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why the Minecraft ground?
I like squares
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I'm racist
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Why was the last power level thread so long ago? It was the best thread on this pathetic board
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Bejita what does the scouter say about his goon level?!
444 followers on Twitter.
Style is superb, but the composition and anatomy could use some work. (They're far from awful, however.)
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Based, me too.
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bejita my beloved
beri nice
I’m prepro.
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I just finished this one a few minutes ago
>AI asshole here
elaborate further
what is the proof of your statement
Ok, now take your pajeet AI shit and go to /b
You erased lines and put other lines like shit to correct the hand, you forgot to remove the extra lines on the bra, I don't understand how you are so stupid, adding that pattern of dots to cover up the tracing.
>Tracing here
so nothing
meds unironically
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Not finished yet, but rule34 of luminous from Teensei Slime
Tablet: Huion Kamvas RDS-22
Software: Sai2
AI has mindbroken this board so hard, lmfao
Shit generic and boring AI, where are the modders who don't see this???
I don't understand censorship
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Powerlevel (Note my scouter might be broken)



(Suppressed) power level 8045

1 (Roshi's Sea turtle level, would get mogged by farmer with shotgun but has great potential)

(Not full power but roughly) 8274

(suppressed) 7503

(suppressed) 6832

(suppressed) 6299

23,000, sakimichan is like captain Ginyu in Goku's body, amazing power and could solo IC but most people feel like she doesn't use it correctly)



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I'm still a beginner so my power level is low
Keep up with the weighted training, looks like you'll be past 2000 pretty soon
Thanks Anon
lookin real good mate, keep it up
like piccolo's colouring especially
thank you bro for the read
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Keep practicing your fundies, but its looking good.
Youll prob be incredible in a few years
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What does (suppressed) mean?
What happened to her?
Nice inking! Congrats on finishing it up, as I think I remember your earlier stages in either the trad or draw threads.
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I know studies doesn't count but whatever
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Latest work
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the anon who drew the fate girl posts sketches on /begint/ all the time you brain damaged faggots
imagine being so scared of image generators to get to this level of paranoia
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This is my last
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How's this?
it's nice but the biggest problem you have is that the characters don't interact with the environment properly. They look like they're floating and the guns aren't pointed at the monsters. The girls left thigh is also too short
First pic looks the best
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Latest finished, got better sketches and not really liking this one but I'll post it anyway.
What’s the cutoff for beg/int/pro?
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My oc, Thistlewhistle the dragon slayer, I like this one
She's so cute

Blog please
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Abusive household.
Like the piece is for people that want “i can fix her” girls
Thank you, fren! I'm happy with how it turned out. It's not without its flaws, but compared to the original I was remaking I think it shows solid progress.
>Tfw no work to post
redo this with watercolor or marker it will look so much better. your style is begging for trad materials.
he uses both hands...?!
I like the background becoming censorship, it's pretty clever
Yes, he switches arms when one gets tired so he can non stop goon
Hello, Alexandre Calame
Dem some nice values to look at boya
If that's yours I really like the shape language and the inking is sexy af.
It means they are hiding their true power level, not going all out. (See vegeta vs punching machine vid)
pre/beg/ AI buffoonery
He painted it like 20x bigger than me, and in color. Good eye though, where'd you learn your history?
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for real.
she's like 12 heads tall
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Uh, sure.
>This is what mental illness looks like
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These ratings suck

I would have put these both mid beg, advanced is nuts
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I’m a beg but here’s my opinions



3400 the perspective is pretty good but it just feels off, empty somehow

That mine idk like 2000 I hope


WOW 8050



5000 depends on the coloring really

now do color.
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Besides the lineart (which is a 100% concious choice believe it or not) what is /beg/ about it?
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And just one more example
Lacks fundies, too stiff. Love the creativity though.
>Lacks fundies
Such as?
>too stiff
But shes not moving, isnt that a thing that happens when the character is supposed to be moving?
NTA. Theyre being very vague but they're not wrong. You have no serviceable display of lighting, volume, value grouping, rendering/texturing, line economy, stylization, or colour theory in display here. The best thing I can say you've got going is composition but everything else is far too lacking, conscious or not.

