch I did at work today. Crits?
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Sketch I did at work today. Crits?
You confused two different people. The two obvious charcoal drawings are mine. The other one is the guy that’s been posting self portraits for a few days. I appreciate the feedback, though. I tried using more smearing/erasing for the dog drawing, but I haven’t quite got the hang of it. I’ll check that video out.
Meh, kind of cute but also boring. Clean it up and go ahead.
Lovely lines. Keep it up.
Some good figures, room for improvement.
Not liking the style but you ar going somewhere. Like your shapes.
Not bad. Cell shading is hard.
This is wrong on so many level but at least you are having fun.
You are good to go on >>>/aco/ and have fun with your friends
Anatomy is all fucked up
Good use of reference. Needs work and more emotion.
You again? See above.
Don't give up
Trash it and restart. Feel the pose and the weight than add basic shapes to it, don't try to countour it.
Start from the basics. Perspective, shapes, shadows, anatomy.
Your mind is fucked but ok, keep going your way.
I like it. Go on and finish it.
Nothing wrong
Right side of his face is all fucked up. I like the left side
Don'do that please
Very good
You are symbol drawing a lot, don't
I love it, you are not beg
Great study. I'm saving this
Nice lines
Kind of boring but nothing wrong
Fun and clean poses
You are getting there. Try drawing cleaner.
Not weirder than it already is
Good study
Can tell you are very insecure of your lines
Pretty much everything is messed up
Push your values more
Ok, I get it
Yeah. Keep drawing
>Push your values more
Always some faggot trying to groom people.
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drawing is easy
Is that his dick he’s holding?
I guess what I meant was I want more depth or perspective in those facial features? I feel like all my features look flat on whatever shape I add them too. I'm likely just braindead and too new to worry about this type of thing yet though.

I'll give Steve Huston a try, thanks for the recommend. I'm assuming Figure Drawing for Artists is the book to go with.
For whatever its worth from me, great study!
thats me and thats my dick yes
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Im having trouble figuring out the arm and boob part.
Alrighty then
I will try and become....
....High value .....
Pun very much intended
I will try again someday and see how it goes
>This is wrong on so many level
Oh wow dude, you're so world class at providing thoughtful, helpful, and thorough feedback. I had no idea that my drawing, as 1. a total art /beg/ and 2. my very first time using charcoal, actually sucks. Thanks for opening my eyes.
do you think a high beg could sell out and make furry porn
No. Furries are weirdly autistic and demanding.
Depends. The poor ones wont mind 15 dollar comms.
Dont need to say that twice. I know furfags who buy from dildo stores just to collect the fucking things and they demand the pour/fade of the toys, which is quite hard because it is made by pouring the pigmented silicone by hand from top top bottom, is exactly like their autistic donut steel birdboy self insert.
I wish I was good enough at art that I could fleece furries. Fucking I hate those fucking faggots so much.
Me too. I wish I could legally kill them.
well lets take a look at the furry art if its so great
this is $55 profile pic
it doesnt look that special
5 stars at 400 reviews
Danker, Herr Doktor.
do a gradient, from the lightest value to the darkest value you can get from your pen, make the eybrow, pupils, mouth opening your darkest values. As for the torso draw shapes fill them with your lightest value and work from there.

Awesome concept, pretty Catohloic I love it

oh well advice still holds, do your research find charcoal techniques practice them then return and you will see a difference.

yes, "Figure Drawing for Artist", but for the head there's an excerpt of his NMA course on youtube, he also has a yt channel and recently he's been talking all about the head and the approach of things, and even further there are other complete courses of him at bilibili.

