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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Reminder that this is considered /beg/
>Mom! I made another Adolf Hitler thread!
by whom?
Permabeg seething as usual
>gets turned down by a place that turns everyone down at least once
>throws a fit and becomes a dictator.
Was he retarded?
Those people are so fucking tiny, that fucking lamp post is taller than most appartment buildings
>get rejected by art school
>become leader of country
>fire everyone from there that rejected you
seems pretty based to me desu
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>not only one of the greatest leaders of all time but also a talented artist with no formal training
I kneel
his mother died and he literally went homeless. you can't blame him
It was never considered beg, it's just that Hitler was a retard who applied to an art school focused on figure drawing for some reason (which he was bad at). He was told to apply to an architectural school instead...which yeah, should have been obvious. Would you apply to CalArts with a bunch of CAD drawings of pipe fittings?
i mean the perspective is really awful on some of his stuff (this one is better, but that castle pic). Seemed like he shoulda just applied to the #2 school instead of the German equivalent of the Ecole Superiore.
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>fails to get into art school
>incel rage the planet into another world war
>kills himself
what did he mean by this ?
tbf there was quite some time between being appointed chancellor and failing his entrance exam, he was a domestic terrorist in between.

That's the whole point, it's a souless image of a building (of questionable quality) with a bunch of stickmen thrown around, but he thought it was fine arts. They did right to snob him, he would be snubbed by current fine arts schools too and would have been told to get better before reapplying.
He could probably get in an average program to get a ba without issue. He’d have to change shit up though if he wanted a masters at a good school.
This is probably the best his paintings got. He has plenty of paintings that have really shitty perspective. He wasn't close to a beg, but this is definitely high intermediate level, but the more you look at it the worse it gets. I mean just look at the right side of the building, is that a decal? Why is the railing on top curving? That monorail loses its form, they look like sausage links. Now keep in mind this is one of his best examples of fundamental knowledge, now realize this was his entire portfolio. If you're going to an art school still lifes of architecture shouldn't be your entire portfolio.
He wasn't a dictator, he got elected democratically, believe it or not
>fire everyone from there that rejected you
Actually, he apparently did nothing to the school, he didn't even have anyone fired.
Sure, but didn't he also remove his political rivals, kick the king out, force the public to own at least one copy of his shitty book, kill those who opposed him (including children), and turn his country into an authoritarian police state?
I don't see why, him being democratically elected (which is also not entirely true, as the kaiser put him in, as the elections were very split, but hitler's party were using terrorist methods and threats to gain power, but so were the communists mind you), changes whether he was a dictator or not; it's about his amount of power and use of it.
The perspective is fucky, but I really like the colors and values in this one. Also has a nice texture to it. This one is better than the one OP posted imo. Seems his biggest downfall was a monotonous subject matter. If he wad applying to an achritectural school he would have gotten in no doubt.
>Sure, but [schizophrenia]
The perspective is somehow even worse. Impressive. Hard to not see why he got rejected, dude was a permabeg
youre an idiot he was appointed by Hindenburg you fucking retarded


God this board is full of the dumbest fucking people
If you're gonna go on a worldwide spergout, at least get revenge on the school that rejected you
No wonder this faggot shot himself
>I'm not w-w-wrong
But inst the entire point of an art school to help you on the thing you are shit at, in this case being perspective. It's funny to think how much history would have changed if he did got it.
then take it to reddit faggot
no, much like Harvard won't take you if you can't do math
Someone else would’ve taken his spot dude. Fascism isn’t something borne from one man it’s just the natural conclusion to contradictions inherent to capitalism. Anyways this isn’t /pol/ and this thread is bait, why don’t we just ignore it now, hm?
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Why does everyone like to act like a critic when it comes to Hitler specifically? If some nigger foid posted this on twitter today everyone would say its amazing
The same reason people would say Picasso is a beg if he posted on Twitter today. Status dictates perception.
>get rejected from school you deserve a spot in for bullshit reasons
>start a revolution
>years later it's all anyone talks about what if he got in
>not only was he talented as an artist
>as a leader he was capable of changing the course of history
really makes you think
Do I have talent rich white people? Give me shekels
That will get you into most every art academy these days and pass as UCLA graphic design. The amount of schools that actually care about vetting their students' innate skill could be counted on two hands these days.
Which ones do?
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im also lgbtq, im fat, im gay, im trans, im an immigrant, im autistic, i have blue hair, im brown, im nerdy

i was born to make it in our woke society
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The Vienna School of Fine Arts . Hope this helps.
That school is full of weineys
void of any real humanity
> revolution
that was actually the communists blowing up banks in 1917 which led to the uneasy weimar alliance. Hitler was a state sponsored domestic terrorist who got appointed to a leadership role and then purged everyone with his 4 million brownshirts

Pol need to stay in their containment board.
man, the American education has gone to shit, ha? even my local uni has more standards, even though the main purpose of ppl applying to it is to become art teachers in high school.
The "Nazi = evil" was pushed down so hard to everyone's throat for so long that such kind of things was bound to happen: many elements pertaining to the WWII era have been silenced by the noise made over the Jews's persecution.

And when /pol/ niggers discover them, they can't think straight and go to the exact opposite: Hitler was a good guy, it's all a Jewish conspiration.

But that darn thing was 100% predictable:of course if you push one discourse that hard for so long, the tables are going to turn equally hard on your face over time. Heck, as far as I remember, that kind of stuff was already alluded to in the New Testament.

The people who tried that, regardless of their intent, *had* a fascist-like mindset: people should be educated, not told what to think.

Hellooo gorgeous. Do you also proudly show your long armpits and legs hair to the world?

Gets me so hard everytime.
> silenced by the noise made over the Jews's persecution.

Killing enough ppl in gas chambers to be able to create literal hills from bodies was not evil at all, just noise.
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he didn't have his iconic mustache before joining the army
Pol is really something else isn’t it. Containment board my fucking ass
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His signature looked the best in this period.

Nigga went full tryhard later.
6 gorillion cookies am I right fellas?
You can tell where the copious amounts of meth kick in lmfao.
His first signature looks like a restaurant chain logo
You've completely missed the point?

Like, you've read something vaguely resembling /pol/'s nonsense, and you haven't bothered to actually understand what was said. The fate of those who dare to have nuanced opinions: hated by all sides.

Lemme give you one example: when murican came to the rescue in Europe, they've found in German cars Ford engines. Many murican BigBusiness, and many people actually supported Hitler, and were strongly antisemitic.

But you never hear about that in history courses or on TV, where the focus is almost exclusively on the Jews's fate, however horrible.

That period of time, first half of the 20th century, is extremely rich: it's when most of the modern Western social organisation was theorized and progressively set into motion over a few decades. It's critical to understand today's world.

Regarding the Jew's fate in WWII, we kinda have the same issue with things like protecting kids from sexual predators. Some people are so blinded by this idea of protecting the kids from sexual predators, that they're sexualising them precociously.

As the saying goes, they became what they fought against. Humans are so fucking unwise it's insane.

First google source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/daily/nov98/nazicars30.htm
> "When you think of Ford, you think of baseball and apple pie,"
> "You don't think of Hitler having a portrait of Henry Ford on his office wall in Munich."
It was all Jews so who cares?
Anon, you can't reason with idiots. For these people its all "nazi" this "nazi" that, even when Hitler isnt involved.
>domestic terrorist in between.
only to libshit communists ;)
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...but enough about Franco
Wasn't it disproved Hitler was a nazi
You're right, he was more of a national socialist.

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