>but shes not moving, isnt that a thing that happens when the character is supposed to be moving?
No, the human figure is an active balancing act at all times; it is always engaged in an action. Even a supposedly passive position like lying down or standing still will have a sense of dynamism because it is, nonetheless, an action.
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Could I get a rating from the next anon? No mean to rush, just don't want mine to get lost in the thread
Reminds me to the bad guys from that old Abe's odyssey's game.
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Swamp lady
Holy shit you’re good.
Howd you get that good at contours and anat
I think I know what you're talking about, they also have masks I think, or at least a similar shape in face
Shit I forgot the rating. it's a hard one, if you would have chosen another subject, like something nice, that rendering style could have get you far, like I don't know, 5000? The potential is there.
BUT, the subject of that particular pic is (to me) quite repelling, I'll have to give it a 900. Let's round it up in 1000.
This is fucking amazing, Who the hell are you anon? I'll literally have to shout, it's over 9000!
I'm about 30% through.
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Thanks. The contour stuff came from transitioning from a strong focus on linework/weight to a more painterly approach. The anatomy probably came just from grinding and shitposting a lot, though I think I'm still very spotty with it. It's easier than it seems when you do these in a monochrome vacuum and not in a proper piece.

Very unfinished but points for doing something relatively ambitious compared to most other work posted. you're pushing values well and you have a fair number of well rendered elements. this would read a lot better if you blended the sketch lines into the painting (painted over them, for example) and cleaned up the contours.
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i am doing folds and skirts study,starting from left to right, i commited many errors but i feel i am improving, i will do a lot more lol
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Thanks Anon, I'm currently trying to improve it, though i'm starting to hit my limits of rendering, at least I feel like I'm starting to fly blind here. I think it's time to rewatch those Sinix videos on rendering body parts and stuff.
Though I do notice improvements. Thanks for your words
Really good stuff man
This is AI? Man, fuck that shit, c'mon
Hell yeah brother!
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get your values back anon!!
this kills /asg/
Honestly never thought I'd get complimented on my rendering. Thanks! When you say the subject, do you mean the subject is personally unappealing/repelling? Or that i drew or communicated the subject poorly?
I'll say that the "personally repelling" option is the one. Yes. I don't know the subject, I don't know if it is well or poorly expressed artistically.
I bet you can do much better with a more broadly accepted subject, like a pretty face, or some cute dog, Or a cool skull. The usual stuff.
Dude boxes lmao
Not Japanese
Yeah, 100%. I've been leaving out most of the real darks until I detail more. Thanks for the comparison though! I didn't want to do one cuz I need to 'internalize' it and learn to evaluate the values of colors by eye.

Most of it looks in-line to me for adjustment-as-I-go except the clouds on the left side of the tree, those are real broke. Also the shadows on the wheat on the right side are arguably one or two shades lighter than they should be, even considering that I'll be adding some darks in.

Hopefully I work it out!
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When the night comes with the action
I just know it's time to go
Can't resist the strange attraction
From that giant dynamo
And tomorrow, when it's dawning
And the first birds start to sing
In the pale light of the morning
Nothing's worth remembering
It's a dream, it's out of reach
Scattered driftwood on a beach

you will never be japanese
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Somewhere on some Japanese forum a guy just told another guy that they'll never be American. Lol.
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working on learning how 2 line after years of just painting
have some battle nun
brave of you to leave your government ID in your picture.
I’d rather have feedback instead of some schizo post, thanks.
Good use of shape design, palette, and composition
The photo is a bit of a shame as it's hard to appreciate some of the subtle greens in shadow but overall very nice.

Strong visual style here
Your use of hatching for directionality and rendering meshes very well. Your forms and shape design for the body are very strong and distinct, though they feel somewhat weaker around the legs overall. Only her left leg on the right piece reads well, the others seem somewhat stiff and/or disjointed. Otherwise pretty solid.
thank you for such useful crit this is the Good Stuff that helps morons like me improoove
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I drew this last year and it's the best thing I've ever made. I've stagnated hard since then, so this is probably my best power level. What's my rating?
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High beg. 2.5k. That's not your peak you're just lazy. Keep grinding.
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I gave up some time ago.
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>muh girl in a void
I really need to practice backgrounds.
I kinda want to say more about this but there's too much glare for me to evaluate it well


Low, maybe like 2k if I'm being generous
Composition is your weakest asset here. You should consider how you place elements within the frame to make sure everything flows well. Stagger or even overlap these things if necessary. While far from a universal rule, a good start for you would be to avoid dead space and pack things within the canvas more. A good composition can carry a piece much farther than any amount of sheer drawing or painting ability.