start with a light pencil sketch to get proportions, shapes and landmarks then ink.
Dude if I did a hundred of those a week I’d be making, like, a million dollars a year!
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Made this from a hip references image, I dunno how to proceed to improove it/add colour
>The technical term for a mapping pen is "mapping pen".
Thanks, anon.
>Mass replier is a retard
This is on par with the discovery of penicillin
Your wellcome.
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I dont know where else to put shadows.
I can see what you mean with the torso, because when I check it to, it does in fact seem to be a bit shorter than it should be. The back muscles aswell. I can kind of see what you mean with the head, it was intended to be an exaggerated kinda pose, but I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up misplacing some things as a result.
Thanks, based gasmask lover.
>nothing wrong
Thanks, are you sure? Anything you like or dislike about it then or something you'd want added to it?
Do you know where your light source is coming from?
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How’s my oc
It's gay, just like you for calling it "OC." Stop doing that fag shit.
People who do "ocs" are emotionally stunted
nta but I just like making characters and making stories with them. Is it that bad?
Start drawing spheres boxes and cylinders and shading them. Once you can shade those shapes, start combining them and shading the more complex shapes. Then any time you draw something just break it down into basic shapes and you'll know exactly what to do.
All the fiction you like(except fanfictions I guess) is made from OCs.
dumbest shit I've read in the past 30 seconds seconds and I just got done browsing /pol/
Yes, but they don't call it OC like a faggot. Stop being a faggot.

nta, but nah, it's true. Fuck all these faggots who call it "OC." It's the biggest fag shit in the art community.
The term itself is harmless but it was definitely adopted by a certain crowd.
Yes, absolutely. And that crowd is faggots. Real big "donut steel" energy.
Yeah, a faggy one.
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This. It's the culture around the term "OC", not the fact of creating original characters with their own stories.
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Very nice. Digital? If so, what brushes?

Bought them from this guy ages ago for photoshop.
Pretty cool, but your proportions are off.
>grr you used the wrong word... that makes me mad!
Thanks. I see a few errors like her left jug. Her legs are also kind of wierd. Her baggie pants threw me off.
He ass also isnt arched the way i believe it should.
anything else?
her ass*
If you wanna associate yourself with the kind of faggoty faggots embedded in that culture more power to you, but that makes you a faggot, too.
Juri booba kino
The glaringly obvious issue is how you’ve drawn the lower leg. It should be a tad longer than the upper leg.
Mass reply only counts here if you pyw, so I am not even going to bother to read your retardation.
You have to admit the cancer of underaged posters and fags associated with the "muh OC" culture.
If you want to create cool original characters you don't need to associate with that kind of people
I bet he read it anyway.
Those are just characters, fags that make "OCs" just draw them floating in a void ad nauseum, their goal is to get compliments and redraws from their equally emotionally stunted peers
No. If they were just characters they would be like Superman or Spiderman. These are original characters, hence “oc.”
>I feel like all my features look flat on whatever shape I add them too.
What do you think makes a shape look non-flat? Can you draw any shape that looks 3 dimensional?
Exactly, characters that actually live in some story, like goku, naruto, walter white are just that, characters
Designs that people draw, disjointed from any fictional world, posted on social media to get likes from other faggots who do the same thing are "ocs".
etymological fallacy, look it up. Just because the phrase is compromised of the words "original" and "character" doesnt mean that any "original" "character" is an "OC". Characters from any fiction are not OCs, ocs are what retards post on social media
Thanks for outing yourself as a /pol/fag, now go back
>etymological fallacy
Huh, you learn something new every day.
>Thanks for outing yourself as a /pol/fag, now go back
nah I'd rather keep laughing at you and your retarded braindead semantics, you asshurt double NIGGER.
Can I have a reference for celshading see through wet clothes please?
NICE! Keep going anon. Maintain course. I hope she have some nice tits to go with that hot belly.
Uuhf!! Shit that's a HOT ONE anon! Fucking great stuff! Fucking saved! More please
>using the actual meaning of the word is semantics
classic pol peabrain, this is why you have an entire containment board
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Ok anon WAIT. The ONLY thing that you should improve there is her arm. EVERYTHING ELSE is perfect. It looks real good, that's a fucking hot pic. Don't go on a witch hunt when there's no need to.
Just her left arm looks a bit off, that's all. Just my humble opinion. Keep up the good wok anon.
No. It's not. The leg is *not* perfect.
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It done
Lmao why did you do that quote for the OP post
It was related to the post it was replying to but otherwise not related to the other things in the op picture
It looks good enough for that particular picture. This is not an anatomy class, "appeal" works in a different level. If the shape works, then you succeeded. It's easy to ruin your own work looking for "perfection". Many such cases.
I never used markers .
ussually a chewed up pencil,
and if im feeling liek splurging a bit
an inking pen and my neighbours kids colloring pencils.
an occasional blue pen that i requesition??, Borrow ???
from my workplace

