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let me know what you hate about it...
I hope to maybe take lessons from here to take to another field

also, wasn't ever really able to get people to look at my art in the comic industry. are there other art fields you guys can recommend I could go into?

The harshest feedback I've gotten from an editor at marvel was
“If this is the best work you can produce after 15 years of steady development, I do not know what to tell you.”
it seems like comics weren't for me, so maybe another field may be a better fit...
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>The harshest feedback I've gotten from an editor at marvel was
>“If this is the best work you can produce after 15 years of steady development, I do not know what to tell you.

With all due respect, if this is your work, it's much better than whatever Marvel pulls off these days. What a nepotistic nest!
Marvel is an extremely competitive company, only the best or most popular artists make it there.
if you still want to give comics a try then send your portfolio to small comic publishers and build a following on social media.
I know a guy that got a marvel gig but in the mobile games side by posting X-Men fanart non stop on Instagram and TikTok.
He's not a very popular artist (less than 10k followers) and his art is worse than your samples but he's caught the eye of a Marvel talent scout.
>seems like comics weren't for me
I know the feeling, I was trying to be a webtoon artist years ago but nowadays I wanna be an anime animator.
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>that child sized skull
>“If this is the best work you can produce after 15 years of steady development, I do not know what to tell you.”
He said this because you draw the women too sexy. But in all honestly this looks more like a porno
Your art looks like you draw porn not a mainstream comic. Hell, Avatar/Boundless doesn't drip the porn aspect as hard as your art even during sex scenes. (Though in part it's because their colourists should be shot)
Your action transitions are also pretty abrupt and concentrate on things that don't matter in a comic.

-Like the first page we go from 3 date panels to crammed panel that shows some black shit in the distance to blasting the girl out of nowhere.
-On the second page there are 3 panels that show a guy over the pile of ashes basically. Is he one of the main characters? Why is he important? And then the whole fight against the Sentinel is just a complete mess where it's almost impossible to say what is happening. With Xavier crammed in the corner for some reason - normally you would either dedicate a page to him or just use thought bubbles devoting the page space to the fight.
-The third page could summed up as "Ass and Skulls". What is the focus and the idea here? I could see it working for some metal album cover but what's the story for the page? If you are focusing on skulls you probably should put them in focus not the ass. Though the ass is nice.

Also the guy is ugly and not intentionally so. Needs some work.
I am in no way qualified to give actual professional comic criticism, but I felt interested in trying to help make your comic better. My crits are mainly for the comic writing, not the art. I assume you're just already making studies and pages and trying to improve your craft in that way. Also, my art style is way too different from yours to be helpful.

First page is fairly nice. The posing of the characters could be a bit more compelling. The guy is also ugly, I recommend making him a drunk ikemen.

Second page is the most confusing one. You're doing a 3 page sample. I don't think you have the room for a dozen characters. I reduced it to just one gigantic dramatic reveal. You want these kind of grand shots in your sample, to show off your skill. But also, it's important to signal to the audience clearly what the main conflict is. Your second page right now is just a bunch of people fighting each other. I don't know who they are, I don't recognize the characters, and i don't know who to root for. It's just chaos.

Third page is nice. The art is nice and sexy, and the skulls are emo in a cool way. The problem here is still teh story. I have no idea what's going on at all. For that, I suggested a different way the story could go. Obviously, my own story is not oscar-award winning material at all, but I hope at least it's a little clearer, and resolves the conflict better. I did end up having to make the third page into 2 pages, but I don't like the American comic compressed style of storytelling anyways.

Again, take my crits with a grain of salt. I'm no pro or anything. My ideas were built off your of your ideas as a foundation. Just suggestions, really.
last page, for the dramatic reveal of the heroine
Marvel guy was right, regardless of what you think of Marvel Comics currently produced.

page1 panel 2, wtf is going on with that guy anatomy? Muscles on guys are very important to marvel.

page1 last panel, wtf is going on with her feet, why they are backward?

Your inking is absolute dogshit you are just tracing silhouettes and give the impression that you don't know where the line should be thicker and where it should be thinner.

Your understanding of gesture is poor, you do not commit enough to it.

And your paneling is boring and lacks structure and flow.