Your forms, anatomy, values, and rendering are leave much to be desired, though you have some vague hints of catching on to good techniques and habits here and there. Namely around the midriff and hair. If you knuckled down and really pushed a fundie or two you would probably pass for /int/.
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Kek. Basado.
Sorry this is acrylic, hard to take a nice picture without glare fucking the pic up.
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Redrew an old drawing from imagination
So 5000 is about "average", right?
retarded ai user thinks we cant tell. look at the hatching it's warping in every direction
Mid int
Looks photobashed but still very cool would hang up
Close to pro
Upper beg
Retarded if you think that's ai
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A slight bit of contour hatching really has you this pissed? It clearly isn't AI, you're just trying to start shit
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Cant access catbox rn, but this is based on an image of Jaime Pressly hitchhiking nude
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thats not a power level rating this thread is a sham; DO YOU EVEN DRAW
You're indeed still not Japenese
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copped to not pollute the thread with dick
give me something to draw and ill do my best
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I'm planning to start a patreon and to sell my comics on gumroad pretty soon; tips on marketing myself would be appreciated :)

There would be no need to bump if you posted more ratings of people.

Uneven linework, visible brushstrokes that don't follow the forms, tufts of fur with no size variation or thought about design and problems with perspective (like on his muzzle) give it a slightly amateurish look; high beg or low int.
>so unfinished and messy sketches
What were you expecting? high beg
Your thick linework is a very strong stylistic choice, but I feel it gives you a fairly aged look and it doesn't leave you enough room to show anatomy of figures accurately. Some people can make it work (like in Panty and Stocking), but your art lacks the appeal that work has, sorry. For now beg.
Very nice. Your hatching in some places was a bit lazy (like on their duck feet, I think you should've used curved lines instead of straight ones to show form better), but overall it's nicely done. /int/.
I really enjoy the ambience and atmosphere in your painting; those are your strong suits. That being said your linework seems to overly simplistic as a result of lack of skill rather than a conscious, stylistic choice. high beg, on the verger of becoming an int, blog?
The white noise makes it an overly busy painting, it's painful to look at, with completely no places for my eyes to rest. And that's a shame, because behind those textures hides a nice painting! Even though your values could be planned better now that I think about it. Needs more composition, check out Marco Bucci for inspiration: he very tastefully makes as busy backgrounds as you do, but leaves calm places in the vocal points to guide viewers eye. int, maybe high int
The way you're mixing strokes made with hard edges and airbrushed ones clashes in a somewhat unappealing way IMO. Still it's a very nice piece, /int/.
>Your thick linework is a very strong stylistic choice, but I feel it gives you a fairly aged look
Uh, define "aged"? I think I understood the rest
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I think you'd have a better time making a finished illustration if you used bigger piece of paper; you're not making it easier for yourself by drawing so small. beg
Such strong textures don't exactly work on smooth surfaces like girls skin. Anatomy is still lacking (like inside of knees, back muscles), and you've made some questionable design choices (face, hair). Beg.
I really like this one! It has such a strong composition and your brushwork looks like an intentional expression rather than lack of skill as it does in your other pieces (>>7214658 >>7214656 >>7214654 ). High beg.

Very nice, you're being hold back by your rendering, but I'm sure you'll figure it out in no time. For now high beg, but int as soon as you do that.
It looks more like an unfinished and lazy study than a real attempt at a finished illustration, sorry. Work on your hands, don't mix styles like that (in some places you use airbrush in other hard textures and it badly clashes), high beg.
Soul/10, but overall messiness and poor coloring skills gives it an amateurish feel. beg
pro/10, would shitpost with
Is paper really expensive where you're from?
If you're going to focus on a single subject you could dedicate a whole page to it, by drawing n such small scale you're making stuff harder for yourself. Very ambitious pose, but your perspective is a bit lacking (tip of the nose, one eye is higher). high beg
I really like this one! :D You could've make the background a bit more interesting and add more light to the left fish for a clearer read, but it's still eally nice, one of my favs so far. int, not sure why nobody else has said anything

Yeah, I should've been clearer, but I've hit the character limit in that post.
What I meant to say is that it reminds me of old school cartoons (pic related, furry zine from 1990) and illustrations, like what you'd find on deviantart from early 2000
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You calling me a furry?
No, I'm not saying you're a furry, I'm saying you're drawing like a furry from 90-00s. I think you should either lean into that style even more if you enjoy it or get more inspiration from more modern art.