Ahh, a tenticle monster
a classic,
the bread and butter of internet porn
also, i kind of miss old flash style
I think I have seen something similar posted way back when. (dragunov, catears, knee deep in water or something like that,
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This one?
/beg/bros, our response?
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Pelvis/hipbone hard
looks way better
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I am still always so unsure about the small details. How to draw the hip, the knees, just the leg form in general. Some people make it look so easy, but it requires so much precision.
Massive tumblr faggot energy
>inspiration and personal idiosyncrasies are actually NEXT LEVEL ART TOOLS
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>i kind of miss old flash style
Miss no longer, join the /f/ revolution... I did another last night, check it here >>>/f/3509414
Is this what having no soul feels like?
This is almost as cringe as the time I took LSD for the first time and thought that the perfect name for it should be "the media drug". Bro trying to sound smart but is actually tard
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>Feel pretty good about what I did.
>"Alright, making progress, not let's try changing perspective a litte"
Holy crap, im still so so far away, worse is that im not sure what I did wrong, technically speaking the proportions are correct, I used a grid, but why does it look like shit so hard?
>being a pedantic faggot and crying over people calling the characters they created "own character" which is what "oc" means to begin with isn't arguing semantics
One-day you'll wake up and realize just how much of a retarded faggot you are sadly you won't be able to ever fix it.
Why does he have an N64 controller for a dick?
>Trash it and restart. Feel the pose and the weight than add basic shapes to it, don't try to countour it.
What do you mean basic shapes? Like turn the legs into cylinders?
I thought I did p good ugh
>"own character" which is what "oc" means to begin
Actually laughed out loud, when you're making shit up you really lost the argument hard huh
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suggestion for the arm/boob
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You dont?
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Looking at the thumbnail I noticed that the arm was a little short, so here's another attempt
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Quick sketch that I'm going to try to color
I am willing to pay you 85 dollars for art of this girl getting HORSED.
In this day and age? Still horsing around? What about she getting vored alive by a giant anaconda, getting teased first and then swallowed slowly getting engulfed by the slimy digestive fluids burning her whole sexy hot body... shit that would be 200 bucks well spent.
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I am sorry to cause you pain from my lack of charcoal knowledge. If it makes you feel better the only reason I tried to render the last one in charcoal is because I was out of eraser and overworked it trying to nail down a moving target; normally I'm just doing light charcoal sketching to mark over and paint. This time I used a photo reference as well as mirror to make sure I stayed in line, and I also put in my contacts to not have to worry about glasses. Happier with the results than prior attempts to ink, I suspect I will be letting myself down more and more with my painting skills at this point in the journey. I do want to get better at charcoal generally however, I downloaded fowlers "drawing with charcoal and crayon" but since I'm focused mainly on paint rendering vs. charcoal it'll probably be a bit before I get any stumps and really dive in to that technique.

Also I know the shirt/neck is shit I wasn't focused on them when I inked because I was happy with the face, let this be a lesson to never celebrate prematurely
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how long does it take to draw this
Corrected with reference
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what pose do I give star platinum?
Not a JoJo fag, I wouldn't know how to help. I hope someone can give some advice. That's looking good already though.
I really have to practice drawing hands. They are so difficult, but if you get them right, they also can be a huge highlight of a drawing. Getting hands right really shows that you understand what you are doing.
How can you visualize something you haven’t drawn yet this is stupid
You mean inner visualization? I don't think anyone can 100% imagine a picture out of nowhere, but you can kinda imagine it in a cloud of fog.

Good artists know that they will be able to draw whatever they want, so they just search for the best shot of the particular scene.
thanks anon
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today is not my day(night)
sleep is fuck it's so hot even at night it's hard to focus, didn't even bother touching the tablet, I really have to start doing something more than just drawing random shit from pictures I saved
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Rolled from the towergirls thread but I don't know how to put shadow or proper shadow layers and how to paint the drawing line too.
Is there a good tutorial for that? I'm using photoshop.

