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Drew this for a /i/ thread about drawing simple things. Is it me or did i do something poor with my drawing? (not counting the simple anatomy and amount of lines drawn)
Sure the female character's ass is thick and juicy, but the problem is...she doesn't look pretty feminine.
It's shit, read sticky.
If you're not going to put in any effort into learning art, then I'm not going to put in any effort into my critique of your art.
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I can't tell if this is a joke or not, but the ass is not a literal sticking-out baboon-cube, anon, there are gradual curves and subtle forms
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it doesn't look feminine because you've obscured the hips, and made the butt too tall vertically, the calves are also as thick as the thighs.
Her upperarms are also a bit too wide, and you could always flare out the forearms a bit (female arms bend slightly outward to account for hips) and the neck could be a little longer for more femininity.

a messy sketch but here
forgot to mention, work on alternating straight lines and curved lines, anatomy stuff aside, that's the main thing killing you right now
Did i do it right? (Planning on coloring it tomorrow
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Hey anon, I did a quick animation with your drawing. If it helps, it helps. But I had a fun idea, and I had to do it.
You can check the animated version here >>>/f/3509414
Fuck brother, youre a beast!
Common /ic/ W kino rizz. Great work
Thanks anon!
Thanks man! I'm having just too much fun, I should give it a rest.
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fuck it ASS THREAD
Disgustingly based
Based, when second part?
Also, you should sign your posts in /f/.
Like putting Asdrubal at the end of the tittle
What do you have in mind? Another truth of dare? Maybe she stands naked in the Shibuya Crossing next?
Are you the Asdrubal anon? Cool I was looking for you. Why did you pick that name? You seem to have some deep thoughts... Do you have any cool idea for a flash that you would like to see yourself?
Okay, i NEVER expected flash animation of SDRA2 like HOLY SHIT.
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>What do you have in mind? Another truth of dare?
Talking about this project in particular, another truth or dare would be nice showing her embarrassment. And now that you ask I think one where she wears revealing clothes without underwear would be a nice challenge. There are other ideas too like her showing off from a window to the street or doing something lewd there.
>Are you the Asdrubal anon?
>Why did you pick that name?
Its a good and unusual name. You can change it however you like I just think the core aspects of the name are interesting. (Asdr---l)
>Do you have any cool idea for a flash that you would like to see yourself?
I loved the Bee project mechanic, so something like that would be nice, having it in packs and where you choose what to see next.
Having puzzles or secret hints on the animations to know how to see the next one would be great too. It gives more action for the viewer and makes them check for detail in the animation.
And in case of the question being about an animation of any character, something with pic related would be nice.
Love your stuff, keep up the good work anon.
No. Its practically the same as you did before. Try comparing it with what the others did side to side.
Mogs me...
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Thanks anon, Don't worry, I'm taking note of whatever feedback I can get. I'll see if I can come up with something fun with that character. I got your ref image in that /f/ thread.
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>she doesn't look pretty feminine.
Your girl has fridge shaped body which is far from femenine. Try to make waist thinner and her ass less comical so her hips looks wider
Remember wide hips are instant femenine sign
Picrel has good examples of more feminine females
Also if you are unable to do I previously stated just dont her nude and cover you weak areas with clothing. You can easily say bride is female despite being the less detailed person
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WIP on picrel.
OP here, What the fuck is that? Why do they look too westernized while having ugly ass faces?
I regret drawing Sora like that now.

but are you serious? the faces are the only good thing about that flash animation
Snappity snap snap
No they, they don't fit the anime styled Danganronpa artstyle at all and look like they belong to a woman in The Nutshack or any ugly western mature cartoon.
Why are low /beg/s like this?
Do more squats
>choosey /beg/ger
Sure his art may not be to taste for everyone, but he chooses to draw that way. You still cant even draw at all. Youre better than that man.
>he chooses to draw that way
What brings a man to make such disastrous choices?
Anon you must be 18 to post on this site.
That's not how that meme works.
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Kek it looks great, you can be a Ghanian movie poster artist now
/moai/ Thread General
An adult would understand that his taste in something isn't the only valid one
With all due respect, i find his art to be very fitting given the medium he works with. I found his style to be a bit unorthodox too when i first crossed it, but have come to enjoy it for what it is. I suppose, to answer your question, it is like everyone else here that actually draws, he does it for fun! You do that right?
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Heh he he... Too late to get off this train now...
I didn't know about Danganronpa till now. That's funny. I think that I have a prettier style =3
Hey man! Thanks! Do you have any flash request?
>Youre better than that man.
commas are important
One more bump for the road
Looking good, anon
coomers need to stop drawing
Thanks for the bump!
Thanks anon! I got quite a bit burnt out. it's being difficult to build up strength to finish this one. But I'll get there.
Lol fair

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