That's just to name a few issues.
>those filenames
Actual japanese or a weeb?
Good advice tho
>reddit spacing
Harsh but he is right, specially with the inks and the panels being all over the place
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Nice to meet you too man, how did you end up on this place?
this is true, but I wasn't able to get any views on my social media, looks like just a classic skill issue
haha glad someone noticed
got yea, that's fair, and I can see what you mean, I can definitely see the needing work
thank you for taking the time to do this, this really does look great. I really wanted to go for a more dramatic last pagebut your changes here make a ton of sense thank you
harsh but fair, thank you for taking the time to look at them and write this out for me. it means a lot.
one question, I don't understand what you mean by this " regardless of what you think of Marvel Comics currently produced." ... I don't think anything of what they produce. if I implied it, I didn't mean it for sure
>if I implied it, I didn't mean it for sure

nah, the "you" was a general "you" not you specifically, I was referring to anons who were saying that marvel comic nowadays are shit and whatnot.

Hope all this helps you to become better.
These are very nicely done. The read very well and clearly.
This looks like it's going to turn into porn.

Also, the storytelling is a bit unclear. Like things are happening, but it's a bit messy. For example in page 2 it looks like Storm is scared by her facial expression even though it seems like she's trying to warn the guy to get away, but her stance is very sexy like...like she's in the wrong genre of comic. Plus her pose feels so unnecessary.

Then you have the skull reveal in page 3, but they just vaporized a human. Like yes, it's the inciting incident, but I guess what I know about sentinels in X-Men I feel it would be just weird for this big reveal take up a good portion of the page and then to suddenly have more of them come in. We would have to investigate why sentinels are harboring human skulls before getting ready for more fighting.

Overall it's just too obvious you are thinking with your dick rather than trying to tell a decent story when we're kinda pass that point in time. I als feel like if you were to maybe focus on your storytelling skills a but more then maybe you can slip those elements without them being so obvious.

I would maybe hit up another publisher, like a smaller one instead so you can work your way up to Marvel and see how it goes. You can also offer to do adult fan comics or something.
>I wasn't able to get any views on my social media
Modern comic artists are hired based on how popular they're on social media.
If you think about it, it makes sense, their goal is to sell comics and if an artist is popular, at least a percentage of their fans will buy the comic for the art alone.
Gabriel Picolo had his debut on DC comics doing Teen Titans fanart on Instagram despite his art back then (2019) being mediocre, he couldn't draw backgrounds very well.
It doesn't matter much that his art was subpar, at least compared to other DC artists, he's millions of followers and that's enough to make any comic editor orgasm.
If just 1% of his fans buy his comic, then DC got a bestseller in their hands.
>looks like just a classic skill issue
Not really, like I said above, it's not about art skills, at least not just that, this isn't the 80s or 90s anymore, nowadays it's a popularity contest.
Your weakest point is definitely storyboarding/composition. I can't tell wtf is happening. The 2nd page is especially jarring; There's this random dude in the corner, there's the lower panel overlapping the upper one making it extremely confusing, these heroes just come out of nowhere and weren't properly introduced into the scene, and it's confusing as to what exactly they're doing. The one on the left is looking away from the monster worriedly for some reason, the one on the right is gripping onto a steel beam and looking away, not in a hurry, despite being so close to getting grabbed. Then in the next panel they're both sieg heiling at the monster and it's not entirely obvious how they're damaging him. All of the pages have issues in this regard.
I think your other big issue is inking and line weights; You've made things that are further away have thicker lines and there's lots of inconsistencies. Gauging the distance between the separate subjects and differentiating between them is quite difficult because of this. Also, I think you'd benefit from using more tones on certain subjects so that it's easier to make out their shape and distance, like having the monster in the last page be toned darker than the foreground characters or vise versa. Watch some videos on inking or study your favorite artists.
>“If this is the best work you can produce after 15 years of steady development, I do not know what to tell you.”
If these are the pages you showed him, he's correct despite it being a harsh comment. These aren't up to a professional quality. They look unpolished, they're hard to read with the issues I listed previously, the anatomy & movement has issues too. After 15 years you were either practicing in a vacuum with no references, or not practicing much at all.
Asian jeans are real bros...
This is very good anon, although i would tweak the faces a little, they remind me of those weird porn comics for some reason

Also the panels are too white, use more black shading
In a technical sense, it's not bad. The first panel with the establishing shot looks like it could use more detail.
The style is cartoony and may not be exactly what a publisher like Marvel is looking for. For a more "Marvel" look you should use thinner outlines and maybe rely more on reference to keep things grounded and realistic.
But I'd second the guy who says go for the indie publishers. Pick some genre that is less played out. There's too much fucking capeshit anyway.
Very competent lines and drawing, good expression too. I personally just hate the style of American hero comics, there's a soulless gratuity to it I can't explain. Maybe it's the way all the space is so tightly packed and filled with sensuality and stimulation, there's no space for anything to breath.

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