Are you just shitposting or looking for honest discussion? Because I have drawings to do.
A little of A & B
Furry art is usually repulsive, so that's a bit disheartening
Thanks for the feedback anon, really appreciate it! I definitely agree with you that the conflicting drawing techniques weakened the piece and will keep it in mind for the future.
Hit me with the shovel.
I kneel
>I really enjoy the ambience and atmosphere in your painting; those are your strong suits. That being said your linework seems to overly simplistic as a result of lack of skill rather than a conscious, stylistic choice. high beg, on the verger of becoming an int, blog?

Thanks anon, I aprecciate the critique, gonna try to put more effort into the linework and the drawings in general. I tend to draw extremly simple. My blog is @se1tdraws, but you'll only find one thing there.
Love your rendering style

Draw Crona from soul eater she’s a cutie

I hate anthropomorphism but I like the minimalism of it

Lacks contrast and therefore impact. It’s hard to tell what’s going on
What does it mean? Is that your facebook account, myspace, youtube channel or what? Can you just give me a link, please?
My bad, it's twitter

neato, thanks Anon! Very cute art, I'm really glad I asked
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Shit art by shit artist

PS: don't worry, I had given up on drawing
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Shit art by shit artist

PS: don't worry, I had given up on drawing

Attempt 2
(Anon means make her head bigger)
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Struggling with doing shading...
swear to god every artist should keep their timelapse at this point.
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My power level is: I don't give a fuck, as long as it looks good and it is not a mainstream character\context.
pre/beg/ never understood why people who don't have many tools/skills go straight into coom shit
high/int/ cool values bro
w-why did you skip me
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armor i drew a while ago
Armor i drew for a dnd character
yeah, no, I agree with that anon.
tbf i guess i agree too, i got lots to learn.

Is it something to be proud of?
It depends on your standards, Anon. If you're a busy wageslave with no freetime, an adhd+autistic nodrawing howie, an dementia suffering elder or below the age of 12 then yeah, definitely.
Killl yourself worthless begcel nigger lol
Why are these faggots who don’t even post their work giving their opinions as if someone would bother reading them?
Got high beg / low int and not sure if that's decent progress for a year and a half as a wage slave. Feel like I'm a retard at this stuff.
At least he draws, you bitch on a Taiwanese forum about artists while being the only person who doesn’t even post their work.
High beg
Mid int
mid beg
Low int
High beg
High beg
High beg
High beg
High beg
Low int
Mid beg
Worst ratings of the thread, fuck off to /beg/ you can’t judge anyone yet.
Jesus you begs are so cringe. You couldn’t draw a box and yet you dare criticize others. What a low iq bitch.
No offense anon but are you legitimately retarded?
High beg, nice work.
Low int for the face. But the rest is a bit rough.
Low int I guess, it is quite unique.
Low nigger. You should off yourself.
Mid beg rotate and crop next time
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Mid int
High beg
low beg
Low int
High beg
Low int
Mid beg
Pre beg

High beg
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Take that back
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Do wip's count.
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Most powerful user in this thread, I kneel
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Mid int
Low int
High beg
Looks like he's reaching for his own cock lol
mid/beg/ uncanny looking almost like a study on midgets
You are not funny
I find it funny
I find you gay
Thank you for the rating anon
You will never be Japanese I'm afraid
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Depends greatly and I hate it. I literally won't know when I produce a gem or a polished turd. This is in my opinion my best work however.
unfortunately so.
destined to /beg/ and /int/
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>At least he draws, you bitch on a Taiwanese forum about artists while being the only person who doesn’t even post their work.
Actually I did post my work! And nobody rated it :(