Thanks brother, this one is pretty similar from the reference I was using
First time really trying to focus on color and value. I think I did alright for a first try, I felt like figuring out the values themselves was easy, but putting them together and blending them together was the hard part, at least for the lighter colors, darker colors I felt like I hard a harder time figuring out value, I think the skirt and the part of the shirt below the shirt are the weakest parts.What do ya think /beg/?
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I'm so dogshit
I would kill 13 jews to have your skill level.
I did not draw. I have nothing to offer, other than a blog post.
I curse the day I picked up a pencil
Be careful anon, or you might get a warning like I did.
I fucking hate """them"""
or... practice??
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Since the DQ III remake announcement the wallpaper has been living rent free in my head, this looks like pencil coloring so I guess the trick is tons of layering and a sprinkle of noise, I tried some ideas and I think I am 60% there, any ideas or tips?

>I am sorry to cause you pain from my lack of charcoal knowledge.
its a joke, don't take it too seriously.
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working on this sketch
Make him do the hand in the face pose while looking at the camera
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I think im starting to be happy about my linearts.
Despite being a pitfag, im still shit at drawing them , I would really appreciate a comment about getting better at them and the arms when they are held up high.
you wont be beating the tracing allegations with hands like that
let me guess, you will also say that the redlines I do like >>7211980 were also an some kind of ai?
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Bless you anon. Gonna use this to practice rendering.

As for the other wip, I’m commiting to this
What a fag.
i didnt mention ai, schitzou
now explain that pinky if you will
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here's the current sketch im working
I literally used my hand as a reference, and no, I don't need to see a doctor
In another thread, you said you were 80 years old, right? What is it like being in old age? I had a cancer scare a few years ago, and knowing that I was going to die soon filled my every moment with unspeakably black dread. I can't imagine living like that. How do you cope?
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I noticed that even if I trace an image, it still kinda looks like shit. what should I do? super /beg/ here
practice simple forms like cubes spheres and cylinders
Stroking lines is a skill on itself. Control, flow, weight,etc. You cant just trace confidence.
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seems I will never leave the box..
yeah I guess it's just a time thing
i think next you can try to be more bold with the shapes. so you can learn how the 3D shapes behave in 2D
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I'm practicing to do some claw/hands with 4 fingers and I would like a bit of feedback/recommendations
Go slower. If you feel like you're going slowly, go slower still. Breathe in and out before each stroke, and really think about it.
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These are some recent works after not drawing for several months.

For some reason, drawing feels easier and more enjoyable now
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some figures 1/2
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first learn the anatomy behind it and then you can adjust the shapes to your taste. (muscle amount, folds, etc)
cool stuff
One key to hands is understanding they are as expressive as the face.
Understand the emotion the character is feeling and expressing and the hands will follow suit.
This is great! Saved!
how long have you been scribbling?
last Wednesday
thanks anon
>last Wednesday
The chosen of the /beg/s... It is said one in every 1 thousand /beg/s are granted talent... Do good things...
what did you study?
You're clearly very skilled, or at the least you've drawn a whole lot. Or maybe you're just very talented or intelligent. Whatever, regardless, don't come to this thread. You're no /beg/; maybe you're /int/, but don't come here to this thread if you're an /int/ unless you're fishing for compliments or you're bullying /beg/s. All that aside very cool and appealing artstyle, go to one of the other generals (much slower, much much higher quality.)
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How do we feel about this as a character design? It's derivative but is it TOO derivative?
>/int/ thread
>Don't come here if you're /int/
Sasuga anon...
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The only reason an /int/ should come here are the reasons I mentioned. An /int/'s time is better served in a more specialized place with higher quality posts and feedback. This thread is just a containment general for /beg/s, tourists, and vent posts anyways.
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Reaching high-beg
Bad take. Pyw
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Good take, actually. One day you'll learn.
Here, I'll post it again once I finish
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Fucking lmao you need to find new material
Memes aside if you're not going to make art you don't even belong here. go crab elsewhere
What course of action did you take to get this level of rendering/coloring with that poor level of lineart/form?
low /beg/ here but I think these teeth need reference
nice job though
Honestly I don't even know, I never focused on my lineart skills to my extreme detriment it seems. I also rarely focused on anatomy studies.
are /pro/ welcome here?
receiving /pro/ criticism would be nice
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Dont stop youll only get better
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she's cute but I tainted it so this is not her she's just a cosplayer
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fight me!!!
Blessed drawing, thanks anon

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