I posted my work and a bunch of critiques.
I didn't receive even a single rating in return. Anons that are willing to give ratings skip my work, because they see it has a bunch of replies (from anons thankful for critiques) and assume it was already rated.
If someone wants their work rated and to rate others, then it makes a lot of sense to separate those into different posts.
dunning krugers are so funny
is this you, whats to rate you barely tried?
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>implying effort is necessary to create art
To reiterate: just because someone have spend more time/effort on their work doesn't mean in any way that it's better art. Reverse is also true: just because someone chose to make something with less effort doesn't mean their work is automatically bad or worthless or impossible to rate.
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Most of picassos works are trash and only remembered because rich people use them to launder money. Absolute scam.
Prebeg. I don’t understand why disgusting freaks feel like they must share their twisted autistic doodles on the internet instead of going to therapy and taking middle school art courses first
>I don’t understand why disgusting freaks feel like they must share their twisted autistic doodles on the internet
Money. Even with this "skill" one can make hundreds of dollar on patreon.
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Its a work in progress, but I'm not sure how to feel about it. I'm tempted to redo it.
godfucking damn it why did it upload sideways
/pro/ What the actual fuck are you doing here ypu should be exposing in galleries
Great another cunning Krueger retard
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Does this have soul?
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Is this better?
I enjoyed it so much I had to save. Definitely over 9000.
Damn fuck this dead board you nigger are gay
Eat dicks and die faggots
Way better in terms of emotion
Fun fact: you can put anything you want in the "comment" field of the "Reply to Thread" box! It would be just as trivially easy to why you got the rating you got or ask how to improve as it is to write what you have wrote.

Personally I liked the first one more, it felt more genuine.
Jesus Christ, your taste is shit.
Nah just kidding sorry for that
But enough about your mental breakdown because somebody called you a pre/beg/
This is great. Was lurking but I had to stop by to say this.
Fuck you I’m not breaking down fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you retard you are a fat faggot
I don’t know what you are talking about, schizo. Nice projection though.
This retard is not me btw.
Shawn protects us yet again. Thanks Shawn.
What does more genuine even mean
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did this a couple days ago. not the best i have done but its the most distinguishable looking work i have done recently
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thing i drew on my desk in more than one hour
Lisciami le mele
Showing real emotion, Anon. Really, it's awful how kids these days have trouble with reading comprehension. I bet it's because of all those video gaems, watching television on their mobile phones and laptops and parents too soft to beat some discipline into them. Maybe kids were bored more often back in my times, but at least they all could read analog clocks and had no problems with reading for fun. The damn internet turns the kids autistic.
So many words. Didn’t read.
Oh I get it, you are against anime and stuff that actually interests people. lol whatever cucko.
If youre taking the pic with your phone you have to crop it a little. Like barely at all.
I do think anime is trash, but I don't have anything against people who draw anime in fact I liked it a lot when I was a child.
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can't draw been studying figures because it's the only thing i'm good at
pic unrel
plz be nice it's my first time
>trying to find my heart
>(wrong side bro)
>(what a clown)
shut up loser
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ok tard
It’s like /beg/ but bigger. If we were talking penis size it’d be huge. Like 5”.
Paranoia isn't healthy
Bitch please
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Fuck you stupid niggers, this fucking board is dead
Uh, Anon, you know that extremely low post quality can get you banned, right?
might be a tad too saturated and the bottom one could be reframes as being closer but it looks nice
Then this whole board should be banned immediately, also you’d be making me a favor trannies
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You guys are so bad holy shit.
Fuck you faggot
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Old-ish sketches I am proud of
Anon, are you retarded?
Random ratings, your little brain lacks the cognitive ability to rate things using numbers.
Don't be a bitch ass butthurt faggot. Give a rating like everyone else and shut your hole. Follow the rules.
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painting example i did for an anon
Anon, giving random ratings doesn't count.
It would be better If you just shutted your shithole of a mouth that you have instead.
LMAO you seething faggot, the more you bitch the more you expose your butt hurt.
Everyone has the right to apply rating points or designation label as they PERSONALLY see more appropriate. That's the whole point. Some Dunning-Kruger diva faggot won't go around deciding or imposing who can give ratings on what or how. The fuck is wrong with you bitch?
>Some Dunning-Kruger diva faggot
But enough about yourself
pyw bitch
Study the old masters and get back to me
>Study the old masters and get back to me
Pyw before filling your mouth with cum
Paranoia isn't healthy.
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what a raging low iq retard
Are you still seething? Let it go anon.
>Paranoia isn't healthy
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My eyes are broken now.
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How long does it takes you guys to paint your stuff?

Good thread frens.
Rest in power.

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